Last Sparring in the Village ( Part 2 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo and Navia pounces towards Gilga in a shocking speed, but the person who gets to Gilga first is Navia because of her utilizing her cheetah max speed. As she gets close to Gilga, she also swings her dagger aimed at Gilga's calf.

Even with his enhanced sensory ability and agility, Gilga still have hard time dodging Navia's strike as he's dodging Navia's strike by a thin margin. Missing her target, Navia then turns back to strike Gilga again.

When Gilga faces Navia, Sayo directly utilizes Reaper Halberd's elongation and blending abilities aimed at Gilga's back. When the tip of the Halberd almost reaches Gilga, he dodges it by spinning to the left, but unbeknownst to him, when he twirls to the left, Sayo also twirls Reaper Halberd, shifting it's scythe position to the right side. As a result, a clean strike hits Gilga, causing him to fall and roll on the ground.

' Now, this might be fun! ' Gilga thought as he stands up and meet head on with Navia in an exchange of sword and dagger strikes. Gilga parries Navia's strike and counter, while Navia is doing the same.

After 20 time exchanging slashes, Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo caught up and stand by to support Navia while also looking for a chance to strike. Gilga who is surrounded, raised his vigilance to his surrounding, not showing any opening while still exchanging slashes with Navia.

" Why are you smiling? " Navia asked as she keeps swinging her dagger to Gilga who's smiling with satisfaction while parrying her slashes.

" Is it wrong for me to smile? Or you rather have me wear cold expression every single day? " Gilga asked as he parries and counterattacks.

" Nah. It's better to see you smiling like this. But... Are you sure talking to me leisurely like this right now? " Navia asked, causing Gilga to notice that Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo are already near him.

" Not go... " Before Gilga finishes his word, Ieyasu's Grarl swings from Gilga's side, forcing Gilga to use Tyrant Nova to block Grarl's assault. But, even though he successfully blocks Grarl's strike, Gilga still fall to the ground because of the force of Ieyasu's blow. Navia and Ieyasu pounce towards Gilga, but got kicked on their gut instead, sending them falling on the ground with their back facing the ground.

" Take this! " Tatsumi said as he clenched his fist and swing it to Gilga. Gilga does a backflip as he dodges Tatsumi's blow and lands on his feet. But, Tatsumi is in front of him already while directing his fist to Gilga.

" Alright! I've warmed enough!! " Gilga roared as he dodges Tatsumi's blow and does a shoulder throw, sending Tatsumi flying and lands on the rock, smashing it to smithereens.

Gilga's roar startled them as Gilga never gets worked up like that before. Gilga then takes off his coat, scarf, gloves and shoes, despite it's snowing, then randomly throws them around, creating a loud thudding voice as they landed.

The four looks at the cratered area and gasps in shock and disbelief.

" What the heck! " Ieyasu called out in disbelief.

" What are you wearing Gilga? " Tatsumi asked.

" Huh? Nothing special. The things I threw just now is made using materials which is similar to Ieyasu's Grarl. I adjusted them so their weight is equivalent to half of my weight for each equipment. " Gilga explained.

" So, you're fighting us with three times your weight just now? " Navia asked after counting for a few second. Navia's word sends chill down the spine of the listeners.

' He's not fighting us with full strength  just now! He still give himself some handicap when fighting against four of us! ' Sayo thought with terror on her eyes.

" Now then, since the warm up is over, let's get a little bit serious here! " Gilga said as he leaps towards Ieyasu with speed that rivals Navia's when she's merged with Juba and then delivers an axe kick.

" So fast! " Ieyasu gasps as he raised his axe to block Gilga's axe kick. Ieyasu indeed successfully blocked Gilga's axe kick, but he got cratered to the ground. ' And also his blow is heavy! ' Ieyasu thought as he is trying to get himself out of the ground.

" Ieyasu! "

Tatsumi leaps towards Gilga to support Ieyasu. But Gilga knowing that Tatsumi is heading towards his direction, grabs Grarl and swing it alongside Ieyasu towards Tatsumi, causing the duo to bump against each other and fall on the ground.

" Argh... " Tatsumi and Ieyasu both groaned in pain as they sit on the ground. And as they groaned, Gilga has finished dealing with Sayo and Navia, who are carried by Gilga on his arms while struggling to break free. After that, Gilga then slowly put them on the ground near Tatsumi and Ieyasu.

" So, it's your defeat boys and girls. " Gilga declared.

" Ugh! I'm not done yet! I haven't admitted defeat yet! " Tatsumi said as he stands up and takes out Lird and sheathes it on his waist.

" So, you wanted to fight one on one with me? No problem with me. " Gilga answered as he steps to the center of the field, then followed by Tatsumi.

" Begin! " Ieyasu, who Gilga asked to be the referee, shouted, and then both Gilga and Tatsumi pounces towards each other.

Both of them clenched their fist and when they're close to each other, they throw their fist, colliding with each other, thus creating a loud *BANG sound.

' To think that my punch doesn't send him flying. The armor cause Tatsumi to evolve so much. Truly one of my masterpieces! ' Gilga nodded in satisfaction.

' What the. I can follow Gilga's movement and doesn't lose out on strength? What's more, I feel power surging inside me! ' Tatsumi thought, and then he and Gilga exchanges blows before they unsheathes their sword and clash using swords.

Ieyasu, Sayo and Navia gasp in amazement as the present Tatsumi is on a whole different level then what he was just now.

" What happened to Tatsumi? Since when was he as strong as Gilga? " Ieyasu asked.

" I don't know. Maybe it's because of that armor. Considering that Gilga's the one who made that armor for Tatsumi. " Sayo answers after analyzing.

" I see. Gilga's mentioned that the armor is made from Class-Super danger beast's material after all. " Sayo said, but deep inside her heart, she wonders how the hell did Gilga manage to craft an ancient weapon not to mention he mass-produced weapons which are not below the known Teigu, and then all of them nodded in unison considering Gilga's abnormality.

After the trio finished talking, Tatsumi and Gilga has exchanges hundreds of moves. None of them are injured or tired, as the more they fight, the more motivated they get.

" Well, looks like I need to get a bit more serious in order to win this. " Gilga said as he stretches his arm and places Tyrant Nova's key in front of his chest.

' No way. So, that's not him being serious at all? He's still going easy against me? ' Tatsumi thought in fear.

" Tyrant Nova! " Gilga roared and then golden fog materializes and turns into golden flames.

" Gilga! " Sayo and Navia called out. They thought that Gilga's weapon is trying to kill Gilga, but then the flame disperses with a swing of Gilga's arm, revealing his golden armor to everyone.

Seeing Gilga's form, Tatsumi feels that his knee went soft just by standing on his path. The onlookers also feel the same, as they subconsciously trembles in fear.

" Now then. Let's begin shall we? " Gilga said as he whizzed and reappeared behind Tatsumi and directed a right straight on Tatsumi's back. But Tatsumi directly raised his arms to receive Gilga's blow when he senses his presence right after Gilga's on his back. Bad choice.

" Uargh!!!! " Tatsumi got blown away when Gilga's right land on his right arm. On the air, Tatsumi flips as he lands on his feet.

" Ouch! " Tatsumi hissed in pain as he keeps swinging his right arm.

" Not bad Tatsumi. But, I'm far from serious. " Gilga waves his right arm, stretching the thread, forming a complex barrier of threads around Tatsumi.

" What the? Threads? Do you think threads can stop me? " Tatsumi said as he swings Lird to the threads. But to his surprise, the threads didn't snap like how a normal threads snaps when cut with a sword.

" Forget it! The thread is as durable as steel. Forget about cutting it. Even explosives can't burn these threads. " Gilga said.

Thinking quickly, Tatsumi then spots some opening and leaps there in order to escape Gilga's thread barriers. However, when Tatsumi jumps to the spot with opening, Gilga sneered as he retracted his right arm, causing the thread to tighten up around Tatsumi.

" Argh!! " Tatsumi groaned as he keeps squirming in order to break free.

" So, do you concede? " Gilga asked.

" Urgh. I concede! " Tatsumi grumbled, and then Gilga releases Tatsumi from his thread before both of them morphed back to their original form.

" Ieyasu. What are you doing? " Gilga asked Ieyasu who has trouble standing up after wearing Gilga's gloves and shoes.

" So heavy! Just how long have you been wearing these stuffs? " Ieyasu asked as he struggles to stand up straight.

" Around 4 months. After I finished crafting Grarl. " Gilga said. " And I also made 4 pairs of extra gloves and shoes! It's back at my home. " Gilga added, causing Ieyasu and the other three to sweat.

" You aren't thinking of... " Navia said, and Gilga nodded.

" You are kidding right? " Sayo asked, and Gilga shakes his head.

" How long are we going to use it? " Tatsumi asked.

" Until we arrive at the capital. " Gilga answered.

" What if we decline? " Ieyasu asked, and Gilga only cracks his fist with a smile, sending chills down to the spine of Ieyasu and the other three.

" Now then, before we head to my home, time to review! " Gilga said.

" To be honest, all of you have improved a lot. Thinking about how you all forced me to undone my restraint is a huge feat already. But, Ieyasu, you have to learn to go instant weight altering for Grarl. Make it light when you swing it, and then make it heavy during impact. If you can master that, then you'll be stronger without doubt. " Gilga said, and Ieyasu nodded and burns with determination. Although he doesn't understand most of what Gilga said.

" Next, Sayo. You perfectly utilized Reaper Halberd ability for sneak attacking. But, there's another hidden ability of Reaper Halberd, which is you can control it freely like this. " Gilga said as he snatches Reaper Halberd and swings it to a nearby tree from the top. Eeryone expect the tree to be cut into two as the halberd comes into contact with it, but it didn't!

" What the hell Gilga? You can't cut it into t... " Before Ieyasu's finishes his word, the scythe of the Reaper Halberd penetrates through to the center of the tree from it's back, and then the scythe goes upward, slicing the tree into two from an unexpected angle.

Witnessing the bizzare strike, Ieyasu and the other three gasp in amazement and disbelief.

" What's wrong Ieyasu? Reaper got your tongue? " Gilga asked.

" How in the capital's name did you do that? " Ieyasu asked in surprise.

" I've explained it just now. What the hell are you doing then? " Gilga said and Ieyasu shrugged his shoulder. " Anyways, Reaper Halberd's hidden ability is it can bend to an impossible angle like an elastic whip, and you can also direct where the scythe will land. And remember to be careful not to overexert yourself, as using that technique will drain your mental energy. " Gilga added as he returns Reaper Halberd to Sayo who is looking at Reaper Halberd in confusion and amazement.

" As for Navia, you need to train your arms and legs more, because you still lack power. Don't just focus on your speed. " Gilga said as he rubs Navia's head. Navia nods happily, Tatsumi and Ieyasu glare at Gilga and Sayo is looking at Navia with jealousy.

Noticing her gaze, Gilga gets closer to Sayo and rubs her head, which caused Tatsumi and Ieyasu become angrier than before.

" Well then, let's head to my house. I'll give you your gears. Remember! Unless you're cleaning yourself or changing, you must wear it. " Gilga said. " But if you don't want to get stronger than you are now, then no need to pay attention to what I said before. " Gilga added as he wears his gloves, shoes, scarfs,and coat before heading back to his home, followed by Sayo and Navia, who happily follow Gilga, and followed by Tatsumi and Ieyasu who follows Gilga with grumpy steps.