Mind repeating what you said?


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

In a blink of an eye, one month has passed. The village, which was dry, is now covered in snow.

Im front of the village's entrance a six people can be seen standing there. One is an old man with long beard and well shaped moustache, wearing black coat and black fur hat. He is the village chief. The other five are Gilga, Tatsumi, Sayo, Ieyasu and Navia.

Gilga wears a jet black overcoat with golden scarf, a pair of red gloves, blue boots and winter hat made using the fur of a danger beast he beat. Black's Bane is sheathed on his left waist and Tyrant Nova on his right. On his right thigh, a sky blue gun can be seen resting inside his gun holder. He carries a bulked up backpack on his back.

Tatsumi wears a black overcoat and white scarf outside and beneath them are a white, high collar jacket over a tan sweater vest, a pair of black pants, brown gloves and combat boots. Black Incursio's key is sheathed on Tatsumi's left waist and Lird on his right waist. His muscles has become more defined by Gilga's training. He also carries a backpack, but it's not as bulked up like Gilga's.

Ieyasu wears a black overcoat and brown scarf outside while still wearing a thick white jacket, red gloves, brown pants and combat boots. Grarl is hung upside down on his back.

Sayo wears a navy blue overcoat, which Gilga specially made, and black scarf with white flowers pattern, also made by Gilga. Beneath the blue overcoat is her black sailor set and pink gloves. On her back, she has a bow and arrows, accompanied by Reaper Halberd.

Navia is wearing a snow white overcoat, which also is a product made by Gilga, and silver scarf with sakura petals patterns. Beneath her white overcoat is her white sailor set and a white gloves. On her left thigh, Aeon is sheathed and on her right thigh, Juba is sheathed.

" All right. we'll be on our way, chief! " Tatsumi said as he waved his hand.

" Why are you acting like you're the one who's leading the party eh? " Gilga said as he smacked Tatsumi's head, which caused the village Chief and the other three to let out a chuckle. " Anyways, as Tatsumi said, we'll be on our way, so take good care of the village chief. " Gilga added.

" Of course. All of you hve been polishing your skills at the age of 8. I'm sure those skills will guarantee your success in the future. " The village chief said.

" Leave it to us. We'll make a lot of money in the capital then send it to the village, so no one from the village would die from starvation again. " Sayo said.

" Well, it'll probably only take 10 years for the name of great Ieyasu-sama to be widely known. " Ieyasu said while breathing heavily.

" Well, you'll probably be well known because you break the rules and ends up on a guillotine. " Sayo said.

" Oi! Sayo!! Don't say stuffs that might actually happen! " Ieyasu said as he points at Sayo.

" Well, you must do something about your sleepyhead and airhead. " Navia said, causing Gilga, Sayo and Tatsumi to nod in unison while making a *fumu *fumu sound.

" Well, knowing Ieyasu, he'll also probably walk into forbidden places or trespass into woman's bathing due to him lacking sense of direction. " Gilga added with a sneer.

" All of you seem to be full of vigor. " The chief said. " Now then, Gilga accept this. " The chief added as he takes out a wooden totem.

" ... Tatsumi. You can take this. If worst comes to worst, then sell it. " Gilga said as he passed the totem to Tatsumi.

" Don't sell it you dolts! " The chief shouted. " *Ahem! Anyways, Since Tatsumi's taking it, then remember to always take it with you. I'm sure the god will protect you. " The chief added.

" Okay. Thanks chief! " Tatsumi said while squeezing the totem and then keeping it behind his cloth.

" Well then, off we go. See you Chief, and thank you for everything you've done for us! " Gilga said as he heads to the capital with the other four.

On the way to the capital,

Gilga and his party has walked for four hours straight without resting.

" Urk. Why do we still need to wear these training gears? Can't we no use it anymore? " Ieyasu complained.

" Stop complaining Ieyasu. You are the one who gets to rest the most in this past one months, so suck it up. " Tatsumi said.

" *Sigh. Ieyasu. As a man, how come you lose in term of stamina with Sayo and Navia? Tsk tsk tsk. Such a disgrace. " Gilga declared as he shakes his head.

Hearing what Gilga said, the two girls could only smile awkwardly with beet red face, as every time they spent a night at Gilga's and finished a session with him, they feel that their stamina is slowly and steadily increasing, and so does Gilga's stamina. Not to mention each night, Gilga would use new techniques which demands more stamina from the girls.

" Oh yeah. Sayo. I have a gift for you. And Ieyasu too. " Gilga said as he unfasten his gun and takes out a belt from his bag.

" This kid, The Winter Inviter, Wintreas. Is my gift for you. " Gilga said as he passed the gun to Sayo.

" What a beautiful gun! " Sayo exclaimed as she takes out Wintreas. The revolver has a sky blue color for it's body and dark red color for it's grip. It's got a winged man pattern on it's body which is perfectly sculptured.

" Wintreas isn't a simple gun. It needs no ammo to shoot a freezing laser, though It just feeds on your mental energy while shooting those freezing lasers. The calmer you are, the greater the output is. " Gilga explained.

" That's practically a weapon made for her isn't it? " Tatsumi asked.

" Well, she's calm and cool on day, but when at night, sh... Umph! " Gilga said, and before he finishes his word, Sayo used her hands to shut Gilga's mouth. Her face is flushed right now.

" Gilga you jerk! Hmph! " Sayo shouted and then pouted before releasing her hand from Gilga. Tatsumi and Ieyasu seems confused by Sayo's outburst. This is the first time seeing Sayo like this, which is pretty cute and surprising.

" Ahem. And then, for Ieyasu, the Wolf Omega, Fernin. " Gilga then gives Ieyasu a belt, made by using the fur of a Wolf danger beast, with wolf ornament.

" What's this? A belt? " Ieyasu asked as he takes the belt.

" The belt can let you transform into a werewolf by howling. It increases your strength, speed and also hearing and smelling ability. I made this for you precisely because of the smell enhancing properties so you won't get lost in the future. " Gilga said, causing Ieyasu to get angry while the other three just laughed as what Gilga said about Ieyasu is a truth and common sense about Ieyasu!

" Anyways, try the belt. " Gilga said and then Ieyasu howled and then Ieyasu's body starts sparkling with blue light and then as the sparkling light dies out, revealing Ieyasu. There are blue aura rotating around him.

" Eh? What happened? Did it fail? *sniff *sniff. Blergh!!!" Ieyasu mumbles and then smells something bad, causing him to vomits.

" Ieyasu! What's wrong? " Tatsumi asked as he patted Ieyasu's shoulder.

" S... S... Someone farted! " Ieyasu said.

" So, it works! " Gilga said happily.

" Y... You jerk! " Ieyasu said angrily while covering his nose and mouth.

" To deactivate it, just bark once. " Gilga said and then Ieyasu quickly barked, but nothing happened.

" Huh? Maybe twice or thrice? " Gilga said while secretly taking a video using his phone and chuckling, and Ieyasu keeps barking.

" ... Gilga. Please stop bullying Ieyasu. I feel bad for him. " Sayo said as she pulls Gilga's sleeve.

" Un. " Navia nodded as she also pulls his other sleeve.

" Ugh. Just take off the belt. It'll automatically deactivates. " Gilga shrugged, and then Ieyasu takes off the belt and then the blue aura around him fades away.

" Gilga you bully. " Ieyasu said, and Gilga starts laughing again, but his laugh didn't last long as he glares at the forest with a death glare.

" Don't you think it's impolite to spy on others like that? Do you want to come out by yourselves or you want me to pull you guys out? " Gilga asked coldly.

" ... You got some skill brat. " A man with clothes covering his face said as he walks out of a tree followed by 29 others.

" Drop all your belongings if you still treasure your life! " Bandit A said. Hearing what Bandit A said, the five youngsters look at Bandit A in confusion.

" And leave the girls too! " Bandit B said while smacking his lips, causing the other bandit to let out disturbing chuckles. Hearing this, the five stays calm, but Gilga can be seen trembling...not in fear... But in anger that is.

" Hehehe. Today's a big haul. Looks like tonight will be a feast! I'll take the white haired girl and mess her real good. " Bandit C said as he smacked his lips. That's it! Gilga snaps because of his word!

Now, inside the head of the bandits, they are thinking about how they will live to their fullest with the gear those kids have and also enjoying two beautiful girls.

" Mind repeating what you said? " Gilga said while stepping forward and lowering his bag. His voice is low, cold and dangerous. Sayo, Navia, Ieyasu and Tatsumi subconsciously trembles in fear feeling Gilga's bloodlust. Is this man still the Gilga they know?

" Heh! I don't mind repeating what we said! We want you to leave your belongings here and also leave those girls so we can fuck them hard tonight and sell them tomorrow e.... " Bandit C said, but before he finishes his word, he can't speak properly anymore and that's when he realized that his tongue is gone! It's been cut!!

" AAAAGGGHHH! HWAI HONGUE!!! HYOU HWACKING CUT HWAI HONGUE!! " Bandit C howled in pain as blood flows from his mouth.

" If you asked me to drop my belongings just now, I'll comply. But to actually say you want to do that things to my girls.... " Gilga said while still his trembling hand clenches the grip of the unsheathed Black's Bane.

" IF YOU ALL DON'T DIE TODAY, I WONT BE SATISFIED! " Gilga roared as he whizzed and reappeared back on his place.

" What the hell. He's just showing off! "  Bandit A laughed.

" Let's avenge our brother! Kill him! " Bandit B roared and then all of the bandits roared in tandem as they steps forward to get close to Gilga's group. But after one step, they tumble on the ground. As they tumbled on the ground, they notice their feet still standing on their original position. This brought horror to the bandits as they turn their head to their leg, they notice that their feet is t there and the snow beneath them has been painted red by their blood.

" Arrrrrgghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! " The bandits all roared in pain as they desperately hold both of their calf to stop the bleeding. The gruesome scene caused the four youngsters to vomit.

" Now, do you mind repeating what you said just now? " Gilga asked in an even more cold and dangerous tone as he gets close to Bandit B.

" M... Monster! " Bandit B said as he looked at Gilga. Gilga's eyes right now are unlike what it used to be. What's used to be filled with playfulness has now been willed with serious dead glare and scornful look. It's as if Bandit B is less than insect in his eyes.

" I said... " Gilga said as he grabs Bandit B's hair, and lifts him. " DO YOU MIND REPEATING WHAT YOU SAID JUST NOW!! " Gilga yelled as he whizzed and reappeared on a nearby tree with the bandit's head stuck on the tree. Blood splattered on the tree, painting it red.

" Guah!!! I was wrong! I am wrong! Please forgive me!!! I have family to feed!! " Bandit B pleaded for mercy with his bloodied face.

" F*CK YOUR FAMILY! YOU WANT ME TO SURRENDER MY GIRLS, WHICH ARE MY MOST TREASURED FAMILY MEMBERS, AND YOU WANTED TO F*CK THEM. SO WHY THE F*CK WOULD I CARE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY YOU MOTHERF*CKER! " Gilga roared as he keeps pounding the Bandit B's head on the tree. Each time he pounds Bandit B onto the tree, a loud grunting voice from the Bandit B can be heard. Gilga keeps pounding the unconscious bandit B until he feels warm embraces from his back, which caused him to abruptly stop in his track and kneel down.

" Gilga. Please stop! It's so unlike you! " Sayo said while sobbing and hugging Gilga.

" Please calm down Gilga. " Navia said while also sobbing and tries her best to calm Gilga down.

" Woah man. Gilga! Cool down bro! It's unusual seeing you snap like this. " Ieyasu said as he massages Gilga's shoulder, trying to relaxing him.

" When you said you're not lenient to your enemies I don't believe it until I witness it with my own eyes. " Tatsumi mumbles when observing the gruesome scene before heading to where Gilga is.

" So, what are we going to do with them bro? " Tatsumi asked Gilga which earned him a punch from Sayo and Navia. " W... Why?? " Tatsumi asked as he holds his stomach.

" Why? We are trying to make him forget what happened and you just need to come and wreck it all. " Sayo snarled.

" Tatsumi you're so insensitive! " Navia said angrily.

" No. It's alright. I'm calm now. " Gilga said as he slowly rises up. " Besides I need to finish what I started. " Gilga added as he heads to Bandit A.

" Hiii...!!! D... Demon!! " Bandit A side as he wet his pant.

" Neeeee. Tell me. How much does an organ cost in the capital? " Gilga asked while looking and smiling at Bandit A evilly as he swings Tyrant Nova's key around. His question and actions send shivers down to the listeners be it his allies or enemies.

" Gilga! " Sayo and Navia cried out in panic.

" Just kidding. Tyrant Nova! " Gilga donned his armor and then using his thread, he knitted the decapitated legs of the bandits and restore them to their usual state.

" W... What? M... My feet... I... I can feel my feet again! "

" I... Is this somekind of bad dream? "

The bandits exclaimed happily, but then they stop dead in their track when they heard a coughing sound coming from their back, sending shiver down their spine.

" Sorry to break it, but it's not a bad dream, unless you want me to chop your legs again. " Gilga said as he takes out Black's Bane while grinning evilly.

" Hiiiiih....!!! Please. We'll change our way! We'll stop becoming a bandit! We'll live a straight live from now on! " Bandit A pleaded.

" Make sure you don't go back on your word or else... " Gilga said as he made a throat slicing motion with evil smile.

" Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! We swear!!! We swear we won't cause other problems anymore! " Bandit A and the other bandits said in unison as they kneeled and stuck their head on the ground.

" As for you two. " Gilga gets close to Bandit B and C and then slash their tongue, robbing them of their ability to speak properly.

" Aaaaarghhh! " Bandit B and C yelled in unison.

" That's for talking unnecessarily about my girls. You should be thankful to still be alive after what you said. " Gilga said coldly towards bandit B and C, who keeps holding their cut tongue and nodded in gratification.

" H...hank hyu hor harin' hour haife. " Bandit B and C said in unison while holding the intense pain they felt right now.

After that, Gilga and the others walk for another 2 days before reaching the capital.