Leone, Night Raid's Nee-san messed up big time!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

In a place near the capital's entrance.

A carriage drawn by horse can be seen passing through a peaceful and safe looking highway. But the earth on the highway suddenly ruptured, revealing a huge Earth Dragon.

" E... Earth Dragon??? " Merchant A exclaimed.

" I thought the highway would be a safe place? " Merchant B said and then gasps in surprise.

" W... What's w... " Merchant A asked, but he doesn't finish his word as the supposed to be super sturdy and strong Earth dragon has been bloodied and divided into two by three young boys. And currently the three boys are bickering.

" I'm the one who struck first! " Tatsumi said as he cleans Black Incursio's key from the Earth Dragon's blood.

" I'm the one who finished it! " Ieyasu roared as he swings Grarl, ridding it from the Earth Dragon's blood.

" I'm the one dealing the most damage! So shut up already! " Gilga declared as he cleans Black's Bane calmly.

" What the hell? Since when an Earth Dragon could be easily subjugated by kids? " Merchant A said in disbelief.

" No. I must be seeing things. " Merchant B said terrified.

" What did you see? I saw nothing. And when I looked back, the Earth Dragon is already lying there as a corpse. " Merchant A said.

" I see the brown haired boy leaped towards the Earth Dragon and decapitated it's arm, the golden haired boy joined the fray as he leaped in and sliced the Earth Dragon's body, and finally, the messy haired boy slice the dragon into two by swinging his axe. " Merchant B explained.

" Sir. We're sorry if we startled you. " Sayo said in a sweet tone.

" No no no. In fact, we should be thanking you. If not for you, maybe we won't be alive right now. " Merchant A said.

" Still though, beating a Class-1 danger beast with three people is by means no small feat! " Merchant B said.

"Hehehe. Of course this is a a piece of cake for all of us. The name's Tatsumi by the way. The one with headband and messy hair is Ieyasu. The gold haired one is called Gilga. The black haired girl is Sayo. And the silver haired girl is Navia. " Tatsumi introduces.

" Well, those are the name that'll someday become famous in capital, so it's better if you remember it. " Ieyasu said with a huge smile.

* Smack! *Smack!

" What's the big idea about acting so high and mighty? Didn't I tell you all to stay low? " Gilga said angrily after smacking the head of the two idiots.

" You all want to make it big in the capital? " Merchant A asked with a surprised tone.

" Fumu fumu! Making oneself big in the capital is the dream of the dream of every country men! " Tatsumi and Ieyasu declared and nodded in agreement which resulted them getting smacked on the head by Gilga again.

" Ouch! Stop hitting us! Do you wanna turn us into a real idiot? " Tatsumi asked as he rubbed his head.

" Young men and girls. You see... The capital... It's not as dreamy as what you think it is... The city is lively indeed, but inside the capital, there are lot od vicious creatures which are more terrifying from the Earth Dragon here. " Merchant B said.

" Oh? So, a danger beast can appear in the capital too huh? " Ieyasu asked.

" No.. It's not danger beasts... People... It's the people who has the appearance of a human being, but heart of a rotten monster. And the capital is full of people like that. " Merchant A explained with cold sweat. Hearing this, Navia subconsciously nods her head in agreement.

" We're grateful for your words of advice, but we can't possibly turn back right now. " Tatsumi said.

" Now that we're here, we can't just return to our village just like that right? " Ieyasu added.

" Well, as you can see, we're determined to go to the capital and make money to save our village, so... " Sayo said apologetically because she doesn't want to hurt the merchants' feeling.

" I see. I wish you all good luck in the capital. May your dream come true! " Merchant A said before leaving together with merchant B.

After that, they keep walking until they reached a huge gate. Behind the gate is the capital that Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo dreamed of going into.

After passing the gate, Tatdumi, Ieyasu and Sayo look around and notice that, unlike the village, the capital is bustling with people, carriage and shops. The people walking there are walking happily and peacefully without any care in the world.

" Oooh!! So this is the capital! " Tatsumi exclaimed in surprise.

" Wow! Amazing! Tatsumi! We might just go and get ourselves registered in the army! " Ieyasu added.

" Yeah. Let's show them the danger beast we hunted. Maybe we'll get a direct promotion to captain! " Sayo added cheerfully.

And then the three of them head to the army registration office. The army registration office is a huge place. There are a lot of people inside queuing and waiting for their turn to register.

" Ugh! So many people! " Tatsumi said as he is queued on the last row.

" Well, we can only wait for our turn huh? " Ieyasu said as he stands behind Tatsumi.

Gilga on the other hand is talking sweetly with both Sayo and Navia outside the building, seemingly uninterested in joining the army.

After a few moment, a ruckus can be heard outside the door.

" What's that for!!? " Ieyasu shouted.

" Yeah! At least you can test our skills first right? " Tatsumi continued.

" Screw you guys! We've got a lot of applicant! There's no way for us to test the applicant one by one! And there's also a limit to what we can hire! " The officer roared.

" Huh? Is that true? " Ieyasu mumbles.

" Wha? Really?? " Tatsumi said.

" If you understand then get lost! " The officer slammed the door angrily as he heads back to the building.

" Man... That sucks! " Ieyasu said as he rubbed his head.

" Hey there youngsters! Y'all seem to be in trouble. Should this Onee-chan lend y'all a hand? " a young, curvaceous woman with short blonde hair with two long tufts that frame the sides of her head and golden eyes, wearing a revealing outfit with a black tube top, detachable sleeves, pants, boots and a scarf around her neck, comes near Gilga and co.  Tatsumi and Ieyasu stare at her E-cup peaks in awe.

" This is the capital. " Tatsumi mumbles as he stares at the woman's peaks.

" This is the capital... Amazing. " Ieyasu repeated what Tatsumi said and added some word as he stares at the woman's peaks too.

" From the way you look and act, you all must've come here from a village to become an army member right? " The blonde woman said with a huge smile.

" Eh? How do you know? " Ieyasu asked.

" Hehe. After living for a long time in the capital, you can identify them in a heartbeat. " The young woman declared while puffing her proud peak, causing everyone except Gilga and Navia to be amazed. " By the way, I know someone from the army. I'll tell him to get you in and promote you into a captain directly! " The woman said.

" What a crap. " Gilga mumbles beside Navia who nodded in agreement with Gilga's statement.

" Seriously? " Tatsumi asked excitedly. But his eyes are looking elsewhere when he said that word.

" And the fool is buying what the woman says. *sigh. " Gilga mumbles as he shakes his head in disappointment, which is also followed by Navia. Sayo however slaps Tatsumi and Ieyasu's heads.

" Ouch! " Tatsumi and Ieyasu cried out in pain.

" What's that for Sayo?? " Tatsumi and Ieyasu asked.

" Look at her eyes when you're talking. Not at the boobs! " Sayo snarled.

" Oho? Looks like someone is jealous. " The woman teased as she puffs her peaks towards Sayo, causing Sayo to hiss angrily. But as Sayo wanted to ounce on the woman, Gilga pats her head calming her down.

" There, there. So you want to ask someone you know in the army to let Tatsumi and Ieyasu join the army then gets promoted to captain directly, correct? " Gilga asked, and the woman nods as an answer.

" So, what kind of army are you talking about? The Imperial Army or the Revolutionary Army? " Gilga asked in a cold and low voice that only the woman can listen.

Hearing what Gilga said, the woman abruptly take a huge step backward, but before she lands, Gilga is already behind her, catching the woman's arm, stopping her on the track with their back facing Tatsumi and co.

" W... What do you want? " The woman asked terrified.

" Night Raid's Leone. Teigu, King of Beasts, Lionel. Don't activate your Teigu unless you want to attract the attention of the guard  " Gilga whispered, sending shivers down to Leone's spine.

" Just who the hell are you? Who are you working for? How do you..? " Before Leone finished her word, Gilga then loosen her and turns back with her.

" I see. Then let's talk about it in a tavern then. " Gilga said while laughing as he drags Leone and then he winked at Tatsumi and co, telling them to follow him.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a bar. Gilga used a quarter of his bounty money from the Earth Dragon and ask the owner to clear out the top floor, which the owner does without delay. After the room is empty, Gilga let Leone sit on a table at the corner of the room.

And then, Gilga ordered Tatsumi and co to keep an eyes on Leone and allowed Navia to cut her using Aeon should she try anything funny. Gilga then heads downstairs and ordered some food.

" Who are you guys? Are you spies that works for the capital? " Leone growled.

" No. We're from the village. " Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo answered in unison.

" I used to work for the capital though. " Navia said, causing Leone to start sweating. " But, I quit already. " Navia continue, causing Leone to let a breath of relief to escape from her mouth.

" What the hell are y'all talking about? " Gilga said angrily as he takes a lot of food and the most important is a huge barrel of wine and other top grade beer.

" What's the occasion? " Ieyasu asked.

" And how the hell did you manage to buy a lot of wine? " Tatsumi continued.

Before answering, Gilga takes out a sheet and install it across the bar.

" What's that? " Sayo asked.

" An anti spying curtain. It can block light perfectly and also absorb any kind of sounds, preventing it to travel out of the curtain. " Gilga said after he finished installing the curtain. " And now, Leone Onee-chan. Please help yourself. Everyone let's also partake in the meal. " Gilga's said as he starts dishing out the dishes.

Leone however keeps sniffing the food and wine, in case the brat in front of her did something to her dish and drink.

" No need to be too on guard. Just eat and drink to your heart's content. " Gilga said as he fills his mouth with the food in front of him.

" What do you want? " Leone asked while eyeing Gilga as she takes a sip of a wine. " Oh? This is a good stuff. " Leone said happily as she continues pouring wine in her cup.

" I know right? " Gilga did with a bright smile and then they keep eating and drinking till the evening. Gilga spent more of his time talking with Sayo intimately, causing Tatsumi and Ieyasu to glare at him with jealousy.

" So, *hic what do you *hic want to *hic say just now? *Hic! " Leone asked with her face red. She's drunk.

" Let me be blunt. Let us into Night Raid. " Gilga said after sipping the final drop of wine he bought, causing Leone to sober up and look at him with suspicious.

" Boy. Do you know what you're saying just now? " Leone asked in a cold tone. Tatsumi and the other who listened to this conversation while eating also tenses up.

" Yeah. I'm going to help you overthrow this corrupt kingdom. However, I'll work together with Night Raid albeit with some conditions. " Gilga said, causing Leone to look at him with confusion.

" What makes you think I'll take you into Night Raid? " Leone asked.

" Hmm.. that's right. You're only a recruiter, so you don't have the right to accept someone to Night Raid, so how about letting me see and talk to Ms.Najenda about this matter? " Gilga asked, causing Leone to sweats profusely. " Well, if you refuse, I can also slowly take my time to track you down. " Gilga said with a cold, low tone.

" Alright. Alright. I'll let you see the boss. " Leone said, but then Gilga smiled as he puts down his mug and asked something that scared the shit out of Leone. " Your boss, Ms.Najenda, isn't at your base right now right? So, how the hell are you going to let me meet your boss? "

' Gah!! How the hell did he know! I messed with the wrong guy.. ' Leone thought as tear starts dropping from her eyes.

" Well, nevermind. I bet we'll meet each other again anyways. " Gilga said as he walks to Leone's side and nibbles her ear, causing her to jump back, flustered.

" Hehehe. Now that I've left my mark on you, from now on Onee-chan. " Gilga said while smiling gleefully.

He then leaves a pocket of money in front of Leone, stuffs his anti spying curtain and leave the tavern with Tatsumi and co after paying for the food.

" Oh my God! How should I report this to the boss when she came back? " Leone said while tear is still flowing from her eyes.

' But, that brat is good looking too. Too bad that he has a girl already. ' Leone thought in frustration, because she witnessed how close Gilga is to Sayo.

' Urk! Why am I thinking about that stuff? ' Leone thought with her face red while she shakes her head.

' But, what does he mean by I'm his? He must be joking right? ' Leone thought as she takes the money.

" Oh? That boy is pretty loaded too! " Leone exclaimed as she checks the content of the pocket before she leaves the tavern.

Gilga and co walked outside and stroll around the city to digest the food they ate. Even though it's night already, unlike the village, the city is still bright because of the good lighting.

" Gununununu! " Ieyasu eyed Gilga angrily.

" Is she the third? " Sayo asked, and Gilga nods happily.

" Are you not satisfied with only me and Sayo? " Navia asked with a low voice so only Gilga and Sayo can hear what she said. After saying that, Navia and Sayo blushed.

" Nah. I just want to take what I like and I like her, so it's natural for me to take her. " Gilga answered gleefully.

" Gilga you... You... Can't you spare any for us? " Ieyasu asked, but Tatsumi remains silent. " Tatsumi? Why are you staying silent? Are you feeling unwell? " Ieyasu asked Tatsumi who's watching the night sky blankly.

" Ah. N... Nothing. " Tatsumi said as he got back to reality.

After that, they heard someone's voice from their back.

" Um. Did you all come from the country? " asked a young girl with blonde, shoulder length hair topped with a fluffy light blue accessory and blue eyes. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt, with a light blue ribbon on her neck. Above her shirt, she wore a sleeveless light blue dress, with a black bodice, and white frills. She also wore a pair of white boots.

When Gilga spots her, his rage slowly builds up, as he thought of how he should dispose of the little runt in front of him.