Vs Night Raid (Part 1)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" What!! " Tatsumi and Ieyasu exclaimed in surprise, but Sayo, Navia and the Night Raid members who knew that Gilga had eliminated them, stay silent.

" So, the reason Aria-san and her parents didn't join us on breakfast is. " Tatsumi said while trembling.

" Yep. Do you want to have your meal with heads? Literally. " Gilga asked, causing his friends to tremble in fear.

" B... But... " Tatsumi said.

" Well, if you still think that they're innocent, follow me. " Gilga interjects as he leads them to the shed.

After arriving at the shed, Gilga breaks the door, revealing the hellish situation inside and a table with three heads, which belong to Aria and her parents.

" Urgh!! " Tatsumi, Ieyasu and Sayo hold their urge to vomit when they saw the gory view in front of them.

" If you accepted their drink yesterday, you'll definitely end up like this. Not to mention, last night, this man ordered his guard to kidnap Sayo and Navia. "  Gilga explained, causing the boys of them to stare at Gilga with disbelief.

" I see. But we can't let just anyone join Night Raid easily. " Leone said after looking at the three heads which she confirmed were their targets.

" If we prove ourselves by fighting one on one with you, the will you accept us? " Gilga offered.

" Sounds interesting. " Bulat nodded.

" Okay. We agree. " Akame said monotonely.

" Well, I've gotta do my job then. " Lubbock said as he leaps on a tree and scouts the surrounding to notify them when someone's coming.

" Then, let's decide it on a lottery. " Gilga said as he takes out a box containing balls with numbers from one to five.

After that, Gilga and co picks their numbers first.

" I got number 4. " Tatsumi said while looking down.

" Yay. I got number 2. " Navia said cheerfully.

" Me 3 " Sayo said.

" One... " Ieyasu stares at his number with disbelief.

" I get 5? Lucky me. " Gilga said while laughing. " Put it back on the box then. And now, it's your turn. " Gilga said as he passes the box for Akame.

" Un.. " Akame nodded as she picks a ball. " Number 5.... " Akame said and then she looks at Gilga.

" You got number 5? So, It's a leader vs leader huh? " Gilga sighed as he heads to Mine's direction.

" Hehe. Are you afraid? " Mine sneered as she draws a number. " Mwahahahaha!!! You should know that our Akame is the strongest among us. Ah. I got number 3. " Mine said as she looks at Sayo. And then she looks at Sayo's peak. " Hrmmm!! I don't like her. " Mine scowled.

" Oh? It's a plain vs mountain? I guess we can guess where this will end. " Gilga stated mischievously.

" S... Shut up! Breast doesn't do a damn on a fight! In reality, it hinders you. " Mine snarled with her face flushed.

' Hehehe. Teasing her is really fun. ' Gilga thought as he walks to Sheele, who directly picks a number.

" Um. I picked number one. " Sheele said.

" Oh. So it's onee-san's turn huh? " Leone said as she draws a number. " Oh? Number 2? " Leone said as she looks at Navia.

" So, that means I get to face Tatsumi huh? Not bad. Not bad. " Bulat said while nodding his head in satisfaction.

" Now, for the rules, first, usage of Teigu is allowed. " Gilga said, surprising Night Raid members.

" Are you serious? " Akame asked.

" Totally. If we didn't fight you at your best, then how can we prove ourselves? " Gilga said, which Bulat and Leone nodded in agreed.

" Hahaha. I like this boy. He has guts! " Leone said.

" It's not gutsy person I see, but an overconfident fool. " Mine ridicules.

" Well, say whatever you want. And for the second rule, we fight until you are about to land a serious blow on your opponent. That's all. " Gilga said. " Is there any questions? " Gilga asked.

" What if we accidentally kill someone? " Sheele asked casually, sending shivers down to the spine of Ieyasu and co.

" Well, before you kill someone, the team leaders will interfere on behalf of their teammates in order to prevent that. But, do your best so you don't accidentally kill your opponent. Do you agree Akame? " Gilga asked and Akame nodded in agreement.

" Well then, let's begin the first match. " Gilga said and Ieyasu steps forward along with Sheele.

Ieyasu is wielding Grarl while Sheele with a giant scissor. Witnessing the scissor, Ieyasu feels that it's probably a Teigu. Because, nowadays, who'll use a friggin scissor to fight?

" That scissor. Is it a Teigu? " Ieyasu asked.

" Yes. It's the Bisector of Creation, Extase. " Sheele said causally.

" Sheele! You aren't supposed to reveal your secret to an opponent! " Mine said.

" Ah! I forget! " Sheele said.

" Well, this here is Grarl. " Ieyasu said as he swings Grarl around before pointing Grarl at Sheele. " Ready or not... " Ieyasu said, but Sheele appears in front of him and thrusts Extase whilst saying " Here I come? Looks like you're the one who's unready. " Sheele said monotonely.

" Who says I'm unready? " Ieyasu growled while blocking Extase with Grarl easily.

" Oh. You're pretty good! " Sheele praised.

" Well, of course. If I am not this good, then how am I supposed to make myself a name in the capital? " Ieyasu asked as he pushes Extase, forcing Sheele to be pushed back.

' Strong! But, being strong isn't enough to become an assassin. ' Sheele thought. Being pushed back, Sheele jumped backward to create distance between her and Ieyasu. But, Ieyasu leaped towards her and swings Grarl, which Sheele blocked using Extase.

And, right after Grarl comes into contact with Extase, Sheele feels an overbearing weight pressuring her and causing the ground beneath her to rupture.

" Sheele! " Leone cried out.

" I'm fine... But... His axe is very heavy! " Sheele said as she struggles to keep standing straight.

" That's my Grarl's ability. It allows me to manipulate it's weight. I can make it heavier or lighter by 10 times  " Ieyasu said while pressing Grarl on Extase even harder. " By the way, this is only 4 times Grarl's weight. " Ieyasu added, surprising the listener.

" Is his axe a Teigu? " Akame mumbles.

" I don't know if that qualifies to be called a Teigu. Because the beautiful things like Teigu has Trump card each. While Ieyasu's Grarl doesn't have that kind of thing. " Gilga said.

" I see. " Akame said, and then a blinding light suddenly appear, blinding everyone who looks at the battle.

" Extase... " Sheele said while her Extase emits a blinding light.

" Oh? To think that Sheele would use her Trump Card. This boy is pretty good. " Leone assessed.

" Argh! What light is this? " Ieyasu said as he closed his eyes. And right when he closed his eyes, Sheele tilts her Extase, causing Grarl to slip and lands on ground.

" You're pretty good, but... " Sheele said as she raised Extase and attempt to hit Ieyasu with Extase's handle to knock him out, but Ieyasu randomly leaps back while brushing his eyes to regain his vision.

" Ouch! My eyes! What the hell is that scissor? Why can it emits light? So unfair! " Ieyasu protested as he rubs his eyes. And with his blurry vision he manages to spot Sheele who's closing to him while pointing Extase to him.

" Commendable. But. This is the end. " Sheele said as she spreads Extase and prepares to bisect Ieyasu's legs.

" No. Sheele. Are you planning to cripple him? " Leone panicked, but too late. Extase is close to Ieyasu's calf. Ieyasu then let out a deep " Aroooo!!! " howling, which caused blue aura to arise from his body. And then when Sheele attempts to bisect his leg, it suddenly disappeared from sight, and she can hear growling sound coming from her back.

The growling voice of course comes from Ieyasu. When Sheele looks back, she is surprised to see Ieyasu. His hair color has changed into silver, ears sprouted from his head, his eyes color changes to icy blue and silver fur covers his limbs.

" What the? He can transform?! Isn't Leone's Teigu is the only one capable of transforming it's user into half Danger Beast? " Mine exclaimed.

" Well, that surprised me. " Sheele said.

" Ieyasu! You may to take off your clothes if you want to. " Gilga said and Ieyasu smiled as he takes off his overcoat, scarf, gloves and shoes.

" What's he doing? Stripping? Mwahaha... Does he thinks stripping will... " Mine ridicules, but before her laughter ends, Ieyasu lands a blow on Sheele's abdomen, sending her flying and lands on the wall.

" What? S... Sheele got beaten in a single hit? " Mine said in shock.

Ieyasu then reverts back to his human form while doing a victory pose, thinking that he had won. However when he expected the announcement from Gilga and Akame, there is none! Akame and Gilga just looked at him. And then he felt a sharp pain on his back, knocking him out.

" Okay. That's it. Sheele won. " Gilga finally announced while raising his hand.

" Eh? Why didn't you declare Ieyasu the winner when he sent Sheele flying to the building? " Tatsumi protested.

" Because, as you can see, Sheele's still moving. And Ieyasu's blow just now, which is lethal to normal person, is non lethal to these people here. Especially that flat board there. " Gilga said while purposedly taunting Mine.

" What did you say!! Insult my size again and I'll shoot you! " Mine snarled.

" So, did Ieyasu pass? Akame? " Gilga asked while looking at Akame which she replied by nodding. " Alright. Moving on. The second match, Navia vs Leone. " Gilga declared and then Navia and Leone faces each other while steadying their stances.

" Well, Nice to meet you. I'm Navia. " Navia introduces herself.

" Lionelle!! I'm Leone. You can call me Onee-chan if you want. " Leone said as she morphed into her beast form and steadies her fist at Navia.

" I'll call you Onee-san. That's if you can beat me. " Navia said as she unsheathes Juba and Aeon.

" Hoo, then prepare to call me Onee... " Before Leone finished her word, Navia appears in front of her, swinging Aeon on her left calf. Leone's beast instinct told her that she mustn't let that black dagger grazes her at the least, so she jumped backward, dodging Aeon.

" Those daggers aren't just your everyday dagger isn't it? " Leone asked while dodging Navia's slashes.

" It's... a... secret. " Navia answers as she keeps slashing.

" I guess so. Now, time to counterattack. " Leone said as she dodges Navia's slash and begins her assault. Leone does continuous punches and kicks which Navia dodges and blocks using her daggers, albeit with high difficulty.

' Ugh! So fast and heavy! ' Navia thought as she barely manages to dodge Leone's attack and everytime she blocks Leone's blow with her daggers, her hands would go numb.

" Not good! Awaken! Juba! " Navia roared as she dodges Leone's assault, assuming her half feline form and creates a huge gap between her and Leone by jumping back .

" You.. you can morph too? " Leone asked in surprise.

" What's the matter? Cats got your tongue? Do you think Ieyasu and you are the only one who can morph? " Navia asked and then she disappeared and reappeared behind Leone and swings Aeon at her.

' She got faster than before! ' Leone thought as she dodges Navia's slash by a tiny margin.

" Got you! " Navia said as she caught Leone's hand.

" Why you! " Leone said angrily as she throws Navia away. But before Navia gets thrown, she manages to scratch Leone's arm using Aeon.

" It's my win. " Navia said as she lands on her feet. Leone who heard her word realizes that she can neither move, speak nor breathe.

" Alright. Navia wins. " Gilga said.

" What? What happened? Leone. Why won't you move? " Mine asked, but Leone didn't answer her. " What happened? Why won't you answer? " Mine asked worried.

' It's not like I don't want to answer. I can't!! ' Leone inwardly cursed. ' !!! I... I can't breathe! ' Leone thought horrified.

" Hey! What are you doing! " Mine exclaimed while pointing her rifle at Gilga as Gilga is getting close to Leone.

" Take another step and I'll eliminate you. " Akame said behind Gilga as she unsheathes her katana and points it at Gilga's neck.

" Whoa there! Calm down. She's paralyzed by potent paralyzing poison. And currently, she can't breathing! If not cured she'll die from suffocation. " Gilga said as he points at Leone whose face starts to pale from suffocation.

" I swear. If Leone dies, I'll eliminate all of you! " Akame said as she unsheathed her katana.

" Rest assured. I'll fix her now. " Gilga said as he unsheathed Black's Bane and stabs it at Leone's feet.

" Argh!!!! " Leone screamed, and then Akame directly unsheathes her katana and swings it at Gilga's nape, which Gilga blocked with Tyrant Nova.

" What do you think you're doing! " Akame growled as she's going to continue her strike.

"Wait. Akame! " Leone said as she gasps for breath while she's being hold by Gilga.

" What are you saying Leone?! He stabbed you! " Akame said.

" And he cured me didn't he? " Leone stated as her face starts to regain more color.

Realizing that Leone could move normally, Akame then bow to Gilga and apologized.

" I'm being too shortsighted. I deeply apologize. " Akame said while bowing.

" Nevermind. That just shows how capable you are as leader and also as a friend. " Gilga said as he gets close to Akame. " And as one of the girls who I'll spend the rest of my life with. " Gilga whispered, causing Akame to look at him with confusion and Leone to look at him in shock as she can hear what Gilga said.

" What do you mean by that? " Akame asked while tilting her head in confusion.

' Cute. ' Gilga thought.

" Hehe. You'll find out in the future. " Gilga chuckled. " And now, let's continue the match! " Gilga declared.