Vs Night Raid (Part 2)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Alright flat board. Hurry up. It's your turn now. " Gilga said with mischievous smile.

" ... " Mine said nothing and then she points her rifle and shoot it at Gilga, releasing a huge yellow colored laser beam. But before the yellow colored laser hits Gilga, a blue colored beam intercepts the yellow laser, causing steam to arise from the collision of those beams.

" What? " Mine exclaimed in surprise.

" Are you okay Gilga? " Sayo asked after breathing out white mist from her mouth.

" Yep. Not a single scratch. Thanks " Gilga said with a smile, causing Sayo to let out a sigh of relief.

" W... What is that? " Mine exclaimed when she spots a sky blue revolver on Sayo's hand after the steam dissipates.

" Winter Inviter, Wintreas. " Sayo said as she looks at Mine " And, how dare you shoot Gilga! " Sayo growled.

" Well, he's been insulting my size from the beginning! I even warned him!" Mine snarled.

" Well he's telling the truth didn't he? " Sayo retorted, causing Mine to take a step back before chuckling.

" I see. I think that we'll get along just fine as gun users, but looks like I'm wrong. " Mine said while trembling as she points her rifle to Sayo.

" Eh? But I got a feeling that we'll get along just fine! " Sayo said with a smile while holding Wintreas on her right hand, pointing it at Mine, and Reaper Halberd on her left.

' Scythe? And why do I feel uneasy about that scythe? ' Mine thought. " But it's fine. If that weapon provide me with a pinch then that's great! ' Mine thought excitedly and pulls her rifle's trigger, releasing it's hot yellow laser beam.

Sayo who faced her beam calmly counters it using Wintreas' ice cold blue beam, and once again, steam rises, covering their vision.

" Ugh. This steam is so getting in the way... I can't snipe well like this. " Mine grumbles as she struggles to spot Sayo in the steam. But then she spots a scythe with a spearhead flying towards her.

' Throwing her weapon? Is she being desperate? ' Mine thought as she dodges Sayo's Reaper Halberd before pointing her rifle to the direction where the scythe came from.

" There you are! " Mine said as she spots a shadow inside the steam and prepares to shoot at it. But...

" Mine! Your back! Watch out! " Leone cried out, but too late as the scythe stops deadly close to her nape.

" That's it! Sayo wins! " Gilga declared, ending the match.

" What the hell is wrong with these guys? Their weapons are as strong as our Teigu! What's more, they can dual wield. Isn't this just unfair? " Mine protested as she touches her nape with pale face while sitting on the ground.

" Well, Mine. No use crying over a spoiled milk. Besides this is just a mock battle. In real battle, I doubt you'll lose against me. " Sayo said as she stretches her hand towards Mine.

" ... Humph! I needn't your help. " Mine pouted as she stands up and assemble in the Night Raid group.

" Yare yare... " Sayo sighed while shaking her head as she heads back to Tatsumi and co.

" Next match. Bulat vs Tatsumi! " Gilga announced and both Bulat and Tatsumi heads to the front and face each other.

" Hmm... Before we spar, let me reintroduce myself. I'm Bulat. Nice to meet you Tatsumi. " Bulat said as he reached out his hand towards Tatsumi.

" Yeah. Nice to meet you, Bulat-san. I'm Tatsumi. " Tatsumi said as he shakes Bulat's hand.

" Oi boy. Watch out. That guy's a homo! " Leone shouted.

" Oi, oi. Leone! Tatsumi'll misunderstand, right? " Bulat said as he looks at Tatsumi while smiling with his face red.

' Please... Deny it for me!! ' Tatsumi thought with his face frozen.

After that, Bulat goes back and creates distances between them. And then he takes out a white sword with chain attached on it's hilt.

" Hey. Call me Aniki or Handsome and I'll show you cool thing! " Bulat said.

" Umm... Alright? Aniki? " Tatsumi said, confused. ' Well, Gilga won't mind if I have other sworn brother except him and Ieyasu. But, calling a gay assassin Aniki is somewhat... awkward... ' Tatsumi thought.

" Incursio!!!! " Bulat roared as white steam covered him and then the white mist disappeared, revealing a buffed man with white armor, mask and cape.

" Ohh!! That's so cool! " Tatsumi said with glittering eyes.

" I know right? " Bulat proudly stated.

" Well, it's a surprise to see what you can do Aniki. But don't think that you're the only one capable of doing that! " Tatsumi said as he takes out Black Incursio's key. Seeing Tatsumi's key, all of the Night Raid members, with the exception of Sheele who is an airhead and Lubbock who's scouting the area, have the similar thinking. ' Don't tell me! '

" Black Incursio! " Tatsumi roared and dark mist covered him then disperses, revealing a black armored guy with spiked shoulder guard.

" You gotta be shittin' me. " Bulat said with disbelief.

" Well, I thought only me and Gilga have this armor, but to think you have it too Aniki. " Tatsumi said.

' That idiot. ' Gilga thought while doing a facepalm. Akame then looks at Gilga for a moment before she looks at Tatsumi's direction again.

' Black Incursio? Why does it have Incursio name like Bulat's Teigu? Is it also a Teigu? And also this man have the same armor like what that Tatsumi guy is wearing? ' Akame wondered without showing any expression.

" Well, let the battle begin! " Gilga declared and then both Tatsumi and Bulat leaped and then clash using their arms.

" Oryaa!!! " Bulat roared and send Tatsumi flying.

" Uagh! " Tatsumi exclaimed as he got sent flying.

' So strong! Is this the gap between my strength and Aniki's strength? He might be stronger than Gilga! ' Tatsumi thought.

" Achoo! " Gilga sneezes. ' Did Tatsumi think about me being weaker than someone? ' Gilga thought while rubbing his nose.

After sending Tatsumi flying, Bulat leaped and catches up with Tatsumi who has just landed, and from there, he starts delivering rain of punches towards Tatsumi.

" Guh! So strong! " Tatsumi said as he struggles to fend off Bulat's punches.

' You said that, but you fended off almost all of the punches I delivered and even blocked some of them which is an impressive feat for someone so young. ' Bulat thought as he continues his punches but with more speed and power.

" Stop playing Tatsumi. Take 'that' out! " Gilga ordered, causing the Night Raid members to look at him in surprise and confusion, except Bulat who's focused on fighting Tatsumi.

Tatsumi then leaps back and creates a huge gap as he unsheathes Lird and points it at Bulat.

" I see. So you're using weapon huh? Then I shall too. " Bulat said as he stretches his hand and a red spear with huge spearhead materializes.

" What's that? So cool! " Tatsumi said with sparkling eyes after seeing how Bulat summoned a weapon from thin air.

" Surprised? It's my armor's special weapon, called Neuntöte. If your armor is also the same as my Incursio, maybe you can also materialize a weapon. " Bulat said and then Tatsumi stretches out his hand, but nothing happens.

" Hey. No need to rush. I need .... " Bulat said, but before he finished his word, black particles gathered around Tatsumi's palm condense and materialize into a 40 inch jet black with red pattern double edged split sword with saw tooth.

" I did it... " Tatsumi said.

' Well, that's expected. Tatsumi's been donning Black Incursio for one whole month. If he still can't materialize his armor's weapon, I'll definitely force him to do it after today's match. ' Gilga thought.

' Tatsumi also can summon his armor's weapon right after looking at me. Just how much will he be able to grow in the future? ' Bulat thought as he steadies his spear and points it at Tatsumi. " Here I come! " Bulat roared as he leaps to Tatsumi and does continuous slashes, swings, and thrusts towards Tatsumi. But this time, he puts more strength than before.

Tatsumi, despite using two weapons still got pushed back by Bulat.

' Tatsumi is losing... Maybe it's because of the experience gap between them? ' Gilga thought while looking at Tatsumi who's trying his best to fend off and dodge Bulat's assault.

" Looks like it's my win Tatsumi! " Bulat said as he does a power swing and send Tatsumi flying, crashing into the mansion and created a hole on the wall. Tatsumi who got thrown lays there unconscious.

" Okay. Bulat's the winner. " Gilga announced, causing the Night Raid members to cheer up.

And then without announcement, Tatsumi and Akame face each other while drawing their respective weapon. Akame with her Murasame, and Gilga with Tyrant Nova.

" Are you not drawing out your other weapon and transform? " Akame asked as she readies her stance.

" Well since you asked for it. Tyrant Nova! " Gilga shouted as golden flames erupted, covering his body and then disperses, revealing a golden armored man. He then draws Black's Bane and also readies his stance.

After a few seconds, Akame and Gilga's figure blurred. Steels clashing can be heard and spark of light caused by the clash can be seen.

" ... To think that he can keep up with Akame's speed. This boy... he might be a good sparring partner. " Leone said excitedly while she observe their clash with her beast eyes. ' Now that I've left my mark on you... ' Those words resounded on Leone's head, causing her to blush suddenly.

" Well, I would like to spar with him too. " Bulat nodded.

" Ugh... " Tatsumi groaned as he wakes up.

" Oh. So you've woken up. You sleep pretty soundly there newbie. " Mine said arrogantly.

" Gilga said that's she's the one who I'll fall for. I can't see how I will eventually fall for her. " Tatsumi mumbles and then heaves a sigh.

" What are you mumbling about? " Mine asked as she squats down in front of Tatsumi and look at him in the eyes.

" W... What are you doing?!! " Tatsumi backs away in surprise with his face red.

" Huh? What's you being flushed for? " Mine asked, confused. Leone who's beside Tatsumi notices his reaction.

' Is it love at first sight? Hehehe... Looks like I won't get bored anymore, since I get to tease someone later in the future. ' Leone thought while chuckling.

" Haaaah! " Gilga's roar attracts everyone's attention back to them.

Currently, Gilga and Akame are crossing their swords.

" You are good. " Akame said monotonely.

" Oh? Did I get praised by the infamous Akame? I am truly honored, but... " Gilga said as he clenches his right fist and then golden threads appeared around Akame and tighten up in order to catch her. But Akame calmly dodges the threads and slips away from Gilga's remaining threads around the arena.

' Damn! She's fast alright. ' Gilga thought.

" You surprise me. " Akame said monotonely.

" Pardon me? " Gilga asked.

" Not only you have armored Teigu like Bulat's, but your armor's thread weapon is like one of our comrade's. " Akame said monotonely.

" Oh. The thread's one of my armor's 2 weapons. " Gilga said as he stretches his hand and golden light particle condenses on his palm and then materializes into a golden staff with black pattern on each end. " And this is the manifestation weapon of Tyrant Nova, Jingu. "

With Jingu and Black's Bane together, Akame felt really pressurized, but keep her cool as she steadies Murasame and leaps forward, aiming for Gilga's calf. Gilga also swings his staff, aiming for Akame's abdomen.

" Everyone. The imperial polices are heading this way! " Lubbock warned, stopping Akame and Gilga deadly close to each other, and thus suspending the match.

" We'll leave now. " Akame ordered as she leaps outside the mansion and then all of the remaining Night Raid members follow suit.

" Let's follow them. " Gilga said as he morphed back into his tails Night Raid members and followed by Tatsumi and co.