A wonderful mistake!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

On a dark alleyway, 11 people are running and exiting the capital. After they exits through a secret passage, they directly headed towards the plain. Akame who's leading the group looks back and take a peek to see whether Gilga and his groups are still following them, and as she expected, Gilga and co follows them closely behind.

' Even after the match, they are still following us closely. They must've trained like crazy in order to match up with our pace. ' Bulat thought as he looks at Gilga and co.

After a few hours traversing the complex routes from the forest, they finally arrived at the base of a mountain, which is located 10km away from the capital's north. Below the mountain is a stone building with an owl symbol painted at the top of it.

" Well, what a nice base. " Gilga praised.

" It's more open than what I thought. " Tatsumi said.

" Yeah. And it's not as shady as I thought it will be. " Ieyasu mumbles.

" Well, we're sorry if our base aren't as shady as what you thought. " Leone said behind Ieyasu with a dangerous smile, sending shivers down to Ieyasu's spine, silencing him.

"Anyways, should we continue where we left? " Gilga asked as he takes off his scarf, gloves, coat and shoes before donning Tyrant Nova and then materializes Jingu and unsheathes Black's Bane. " Though this time I'll be going all out. " Gilga added and then Tatsumi, Sayo, Ieyasu, Navia and all of the Night Raid members, except Akame, steps back anx make a spot for Akame and Gilga to exchange blows.

" Un. Let's continue. " Akame nodded as she takes off her long coat, unsheathes Murasame and readies her stance. But, before she finished readying her stance, Gilga suddenly appears in front of her and swings Jingu to her abdomen.

Akame reflexively raised Murasame in order to block Jingu, but due to difference in strength, Akame got sent flying from that one blow.

' His blow is heavier than before. ' Akame thought with her hand trembling after she landed on her feet. But, before she could even steadies her stance, Gilga appears in front of her and swings his staff again.

' No good! Got to dodge! ' Akame thought as she jumps and dodges Gilga's staff.

After Akame jumps, Gilga smiled as he thrusts Black's Bane, grazing Akame's calf, sending paralyzing poison into her body.

" Hngh! " Akame gritted her tooth as she whimpers in pain, and right after she whimpered, she realizes that she's lost her ability to move, speak and breathe.

Because suddenly being immobilized, Akame who's still airborne, falls down and before she hits the ground, Gilga catches her in a princess carry manner and then once again grazes her calf using Black's Bane, neutralizing the poison in her body, before unsheathing Black's Bane. After that, Gilga stitches the wound on her calf using Tyrant Nova's thread, completely healing her calf completely without any scar left. After that, Gilga morphed back to his human form.

' For an assassin, she smells really good. And her skin is fair too. Such a shame that she has to go and do these kind of missions that'll harm her skin. ' Gilga thought as he unconsciously smells Akame's hair and rubs her arm and thigh.

" Um. What are you doing? " Akame asked while looking at Gilga with blank face.

" Oh. My bad. " Gilga said as he lowers Akame and let her stand on her feet. " So, what do you think? " Gilga asked while rubbing Akame's head.

" You and your friends are good. But I can't let you join us without our boss' approvement. " Akame said seriously. " And do you mind telling me why you are rubbing my head? " Akame added with blank face.

" Well, I rub your head because I just like it. Why? Are you disturbed by my action? " Gilga said with a smile as he rubs Akame's head faster than before.

" It's not that I'm disturbed or anything, but it's just I don't know how to express what I'm thinking. " Akame said.

" If you don't feel disturbed, then there's no reason for me to stop right? " Gilga asked.

" So, after triumphing, you're flirting huh? " Sayo grumped behind Gilga.

" So, you had been going easy on us all along? " Tatsumi said while crossing his arm on Gilga's neck.

" Well, do you expect me to show everything I've got to someone weaker than me? " Gilga said bluntly.

" W... What? Let's have a match! We'll see who's weaker than who! " Tatsumi said angrily.

" Stop it. Even I couldn't defeat Akame, and you couldn't beat me. How will you triumph against him? " Bulat stated behind Tatsumi while patting his shoulder.

" Aniki, do you really need to say those words? " Tatsumi said while holding his urge to cry.

" Well, if you want to fight me at my best, then I shall comply. " Gilga said as he unsheathes Black's Bane.

" Fine by me! " Tatsumi said as he takes out Black's Bane key and takes off his coat, scarf and gloves. And then Gilga and Tatsumi clash head on.

The match didn't last long because Tatsumi keeps swinging Black Incursio and got all of his attacks parried by Gilga's Black's Bane, and got beaten by Gilga who only punched him once on his abdomen. Currently Tatsumi is laying on the floor while gasping for breath because he's worn out from the clash with Gilga.

" Hum hum hum. " Gilga shakes his head. " You still got a long way to go. " Gilga added as lifts Tatsumi by pulling his hand.

" Ugh. I can't see how I can beat you. " Tatsumi grumbles as he stands up.

" Well, that's a pretty tough match you guys had just now. " Bulat said.

" Well, not too tough though. " Gilga said.

" Hahaha. Well then, how about sparring with me? " Bulat asked.

" Okay. But tomorrow morning is alright right? " Gilga shrugged, and Bulat nodded.

After that, Gilga, Tatsumi, Ieyasu, Sayo, Navia and the Night Raid members enter the hideout. Night Raid's hideout is very big. Bigger than what it is on the anime. The hideout has 5 floors in total. The first floor consist of a huge throne room where they had meetings, a meeting room for discussing strategies whatsoever, a kitchen, which is even larger than the kitchen Gilga had in the village, a huge dining room , a bedroom with single king sized bed and a training ground on the backyard of the base.

The second floor till the fourth floor consist of three king sized single bed rooms for the member to stay and a toilet for... Well, I needn't explain what it's for right?

The denizens of the second floor are Sheele, Mine and Leone. The denizens of the third floor are Bulat, Lubbock and an empty room. Gilga then 'persuaded' Ieyasu to stay in that room, which Ieyasu accepted while forcing a smile. And the denizens of the fourth floor is Sayo, Navia and Tatsumi. The fifth floor is the attic.

Inside of Sayo's room.

Currently, Gilga's installing something on her room.

" What're you doing Gilga? " Sayo asked tiredly as she rubs her sleepy eyes.

" Just some precautions. " Gilga sneered evilly.

' *sigh. Just what is Gilga thinking? ' Sayo thought before she closes her eyes and before she falls asleep, Gilga gives her a good night smooch on her lip before leaving.

' Good night sweetie. ' Gilga mumbles as he leaves Sayo's room and heads for Navia's room.

Inside Navia's room, Navia has just finished taking a bath and is wearing bathrobe. And then the door to her room is suddenly opened. Navia reflexively does a knee to the perpetrator's face.

" Despite fighting Leone and travelling here, you still have that much stamina. You're pretty lively lately huh? Navia-chan? " Gilga asked as he caught Navia's knee using his hand.

"And despite being in the base of notorious assassins, you can't hold yourself and want to do it here already? " Navia asked with reddened face while looking at Gilga gleefully.

Hearing her word, Gilga's brother starts to stiffen up.

" Well, I'm here for other reason, but since you asked for it, then wait after I've finished my business in your room first. " Gilga said as he installs something in her room before locking the door and have fun with her for an hour before leaving Navia who is sleeping soundly with satisfaction on her face.

" *sigh. After obtaining Juba, training and having fun at night for one month she gained too much stamina. Is it a good thing or bad thing? " Gilga mumbles not knowing whether to laugh or cry as he dressed up and heads to the fifth floor, which is the attic and sleep there.

After arriving at the attic, Gilga enters a room. The room is pitch dark, but he can see a silhouette of a bed. So without thinking any longer, Gilga directly lays on the bed.

' Ahh!! What a comfy bed! It's even comfier than the one in my house. ' Gilga thought as he spun and his hand landed on something soft. ' Huh? What's this? It's very soft. Is it a dakimakura? Maybe one of Lubbock's collection. ' Gilga thought that he hugged a dakimakura, because it's shape matches that of a human, and what's more, it's softness, plumpness and shape feels real!

' Strange. This dakimakura. It not only feels soft and plump but also smells damn good... Yes. The smell reminds me of Akame. ' Gilga thought as he recalled the moment he carried Akame on a princess carry and rub her thigh while squeezing the 'dakimakura'.

" Nnhn. " A cute and sweet low moan can be heard.

' What? What's that sound? Did the dakimakura respond to being groped? Hmmm... Let's try again. ' Gilga thought, then he squeezes the dakimakura, and again a low cute moan can be heard.

' Oooh! Lubbock! Where the hell did you obtain such wonderful dakimakura? I'm so envious! ' Gilga thought as he continues groping the dakimakura and enjoys it's cute moans. Gilga also notices hard buttons and he pinches it, causing a deep moan this time.

' Damn! It even have the same feature like a girl's body. Lubbock! Tomorrow I'll interrogate where you get such wonderful dakimakura!' Gilga thought as he continue to grope and pinches the dakimakura and enjoy it's various moaning. But after a few minutes, the 'dakimakura' shook and as it released a high pitch moan. Gilga not only notices that the 'dakimakura' shook real hard, but he feels that his calf is wet.

Startled, Gilga takes out his phone and lights up the room. After that, he realize that he had done a wonderful mistake. The dakimakura turns out to be Akame. Akame is wearing an orange pajamas set. Her face is now beet red, unlike her usual blank face, she is closing her eyes in order to avoid eye contact with Gilga and panting as this is the first time are felt such pleasure after 'that' time, though this is her first time climaxing...by the hand of a male ( In the manga, Akame had ever spent 'quality time' with Oarburgh Assassin's Mera, and being played by Mera there.😏)

( A.N : I recommend you guys read the manga if you are thirsty for fanserv. The name of the manga is Akame Ga Kill! Zero! There's a lot of fanserv there. 😏)

" Is that you Akame? " Gilga asked awkwardly, and Akame only nodded without looking at him as an answer.

" I... I'm sorry. I... I thought you are a hugging pillow. Because you are soft and nice to hug. " Gilga explained awkwardly. Unbeknownst to him, Akame's face becomes even redder when he said those words.

" C... Can I sleep with you like this tonight? " Gilga asked without letting go of Akame who's still in his embrace.

" If... If you promise you won't grope me more than this, then I... I'm fine with it. " Akame said shyly. She doesn't know what she felt right now, she doesn't know how to explain it. It's like the feeling of being a weak girl, being the one who's under the embrace of the mighty. But she feels that this feeling isn't bad either because at the same time, she felt sensations such as relief and security. It's as if inside his embrace, everything will be alright.

On the other side, Gilga who embraces Akame feels her helplessness, anxiety and woes slowly disperses as she slowly descends to her dreamland. Gilga then used one of his hand to caress Akame's head while whispering ' Worry not. I'll make sure that you and the others won't get hurt either physically or mentally. As long as I'm alive, I'll support you and the others. ' And then Gilga also descends to the dreamland while still embracing Akame.