The Imperial Police, Seryu Ubiquitos!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

Next morning, in the attic.

" Uhmn!!! " Akame moaned as she relaxes herself after waking up. And then when she looks at her side, she realized that Gilga's nowhere to be found.

' No.. Did.. did he leave us last night? ' Akame thought with sadness and disappointment.

' Eh? Since when have I started thinking about him? We've just met. No! This feeling. It'll hinder me on my missions! ' Akame thought as she shakes her head and changes her clothes. And when she look at her half dried pajamas and underwear, her face turns beet red as she remembers Gilga's touch last night and his embrace, and his mumbling.

' Worry not. I'll make sure that you and the others won't get hurt either physically or mentally. As long as I'm alive, I'll support you and the others. ' Gilga's word reverberates in her mind. And then the sensation of Gilga's caressing her head follows up and caused her face to turn beet red again.

' No! This... I... I must control my feelings or it'll affect my mission! ' Akame thought as she shakes her head and regains her composure, then she changes to her usual black sleeveless minidress attire.

' But, still though, the way he mumbles last night and his embrace. He feels very sad and desperate. It's like he's placing all the burden on himself in order to protect me and the others. ' Akame thought as she heads downstairs.

In the dining hall.

Currently, Sheele, Mine and Leone are seated there, chatting. Sheele has a cup of black coffee, Mine has a milk tea and Leone with her usual beer.

" Oh. Morning Akame. " Sheele said after she notices Akame's presence.

" Morning Sheele. " Akame said as she sits beside Leone.

" What's wrong Akame? Since when you've slept like a baby? We've finished out breakfast you know? " Mine asked while enjoying her parfait.

" Unn. I'm just too tired. " Akame said.

" Ooh. Akame. Did you and Gilga perhaps do 'it' last night? " Leone asked teasingly.

" 'It'? What do you mean by 'it'? " Akame asked while tilting her head with blank face.

" I mean, last night, I heard you kept moaning for some times. " Leone said, and then Akame's face turns beet red.

" Whaaaa!!! Akame. So you really... " Mine exclaimed.

" We didn't do it. Just what kind of guy do you all think I am? " Gilga interjects as he enters the dining hall with a large bowl filled and piled with meats. " Here you go Akame. " Gilga said as he puts the bowl in front of Akame.

Seeing the meat in front of her, Akame's eyes sparkles and without warning, she snatches the meat and devours it all. Gilga who's beside Akame enjoys the scene of her eating all the meat with gusto.

" Stop staring... I can't enjoy my meal like this. " Akame said while looking at Gilga with blank face.

" Hmm... Is that so? Well, I have to go back to the capital to do something first. By the meantime, please train Tatsumi and the others. See you! " Gilga said as he leaves Akame and co.

After Gilga left, Leone and Mine look at Akame with curiosity.

" Akame. Tell us, what happened last night? " Mine inquired.

" I said, nothing happened. "Akame said with both of her cheeks inflated because both of it are stuffed with meat.

" I mean, this is your first time waking up late, and blushes. " Leone said.

" It must be your feeling. " Akame said as she finished her meat and heads to the training ground to train Tatsumi and co.

In the capital.

After travelling for two hours, Gilga arrives on the capital. He directly go to a pawn shop to sell danger beast material, because on the way, he slain Class-1 danger beasts such as Earth Dragons, Ground Wolfs and Terra Spiked Beast.

" Ooh! These materials. They're too notch! How did you manage to obtain them young one? " The merchant asked.

" Is it a matter for you to know how I obtain this? " Gilga asked coldly, sending shivers down the spine of the merchant.

" No. I mean, since these beast materials are too notch, it's possible if you obtain these through illegal means. I don't want to buy something that might hurt my reputation here. " The merchant said.

" I hunted them on my way here. Hurry up. I don't have time for little chat like this. " Gilga said angrily, and then the merchant without wasting anytime assess the materials worth, and decided to give Gilga 3500 gold coins.

" Are you ripping me off? " Gilga asked as he looked at the two money bags.

" No.. I don't dare. " The merchant said.

" I see... Then, see you. " Gilga said as he left the pawn shop.

After leaving the shop, Gilga strolls around the market, and as he walks, he is looking for a certain someone. After a few moment, he spotted a girl with long auburn ponytail hair and amber colored eyes. She's wearing silver plates armor, which belongs to the Imperial Police, and unlike other Imperial Polices, she's not wearing any mask to cover her face which could be considered as both cute and beautiful. On her side is a leashed white dog with brown ears impossibly short limbs.

Gilga then pretends to be lost in order to attract the girl's attention, and it does!

" Oh! My justice sensor's catching something! Hey there! Do you need any help? " The auburn haired girl asked as she gets close to Gilga while dragging her dog.

" Ah. That outfit .. " Gilga said while looking at the girl.

" Seryu Ubiquitos of the Imperial Police, Ally of Justice, has arrived to help you! " Seryu said as she salutes. Strangely, her dog follows suit and saluted.

" What a cute dog. Do you want meat? " Gilga said as he squats and takes out a chunk of danger beast meat.

Koro looks at the meat, starts jumping towards Gilga and eat the meat happily. Seryu looks at Gilga with disbelief. Koro has never wanted to consume something given to it except by Seryu herself. Never in her life would she expect that one day Koro would eat something from other's hand.

" This dog... It looks delicious. Cut it and cook it in a hotpot. It'll go well with the vegetables. " Gilga said teasingly.

Koro and Seryu who heard what Gilga said, abruptly jump and stick to each other.

" No. Koro isn't a food! What's more, he's not your usual dog. He's a Teigu, Hekatonkheires. " Seryu said while embracing Koro.

" Kyua! Kyua! " Koro squealed and trembled in fear in Seryu's embrace.

" Wha? Hahaha! Don't worry I'm just joking. Who would eat such adorable dog. " Gilga said as he caresses Koro.

' This young man. How can he casually touches Koro. Did he not fear that Koro will bite his arm off? ' Seryu thought and then she looks at Koro who's enjoying Gilga's caressing. ' Forget it. He's too indulged in this young man's caressing. ' Seryu added.

" Say, you say you're an Ally of Justice right? " Gilga asked out of nowhere while still caressing Koro.

" Uhm? Yes! Why do you ask about that? " Seryu asked while looking at Gilga with confused expression.

" What justice did you follow? I mean. What kind of justice you believe in? " Gilga asked.

" What justice? What the emperor said is justice, and anyone who disobey the emperor is evil that has to be purged! " Seryu said with demented smile.

" So, you're just following these so called 'justice' blindly. I mean, do you even know that the emperor is still a kid? And you followed the order from a brat? " Gilga asked, ridiculing.

" You're being rude to His Majesty! If you defame him any further, I'll escort you to the prison! " Seryu threatened while pointing her tonfa gun at Gilga.

" Well, I'm not defaming him. Besides, his rules comes from the Prime Minister. And you do know the public execution that's held everyday right? What do you think that's supposed to mean? " Gilga asked while looking at Seryu.

" It's supposed to be a warning for anyone who disobey the emperor? " Seryu answered with a slight confusion as she lowered her tonfa gun.

" Well, Imperial Police, Imperial guards and some of the officials in the empire might think like that. But do you know what I and the citizens see? " Gilga asked, causing Seryu to look at him and then shrugged her shoulder. " What I see is the symbol of oppression, greed, corruption and tyranny of the current Prime Minister using the still children emperor. " Gilga answered, startling Seryu.

" I... I don't believe you. T... This can't be! So, what have my father been fighting for? No... I mustn't believe you! " Seryu said.

" It hurts me to say this, but your father died fighting for and defending this wretched and twisted kingdom. " Gilga said.

" No! I refuse to believe! I... My father... He died for justice! His dead is not in vain! This kingdom is not a twisted nor a wretched place! " Seryu said with teary eyes.

" Well then, if I can prove how twisted the empire is to you, then what'll you do? " Gilga asked.

" I.. I.. " Seryu said while rubbing her eyes.

" How bout this? You join me and we'll change the empire together. How does it sound? " Gilga offered.

" W... Well, I... I suppose I could. " Seryu said after hearing what Gilga offered.

' W... Well, I... I suppose I could. ' Seryu voice reverberates. Hearing this, Seryu looks at Gilga and notices that in his hand, a weird looking device can be seen. It's repeating what Gilga and Seryu said just now.

" W... What in the capital's name is that? " Seryu exclaimed.

" It's a device that can record someone's voice and play it back over and over again. " Gilga answered. " So, you can't take back what you said just now. " Gilga added while looking at Seryu closely.

" What? Why are you looking at me like that? " Seryu asked while looking at Gilga with confusion.

" You know. When you smile normally, you look even cuter than when you smile because talking about your so called justice. " Gilga said.

Hearing this, Seryu blushed as she stands up and using her index finger, she points at Gilga.

" Remember! If you can't prove it to me, then I'll catch you and escort you to prison! " Seryu declared. " In the name of justice! " Seryu added.

" Well, give me a week or so. I'll prove it to you. " Gilga said. "  And remember! When I prove how wrong the capital is, don't go back on your own word. " Gilga added as he leaves.

' Ah! I forget to ask his name... But... What can he serve as a proof? This capital that I serve couldn't be wrong! The justice I serve isn't wrong! ' Seryu thought after Gilga left. After that, Seryu left and continued patrolling.

' The die was cast. Now just waiting for the results. ' Gilga thought as he goes to the market and bought foods, wines, beers, some ingot and rare materials using the money he acquired from hunting danger beasts before heading back to the hideout.

When he arrived at the hideout, the sun almost settled. In front of the hideout, Sayo and Navia can be seen standing there while pouting.

" Muuu! Where did you go? " Sayo asked while pouting when Gilga is close to her and Navia.

" I went to the capital. " Gilga answered.

" Why don't you tell us about it then? " Navia asked.

" If I told you, then you will want to go with me. ND you are training. That's why I didn't invite you all. " Gilga answered again. " But, fret not. I'll accompany both of you tonight as an apology. " Gilga added while whispering to Sayo and Navia, causing the two of them to blush.

" Then how about this Onee-chan here? " Leone asked while sandwiching Gilga's head between her humongous E-cup peaks, causing Sayo and Navia to hiss angrily. " Will you accompany me tonight too? " Leone added.

" Well, if you want to be accompanied by me, then I'll come after accompanying Sayo and Navia. " Gilga said with a smile while looking at Leone's face despite being sandwiched by her watermelons.

" Hum. I think it's better for Onee-chan to pass. " Leone said while backing off from Gilga. But then Gilga whizzed and appeared beside Leone while capturing her hands.

" You see Onee-chan. I'm the kind to take someone's word seriously. So, just wait for me. I'll definitely accompany you tonight and make it your Unforgettable night. " Gilga whispered while nibbling Leone's ear. Having her ears nibbled, she releases a low moan before Gilga released her.

" Well, see you later Nee-chan. I'll accompany you later. " Gilga said as he heads to the hideout and directly enters the dining hall.

" You're back. " Akame said with a bowl full of meat in front of her.

" I'm back. " Gilga said with bright smile. " It's rare to see you has yet finished your meal. What's the matter? " Gilga asked.

" Here.  This is your share. " Akame said as she passes the bowl full of meat to Gilga while blushing.

" Ehhh?? What?! Akame shares her food?!!! " Mine exclaimed in surprise.

" That Akame? That gluttonous Akame shares her food?! " Lubbock yelled.

" Umm? Is it wrong for her to share her food? " Tatsumi asked.

" Un. What's wrong about sharing food? Besides she hasn't touched the food yet. " Ieyasu said while nodding.

" You are newbies, so you don't understand Akame's nature yet. When there's food in front of her, there's no way she would let anyone take her food without her tasting it first, much less untouched! " Lubbock said while putting his hand on his head. " And what's more, what's with her acting shyly in front of that newbie!!! " Lubbock added while scratching his head.

" Looks like someone's jealous. " Gilga sneered while looking at Lubbock with pity.

" Oi. What's that look for? " Lubbock said angrily.

" Nope nothing. " Gilga said as he gets close to Akame. " I'll take this one slice. You may eat the rest. You aren't full yet, right? " Gilga said and Akame nodded with blank face.

" Anyways, thanks for the meat Akame. " Gilga said as he caresses Akame's head, causing her to blush again, after finishing his slice of meat. ' The meat's taste is surprisingly heavenly. ' Gilga thought as he enjoys the sauce that's left on his hand as he heads to the bathroom and takes a bath before heading to Sayo's room.