Bring it on!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

The next day, as usual, Gilga wakes up early, but got surprised as he notices Akame is already in the kitchen cooking everyone's breakfast.

" Good morning. " Gilga said casually as he brews his coffee.

" Un. " Akame nodded without looking at Gilga.

" Did you not sleep last night? " Gilga asked as he notices Akame keeps yawning after he finished brewing his coffee.

" Un. " Akame nodded again without looking at Gilga.

" Oh! This smells good! " Gilga said as he gets close to Akame, looks and smells at her cooking.

" You don't get any part. " Akame said with blank face.

" Eh? Why?! " Gilga exclaimed.

" The ingredients are lacking, so I can make dish only for everyone except for you. " Akame said bluntly.

" Wha... Can you at least let me have a bite? " Gilga asked and then Akame with her blank face directly said " No... "

" I see... " Gilga sighed as he finished his coffee and then brews the ten jar of tea before heading to the dining hall.

" Morning. " Najenda said as she is seated on the chair.

" Morning Ms.Najenda. " Gilga said.

" Did something happen between you and Akame? " Najenda asked out of nowhere.

" Huh? What do you mean by that? " Gilga asked.

" 2 days ago, Akame shared her food with you, which is pretty much a rare occurrence you see. " Najenda explained.

" I see. So where are you going with this? " Gilga asked without looking at Najenda as he places the tea on the table before he takes his backpack and prepares to leave.

" Where are you going? " Najenda asked.

" Looking for breakfast. " Gilga said as he leaves the hideout while taking his backpack and heads to the nearby lake.

Najenda sighed as she takes seat, pours a cup of tea and takes a sip of the tea.

' Oh! Not only the food he cooked is delicious. Even the tea he brew is delicious. Looks like Akame needs to learn from him. ' Najenda thought as she enjoys the tea.

" Gilga. I'm s... Eh? Where did he go? " Akame asked as she takes out a meat dish while looking at the surrounding to look for Gilga's figure.

" Gilga? He's left. " Najenda said while enjoying the tea. " Just what did you do to him Akame? He left taking his backpack. " Najenda added.

" Ah! Boss! Good morning. Wait. Gilga left? " Akame asked.

" He said he's looking for breakfast. " Najenda said as she continues enjoying her tea.

" I see. " Akame said while looking down. Najenda who notices Akame's reaction, found this scene is quite surprising. To think that the girl who is interested only in accomplishing mission could act like this because of a man who just joined their group.

" Oh? Boss? Morning! " Leone said energetically as she heads down with Tatsumi and co.

" Oh! Morning. As agreed, Tatsumi. You're going to train under Akame today. Ieyasu, You'll train with Bulat. " Najenda said, and Tatsumi and Ieyasu shivered together, but with different reasons.

Tatsumi obediently wears cooking apron and heads to the kitchen to help Akame arrange the dishes on the table. And then the mocking laughter of a certain pink haired girl can be heard, irritating Tatsumi.

" Mwahahahaha! Apron really suits a newcomer you well! It's the best! Mwahahahaha" Mine laughed mockingly while pointing at Tatsumi.

" Huh?! " Tatsumi growled angrily as he looks at Mine, but notices that not only Mine is there, but Lubbock, Sheele and Bulat are there as well. " Are you guys heading out? " Tatsumi asked.

" Yep. A request to kill someone has come from the capital. " Lubbock said.

" Please take care of the base while we're gone. Kay? " Sheele said.

" Mwahahahaha! Akame and the new boy are housemaids, so just stay here, do house chores and chop cucumbers here! Mwahahahaha! " Mine annoying laughter echoes again.

" Well, since I have a mission, then You'll come with me " Bulat said while smiling and blinking as he faces Ieyasu.

" C.... Can I reject? " Ieyasu asked in horror.

" Yes you can. " Bulat said with a smile, causing Ieyasu to let out a breath of relief. " But, I'll make sure to discipline you tonight." Bulat added, sending shivers down Ieyasu's spine.

" I'm sorry! Please let me follow you on your mission Bulat-san! " Ieyasu hurriedly said while bowing.

" Drop the honorific. Just call me Handsome or Aniki. " Bulat said while winking.

" O... Okay. Aniki. " Ieyasu said albeit unwillingly.

" Okay. Navia you go with Mine while Sayo will go with Sheele. " Najenda said as she appeared behind them.

" Ah! Boss! You sure? " Mine asked.

" Yeah. It's better for them to gain more experience with more experienced killer. " Najenda said and then mumbles something. " The more experienced the killer, the better they kill! " Najenda said out loud. " What do you all think? I said something cool didn't I? " Najenda asked, but every members there look at her with strange expression. " I think not. " Najenda added with awkward smile.

" Anyways, the two of you are to go with your assigned partner. That's all. " Najenda said and then all of the Night Raid members head to the capital and start their mission.

" Grrrr. " Tatsumi growled in annoyance. Akame who's on his side look at him with blank face.

" Should we also take some lives? " Akame said while taking off her apron and heads toward the exit.

" You mean hunting for dinner right? " Tatsumi asked as he also takes off his apron and followed Akame.

" Oh. Good! So you understand. " Akame said as she takes a basket on the exit and heads to the lake behind mountain with Tatsumi.

After walking for a long time, Akame and Tatsumi arrived at the lake.

" Woah! What a beautiful place. " Tatsumi said as he stands on the edge of the lake.

" Now, let's eliminate the underwater... " Akame said, but before she finished her words, 20 or so huge fishes are flying towards them.

" Hah!!! " Gilga let out a deep breath as he surfaces from the lake,revealing him wearing only boxer, defined muscles and his 8 packed abs. " Oh? Akame? Tatsumi? What're you guys doing here? " Gilga asked as he notices Akame and Gilga.

" So, you're training with Akame huh? " Gilga said as he stands in front of Tatsumi and Akame.

" Yeah. " Tatsumi nodded. " What are you doing here? " Tatsumi asked.

" Oh. I'm having breakfast and lunch here. " Gilga answered. " Well, good luck with your training then. " Gilga said as he collects the fishes and heads to the side and prepares his lunch.


Explosion sound comes from the lake where Akame and Tatsumi stood. Gilga then used his phone to record the scene where Tatsumi undresses and confidently shouted " Bring it on! "

" Pfffft! I wonder how others will react when looking at this. " Gilga laughed as he saved the recording and secretly took a picture of Akame in swimsuit before he starts deboning the tuna fishes and prepares some seafood dishes with some of the fishes he caught.

After a few minutes, Gilga finished cooking. In front of Gilga are an assortment of seafood cuisine. There are roasted tuna, grilled tuna, smoked tuna, curry tuna and tuna carpaccio. The assortment of the tuna dishes which look delicious with various colors and mouthwatering aroma waltzes around, causes Akame to directly run to his direction and looks at the tuna dish assortments Gilga made with saliva oozing out from her mouth when she arrives.

" You want? " Gilga asked, and Akame vigorously nodded, which caused Gilga to chuckle.

After that, Gilga eats some of the food and leave a huge portion for Akame who will finish all the dishes alone.

' Seriously though, where did the food you eat go? What's her belly made of? ' Gilga thought as he looked at Akame who gluttonously savors and finishes each dishes in one gulp.

" Haaaaah!!! " Tatsumi takes a deep breath as he surfaces from the lake with two tuna on the beach.

" Bring it!! Huh... " Gilga said while mischievously reenact the scene where Tatsumi undresses while shouting earlier. This caused Tatsumi to look at Gilga and Akame with embarrassment. With that, Akame, Gilga and Tatsumi directly heads back to the base as the sun starts to set.

After walking for a while, they all arrived at Night Raid's base when the sun almost sets. And then, in the dining hall, Gilga had finished various tuna dishes he made and Najenda, Leone, Tatsumi, Akame and Gilga enjoys the dish together.

" So,... In the end, you managed to catch two huh? " Najenda said while enjoying the dishes Gilga.

" Don't forget about his ' Bring it on! ' part. " Gilga said as he replays the scene where Tatsumi undresses while shouting before leaping into the lake. The view and the sound are clear, so everyone there can clearly see what happens just now at the lake.

" Oh... What's this thing? " Leone asked curiously.

" Hmmm... I don't think this is a Teigu. It doesn't have any extraordinary pressure from a Teigu. " Najenda said as she inspects Gilga's phone. " This device has ability to capture and recreates these kind of scenes? " Najenda asked.

" Well, not recreates. It just capture the space and then record the scene and the voices around. For example like this. " Gilga said as he records Najenda.

" What are you doing? " Najenda asked.

' What are you doing? ' Najenda voice reverberates again, shocking her. " I see.  This device is really useful in showing evidence! " Najenda said.

" Yep. Sadly, None of you have the right to touch this device, so don't think of touching it without my permission. " Gilga said in extremely low, cold and dangerous voice, intimidating Leone and Tatsumi, while Akame and Najenda stood there unfaltered.

" I understand. I won't even try doing that. " Najenda said as she returns to her seat and continues enjoying her dinner. Akame however just stand there with her usual blank face.

" Anyways, boss. About tonight's mission. " Leone said.

" It's a mission to kill... I'm sorry. I repeat... To eliminate two targets. One is oil merchant Gamal, while the other one is Ogre, the Demon of the Imperial Police. "  Gilga said while coughing.

" That's correct! How the hell did you know? " Leone asked. " Anyways, ..... " Leone explained about the client's request, and then she takes out a bag full of money which Tatsumi looked in awe, but on the contrary, Gilga looked at the money with mixture of sadness and disgust.

" Wow! The client must have really saved a lot of money for this! " Tatsumi said.

" Tatsumi. I hate to break it for you, but that money isn't the money she saved. An ordinary citizen can't save this much money despite saving from childhood. " Gilga said as he shakes his head while sighing. " The money must've been the result of her selling her body to others. " Gilga explained, painting Tatsumi's face in horror.

" Have you ascertain her story? " Najenda asked while lighting her her cigarette.

" They're guilty. I've observed from the attic of the merchant shop. " Leone said.

" I see... Then, Night Raid will accept this mission. We'll deliver divine sentences upon them and let them rot in hell! " Najenda said.

" Eliminating out Gamal is a pie, but eliminating Ogre will be tricky. " Leone said and then she explained about who Ogre is, what's his capability, his routine, his dark deals with Gamal, and his day off time.

" I see. So the most rational choice is to eliminate him during his day off then. By the way, when is his day off? " Gilga asked.

" It's tomorrow. " Leone said.

" Besides the security there is pretty tight. Even For Akame, as her face is known to the capital, and she held the highest bounty here. " Najenda added.

" Shall we wait for others to return? " Akame asked.

" In that case, send us! We can take care of them! " Tatsumi stated while slamming the table with his hand.

" Oh? Are you saying that you can kill Ogre yourself? " Najenda asked while grinning at Tatsumi, surprising him.

" Not that I couldn't eliminate him, but you sounded like you wanted to eliminate him yourself. " Leone grinned at Tatsumi too.

" Huh? Huh? Huh? " Tatsumi looked around in confusion.

" *sigh. As you are now, you stand no chance against him. " Akame said.

" What did you say? " Tatsumi growled angrily.

" She's right Tatsumi. Have you ever taken a human's life? Like what Akame said previously. You're too naive and kind-hearted. That'll affect the outcome of your mission. " Gilga said.

" I... I... But if we keep debating now, then there'll be others who got framed for the crimes they didn't do. If that's the case, then I'll handle him myself! " Tatsumi stated.

" Understood. I can appreciate your decision! Go eliminate the Demon! " Najenda said cheerfully as she smokes her cigarette.

" Well said, Tatsumi! It's good that you're so dedicated! " Leone said while patting Tatsumi's back with brute force.

" Akame and Leone. Both of you are to eliminate the oil merchant. " Najenda ordered.

" Un. " Akame nodded.

" Got it! " Leone cheerfully said.

" You see Akame! When it's time, I can step up! " Tatsumi said.

" Where does this confidence coming from? Your mission isn't finished until you  give your report first. That kind of thinking and overconfidence will kill you. " Akame said while heading back to her room.

" What Akame said is reasonable. Tatsumi. I'll go with you. Just to make sure you did nothing crazy and end up dead in some random alleyway. " Gilga said with sneering smile, irritating the shit out of Tatsumi before heading back to the attic and spend the night together with Akame.