The Pitiful Demon


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

The next morning, Akame, Gilga, Leone and Tatsumi heads to the capital fully geared.

After a few hours, they arrived in the capital. Akame blend into the dark was to avoid being spotted by the citizen or the Imperial Police. Gilga, Leone and Tatsumi heads to the fountain of a plaza in their mission area.

" And here we are. Just go straight that way  and you'll end up in the Main Street. " Leone said.

" Got it! " Tatsumi answered.

" ... Say. You wanna hear a story about Akame? " Leone asked out of nowhere.

" Huh? " Tatsumi looks at Leone in confusion.

" Akame is an orphan just like me. She was sold alongside her sister to the capital when they're small. Then they are forced to follow a hellish assassination training program together with other kids. She learned how to kill either human or danger beast from there. To shorten the story, she passed with her sister, but then got separated as they are send to two different team. " Gilga said. " She also like Bulat who used to work with the empire. She takes any order from capital blindly, but the more she does her assassination, the more she felt the darkness within the capital. And on her last mission, she faced Ms.Najenda and got persuaded to defect the capital. Sadly, that time, most of her friends had either passed away. " Gilga added, causing sadness to swell up inside Tatsumi's heart and Leone to be surprised.

" How the hell do you know? " Leone asked.

" Well, I should at least know the past of my future wives right? Including you. " Gilga whispered, causing Leone to blush before she leaves Tatsumi and Gilga as she heads toward the oil merchant's place.

" Good hunting! " Gilga said with satisfied smile while waving towards Leone. " Now then, what should we do? " Gilga mumbles as he walks. " How about we split up? We'll meet up here at night. " Gilga said.

" Good idea. " Tatsumi said and then they part ways as they scouts the surrounding area.

Gilga then looks at his phone and like usual, fidget with it before he bumped on someone.

" Ouch! " A feminine sound can be heard.

" Sorry. I didn't.... Eh? Seryu? What're you doing here? " Gilga asked as he stretch his hand towards Seryu who is on the floor.

" Ouch..  ouch.. ouch. I'm here patrolling of course. Why're you here? Do you get your evidence already? " Seryu asked while looking at Gilga in his eyes.

" Hm... Not yet. How bout you follow me tonight. I'll show you directly. " Gilga said.

" Huh? Why should I? " Seryu asked.

" Well, if you don't want to then I won't force you. " Gilga shrugged as he leaves Seryu.

" Wait. I think I'll follow you. Just for today okay. " Seryu said.

" Fine by me. " Gilga said.

" That being said, we can't have you wear your suit if you were to follow me. " Gilga said as he heads to a tailor shop and bought a black shirt, green jacket and black trouser for Seryu.

" Here. Wear it for today. " Gilga said and Seryu obediently heads to the changing room and wears the clothes Gilga bought. And after a few moment, Seryu emerges from the changing room.

" Oh! You look good on it. " Gilga said while nodding. Koro who's on his side also nodded in agreement.

" T... Thank you. " Seryu said while blushing.

" Hm... Since, there's still a long time before night, how bout we take a look around the Main Street? " Gilga suggested. " We can eat while waiting for the night. " Gilga added. Seryu agrees and they energetically stroll around the Main Street.

" Oh? Gilga! " Tatsumi called out to Gilga. With lightning speed, Gilga stuffed Koro into his bag.

" Oh? Tatsumi? You're enjoying yourself too much aren't you? " Gilga asked as he notices Tatsumi's holding a lot of food bags.

" Well, you can't... *Crunch...blame me. I've finished looking around and I feel hungry. *Crunch *crunch. " Tatsumi said while taking a bite of crepe he bought.

" By the .*crunch. way, who .*crunch. is she? *Crunch. " Tatsumi asked.

" She's Seryu. She's my acquaintance, and speak or eat! Not speak and eat! I'll confiscate your food if you speak and eat again. " Gilga reminded.

" *Chew. Alright! I got .*chew. it! " Tatsumi said and then Gilga takes his food while smiling fiendishly.

" No... Looks like you don't get it. Say goodbye to your food. " Gilga grins as he takes one of the food and gives it to Seryu. " Here you go. " Gilga said as he passed Tatsumi's untouched food to Seryu.

" T... Thank you. " Seryu said as she cutely nibbles the food. And then, they spend a few hours walking and chatting together.

After a few hours, the sun sets and the moon rises. Darkness shrouded the capital, but the Main Street is still as bustling with people as ever.

" Tatsumi. You wait here. I'll send her back to her home. Remember, we'll be waiting near this place. Lure our target here. " Gilga said.

" I understand. " Tatsumi said as he heads to a tavern and standby there.

After that, Gilga and Seryu heads to Tatsumi's opposite direction.

" Target? Are the two of you going to kill someone? " Seryu asked in low dangerous voice.

" Yep. And this person is someone that you know damn well. " Gilga said as he heads to the top of the building while carrying Seryu. " Stay here and watch. Wear this just in case. " Gilga said and lends her Infiltrator and activates it's ability, hiding them perfectly.

" Starting from now on, don't make any noise. Just observe! " Gilga said while holding Seryu after taking out Koro. " Koro. You help me too! " Gilga said and Koro helps Gilga to hold Seryu down.

Being hold down by Gilga is one thing. But even Koro? The feeling of her Teigu following the order of others pains her heart. But she then focuses on the figure on the alleyway. One is a boy who wears a hoodie while kneeling on the ground. The other is a large muscular man with black hair that was graying near his temples. He had an unusual hairstyle with four braids on the back of his head wrapped in white cloth. He had a large star-shaped scar over his missing left eye, while his remaining eye was red with a black sclera. This figures appearance shocked the hell out of Seryu.

' Captain! So, they're planning to kill the captain! ' Seryu thought horrified. Seryu attempted to about, but got her mouth sealed by Gilga's hand.

" Ssssh... Remember what I told you just now. Keep quiet and listen. " Gilga whispered and Seryu got no choice but to obey his command as he's stronger than her.

' Mhm!! ' Seryu called out in anger as she witnessed her Master getting sliced by Tatsumi.

" Let go! Let me go! Captain! Teacher! " Seryu cried out.

" Did you think that I, Ogre the Demon, will be killed by a snot nosed brat like you?! THE WEAK MATTERS NOT! ONLY THE STRONG RULE IN THIS CITY! I PASS JUDGEMENT UPON WEAK PEOPLE!! YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PASS A JUDGEMENT ON ME!! " Ogre roared at the top of his lungs while brandishing his sword against Tatsumi, which Tatsumi blocked using his Lird. Hearing this, Seryu's face turns into that of a shock.

" Don't just say whatever you want! " Tatsumi roared as he swings his sword, repelling Ogre's sword. But after getting repelled, Ogre retaliated by once again brandishing his sword towards Tatsumi.

" I see... So, you're that Night Raid's member aren't you? Who hired you to kill me? Since you seem to know a lot about me, then I suppose it's the bitch fiance of the man I killed that day huh? " Ogre said, and hearing this, Tatsumi's face twisted in rage, remembering how she earned the money to kill this trash.

" From your expression, it seems like I'm not wrong. I know that I should've just killed her too when I killed her man. Nope. Even now isn't too late to kill her. " Ogre said with demented grin. " First, I'll find her first of course. After that, I'll search for her entire family and sentence them to death due to treason. And I'll force her to watch as her family member get killed in front of her one by one! But, of course I'll do that after killing you! Hahahaha! " Ogre laughed maniacally. Seryu who heard Ogre's statement trembled in anger and she clenches her fist real hard, as blood can be seen trickling from her palm.

' Trash! This person is unredeemable! ' Tatsumi thought as he brandish his sword, decapitating Ogre's arms and leaps to the air. Tatsumi follows up with is usual spinning slash, but Gilga suddenly appears and redirect Tatsumi's attack.

" What are you doing! " Tatsumi roared. " Gah! " Tatsumi then groaned in pain as Gilga used his hand to chop Tatsumi's neck, causing him to lose consciousness.

" That's enough. He's not yours to kill. " Gilga said as he grabs Tatsumi and let him sit on ground while leaning on the wall.

" Huh?! Who're you?! Are you also here to kill me?! " Ogre exclaimed.

" No... I'm not here to kill you. I'm just a spectator you see. " Gilga said as he points towards Seryu and Koro who's standing behind Ogre. Koro and Seryu's expression are that of an anger as she emits an intense bloodlust that caused Ogre to tremble in fear.

Feeling the killing intent, Ogre fearfully turns back to see Seryu there glaring at him. Her eyes are filled with resentment and disappointment.

" Seryu! You've come at the right time! Use your Teigu to slaughter them! " Ogre ordered. But Seryu still stands there motionlessly while still glaring at him.

" Seryu what's... " Before Ogre finishes his words, Seryu gave Koro an order.

" Koro! Arms! " Seryu roared and then Koro's body inflated into a giant dog with two humongous arms.

" Hahahaha! You Night Raid shitty brat! Today you'll meet your end! Gyahahahaha!!! " Ogre said while laughing maniacally as he faced Gilga. But to his surprise, Koro isn't grabbing the two boys in front of him, but he himself!

" Uargh! What's the meaning of this Seryu!! " Ogre said angrily. " Let me go! Tell your stupid dog to... UARGH!!!! " Ogre said, but before he screamed in pain as his decapitated arms are being pulled by Koro.

" Uargh! What's wrong with you Seryu!!!! " Ogre roared angrily.

" Teacher. You've been tainted with evil. You used your status to oppress the weak! You used your status to gain profits! You used your status to frame others! What's more, you called Koro stupid. I'll set you free from the evil. Koro! Shred! " Seryu ordered and then Koro ripped Ogre's arm. As Koro ripped Ogre's arm, his rib is also torn, gushing out blood. Seryu didn't stop however and ordered koro to tear his other arms and then both of his leg before finally devour Ogre whole.

After a moment of silence, Seryu drop to her knees and trembles. Broken! Her image of Justice has been crumbled when she witnessed how twisted her teacher is. The person closest to her and trained her.

" You've done well. So, what're you going to do? " Gilga asked while patting Seryu's shoulder. And right after Gilga pats her shoulder, Seryu rushed to his chest as she cried miserably. Gilga just embraces her while patting her head.

" Huwaaaa!!!! Teacher!!!! Why!!!! Why do you got tainted in evil!! Huwaaaa!!! " Seryu cried at the top of her lungs while holding Akira's clothes.

" Seryu. What are you going to do now? " Gilga asked.

" I don't know. I think I will follow you as per our agreement. " Seryu sobbed dejectedly.

" Tatsumi. You head back to the base. And when you're back in the capital, PLEASE. Tell Ms.Najenda that you alone defeated Ogre, so the all of the reward will be yours, and I have a matter that I need to attend to, so I'll stay in the capital tonight. " Gilga writes down a memo with the please word emphasized and put it at Tatsumi's hand before slapping him to wake him up.

After that, Gilga princess carries Seryu along with Koro and leaves the alleyway before Tatsumi wakes up.

" Urgh! That Gilga... To knock me out then slap me and leave without saying anything... Ouch!!" Tatsumi groaned while rubbing his red cheek as he notices Gilga's nowhere to be found. " Huh? What's this? " Tatsumi then notices a letter in his hand and read it.

" Please?! That Gilga pleaded?! Why would he pleads like this and want me to take the reward alone? Didn't he defeat Ogre? Strange... Where's his body? " Tatsumi then scans the surrounding and realizes no one's there. What'd left is Ogre's blood spots on  the wall and floor. After that, Tatsumi stops thinking and directly heads back to the base to report to Najenda what Gilga wrote.

" Shall we go to your home? Let's have a good long talk there. " Gilga said while wiping Seryu's tear.

" *sniff *sniff. Alright.  Let's go. " Seryu nodded and tells Gilga the direction to her house.