Sparring! (Part 1)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Do you really need to mention that thing everytime we meet! " Mine snarled.

" Huh? What's the crowd about? " Sayo asked, noticing people are crowding a certain area.

" Probably a public execution of someone who defied the empire. " Mine said as she calms down.

" You're so fast to calm down you flat board. It's not fun to tease you like this. " Gilga protested.

" What??! Does you not mentioning that damnable words whenever you open your mouth with me around would kill you? Shut your freaking mouth for a moment will ya! I'm explaining right now! " Mine snarled again.

" Gilga. Please stop teasing her like this. I feel bad for her. " Sayo said.

" Huh??! Just because yours are a little bit bigger than mine doesn't mean you should look down on me like that! " Mine snarled arrogantly.

" Huh!! I tried to defend you, but not only you're not showing any gratification, but you dare speak like that to me! Looks like I'm wrong trying to defend you! " Sayo retorted.

" *cough. Anyways. That's the usual scene in the capital. " Mine said as she points at the people who're crucified with either their limbs decapitated and their face and body bloodied from the abuse before they got crucified.

The crucified people groaned in pain as there are also stake impaled onto them, preventing them from moving away from their position.

Tatsumi and Sayo watched in horror, seeing the inhumane scene in front of them.

" So cruel... " Tatsumi mumbles.

" How could they do this to human? This is just too much... " Sayo said.

" Because the minister said it's okay to punish them like this. " Mine said. " Besides, it's thanks to that prime minister's shrewdness that the young emperor won the battle for throne succession. " Mine added.

" I won't be like them! I'll make sure that I'll live and see the end of this fight! " Mine stated as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

" Yeah. And make sure to grow your tits or else I'll feel bad for your future husband. " Gilga said, causing Mine to snarl at him again. Hearing what Gilga said, Tatsumi however just shook his head.

' Well, she's the type who looks small in her clothing. ' Tatsumi thought as he recalled the view of Mine in her bra and underwear that he accidentally witnessed this morning. This however caused him to blush.

" Oh? Looks like you're having a dirty thought there Tatsumi. " Gilga said, bringing back Tatsumi to reality.

" Wha?!! No way! Let's head back to the base now. " Tatsumi said after he shook his face.

" Hehehe. Alright. Alright. " Gilga said and then they all head back to the base.


Meanwhile, inside the throne of imperial palace, There are apparently a meeting between the officers who're standing in 2 lines below the stair and the emperor who's sitting on a throne above the stair. In front of the emperor, a man can be seen kneeling, seemingly waiting for something.

The Emperor is a young boy with green shoulder-length hair which is braided on the sides and green eyes. He wears a purple outfit with white boots and a blue mantle, as well as a large headdress. He also carries a golden scepter with a blue orb attached to it.

" Internal Affairs Officer, Shoui. " the kid emperor stated. " Thee objected our political measures. And for the sin of delaying our political affairs, we sentence thee to death from dismemberment by raging bulls. " The kid emperor declared without showing any expression.

Being sentenced to death, if Shoui isn't shocked, then that'll be a blatant lie. It can be seen as his eyes widen with disbelief. The other officers also have surprised and confused expression mixed together.

" Is this good enough Minister? " The emperor asked, and then a figure emerges from the shadow of the throne, revealing a round, middle-aged man with light skin, gray hair, dark yellow eyes, and a long white beard that extends down to his abdomen. He wears a pair of brown boots, a dark green shirt, a belt below his belly and short pants which are also dark green, and a gray coat with some hair of an animal around his neck, resembling a bourgeois. He is holding a huge chunk of meat between his hand and abs.

" Ngufufu. Well done! Emperor Makoto is such a wise ruler! " the Minister said as he gnaws the meat.

" Meat again? Thee eatest a lot of it lately. " Makoto said while looking at the fat minister.

" Gunufufu. One must enjoy life while it's good! *Wono *wono. (sound of gnawing meat) " The fat minister said, and all of the officers there could only look down and not talk back against this fat minister.

" Guh! Enough!! The emperor is being used by the minister! O' wise emperor! Please listen to the sound of your people! " Shoui as he gritted his teeth while still kneeling. Hearing what Shoui said, Makoto only stares at him blankly before looking at the minister.

" Prime Minister. He's accusing you. " Makoto said as he pointed towards Shoui.

" And? Have his rumbling confused you? Milord? " The fat minister asked while smiling.

" Of course not! What thou hast spoken art the truth and it hast always been right since long ago. " Makoto said, crushing Shoui's hope, painting his face in terror!

" Shoui-dono. Looks like this will be our last time seeing each other. " The fat minister said, and without warning, two guards used their spear to pin Shoui to the ground.

" Urgh!! O' wise emperor! If you keep listening and blindly following his words, then the empire's one thousand years history will end!! " Shoui shouted.

" Shoui-dono. " The fat minister said as he is in front of Shoui and kneels while looking down at him. " Please don't worry about that lonely wife you'll leave behind. Just leave her to me. " The fat minister said while smacking his lip. " I'll make sure to take care of her... Yes. I'll leave not a single part of her untouched. Gunufufufufu! " The fat minister said while showing fiendish grin as Shoui is dragged outside to be executed in public.

' Someone! Please! Exact justice upon this devil! ' Shoui thought with anger.


In the base, all of the night Raid members are circling Gilga. Najenda is sitting on the throne while smoking her usual cigarette.

"So, do you mind explaining what matters you need to attend to last night? " Najenda asked.

" I got no obligation to tell you, as I'm not your permanent member! " Gilga reminded. " And, don't think of using my friends as bargaining chips or else... " Gilga said as he released his killing intent, causing everyone there except Gilga's friend to be alerted as they takes out their weapons and points it towards Gilga.

" Boss. Just say the word. Well finish him off. " Mine said as she's itching to shoot Pumpkin.

" *sigh. Stay put! Alright. I won't inquire about that. Now then, this is about tonight's mission. " Najenda said, as she takes out a picture and stabs the man in the picture using a dagger.

The man has short, black hair with a purple streak on the left side of his bangs. He wore small, round glasses. His outfit consisted of a military-like green uniform with a white fur collar, a red sash and golden epaulets.

" His name is Iokal. The blood relative of the prime minister. Using the name of the Minister, he abducts girl from the capital and he either beat or torture them to death. His five bodyguards are also guilty as they sometimes even joined hand in abusing and torturing the girls. " Najenda said, and then the atmosphere around her becomes heavy as killing intent is emitted from Gilga's body. " It's good to see that you're motivated. Tonight he'll be staying in his mansion on top of the mountain. Eliminate the target and leave none of the target alive to see tomorrow! " Najenda said.

" Roger! " All of the Night Raid members answered in tandem.

" Hey, what do you say that we spar before fighting? I've been feeling that my body's been stiff lately. Who wanna spar with me? " Gilga asked after a brief silence.

" Sounds good to me. I'm in! " Leone said happily.

" Well, count this brother in too. " Bulat said while smiling.

" Me too! " Ieyasu said.

" Don't forget about me! " Tatsumi said.

" ... " Akame points at herself cutely.

" Hm... How about everyone participate? I also want to observe our new member's personal capability and your growth. " Najenda said as she leads the way to the training ground.

" Eh?? But it's a waste of time! It's better for me to enjoy myself and relax before a mission. " Mine said, but Sheele drags her to the training ground. " Gyaa!!! Let me go! Sheele unhand me now! " Mine screeched as she gets dragged.

After that, in the training ground. All of the Night Raid's members are present except Lubbock who's still in the capital to gather informations.

" You want to what?! " Najenda called out in surprise.

" You heard me. I wanna fight against all of the people here. " Gilga answered while taking off his restrictive clothes. " Sayo, Navia, Ieyasu and Tatsumi. You all may take off your restrictive clothes too. " Gilga said as he drops the clothes to the ground. And then Tatsumi and co follow suit.

" Alright. I'm ready to go. You're free to use your Teigu, and I do appreciate it if you go all out against me, or else this stiffness won't go away. " Gilga said while clenching his fist.

Without warning, Mine raises Pumpkin and shoots it at Gilga. Gilga however doesn't dodge and receives the full brunt of Pumpkin's blow, causing dust to rise up and covering the field.

" What?! Did he lost his mind? Why didn't he dodge?! " Mine exclaimed.

" Because there is no need for me to dodge. " Gilga's sound reverberates. And after a brief moment, the dust dispersed, revealing a golden armored man.

" So, that's the armor Akame mentioned the other day huh? " Najenda mumbles as she inspects Gilga's armor.

" Is that the best that you got? Well, I suppose it's my turn to strike now. " Gilga said as he leaps towards Mine's direction. But Akame with her Murasame and Bulat who has donned Incursio appear in front of Gilga, intercepting him.

' Well, I suppose it won't be easy to get the sniper in the beginning. ' Gilga grinned behind his mask as he leaps towards Akame and directed a jab at her.

Bulat however also directs a jab at Gilga, but Gilga twists his body and deliver a left roundhouse kick, which landed on Bulat's waist, sending him flying.

Not wasting any moments, Gilga leaps towards Mine and attempted to use his thread to capture her, but Sheele suddenly rises from Mine's front with her Extase open.

' Dammit! ' Gilga cursed as he leaps backward and closely avoids being bisected.

" Hooo. To think that he can even react to that. It's almost like he's ever seen them on action. " Najenda mumbles.

" Hahahaha! That kick wasn't too bad, but that's not your full strength right? " Bulat stated as he rises and cracks his neck. " If you want us to fight you with our all, then shouldn't you give it your all to when you face us? " Bulat declared. But, right after that words leave his mouth, Gilga has arrived in front of him and landed a body blow on Bulat's abs, causing him to vomit as he's sent flying again.

" Be careful with what you wish for. " Gilga said with his hand still trembling after the impact.

" Ahahaha! Now that's how it should be! " Bulat said as he stands up again with blood on the corner of his mouth. His armor is cracked with a fist shaped print on it's abdominal part.

' He withstood my 70% and still standing. Impressive. ' Gilga thought.

" Neuntöte! " Bulat exclaimed, and then a red spear materializes on his palm.

" Jïngu! " Gilga exclaimed and then black staff materializes on his palm. " Jïngu! Sword shape! " Gilga continues and then Jïngu's shape morphed as it turns into 8 inches long sword with golden fire pattern on it's blade.

" It can morph? " Bulat exclaimed, and then he raised Neuntöte to block Gilga's impending overhead slash.

" Not so fast! " Sayo exclaimed while shooting Wintreas.

" Don't forget that we're here! " Tatsumi said as he has donned Black Incursio and throws his summoned jet black longsword at Gilga.

" This is how it should be. " Gilga sneered happily as he unsheathes Black's Bane and counters Tatsumi's sword with it, while swinging Jïngu to disperse Wintreas' laser before he steps back and steadies his stance.

" Great. Now, we're back to square one. " Gilga cursed.