Sparring! (Part 2)


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

Currently on the training ground, Gilga's facing Akame and the other Night Raid members including his friends.

' Well, it's reassuring that he's on our side. ' Najenda thought as she continues to smoke. ' But, should he become our foe, countering him will be a headache. ' Najenda continue thinking as Gilga's clash with the Night Raid's members intensifies after every moment.

Currently, Gilga is in on an intense 4 on 1 battle. He's fighting against Ieyasu, Tatsumi, Bulat and Akame. Navia and Leone are circling around Gilga and the four, waiting for the right time to strike while Sheele, Sayo and Mine are on the rear, ready to support the six anytime.

" Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora! "  Ieyasu roared as he keeps swinging his axe nonstop at Gilga, while Tatsumi also covers each gap by slashing at Gilga, which Gilga evaded rather easily. Bulat and Akame however, receives full attention from Gilga as he used his swords to party their attacks. Leone and Navia is circling Gilga, waiting for the right moment to charge in.

" Sorry Ieyasu and Tatsumi. This is gonna hurt! " Gilga said as he lands powerful body blow on Tatsumi and uppercut to Ieyasu, causing Ieyasu to lose consciousness due to the impact, but Tatsumi remains standing even though his armor got dented from Gilga's body blow.

" Urgh! " Tatsumi vomits as he slowly kneels to the ground while holding his stomach.

' You've certainly got strong Tatsumi. To think that you doesn't pass out from that blow. ' Giga thought as he used his string to pin Tatsumi down.

" An opening! " Leone and Navia not wasting any moments, leap towards Gilga and attacks him together.

Gilga wanted to tie them together directly, but chooses not to as he wanted to satisfy Leone's and Navia's need for fighting a strong opponents.

Carefully, Gilga parries Navia's dagger,

Aeon, from grazing him, while meeting Leone's blows head on.

" This is truly a spectacle don't you think? " Bulat asked.

" Un... To think that Eve after all that, he's still this agile. " Akame nodded.

" Ah! Looks like it's almost over. " Bulat said as he points Neuntöte towards Gilga who's tying up Both Leone and Navia.

" Urk! The thread is so strong! " Navia said as she struggles to break free.

" Ngyaa!!! This hateful thread again! "  Leone said as she struggles to break free too.

" Alright. 4 down, 5 to go. " Gilga said as he leaps to Mine's direction once again.

" Like hell I'll let you get close!!!!! " Mine screamed and shot a huge laser towards Gilga, which gets cut and dispersed by Gilga swinging Jïngu.

" Wha?! Even though the blast is even stronger than before.. " Mine exclaimed.

" It's not matter how strong it is. It's just too bad that you're facing me. " Gilga sneered as he drives and landed in front of Sheele before tying her using his thread.

" Unh? Strange? Why can't I move? " Sheele said as she tumbles to the ground. And after tying Sheele, Gilga heads towards Mine.

" Mine! Shoot him now! Extase! " Sheele exclaimed as she activates her Trump card, creating blinding light that blinds Gilga for a moment and then Gilga got sent flying by Pumpkin's blow.

" Heh! " Gilga sneered as he disappears and reappears behind Mine and ties her up too.

" Ugyaaa!!! Free me! " Mine snarled as she got stuck with Pumpkin.

" Heh. It leaned perfectly. As expected from flat board. " Gilga sneered behind his mask.

" Hugyaaa!!! When I'm free I'mma send you flying!! " Mine snarled as she keeps struggling.

" Yeah good.... So cold!!! " Gilga said as Sayo shoots Wintreas at him, freezing his back. " Ungh! " Gilga swings Jïngu, producing air which disperses Sayo's ice laser.

" No way! " Sayo exclaimed.

" Yes way! " Gilga sneered as he attempts to tie Sayo, but got brilliantly evaded by Sayo who stabs Reaper Halberd on the ground before extending it, dragging herself upwards and thus dodging Gilga's attempt to tie her.

" Heeee... Not too shabby. " Gilga exclaimed as he raised Black's Bane, blocking Akame's slash.

" Urgh! " Gilga then grunted for a moment and he vomits as he got sent flying by Bulat because Bulat used his Trump Card, blending into the surrounding and then gets close to Gilga before delivering a powerful body blow to him, returning the favor.

" Urgh! " Gilga groaned as he tries to stand up.

' Luckily I wraps the threads at my body. Or else I'm a goner. ' Gilga thought as he stands up.

" Ouch! Don't you know how to hold your punches back huh? " Gilga said.

" Well, If I held back, then won't I be disrespectful against my opponent who's fighting with his-! " Bulat said while still invisible, but got his words cut because Gilga leaps towards him and lands a jab right on his mask, shattering it.

" Then don't mind if I don't hold back too!! " Gilga said after he sends Bulat flying by delivering another body blow.

" Hahahahahaha! This is perfect! Just too perfect! " Bulat laughed as he stands up again. " It's been a long time since my blood boiled! "  Bulat added as he leaps towards Gilga with Neuntöte.

" Come!! Jïngu! Staff shape! " Gilga sneered as he counters Bulat's attacks with Jïngu.

" Oh? Resting are we? Akame? " Najenda asked Akame who's heading her way.

" Un. They're having fun, so it's better for me to not interrupt them. " Akame said as she sits beside Najenda. " Besides, it's been a long time since Bulat can fight all out. " Akame added and Najenda nodded in agreement.

" So, how about you? Are you going to spar with him? " Najenda asked.

Akame nodded while gripping Murasame's grip tightly.

' Looks like him being here is a good thing after all. ' Najenda thought as she still observe the clash between Gilga and Bulat.

" Hoaaaargh! " Bulat roared as he does a powerswing using Neuntöte towards Gilga.

" Haaaaaaa! " Gilga roared as he also does a powerswing using staff Jïngu.


As Neuntöte and Jïngu clashes, their clash generates a powerful sonic boom, uprooting some of the trees and damaging the training field.

" Not too shabby! " Bulat said.

" Same goes to you. But I'm going to end this. " Gilga said.

" Haha! I'd like to see you try!!!! " Bulat roared as he pressed Neuntöte stronger, causing Gilga's feet being buried into the ground.

" Hoo... After all that, you still have this much strength left? Impressive. " Gilga praised as he swings Jïngu to Bulat.

" The same goes to you. You've been fighting 8 people including me, but still, your breath didn't get heavier at all. " Bulat praised as he blocks Jïngu's strike.

" Just merely 8 people. How can I compete with you who slain 128 people on the battlefield? " Gilga asked.

Hearing Gilga's word, Bulat's eyes widen in surprise.

Many people refer him as ' Hundred Man Slayer Bulat ', because he slain a lot of people in the battlefield when he was still working for the empire as a soldier. But, that hundred is just an estimation number and the boy in front of him just stated the exact amount. Besides him and that man, no one knows the exact number of people he killed.

" How the... " Bulat said in shock.

" Just a lucky guess. Jïngu! Scythe form! " Gilga shrugged his shoulder as he leaps towards Bulat again. Bulat then jumpa backward to create distance between them.

" Heh! Extend! " Gilga said while he swings Jïngu. As it's swinged, it's handle extends and reaches Bulat.

" What! " Bulat exclaimed as he blocks Jïngu with Neuntöte.

" Gotcha! Shorten! " Gilga shouted and Jïngu's handle shorten, thus dragging Bulat along.

After that, Gilga delivers a straight right at Bulat's face, knocking him out.

" Oh my! To think Bulat would lose. This boy. Just who is he? " Najenda exclaimed in surprise.

" Our ally. " Akame stated as she stand up and heads towards Gilga.

" So, my next and last sparring partner is you huh? Akame-chan? " Gilga said.

Unexpectedly, Akame's heart suddenly acts up as it starts beating faster and faster.

' What's wrong with me? Why did my heart suddenly beat like this? Stop! ' Akame thought as she grasped her chest with her face red.

' Oh? What's with her reaction? Does the pride of Night Raid, Akame, finally got interested in things other than assassination? This ought to be interesting. ' Najenda thought while smirking.

Gilga then undon his armor after setting free the people that got caught with his string and then he steps into the circle in the middle of the training field.

" Let's go with this. " Gilga said as he takes 2 wooden swords. He throws one to Akame, which she reflectively slashes using Murasame.

" What's that for? " Gilga asked.

" Self defense? " Akame asked with her blank face.

" What? I just want us both using wooden sword. Remember what happened when I used my sword? " Gilga asked and Akame recalled her getting paralyzed from Gilga's sword. And then she also recalled how Gilga rubs her arm and thigh while princess carrying her, causing her to blush.

" I see. I get it. " Akame nodded and then she takes a new wooden sword before heading to the middle of the training field and facing Gilga.

" Akame-chan. No need to hold back. Fight me with everything you've got! " Gilga said as he takes his stance.

" Same here. This won't end like last time. " Akame said while she also takes her stance.

Three minutes have passed and they keep staring on each other, not showing any intention to move.

" What are they doing? They aren't moving at all! " Tatsumi said. And right after he said those words, Gilga and Akame leaps towards each other and exchange 10 blows in a second. This lasts for 30 seconds before Akame and Gilga jump backward and create distance between themselves and once again they stare at each other again.

" What the... I can't keep up! " Tatsumi said.

" Me neither. " Ieyasu followed suit.

" Me too. " Sayo followed suit.

" I can keep up a little bit only. " Navia said.

" Looks like you aren't just depending on your Teigu huh Gilga? " Akame said with a smile.

" Well of course. " Gilga answered with a smile. " Dependency on Teigu is the downfall of Teigu users. Unless, the Teigu is inside it's user's body. " Gilga added.

Akame nodded in agreement with Gilga's statement. Before she leaps towards Gilga and does an insanely fast slash, grazing Gilga's arm even though he manages to block using his sword.

" Looks like it's my loss. You've got stronger and faster Akame-chan. " Gilga sighed in defeat.

" But, the match is far from over isn't it? " Tatsumi said. " I mean, you haven't received any fatal attack. " Tatsumi added.

" If this is a real battle, I'm already dead now. " Gilga said, confusing his friends. The Night Raid members however nodded as they know what Gilga mean when he said those words.

" Real battle? I still don't understand. " Tatsumi said.

" If what Akame used is Murasame, then Gilga'll undoubtedly die. " Bulat explained.

" And why is that? " Ieyasu asked.

" Murasame is a Teigu that has a nickname of One Slash Kill. Just a little graze, and the curse within the katana will be injected through the wound, killing the injured instantly. " Najenda said as she walks towards them. Hearing this, Tatsumi and co pales from the news.

" Now then. Everyone! Replenish your strength! Tonight all of you'll gather at Iokal's mansion and eliminate him alongside his five guards! Dismissed! " Najenda said before heading back into the base.

" I'll take a walk in the capital. I'll meet you guys later at night. " Gilga said as he gears up and leaves without waiting any longer.

" Wait... " Akame called out, but too late as Gilga had left them behind.