Capital's Injustice


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

After leaving Night Raid's hideout, Gilga directly heads to the capital while cleaning any danger beasts he meet on his way.

But, on his way there, he heard someone crying. From the sound Gilga concludes that it comes from a girl.

' What the? This voice is... ' Gilga thought excited as he heads towards the voice's direction.

After a few moment, Gilga arrives at what appeared to be a ruin. But, it is ruined as it's wall is painted red with blood. Corpses are scattered everywhere. From the suit, Gilga could identify them easily.

' Revolutionary Army? They got did in! ' Gilga thought and then his eyes lands on a girl who's kneeling in front of the ruin.

The girl has pale skin, auburn hair and red eyes. She wears a butterfly headphone accessory on her head, a vocalist-like clothing consisting of a white long sleeve shirt with the collar tied with a red ribbon under a black vest a red checkered mini skirt, black leather below-the-knee boots and a make up box dangling on her waist.

Her eyes are swollen from crying and her sound becomes hoarse from screaming and crying. Her heartbreaking cry caused Gilga to subconsciously get close to her, but noticing someone's presence, the auburn haired girl turns her head and faces Gilga after rubbing her eyes using her sleeve.

Without warning, the girl takes out a bomb and lights it up before throwing it below her. After that, the bomb releases smoke and creating smokescreen, obstructing Gilga's view.

' Smokescreen? Should I chase her? Or... Well, it's better to let her go. We'll probably meet in the future. ' Gilga thought and then he continues heading towards the capital.

After a few moments, Gilga arrived in the capital and directly heads to the pawn shop to sell every danger beasts'corpse that he slain. And, after selling the danger beasts'corpse, Gilga heads towards a tavern to buy foods and drinks.

On his way there, some unpleasant thing happens and he stops to look at that unpleasant thing.

There are guards dragging a man and a woman along with their girl, which seems to be at her 8's. They are suspected to be spy from the Revolutionary Army, so, they got chained up. They have injuries on their bodies, as they probably went through the abuse from the guards before capturing them.

" C'mon! Stand up you fucking bitches! " Guard A spat while forcefully pulls the woman.

" Mama! Mama! Please stop bullying my mom... Akh!! " The girl pleaded, but got kicked on her jaw by the guard dragging her. Seeing this, Gilga's blood boiled. He knew from the manga and anime that rebel's spy are executed, but never in his wildest thought that even kids aren't spared. He then directly heads to an alley and dons black cloak, covering his body.

" Shut yer crap ya little shit! Don't worry, your suffering will end... After we behead you all on the execution podium later! Hahahaha! " Guard B said while laughing maniacally.

" Please stop! She's just a child! Have you no mercy? Besides, we are not affiliated with.... Uargh! " The man said, but can't finish his word as he got kicked in his chest.

" You fucking spies! There's no way a spy will confess! What do you take us for? A fool? " Guard C sneered.

" May retribution befall you! " The man mumbles.

" Huh? What did you say? " Guard C asked.

" He said... May retribution befall you! " Gilga said as he appears behind the guard and punches the guard. His powerful punch which is filled with rage, tore through his chest, causing blood to gush out from it.

" W... Who are you! How dare you- " Guard A said, but before he finished his word, Gilga does a backhand slap, dislocating guard A's jaw.

" AAAAAARGGHHHH!!!! M... MY MOUTH!!! " Guard A wailed. But his wailing doesn't last long as Gilga kicks his head, decapitating it, causing blood fountain to squirt. This caused the civilians to panic and scatter randomly, leaving the scene.

" You! Do you- " Guard B said, and again, before he finished his word, agilga does another kick, tearing off his jaw, making him a muted man.

" ARGHHHH!! " Guard B wailed as he witnessed his separated lower jaw and his bloodied armor.

" What an eyesore. Die. " Gilga said coldly as he does an axe kick, caving the guard's head into his body.

" Now, that's what I call fatality. " Gilga nodded in satisfaction. And before he leave, the man called out.

" Wait! W... Where are you going? " The man asked.

" Leaving of course. After that ruckus, the guards will flood this place. " Gilga answered nonchalantly.

" Then- " The man said, but got interjected by Gilga.

" Impossible. I can't carry all of you away from this place. " Gilga shakes his head.

" Then, at least our daughter... " The woman said.

" ... No. She'll blame me for your death. " Gilga answered before the woman finishes her words, causing the woman and man to look down sadly.

" But... " Gilga said as he takes out a curtain and cover them with it. " You all can walk by yourself right? Cover yourself with this curtain. it'll make you invisible. Head here and we'll meet up there. I still need this curtain you see. " Gilga added, causing them to look at Gilga with gratification and starts sobbing.

" No need to cry. Just remember to be there. I'll pick you up later, as I have matters to attend to. " Gilga said as he takes off his cloak and disappears into the alleyway.

" Thank you.... Thank you... " The man said with gratification as he kneels on the floor while crying.

" H... Honey. This isn't a dream right? " The woman asked excitedly.

" No. This is not a dream. And hey! He forgot to take our chain off! " The man exclaimed.

" Well, he is busy right? Should we head to the location he said? " The woman asked.

" I think we should. Besides, we've got no place left in the capital. " The man said.

" I see. Alright then. " The woman said as she stands up and with her daughter and husband, they head to the location pointed by Gilga.

" Hmm... What to do now? Food? Check! Drinks? Check! Rare steels? Check! Seryu... Not checked! Wait! What am I thinking! " Gilga said.

" Did you call me? " Seryu asked as she appears behind Gilga.

" Goodness! " Gilga jumped back. " Don't scare me like that Seryu-chan! " Gilga said. " What happened to your arms? " Gilga asked as he notices Seryu's arm has been replaced with a metallic one.

" Ah! This? Doctor said he wanted to try new improvement on me, so I- " Seryu said, but before she finished her words, she trembles as she felt chilling aura coming from her front.

Furious! Gilga is furious! His facial expression is painted with anger as he grits his teeth while he subconsciously let his murderous intent oozing out from his body. He then drags Seryu into an alleyway where there're no people.

" Improvement? What kind of improvement is this? Experimenting on female... This kind of person... I'll definitely kill him myself. " Gilga mumbles in a low cold and dangerous tone. " Where's your arm? " Gilga asked.

" Koro ate it. " Seryu answered almost directly. Gilga then glares at Koro, causing it to shivers in fear.

" Spit it out. " Gilga ordered, causing Seryu to look at him with confusion. Koro however, directly spits out Seryu's decapitated arms.

" Wha... Koro? You didn't chew your food completely! What'll happen if you get a stomachache? " Seryu asked worriedly, causing Gilga to look at her, dumbfounded. Koro however just smile at her, which freaks the hell out of Gilga.

" Luckily it's cut cleanly. The blood vessels aren't too damaged. It'll be fine if I reattach it to Seryu later. " Gilga let out a sigh of relief after he appraises Seryu's arms. " What do you think you're doing? To actually taking part in this insane human experimentation! " Gilga scolded.

" There's nothing to be afraid of! Doctor did it perfectly! Besides, it's nothing, losing my arms like this. " Seryu said with a smile.

" ... You truly are helpless aren't you? ' Gilga said as he sighed. " Now that you've lost your arm, how about your sense of touch? Will you be able to enjoy Koro's fluffiness like that? " Gilga asked, and Koro nodded in agreement.

" ... If I could gain power to uphold my justice, losing my sense of touch is just a small price to pay. " Seryu said.

" Then, don't you ever think about my feeling? Tell me. Did you install something called 'The Judgement of Ten Heavenly Kings'? " Gilga asked.

" How did you- " Seryu asked in surprise.

" The tenth weapon, Chakravartin Furnace of Five Hells. Did he install that to you as well? " Gilga asked, interjecting Seryu.

" That's... " Seryu stumbled.

" Answer me! " Gilga said angrily.

" Yes. He did plant it on me. " Seryu said.

" Just what the hell are you thinking you stupid girl! " Gilga said angrily while hugging her and holding her head. " Why would you plant a bomb inside your head? " Gilga asked as he clawed her hair.

" I... It's my last resort. My Trump card, should I fail and fall in my enemy's hand, I'll be able to drag them with me. " Seryu said.

Without warning, Gilga transforms into Tyrant Nova and stitches Seryu's arms back after taking off her metallic arm.

" W... What are you doing? " Seryu asked surprised as she could feel her hands again.

Gilga not answering her, disassembles her mettalic arms and reshape them into a pair of gauntlets.

" Wear this. This should first with your hand just fine. " Gilga said as he passed the gauntlets.

" Akh?!!! " Seryu yelped in pain when she received her gauntlets.

" Your hands are still healing, so it might hurt for a while. Probably in a few hours, the pain will lessen and tomorrow the pain will go away. So bear with it. " Gilga said and then he gives Seryu a smooch on her forehead. " Remember! No more modification to your body. " Gilga warned as he undon his armor.

" Um. Thank you. And I'm sorry. " Seryu said.

" It's good that you understand. Wear that gauntlet 24/7. Don't take it off especially in front of the one who did those modifications on you. " Gilga said.

" Got it! " Seryu answered. " Are you free tonight by the way? " Seryu asked while blushing.

" I don't know. Why? " Gilga asked.

" I... I want to do what we did the last time... " Seryu said while lowering her head to hide her embarrassed face.

" Huh? What did we do last time? " Gilga asked teasingly.

" I want you to put that inside me again. " Seryu mumbles.

" Huh? That? What's that? " Gilga asked teasingly again.

" I want you to put your dick inside me tonight. Jeez. I can't believe you forced me to say that. " Seryu said while blushing.

" Hmmm... I don't know if I could, since tonight I'm busy. But, I'll try my best for you. " Gilga said, and Seryu nodded while blushing.

After that, Gilga leaves Seryu and heads toward the location he agreed with the people he saved just now.

" Ah! You've arrived. " The man said with a smile.

" Yeah. Now then, let me ask you something. Now that you've lost your right to live in the capital, what're you going to do? You all are basically fugitives you know? " Gilga asked.

" Since we are suspected as Revolutionary Army's spy, we might as well join the Revolutionary Army. " The man said.

" Huh? Join them? How? " Gilga exclaimed while feigning surprise.

" We don't know yet. We don't even know where they are. " The man said.

" Well, even if you manage to locate their hideout, do you think they'll let you join? " Gilga asked. " What value do you have, so that the Revolutionary Army will accept you? " Gilga added.

" I... " The man said.

" You have neither combat abilities nor combat experience. At best, you're there just to work in their workshop or trained real hard to work as spy. " Gilga said bluntly. " And for the woman, they'll probably become prey for the carnivore there." Gilga added, causing the face of the man and the woman to pale up.

" What??! " The man and woman exclaimed in tandem.

" Nah! Just kidding. For girls I think they will be working as a nurse or spy. " Gilga said, relieving them.

" So, what now? After knowing that, do you still want to join them? " Gilga asked.

" Yes. It's better to live under the Revolutionary Army rather than in that living hell. " The man said.

" Huh? Well, this world is a living hell. Everywhere you go, you will never feel safe. Be it in the capital, Revolutionary Army, Northern Land, Barbarian Tribes and others unmentionable places, all of it are filled with dangers. " Gilga stated.

" Well, it's still better than being in the capital. So, we'll join. " The woman said.

" I see. Well then, follow me. I'll introduce you to someone. " Gilga said as he heads towards Night Raid's base.

Usually, it takes Gilga one hour to reach the hideout, but it takes him four hours to reach Night Raid's hideout this time because the family Gilga saved has less stamina and are beaten up badly, thus their long journey.

In the Night Raid's hideout, Najenda is glaring daggers at Gilga. Gilga explained what happened in the capital and the situation of the family he saved.

" *sigh. I see. Well then, let me ask again. Even after knowing the risk of joining the Revolutionary, you still want to join us? " Najenda asked.

" If we can change this country with our death, then there won't be any problem as we owe our live to that man there. " The man said.

" I see. Then, welcome to the Revolutionary Army! I'll take you all to one of Revolutionary Army's branch later. For now, you are to work here as maid and housekeeper. We'll provide your daily necessities as your payment. Any complaint? " Najenda asked and the family member shakes their head, seemingly not minding getting payment with daily necessities. " Well then, your job start tomorrow. Take a rest for this day. I'll ask someone to tend your injuries first. " Najenda said.

" I've brought them. " Gilga said as he takes out a first aid kit from his bag and starts tending their wounds.