Genius? More like a messed up genius!


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

After the family Gilga saved are accepted by Najenda and treated by Gilga, they head to their appointed room and sleep there together.

" Ms.Najenda. There's something I need to report. Just now, on my way to the capital, I spotted a group of Revolutionary Army that had been massacred. " Gilga informed.

" I see. " Najenda nodded calmly as she smokes her cigarette.

" You're pretty calm about this. " Gilga stated.

" We, the Revolutionaries, are aware that death lurks around, and we can die anytime. So, this kind of news is nothing new to me. " Najenda answered.

" I see. " Gilga said while sighing.

" So, tonight's mission, are you joining or what? " Najenda asked.

" Hmmmm... I think I'll just accompany them till Iokal's mansion before heading to the capital as I have matter to attend there. " Gilga answered.

" Oh? What is more important than eliminating the prime minister's relative? " Najenda asked while grinning.

" Protecting the people. " Gilga answered as he turns back as leave Najenda alone.

After waiting for hours, Gilga and all of the Night Raid members head towards Iokal's mansion, which is located on top of a mountain. Faraway from the mansion, on a certain cliff, Mine, Tatsumi and Gilga are waiting for Iokal's appearance there.

" So, flat chest over here will snipe down Iokal, while Tatsumi and me will be guarding her? And the rest are to eliminate any pursuiters? Boring... I wanna kill someone! " Gilga grumbled as he is chosen for guarding Mine.

" Well, if you aren't satisfied with this, you can just stay at the base as we completed our mission. And your prize will become mine! Mwahahahaha!!!! " Mine laughed.

" Hmm. Is that so? Well I hope you don't mess up you small tit. " Gilga sneered as he leaves.

" Sma-!! What the hell! He really left! " Mine snarled.

" Don't worry Mine! You're the type who looks small under clothes. " Tatsumi said, but received a spank from Mine.

" What's that for! " Tatsumi asked while rubbing his cheek.

" For mentioning my size! " Mine snarled.

" But, Gilga mentioned your size too right? " Tatsumi asked and then received another spank from Mine.

" Heh! I hate to say it, but I already got used to him calling me small tits. But you... " Mine said, but stopped midway as she gets into sniping mode.

' What an amazing concentration! I can feel her willpower just by being on her side. ' Tatsumi thought. " Hey. What's wrong? " Tatsumi asked.

" He's out. " Mine said and then Tatsumi takes out his binoculars and looks at the mansion's entrance. There, a fat man with small glasses can be seen exiting the mansion surrounded by girls.

" Wait! You aren't going to shoot from here right? You'll hit the innocent people! " Tatsumi said.

" So what? " Mine said without batting an eye.

" Don't tell me you- " Tatsumi said, but before he finished his words, Mine shoots her pumpkin, causing Tatsumi to look at Iokal's mansion directly.

" Hughu!!! " Iokal wailed in pain as the laser shot by Mine landed perfectly on his nut, castrating him. He then kneel to the ground while covering his castrated member.

" .... " Tatsumi looks at Mine in horror while subconsciously protecting his treasure.

" What's that look for? It's not like I'm going to shoot you or anything. " Mine said, annoyed, without looking at Tatsumi.

" But you just shot me this afternOON!!! " Tatsumi exclaimed and then Mine shoot another laser which pierced through his gut.

" Uargh!!!! " Iokal wailed in pain again as he falls to the ground while holding his bloodied hollow gut.

" That's because you intrude into my room and see me naked! " Mine snarled with her face red.

" Yeah! That's because- " Tatsumi said, but got his word cut as Mine shoots another laser aimed at Iokal's head, killing him instantly.

" Listen! I'm the boss and you're my underling. And as an underling, you should listen to me and and not question my decision! " Mine stated. " Do you understand? " Mine asked.

" But- " Tatsumi said.

" DO! YOU! UNDER! STAND!? " Mine asked with broken words, not letting Tatsumi speak any further.

" But- " Tatsumi said again, but got interjected by Mine again as she points Pumpkin at Tatsumi's face

" Go~t it? ♪♪ " Mine asked with a chilling smile.

" G... Got it. " Tatsumi said submissively.

" Good! Then,let's head to our rendezvous spot! " Mine said and then heads to the rendezvous point. Tatsumi follows her closely behind.

Meanwhile, on Akame's group.

" Uargh!!!!! " Guard I cried in pain as he gets crushed by Ieyasu's Grarl.

" Killing the minister's relative! You guys are courti- " Guard II attempted to talk, but got frozen by Sayo's Wintreas.

" What are they?! These people! They're... Argh!!! " Guard III said before got slashed in his throat by Navia.

" !!! " Guard IV looks at his dead comrades in horror.

" Getting distracted are we? " Leone said as she lands a straight on Guard IV's face, disfiguring him and breaking his skull, killing him instantly.

" Ha~h!!! I feel refreshed!! " Leone said with satisfaction as her beast ears keeps flapping nonstop.

" Well, I guess they are really strong if Leone-san acted like that after defeating them. " Sheele said.

" You mean Leone Nee-san right? " Leone asked while smiling closely at Sheele.

" Y... Yes Leone Nee-san. " Sheele said.

" They've grown a lot. " Bulat nodded.

" But... We didn't get any kill didn't we? " Lubbock protested.

" Then, half of your reward will be mine then. " Leone said.

" Ehh?!!! No way! How the hell would I have fun in the capital then? " Lubbock retorted.

And then Lubbock and Leone keeps arguing, and the Night Raid members just laughed at their action except one person.

' There should've been five bodyguards. Where are the other one? ' Akame thought. ' Don't tell me?! Gilga! ' Akame thought as she hurriedly heads to the rendezvous point.

Near the rendezvous point, Mine and Tatsumi are passing the forest and headed towards the rendezvous point.

" You know? I really hate people who used connection to oppress people. " Mine suddenly said.

' Huh? What is this girl talking about so suddenly? Perhaps this kind of things happened in her past too? ' Tatsumi thought.

" Ok. Ok. As a special service, I'll tell you about my past.  Mine said after she heaved a sigh.

' And she's telling me. Even though I didn't ask her. ' Tatsumi thought, and then Mine told Tatsumi about her past. Where she's born, her mixed blood, how messed up her past was, the reason she joined the Revolutionary Army and her oath, which is " Never will I let any kind of discrimination! So that there's no kid that have to go through what I did! "

" Mine... " Tatsumi called out as he feels touched by her words.

" ... And of course, as someone who helped to change this country, I'll get a lot of money and live the rest of my life easily! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! " Mine said and then followed by her usual irritating laugh.

' I change my mind! This runt! ' Tatsumi thought as veins appeared on his temple.

" Oh! We've arrived! So, mission accomplished!" Mine said cheerfully.

" Well, our mission isn't over until we report it. " Tatsumi retorted.

" Hooo... ' Our mission isn't over until we report it '. That's what Akame taught y- Kya! " Mine said, but before she finished her words, Tatsumi pushed her to the side, causing her to yelp in surprise.

Mine wished to scold Tatsumi, but Tatsumi has been blown away by a blonde braided hair man.

" Tatsumi! " Mine called out.

" Th... This guy! An assistant instructor of the Koukenji for ten years. As expected, he's strong! " Mine exclaimed.

" Looks like my skills have rusted. To think that blow didn't do it's work like how it used to. I've gotten dull. " The guard sighed.

" Full of yourself aren't we! " Mine said as she points Pumpkin at the guard.

" Ops. Not gonna let you shoot that dangerous toy! " The guard said as he approached Mine.

Mine reflexively shoots Pumpkin, but her laser got dodged by the guard masterfully.

" No way! " Mine said.

" Yes way! And now, prepare yourself as I'll deliver you to the minister! You better prepare yourself. " The guard said as he appeared in front of Mine.

" Don't joke around! I won't let you take her! " Tatsumi said angrily.

" Oh? And why is that? " The guard asked.

Without answering, Tatsumi leaps to the guard and exchanges blows with him.

" Tatsumi! What're you doing? Where're your weapon? " Mine asked.

" That Gilga! He took it away! " Tatsumi said angrily.


Meanwhile with Gilga.

" Achoo!!! " Gilga sneezes. " Looks like Tatsumi realized his weapons are gone. Hehehe. " Gilga chuckled.

*Sniff *sniff

" As expected, there's blood stench on that area. " Gilga mumbles as he heads to an alleyway in the capital.

' Bingo! There he is! ' Gilga thought as he sees blonde middle aged man wearing a light brown jacket.

This will be on the next chap, so... Back with Tatsumi and Mine!


" He took it away? " Mine asked in surprise. " Did he have some loose screw on his brain or something? " Mine added.

" Anyways, let's deal with him first! After that, I'll ask Gilga why he did that! " Tatsumi said as he continues to deliver punches to the guard.

' What kind of martial art is this?! I've never seen it before! ' The guard thought as he desperately fends off Tatsumi's blow.

" Now Mine! Shoot! " Tatsumi suddenly shouted, causing the guard to look at Mine. But Mine isn't shooting him at all. But, that's the time he realized that he's been fooled, as Tatsumi holds him, stopping him from moving.

" Tatsumi... To think that you'll sacrifice yourself for me... " Mine said while holding her tears.

" I'm not sacrificing myself, you moron! " Tatsumi retorted. " You're a genius right? I've got my bet in you! " Tatsumi said with a grin while looking at Mine.

" Wha!! Let go!! You damned brat! " The guard roared as he starts showering Tatsumi's body with rain of punches.

" ... You cocky newbie! I'll do as you like! " Mine said as she pointed pumpkin at the guard and starts charging.

" W... Wait a sec! " The guard said, but Mine pulled Pumpkin's trigger, shooting out a beam of laser that went through the guard's chest, hollowing it.

" Urgh!! Y... you all! Gah!! To lay a hand on the minister's relative... Don't think " the guard said before breathing his last breath.

" You've got some courage... I can't help but be a little impressed by~ Hunya?! " Mine said, but let out a weird Yelp of pain because Tatsumi flicks her forehead. She then looks at Tatsumi while rubbing her red forehead in confusion.

" You say what you want... But, so you really need to shoot his chest?! Look at what you did to my hair!!! " Tatsumi said as he shows Mine his charred hair.

" Ah! And when I'm just going to admit you!!! " Mine snarled.

" Shut up! You're not a genius at all! You're stuck somewhere on a baby's level! " Tatsumi said.

" What?! Of course I'm a full fledged genius! " Mine snarled.

" Genius? More like a messed up genius! " Tatsumi retorted and then their bickering starts.

" Looks like your worry is not needed. " Leone said while patting Akame's shoulder.

" Gilga... Where's he? " Akame mumbles.

" Come to think of it. Where did that boy go? " Leone asked while looking around.

' Why do I feel uneasy... ' Akame thought. ' Please be safe Gilga. ' Akame added.

After that, Akame and co returns to the hideout, and Gilga's confrontation with the mysterious man is about to unfold!