Zank the Executioner


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

In a dark alleyway of the capital, a middle aged blonde haired man can be seen smiling dementedly.

" Splendid!! Splendid!! An assassin and Teigu user just like me! Splendid!! Splendid!! Looks like I can go all out here! Splendid!! Truly splendid!! " The man said as his disturbing smile widen.

" Wait! You there!! You look suspicious! Put your- eh? " The imperial police said as he points his gun, but before he finished his word, he sees the suspicious man upside down. And it all ends when he feel the floor on his temple.

' What... So... Fast. ' The guard thought before life leaves his eyes.

" Hehehe...Hahahahaha! Splendid!! Splendid!! The capital is the perfect place to live! I can behead people as much as I want!! And there's still more people for me to behead! Splendid!! Truly splendid!! " The man cackled disturbingly.

" So... You're that executioner... Jack is it? " A voice reverberates from his back.

" Huh? By Jack, you mean Zank! Zank right? To think that someone would spell my name wrongly. Splendid!! Truly splendid!! No.. it's beyond splendid!! Yes... Beyond splendid!! " Zank exclaimed happily as he turns back and witnessed a young man with golden colored hair. He is indeed Gilga!

" Hrmm? Who are you? From your clothes, you're not from the imperial police... And from your equipments, you're not your ordinary thugs. Just who are you? " Zank asked.

" None of your business. What you need to know is, I'm the one who's going to kill you! " Gilga said as he takes out Black's Bane and took his stance.

" Hooo? You wanted to fight me? What for? We have no grudge against each other! " Zank said while cackling.

" What I want from you? Your head! " Gilga sneered as he leaps forward and slashes at Zank.

" Hoo!! So, you'll come to me at front! " Zank said as he takes a step back, dodging Gilga's slash by small margin. " And then, you'll swing it up again! " Zank said as he takes a step back again, dodging Gilga's attack again. " And then, you'll step back to create distance between us! And, do you think I'll let you do that!! " Zank said as he leaps towards Gilga with his retractable blades on his hands.

" So, you'll come at me by swinging your right. " Gilga said as he unsheathed Lird and blocks Zank's first strike. " And then, you'll follow up with swinging your left. " Gilga said again and using Black's Bane, Gilga block Zank's strike again. " And, it's all going to end with you doing a stabbing attack on my windpipe, but all of your efforts got countered by the great me! " Gilga said as he crossed Lird and Black's Bane, blocking Zank's attack.

Zank could only look at Gilga with amazement, confusion, and bewilderment. What he did just now is like him using his Teigu to read his attack pattern.

" You're thinking about how the hell am I doing it? It's like I'm using one of your your Teigu, Spected's, five sight abilities, Insight, isn't it? " Gilga asked.

" What in the actual! Splendid! Truly splendid!! " Zank said happily as he pushes Gilga, but to no avail as Gilga's stronger than him. " Not only you're strong, but you're well informed! Splendid! Truly splendid! Looks like I won't get bored and I can go all out! " Zank added as he leaps backward and creates distances between him and Gilga.

" You said that, but you still haven't taken off your jacket. It's like you're going easy on me aren't you shithole! " Gilga retorted.

" Hooo. And here I thought that you still haven't unleashed even 60% of your strength. " Zank retorted back as he takes off his jacket.

" Hooo. A state of emptiness. Splendid! Truly splendid! Not everyone can do that! This is splendid! Truly splendid! " Zank said happily as he realized Gilga's not thinking anything or showing any emotions on his face. " But, even though you're without thought, you still can't defeat me as this eye's Insight doesn't only let me read an opponent's mind by their facial expression, but I can also read your attack judging by your muscle movement, like this!! " Zank said as he steps back, dodging Gilga's strike and then swings his blades towards Gilga.

" I know about that annoying abilities of yours. That's why, your attacks won't connect to me! " Gilga snorted as he once again blocks Zank's attack and continues exchanging slashes.

" Splendid! Truly splendid! Now, I want your head even more! I want to add your head to my shrunken head collection!! Splendid! Truly splendid!! " Zank said happily as he continues raining slashes on Gilga, which he parries rather easily.

"  My neck isn't so weak that you can sever it easily! What's more, shut up! You're noisy as fuck! I really starts to doubt whether you're an executioner or an entertainer! " Gilga snorted as he does a powerful swing, forcing Zank to take a step back.

" Well, I'm sorry for being noisy, but talking is my hobby you see. " Zank said. " And, I'm a master executioner! Not an entertainer! " Zank roared as he leaps towards Gilga while swinging his blades.

" I've been wondering, why are you covering your ears with that thing? " Gilga asked as he keeps slashing.

" Oh?! Very observing! Splendid! Splendid! No one has ever asked me my I wore this! " Zank exclaimed as he continues changing slashes with Gilga. " Well, since you're the first one, I don't mind telling you. " Zank said happily without stopping his slashes.

" You know that I used to be an executioner right? " Zank asked while slashing at Gilga.

" So what? You're suffering from schizophrenia? " Gilga asked while still parrying Zank's slashes.

" Schizophrenia? What's that? " Zank asked while changing his attacks from slashing to stabbing.

" I mean, you heard some voices. Like how they asked you to join them in hell or something like that? " Gilga said.

" !!!! Splendid!! Truly splendid!! " Zank laughed happily. " Say... How do you know about it? Even Insight doesn't let me know that kind of things. Are you perhaps like me? Killed countless of people! Do you hear their sounds too? Splendid! Truly splendid! I am always talkative to suppress the sounds, but they've been exceptionally loud lately. So, how do you... " Zank continued happily as he continues stabbing, but to his surprise, Gilga does a power swing and forcefully making him take a step back again.

" I never heard it... " Gilga said coldly with cold expression.

" What?! " Zank asked in surprise.

" I said, I never heard the sound. " Gilga said coldly.

" Shame! Truly a shame!! To think that I had found someone who understands me! Looks like I'm mistaken! " Zank said, and luminous light appeared from Spected.

" Ugh. My eyes. " Gilga said while rubbing his eyes.

After he finished rubbing his eyes, to his surprise, Zank is nowhere to be seen. But, a girl can be seen. But strangely, the girl's appearance keeps changing.

' What? Sayo? Navia? Seryu? Leone? Chelsea? Akame? What the fuck? ' Gilga thought, and then the girl suddenly leaps towards him while brandishing her sword.

Without hesitation, Gilga does a sword quickdraw and slashes the girl, thus shattering the illusion world.

In front of him, Zank is gasping for breath hardly while looking at Gilga with disbelief and horror as his blades are positioned in front of his chest, protecting it.

" H... How is this possible!!! You should've seen the person you loved most in this world!! " Zank said horrified.

" Because I love my girls equally. There's no discrimination at all, so when you used what did you call that? ' Illusion sight ' is it? " Gilga explained. " So, what I looked in that illusion was a person with changing appearances, rendering your Illusion sight useless. " Gilga explained. " Besides, the fight is almost over. " Gilga sneered as takes out Tyrant Nova and merges with it. And then he takes out Lird, Incursio's key and Black's Bane, wielding it in three sword style. ( Black's Bane on his right, Incursio's key on his left and Lird on his mouth. ~ Summon! Roronoa Zoro! ~ :v)

" What's with that stance?! !!! " Zank mumbles, and then his face got painted in horror as he realized his weapons are cracking.

" ' Not good!! It's breaking!! ' is what you thought isn't it? " Gilga said as he leaps towards Zank in an unparalleled speed unlike before.

" I'm not going to die here!!! Not here! Not now!! You can't kill me!! " Zank roared as he counterattacks.

" Heh. You're fighting against three weapons with two weapons. What can you hope to achieve? " Gilga sneered as he keeps attacking, and for the first time, his attack connected to Zank, grazing him.

" Nuoooohh!!!!!!! " Zank starts getting desperate with each attack become more messy and with more openings.

After exchanging around fifty slashes, Gilga does a powerful upside swing, shattering Zank's blades.

" Punishment time! " Gilga said as he slashes Zank's windpipe.

" Gah!!!! " Zank spat out a mouthful of blood as blood gushes out from his severed throat.

" So, how is it? You can no longer hear the sound of the dead right? " Gilga asked.

" Hehehe. Splendid!! Truly splendid!! Thank you so much... Young man... " Zank said as he closed his eyes.

" It's Gilga. And not young man. I'm not that old yet! " Gilga retorted as he sheathes his weapons, retrieve Zank's head and Imperial Arms and disassembles his body before heading to Seryu's house.


Meanwhile in the Northern Continent, 10km outside the Northern Land Fortified City. A battalion can be seen marching towards it. From their suit, they are the Imperial Army's subjugation force.

" General! Enemy's city is up ahead! " An imperial soldier informed the general as he pointed towards the Fortified City.

The general is a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a choker on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest.

" So, that's the Northern Tribes' rumored Fortified City huh? Looks big as hell... " A general said, and then she starts grinning sinisterly. " Just a perfect cage to imprison themselves in! " The general grinned.

" Everyone! We'll strike the tomorrow! We'll camp here! " The general shouted and the Imperial Army's subjugation force roared in agreement and then they set up their tents.

" Reporting General! The prime minister wished for your return after the subjugation of the Northern Tribe. " A soldier reported.

" Noted. " The general said. " Wait. Why did he summon me? " The general suddenly asked.

" It's stated in the message that he wanted the general to deal with Night Raid in the capital, as they assassinated the minister's relative. " The soldier informed.

" Oh? To think someone cares to touch that fatass' relative... They got some guts. They probably serve as a good opponent for me. " The general grinned sinisterly again. " Well, join the others on the party. And remember to tell them that don't get too drunk. We're attacking the Northern Tribes tomorrow. " The general reminded.

" Yes! General Esdeath! " The soldier saluted before leaving.

" Hehehe. Night Raid eh? Looks like I won't be dissatisfied in the capital. " Esdeath grinned happily.


Back in the capital, in front of Seryu's house.

" Seryu! I'm here. " Gilga shouted, but there's no answer from Seryu's house.

" I'm coming in. " Gilga said as he unlocks and opens the door and directly heads to Seryu's room.

Outside the room, Koro can be seen sitting down while closing it's ear.

" Oi. I'm here with food. " Gilga said as he tossed out Zank's body part except his head.

" Kyu??? " Koro looks at Gilga with confusion.

" Serial killer body. " Gilga stated and then without warning, Koro devours the body parts gluttonously.

' Why's it covering it's ... ' Gilga thought and he stopped thinking as he can hear moaning coming from Seryu's room.

Without warning, Gilga opens the door and realizes Seryu who's playing with her private part.

" H.. huh? G... Gilga?! " Seryu gasps in surprise with her beet red face when she notices Gilga.

" Looks like you're ready to go huh? " Gilga said as he closed the door and then does the thing with Seryu, filling the house with her moans for hours before they settle down and sleep like a log till the morning.