Officially my Man


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Well, what I can say is, Esdeath will arrive in the capital either tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow " Gilga said while looking at his phone.

" Is that a Teigu? I've been wondering what it's ability is. " Najenda said while looking at Gilga's phone.

" Well you're free to consider it as one, but it'll only work if I'm the one using it. " Gilga said. " And I appreciate it if you don't insist on touching this. " Gilga added.

" As for it's ability, it can search for anyone, anything, anywhere. Be it on the ground or hidden beneath the ground. It can also inform me of big events that happens in the world. " Gilga said, surprising Najenda.

" Anyways, I've served my purpose here, so I'll excuse myself. " Gilga said as he heads to the exit and stay with his three girls and spend a lustful night together.

" ... Esdeath will be back huh... Looks like I need to think of a plan. " Najenda mumbles as she engrossed herself on thinking about how to counter Esdeath for the night.

Tomorrow morning, Najenda issued orders to deal with some people in the capital. Sayo and Navia are paired together with Akame, Tatsumi and Ieyasu are paired with Leone, Bulat with Lubbock and Mine with Sheele. Gilga heads to the capital alone and like usual stroll around the city.

But, when he's strolling around the city, someone grabbed his jacket, dragging him into an alley.

" Muuu.... Where have you been last night? " Seryu pouted.

" ... I have matters last night. That's why I didn't head to your house. " Gilga said with awkward smile. " By the way, I want you to do something for me.  " Gilga said as he whispered something to Seryu and passes something to her which caused her to look at Gilga with shock and disbelief.

" Are you serious? Why would you... " Seryu asked. " But, since you're the one asking it, I won't probe any further. " Seryu said.

" Good girl. " Gilga said as he pats Seryu's head.

" Muuu... I'm older than you! Don't treat me like a kid. " Seryu pouted.

" Well, you're basically still a kid to me. " Gilga smiled. ' Although in reality I'm already 30 something mentally. ' Gilga thought.

" Muuuuu... Fine then. I'll continue patrolling. " Seryu said as she heads back to patrol again with Koro.

" Oh! You there! Can I help you with something? " Seryu sound can be heard by Gilga.

' That line... Don't tell me!!! " Gilga thought as he peeks outside and notices Seryu getting close to Tatsumi.

" Ah! You're the one with Gil... " Seryu said, but before she finished her word, Gilga gets close to them.

" Oh! Tatsumi? What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Nee-san? " Gilga asked and then winks at Seryu. Seryu who notices this decides to watch them first.

" I'm separated from Nee-san. And it seems like I'm lost. " Tatsumi said and then Gilga nodded at Seryu.

" You're lost? We can't have that. Do you know where you're supposed to meet with your Nee-san? " Seryu asked.

" If I'm not wrong, it should be... " Tatsumi then explained the place he's going.

" I see. Then, please follow me. I'll take you there as I continue patrolling. " Seryu said as she leads the way.

" Wait... Where's Ieyasu by the way? " Gilga asked.

" Oh. No worry. Nee-san is dragging him with her when escaping. " Tatsumi said.

" I see. Then, that's cool. There's no telling where he'll go if he gets lost. " Gilga sighed.

" I agree. " Tatsumi also sighed.

After a few minutes, they arrived at their destination.

" Well then, this is the place you're looking for. " Seryu said.

" Thank you very much... Ummm... " Tatsumi said while scratching his head.

" Is something the matter? " Seryu asked while looking at Tatsumi with confusion.

" How should I address you? " Tatsumi asked while scratching his cheek.

" Ah! Seryu... Seryu Ubiquitos. That's my name. " Seryu said with a smile.

" Thank you Seryu-san. " Tatsumi bowed.

" Don't sweat it. If you have problems, you can look for me. " Seryu said while waving her hand as she drags Koro and get back to her patrolling duty.

" Say... Isn't she the one we meet that day before assassinating Ogre? " Tatsumi asked.

" Huh? Maybe you mistook her for someone. " Gilga said.

" But, her name is also Seryu. " Tatsumi said.

" Must be your imagination. Besides, how the hell did you get separated from Nee-san? " Gilga asked, changing the topic.

And then Tatsumi told Gilga about how he gets separated from Leone.

" I see. So, she told you to wait here and heads to the red light district if she hasn't come when the sun sets. " Tatsumi said.

" Are you sure going there, even though you already have Mine? " Gilga asked, causing Tatsumi to blush.

" What does it have to do with her? " Tatsumi flinched.

" Hehehe. Should I tell her? " Gilga asked.

" Don't you dare. " Tatsumi said.

" Oh? You dare threaten me? " Gilga threatened as he looks at Tatsumi while smiling evilly.

" Forgive me! I'm mistaken! " Tatsumi said while kneeling on the floor.

" Hehehe. It's good that you still know your place. " Gilga chuckled as he and Tatsumi heads to the red light district together.

The red light district unlike the Main Street, is even more bustling with people. The road is filled with various people, such as citizens, travellers, merchants, mercenaries and guards, while on the balcony of the building and in front of it, beautiful girls can be seen.

Leone, Ieyasu, Tatsumi and Gilga are standing on the roof of a building.

" So, this is the red light district? It definitely makes your heart beat faster. " Tatsumi said in awe with his face red.

" Yeah. All of those beauties! Gosh! Why couldn't I just enjoy myself here! " Ieyasu wailed.

" Ieyasu... I'm speechless... You're like a beast in mating season... " Leone said.

" Tatsumi. You want me to show your reaction when you arrive here? " Gilga asked while showing the picture of Tatsumi who's looking at the city with red face and lustful eyes.

" No! Don't! " Tatsumi said while blushing.

" You're teasing him too much Gilga... " Leone said. " Anyways, it's money making time! " Leone exclaimed as she turns into her beast form.

" Alright! Changing into this form always excites me! " Leone said with satisfaction.

" Anyways, let's sneak in Tatsumi. We've got some killings to do. " Leone said as she picks Tatsumi up.

" Eh? How about me? " Ieyasu asked, but Gilga lifts him and let him rest at his shoulder.

" You are going with me. " Gilga said, and then Leone bolted forward then followed by Gilga behind her as they heads to a building full of guards outside.

" Impossible! Impos... " Ieyasu cried out, but Leone and Gilga crashed into building without anyone noticing.

" Phew! Infiltration success! " Leone said while wiping her sweat.

" So, that's what you mean by sneaking in? " Tatsumi said while laying weakly on the ground.

" Come! Come! Look! " Leone said as she opens a part of the roof revealing a room filled with girls. In the middle of the room, there's a incense burner filled with burning drugged incense.

Tatsumi and Ieyasu holds their urge to puke. And then the door to the room opened revealing two man. One is wearing an eye patch with unshaven moustache and the other man is wearing an expensive looking suit.

" Hohoo~♪! Very good! Very good! " The eye patched man said. " Hey girls! Keep earning money and I'll send in more medicine. " The man continued.

" Boss. This one here is done for. " The other man said, and the eye patched man comes closer as takes a look.

" Damn. This one's broken already! She smells like fish! " The eye patched man said.

" Ah!!!! Mister! Do you have some more drugs?! I... I need them! " The girl said while sticking out her tongue.

" We need her no more. Dispose of her. We'll get a new one from the slum to take her place. " The eye patched man ordered.

The expensive suited man then raised his fist highly, and then swings it at the girl. But, to his surprise, he can't swing his arm to hit the girl. Not that he can't, because his arm is decapitated by Gilga.

" Uargh!!!!! My arm!!! My arm!!! " The man wailed as his severed arm gushes out blood, painting the tatami mat red.

" Ahhh!! That idiot... " Leone said while facepalming. " But, that kind of attitude is what Nee-san likes from you. " Leone mumbles.

" Hitting a girl who can't even retaliate... Now, this is the kind of trash that needs to be disposes of. " Gilga said as he continues to sever the man's other arm and legs.

" Uargh!!!!!!!! Help me bro!!!!! " The man cried, but to his surprise, his bro is no longer there.

" Oh? He runs away. Just what you expect from a being lower than human. " Gilga sneered as he sheathes his sword and squats above the man.

" You like hitting right? So, let's give you a taste of being hit. " Gilga smiled evilly as he starts beating the shit out of the man.

" Nee-san, Tatsumi, Ieyasu. Annihilated everyone that's associated with the drug dealer! " Gilga ordered, and the trio moved out and slaughtered everyone including the eye patched man.

" Uuuuwuu!! " The man Gilga beat cried as his face is swollen from Gilga's beating and he's tired from excessive blood loss.

" Oya? Is that it? No more strength to shout? " Gilga said. " Well then, goodbye. " Gilga sneered as he lands a straight on his enemy's face, crushing his skull, splattering brain matters and shattering the tatami mat.

" Now then... " Gilga mumbles as he takes out Black's Bane and grazes the calf of the girls, and cries of pain echoes throughout the room.

" Eh? What am I-? " A woman said in surprise.

" Where am I? " Another woman asked.

And then the room is filled with questions. But then a woman saw a letter and read it out.

" You're free now. Go back to your home. " A woman said and all of them cheered happily as they all exits the mansion after wearing clean clothes and head back to their own house.

" You're pretty soft aren't you Gilga? " Tatsumi said while patting Gilga's shoulder.

And then Leone gets close to Gilga and licks his ear then nibbles it, ignoring Tatsumi and Ieyasu.

" What're you doing Nee-san? " Gilga asked while looking at Leone.

" Hrmm? Marking you of course... Now, I officially approve you as my man. " Leone said while smiling with beet red face.

" What!? Nee-san. It hurts. " Gilga said while forcing a smile. " So, what do you take me as these past few days? " Gilga asked.

" A horny lustful beast. " Leone said bluntly, freezing Gilga on the spot, and Tatsumi laughed at Gilga alongside Ieyasu, which doesn't last long because of Gilga's death glare.

" Now, it hurts even more Nee-san. Couldn't you s.... " Gilga said, but got his word interrupted by Leone's kiss.

" Is that enough to treat your pain? " Leone asked while sticking out her tongue. But Gilga grabs her head and confronts in a passionate kiss again.

" Ummm.... We're still here y'know? " Tatsumi and Ieyasu said in tandem.

" Cheh! " Gilga clicked his tongue after disconnecting the kiss.

" Did he just click his tongue? " Tatsumi said.

" Uargh! Even though you already have Sayo and Navia-chan!!! " Ieyasu roared.

" Heh. " Gilga sneered as he heaved a sigh.

" I don't need your pity! " Ieyasu said angrily.

" Haha! Alright. No more messing around. You all head back to the base first. " Gilga said.

" What're you up to again? " Leone asked.

" I have a bad premonition. " Gilga said as he heads towards the garden which is Mine and Sheele's escape route.

Meanwhile, near that very garden, Sheele and Mine is dashing full speed ahead, unaware of the spying Imperial Police on the tree.

" That Chibul guy was too wary of attacks. Don't you think so Sheele? " Mine asked.

" Hmmm... But it turns out alright doesn't it? Mine? " Sheele said.

" So, that's Night Raid's Sheele. Just like what Gilga said. They'll pass here tonight. " Seryu sneered. " Koro! Berserker Mode!!! "