

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Koro! Berserker Mode!! " Seryu ordered as she throws Koro towards Sheele and Mine. And then Koro's fur turns red as it's body become bigger with defined six packs on it's abdomen and a pair of arms with firm muscles.

" ROOOOOOOOOAAARRRRRRR!!! " Koro released a loud roar, sending shockwave, stopping Mine and Sheele as they covers their ears.

Koro then directly heads towards Sheele and devours her whole, causing red liquid to squirt out everywhere.

Mine watched in horror as Sheele is devoured by the beast that appeared out of nowhere. But Mine got no time to grief as Koro grabs her and squeezes her real hard, snapping both her arm.

" UUU... UAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! " Mine cried out in pain as her elbow is crushed and she doesn't have the slightest chance to retaliate.

" PTUU! " Koro spits out Extase which is covered in red liquid.

" AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!! SHEEELEEEEEEEE!!! " Mine cried continued and then a girl wearing Imperial Guard suit can be seen advancing towards her.

" Confirmed. Night Raid Sheele's death... And... Her companion? If I'm not mistaken, just now she called you Mine? " Seryu said while taking out a note book.

" Y... You coward!!! How dare you... AHHH!!!!!!! " Mine said, but before she finished her word, Koro squeezed her even harder, suffocating her.

' Ribs... My ribs are cracking! ' Mine thought as she could feel her ribs slowly cracking voices. ' No use... I can't muster any strength. ' Mine thought dejectedly.

" Koro! Loosen up. I still have questions for her. " Seryu said, and Koro slowly loosen up, and Mine inhales a mouthful of air before coughing.

" Where's Night Raid's base! " Seryu asked.

" Heh! Over my dead body! " Mine said while smiling.

" I gave you a chance. Don't say that I'm being ruthless. Koro! " Seryu said while shaking his head after sighing.

" AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! " Mine cried out in pain again as Koro squeezed her harder.

*slash! *thud!

" W... Wha!! " Seryu exclaimed in 'surprise' as a man wearing mask and black cloth suddenly appear as he slashes Koro's arm cleanly.

" Cheh! What's the situation flat board? " The masked man clicked his tongue while looking at Mine.

' That speech pattern. Gilga? ' Mine thought. " Sheele... She... " Mine sobbed.


Seryu takes out a whistle and blow it real hard, and then imperial polices surrounds the park as they slowly advances inside.

" Calling for back up? How unmanly of you... " Gilga said.

" Huh? I'm a woman, so why should I man up? " Seryu pouted while holding her arms.

" W... Woman.... That... That means you're taken? " Gilga said dejectedly. " Even though you're my type. *Sob. *Sob. " Gilga continued while sobbing.

" Well, enough fooling around. Koro! Pulverization blow! " Seryu ordered and then Koro leaps to them while raining them with punches.

Without warning, Gilga takes Mine's Pumpkin causing Mine who's on Gilga's arm to look at him in shock.

" No! You can't! You shouldn't use two... " Before Mine finished her words, Gilga shoots Pumpkin, and it's output is even greater than what she has ever shot out.

Sensing the force of the blow, Koro without delay, grabs Seryu and Extase, dodges Gilga's laser, and leaves.

" Fuck! My aim's off! " Gilga cursed. " How the hell did you get ambushed? " Gilga asked.

" I... " Mine trembles.

" That can wait! Escaping comes first! " Gilga said as he covers Mine's face, leaps past the Imperial Polices and gets in a dark alley before heading to the hideout.

In front of the hideout, Mine and Gilga's arrival is waited by the Night Raid members. Seeing Mine's injuries, everyone got worried as they hurriedly tends Mine's wound.

" What the hell happened? And why are you and Mine are the one who came back? Where's Sheele? " Najenda inquired.

Hearing Sheele's name, Mine starts to tear up as she starts explaining about Sheele's death. Gilga also averts his gaze with 'sadness'.

After Mine finished her explaination of how the ambushed look like and how she ambushed them, Night Raid members' showed various expressions.

Akame's eyes widen in disbelief as she grips Murasame hardly while trembling.

Bulat closes his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Lubbock, Navia, Sayo and Ieyasu cried, but Ieyasu's cry seems more miserable than the other three as he roared and screamed, seemingly in pain.

Leones expression is as cold as ice as she clenches her fist.

Najenda looks down with unreadable expression.

Tatsumi gritted his teeth with tears flowing from his eyes, as he turns and faces the capital's direction. Ieyasu also gritted his teeth as he takes Grarl.

" Wait. What're you planning to do Tatsumi? Ieyasu? " Najenda exclaimed.

" Isn't it obvious?!!! I'm going to take revenge for Mine and Sheele-san! " Tatsumi said.

" I'll be the one to kill Sheele's killer! " Ieyasu roared.

" Stop it. Both of you will increase the casualty number today If you do that. " Najenda said calmly.

" Hey! Our ally just got killed and badly injured! And we're not going to take revenge for her?! " Tatsumi roared.

" And, do you think the both of us will just stay here and do nothing?! " Ieyasu roared.

And then, in unison, Gilga and Bulat punched Tatsumi and Ieyasu, causing them to fall to the ground.

" Stop acting like a child! Tatsumi! " Bulat roared angrily.

" You too Ieyasu! Both of you need to compose yourself! " Gilga roared in anger after Bulat.

" I let you all join Night Raid and you all have already been briefed by them that death awaits them. So, why are you all acting out of control? Every members here are grieved more than we do! Are you trying to embarrass Sheele-san by following her to death like this?! " Gilga roared harder and then coughed to clear his sore throat from roaring.

" As Gilga said. We shouldn't embarrass Sheele. Her death is not necessarily pointless. We can learn to be vigilant even after we finished our missions. What's more, now, the empire surely have learnt the harsh truth that only Teigu users can beat another Teigu users, so they'll bring more Teigu users to fight for them. " Najenda said. " Which means we'll have more chances to increase our Teigu users count too. " Najenda continues.

" And this is also the beginning of life and death struggle. Got it? Tatsumi? Ieyasu? " Najenda asked and Tatsumi and Ieyasu look at her with eyes of a hungry beast. Hungry for revenge.

Meanwhile, outside the capital.

A dragon danger beast is heading towards the capital. Above it is a blue haired female alongside her three guards.

I deed, it's Esdeath and the Three Beasts.

" Capital! I'm back! " Esdeath declared with icy smile.

And meanwhile, in the basement of Seryu's house.

" Koro. Spit her out. " Seryu ordered and then Koro spits out an unconscious girl with her face covered with drugged cloth, preventing her from waking up.

Without waiting any longer, Seryu searches the girl's body for secret weapons before tying her on a chair, preventing her from moving.

" Why would Gilga bother asking me doing this kind of thing? " Seryu mumbles.

" Why do I feel like I'm being the bad girl here. " Seryu sighed as she heads to her room.

Back at Night Raid's hideout at night.

In the kitchen, Akame's preparing a dish with dangos on top of it. Coincidentally, Tatsumi and Ieyasu heads to the kitchen to look for beer to drown themselves in a moment of bliss.

" A midnight snack? " Tatsumi asked.

" No, Tatsumi. That's Sheele's favorite food. " Ieyasu said with teary eyes.

" Un. Since we worked in the shadow, Sheele's name will never be recorded in the history of the Revolutionary Army. " Akame nodded. " So, I have to remember her more than anyone else. " Akame added.

" She may have done many foolish things, but she's the kindest among us. " Akame said while looking down.

" Not many... A lot... That clumsy kind girl... " Ieyasu sobbed as he recalled Sheele's clumsiness, souring Akame's mood who's also sad from losing Sheele.

" But, you're amazing you know Akame... " Tatsumi said, confusing Akame.

" What do you mean by that? " Akame asked while looking at Tatsumi.

" You are so composed even after your comrade's death. I guess, you're used to it already. But we... We are still- " Tatsumi said, but before he finished his words, the plate on Akame's hand drops, shattering into pieces while producing a loud sound startling Tatsumi and Ieyasu.

" Used to it....? " Akame mumbles while getting close to Tatsumi.

" A... Akame? " Tatsumi said fearfully as he steps back, but got his collar caught and lifted by Akame.

" Sure enough I have seen a lot of my comrades fall in front of my eyes... However... " Akame said with trembling voice and watery eyes. " Our precious comrade just died! There's no way you could ever get used to this kind of pain!! " Akame roared while crying.

" But! Those feelings will have an impact on our next missions! So I go around and act like everything's just fine! " Akame continues roaring while clenching Tatsumi's collar stronger than before. " We work in the shadow! What would I do if I couldn't flip my switch?! " Akame added.

" And this is what you called composed?! I... How am I supposed to feel about Sheele's death? How am I?!! " Akame sobbed.

Hearing what Akame said, Tatsumi could only look at the ceiling with looks of guilt, as he remembered about Akame's reaction after his first mission.

" Tatsumi... Everyone here is grieved by Sheele's death... And... You... You just said those words easily... Just... How insensitive could you be? " Ieyasu said while sobbing.

Tatsumi then gritted his teeth as he raised his right arm, and hit himself with it, which surprised both Akame and Ieyasu.

" What're you doing? " Ieyasu asked in surprise.

" Ugh... I'm flipping my switch... " Tatsumi said as he rubbed his swollen cheek.

" Are you okay Tatsumi? " Akame asked worriedly.

" Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Anyways, I want to apologize to you and Ieyasu too. What Ieyasu said is true. I'm being insensitive and thoughtless. " Tatsumi said as he rises. " And I'll make you this promise! I'll not die! I won't let you and my friends experience this kind of pain anymore! " Tatsumi declared.

" Tatsumi... " Akame said while holding her hand as she looks at Tatsumi.

" Me too! I won't die until this country changes! And... Before I kill the one that killed Sheele. " Ieyasu declared and then said coldly.

" Ieyasu... " Akame said while looking at Ieyasu.


" Wait... Who's leaving the hideout this late at night? " Ieyasu said and then the three of them peek outside the window and notices a familiar figure dashing towards the capital.

A few minutes ago, in Sayo's room, Sayo, Navia and Leone's eyes are swollen from crying and grieving.

" Hey cheer up. Sheele isn't dead yet. " Gilga said, and then Leone landed a punch beside Gilga's face, grazing it.

" If that's a joke, that's not funny! " Leone snarled.

" Gilga. Stop it. You don't need to comfort us like that. " Sayo said while looking down.

" Yes. Just give us some time to mourn for her. " Navia said while resting her head on Sayo's shoulder.

" But... " Gilga said.

" Sorry Gilga. Tonight we aren't in the mood, so please leave us alone. " Sayo said as she slowly pushes Gilga outside the room.

' To think they're this devastated... But, it need to be done, or else all of them won't grow. ' Gilga thought while rubbing his injured cheek as he leaves the hideout.

" Don't you think that's going too far? " Navia mumbles. " Didn't you ask him to stay here tonight with us? " Navia added.

" ... " Sayo just stays silent as she looks down while crying as she remembered her short time with Sheele. " I just want to use this night to remember the short time I spent with Senpai. " Sayo sobbed.

" The one who killed Sheele... She won't die easily... " Leone cursed while once again punching the wall, cracking it.

And so, the Night Raid members spend the night griefing over Sheele's death, while Gilga heads to Seryu's house and Seryu welcomes him.

" How do you know I'm coming? " Gilga asked.

" Hehehe. What can I say? Love radar? " Seryu jested.

" I see. So, how is she? " Gilga asked.

" ... She's fine... Muuu.... I can  believe it. You came to my house and asked about another girl and not me? " Seryu pouted, but Gilga smiled as he lowers his head, raises Seryu's chin and seal her lip with his lip and confront in a passionate kiss battle.

" Hehehe. I know you're doing just fine. I deliberately miss that shot, but who would've thought that it'll be that powerful. " Gilga said as he checks Seryu's arms after disconnecting their kiss. He then notices that her arm is red because of the lasers heat.

" Looks like I owe you tonight. " Gilga said as he lifts Seryu and heads to her bed while kissing her and spend another memorable night with her.