Beaten up


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Uh. How long do you plan on grabbing my hand? " Run asked while still maintaining his smile. " I'm sorry, but I don't sway that way, Wave-kun. " Run added.

Hearing what Run said, Wave panickly let Run's hand go and retrieves his hand while operating his brain to think of a way out of this awkwardness.

" No! You see... It's just... " Wave said, but got interjected.

Suddenly, the masked who used to be siltnt when Wave came, called out.

" Uhmm... Everyone... I've made some tea. " The masked man said as he has a tray with five cups of tea on it. Then, Wave and Run sit on their respective seat to receive the tea.

The masked man then pass the tea to every people in the room.

" ... I must apologize.... " The masked man said when he passes a cup of tea to Wave.

Startled, Wave looks at the masked man with confusion.

" It's the first day and first time we met, yet I didn't even greet you... What's more, I made you feel uncomfortable... Truly, I apologize... " The masked man said.

" You see... I have a fear of stranger... So, I... I was nervous just now... Even though it looks like I have the most seniority, but I act like that...  " The masked man said.

' You have fear of stranger??? With your appearance?? Shouldn't it be reversed? An what's with your shy acting? It's unnerving! What kind of joke is this?! ' Wave ridicules inwardly.

" Umm... Anyways, let me introduce myself... I'm Bols from the Incineration squad... As a fellow Teigu user, let's get along! " Bols said while embracing the tray.

( Tray-kun : Help!! Please free me!!! )

" Hahaha... Let's get along well... " Wave laughed awkwardly and smiled awkwardly.

After laughing, Wave notices a white clothes woman covering her face with skull mask. Her icy long blue hair gives off a dangerous vibe.

" ... I don't recognize any of you! What are you all doing in this room?! " The masked woman inquired.

" What? Look now. We're summoned f- " Wave said, but before he finished his word, the masked woman leaps towards him and lands a kick on his gut.

" Guh! " Wave coughed and then sent flying by the woman.

" Your opponents are assassins! Always be on your guard! " The woman said, and then she leaps towards Run and starts kicking him, but to no avail as Run dodges her kick elegantly.

Seeing how Run dodges her kicks, the woman nodded with satisfaction.

The masked woman then jumps, as she dodges Seryu's leg sweep.

" Koro! Arms! " Seryu ordered and Koro grows a pair of humongous muscled arms and lands barrages of punch towards the masked woman.

" This one is good too! " The woman grinned behind her mask as she dodges Koro's attack and the pats its head, freezing it.

" No way... " Seryu looks at the frozen Koro with disbelief.

Without warning, the black haired girl unsheathes her katana and slashes at the masked woman.

" Even while playing around, I mustn't give this one any opening. " The woman said while smirking which can be seen because her mask got cut from the previous slash.

" So, that's the Teigu, Yatsufusa, huh? It's got a splendid cutting edge.. " The woman praised while taking off her broken mask.

" Gen... General Esdeath?! " Bols exclaimed when he notices Esdeath's face.

" Urgh!! " Wave groaned as he tries to sit down after getting kicked by Esdeath.

He then looks at Esdeath with shock.

' E... Even our boss is a weirdo?! ' Wave inwardly screamed. He doesn't know whether to laugh or cry facing this situation.

His boss is a weirdo. His colleagues are a shy man with the appearance of a torturer, a weird gluttonous girl, a girl that brings a dog that can grows a pair of muscular arms, a crazy homo, and finally a normal person...

' Mom... I really wanna go home... ' Wave inwardly cried.


Meanwhile on Night Raid's hideout.

Gilga, Spear, Sheele and Navia just arrived at the hideout.

" So, this is that Night Raid's base... " Spear said in awe and appreciation when she sees the huge base beneath the mountain.

" Huh? If it's isn't Gilga. " Tatsumi said. " And... S... Sheele-san? " Tatsumi said with trembling voice.

" H... How could this be? " Tatsumi asked.

" I'll explain later... Let's get inside first of all. " Gilga said, and he directly heads to the meeting room.

Inside the meeting room, Akame is seated with boredom on her face.

" I'm back. " Gilga said, and then Akame's eyes lit up as she looks at the door and realized Gilga's back... Although with two girls.

One is a total stranger to her, while the other one... When seeing the other one, Akame just looks at Gilga with anger and grabs his collar angrily.

" What kind of prank is this? Even if this is a prank, it's going too far! " Akame snarled. " Don't disrespect the deceased like this! " Akame continues snarling.

"Akame. I'm not pranking you. This is really Sheele. " Gilga said, and then Akame slaps his cheek.

" Akame-san... " Navia mumbles.

" I have no excuses. It's I who asked Seryu to assault Sheele and Mine. " Gilga said.

This time, a fist is coming from his right, which lands on his cheek, sending him flying.

Seeing the scene, Spear and Navia gasps in surprise.

The one who pinched Gilga is Tatsumi. He's clenching his fist so hard that blood can be seen flowing from his palm.

" You know that Sheele-san is our precious comrade, yet you're playing with our feeling like this. You asked her to hurt me, I don't mind... " Mine, who's standing behind Tatsumi, said. But before she finished her words, Tatsumi interjects.

" But I do mind! " Tatsumi growled.

Hearing this, Mine blushes slightly.

" That's why I said I have no excuses. True, I played with your feelings. " Gilga said while rubbing his cheek. " But, didn't you all get stronger because of that? " Gilga added, and then Bulat also appeared out of nowhere and lands another punch on his cheek.

' Fvck! They all didn't hold back! ' Gilga cursed, but he can only grit his teeth as he know he's the one on the wrong.

" If you want us to get stronger, then you can just tell us! You don't need to do this kind of shit! " Bulat reprimanded.

" ... " Gilga just stays silent as he rubs his cheek again. This time, he accidentally bit his lip, so blood can be seen trailing on the side of his mouth.

Seeing the blood trailing from Gilga's mouth, they all look at Bulat with disbelief.

" ... " Gilga then throws a pink present box for Tatdumi before heading out and heads to the mountain. Seeing Gilga leaving, Spear followed behind him closely.

The Night Raid members only look at each other with conflicted look.

" Don't you think you all have gone too far? " Navia asked.

" But still, he asked someone to kill Sheele-san and broke Mine's arms. " Tatsumi said.

" But, what he said is true. Without that incident, we won't grow. Don't you realize that you all have been vigilant towards your surrounding even after finishing your mission? " Lubbock said while putting his hand on the back of his head.

Hearing what Lubbock said, all of them then ponders deeply.

" What's important now is, are you the REAL Sheele-san? " Lubbock asked.

Hearing this, Sheele tilts her head, and as usual, her glasses drops to the ground and she starts to kneel and look for her glasses.

Seeing this Lubbock sighs and does a facepalm and then he looks at the rest of Night Raid's member.

" She's the real deal. " Lubbock said.

" But, what he did is wrong. I will at least forgive him... But, hurting- Ouch! " Tatsumi said, but then got slapped by Mine on his head.

" You needn't repeat that twice, geez. " Mine said while blushing.

" Argh!!! Damn you two love birds!!! " Lubbock snarled as he pounces towards Tatsumi and Mine, but got blocked by Leone.

" Eh? What's the matter? Why's everyone.... " Leone said, but then she witnesses Sheele.

" It doesn't hurts! So, I'm still dreaming! " Leone said while smiling.

" OUCH!! IT HURTS! LET ME GO!!! " Lubbock screamed in pain because Leone pinches and pulls his cheek.

*sniff *sniff *sniff

Leone merges with Lionel and starts sniffing Sheele, and she tears up and hugs Sheele.

" This smell! Sheele! It's you! You're alive! " Leone said while sobbing as she caresses her head.

" I'm home. " Sheele smiled as she puts on her glasses.

Seeing the heartwarming scene in front of them, the Night Raid members let out a smile after sighing.

" Hey. Where's Gilga? I thought I heard his voice just now. " Leone said while sniffing around and wagging her tail.

" Eh? Why is the scent heading outside? What's more, this scent is... Gilga is bleeding?! " Leone asked with a frown.

" Nee-san. Calm down. He's not feeling too well right now... " Lubbock said while smiling wryly.

" Then, it's all the more reason for me to be there with him... " Sayo said with swollen eyes.

She's been crying at night because she regrets what she had said to Gilga. How she didn't trust the words Gilga said. What's more, telling him to leave her for a moment.

" I'm back... " Ieyasu said tiredly.

And when he notices everyone's gathering, he gets close to them and sees Leone hugging someone he knows... Sheele.

Seeing her, emotions are welling up inside him. Joy, Anger, and Confusion.

Joy, because Sheele is still alive.

Anger, because who dares play a prank by faking Sheele's death.

Confusion, because he doesn't know whether this Sheele is the real or fake Sheele.

Anyways, he will ascertain this matter later. What's important is he's damn tired and he want to sleep after his boring infiltration and assassination missions.

" Anyways, I'm going to look for Gilga! " Sayo said

" Me too. " Navia said.

" Don't forget to count this Nee-san in. This Nee-san owes him an apology. " Leone said while smiling brightly.

After that the three of them heads towards where Gilga is by relying on Leones sense of smell to track Gilga.

" Say, what did he give you Tatsumi? " Mine asked.

" I dunno. I do t even want to look at it. " Tatsumi said.

" Then give it to me. I want to take a peek. " Mine said with a smile.

Tatsumi seeing her smile, obediently gives her the box. And when Mine opens the box, her eyes widen and she gasps in surprise while blishing..

" What's the matter? What's inside the b- Guh?" Tatsumi asked, but got a roundhouse kick from Mine instead, which send him flying.

" B... Baka! Stay away from me! " Mine said while blushing as she heads to her room and keep the box.

" What's gotten to her? Why does she get so worked up by the thing inside the box? " Tatsumi wondered, but then he forgets it as he heads out to Fake Mountain to train.

Inside Mine's room, Mine is sitting behind the door, making sure so noone can enter the room.

' C... Calm down me!! Why are you getting so worked up! " Mine thought while blushing.


Now, let's reveal what's inside the box, which caused Mine to blush crazily.

In the box is three items.

The first is a letter.


To Tatsumi,

I know that even after apologizing and writing this letter, you won't forgive me for what I've done to Mine. Indeed, I have no right to call you my brother anymore... So, at least, please accept these two gifts from me...

The first item is the marriage ring for you and Mine. It can elevate your mind and boost your mental energy considerably.

The second item is a tie like item... It's an cooling device. Coils it around Mine's Pumpkin in order to prevent it from overheating. Tell her to not worry about it's size as it is elastic and furthermore, adjustable.

Well, I hope you and Mine can get along well... Wish you and Mine all the best.

Addition : And I also hope that one day, she will grow more, so she wouldn't be as flat as she is now.

From your childhood friend,

Gilga. '

The second item is, as it has been mentioned in the letter, it's a pair of sapphire rings. On top of the ring is a shiny golden jewel which seems to be an item refined by Gilga.

The third item is a wide and scarf like item. It's pink in color, which is Mine's favorite, and it gives off a refreshing and chilling aura at the same time.


" Well, the scarf is nice. It's refreshing, and what's more, it's pink! " Mine said as she wraps herself with the scarf.

" And this ring... " Mine said while attempting to put the ring on her ring finger.


This word caused Mine to abruptly stop dead on her track and throws the ring back into the box before hiding the box and burns the letter.

' But, does he really need to mention my size even when he writes some damn letter?... He's pissing me off! I hope you die a painful death! ' Mine cursed inwardly.