Tournament ( Part 1 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

In the night at Fake Mountain, Gilga is watching the sky with his still swollen face and red cheek, seemingly drunken.

On Gilga's left is two wine barrels. One of them has been emptied by Gilga, while the other is waiting for Gilga to finish.

Behind Gilga are the corpses of the Wood and Rock Mimic danger beasts. They all have been either cut to pieces or smashed to bits.

On his right is Spear, who is watching Gilga sadly. Never have she ever thought that Gilga would be beaten up by his friends when he came back to the base.

Indeed, from what she heard from their arguments, Gilga's going too far by faking Sheele's death. However, Gilga's intention when doing those things is good. But, breaking someone's arms is also going too far, but they all had a lot of improvement and gained a lot of lesson. Yet they still beat Gilga up without lending an ear to what Gilga's saying.

Gilga then sits down and pours the wine into his mug again and continues drinking.

" Spear... Are you pitying me? " Gilga asked somewhat annoyed when he notices Spear's gaze.

Spear then shakes her head.

" ... Then why with the sad face? Why look at me with sad face? *Hic " Gilga asked.

" It's just, you've been drinking too much... Shouldn't you care about your health? " Spear asked.

" ... Well, you have a damn point... But, how should I drown my sadness without drinking? I think I'm the most pitiful man... " Gilga said while smiling wryly.

" No. You're my saviour. Others may think badly of you. But, I won't ever have any negative thought about you. " Spear said.

Hearing this, Gilga can only sigh and lays on the ground again.

" Well, that words is nice, but those aren't what I wanted to hear now... " Gilga said.

" Ahh.... How beautiful is the star... How beautiful the night is... " Gilga chuckled before falling asleep.

" Gilga! "

Three familiar voices echoes throughout the Fake Mountain.

" For the love of... Argh!!! Why are they here? " Gilga groaned as he stands up and picks up a barrel of wine and heads to where the three girls are.

Spear also closely follows Gilga from his back.


Sayo, Navia and Leone are heading towards where Gilga is. But little did they know that danger is coming from their back.

Leone, whose sense has been amplified by Lionel, sensed the presence of the Mimic Danger Beast, so she does a roundhouse kick, slaying the Danger Beast easily.

Seeing this, Sayo and Navia gasps in surprise. They couldn't sense anything, yet Leone could easily identify the enemy and slay them in an instant effortlessly.

" What's that thing? " Sayo asked while looking at the tree which Leone destroyed and poking it.

" Oh! It's a Wood Mimic Danger Beast. " Leone said with a smile. " And, this place is full of them, and also another type named Rock Mimic Danger Beasts. " Leone added.

" And, as you can see, they excel act camouflage, so keep your guard up or you'll end up as their food. Got it? " Leone asked, and the two nodded vigorously.

" What are you three doing here? *Hic " Gilga asked irritatedly.

Hearing Gilga's voice, the girls turn around and notices the drunken Gilga is walking towards them, although with difficulty as he's leaning on Spear while getting closer to them.

" We're worried about you. And, what happened to your face? " Sayo asked.

" Worried about me? Well, why do you need to worry about me? And what happened to my face... Is that really important? " Gilga said drunkenly and then he looks for a spot to lay down and continue looking at the stars.

The girls then sit around Gilga. Sayo on his right, Leone on his left, Navia and Spear behind him.

Sayo instinctively takes her first aid kit and treats Gilga's wound.

" Unsightly isn't it? I mean me right now... " Gilga said while laughing, ridiculing himself.

" ... Who said that you're unsightly? " Sayo said while wrapping her arms around Gilga's arm. " I think the unsightly one should be me... " Sayo said while tearing up.

" Un. That time, we should've listened to your words, but we can't triumph over our emotions. " Navia said with teary eyes while also coiling her arms around Gilga's other arm.

Leone then lowers her head and licks Gilga's cheek, and then smiles at him.

" You know... That time, this Onee-san was too emotional. I even grazed your face before... " Leone said.

Gilga however just look at her blankly.

" But still, you're going too far... Leaving your Onee-san and these two girls for three days... " Leone pouted while hugging Gilga's face and sandwiching it between her melons.

" Let's go back shall we? " Sayo said.

" I prefer staying here, watching the starry sky and then sleeps below it. " Gilga said. " ... Do you all want to camp out tonight with me tonight? " Gilga suggested while looking at the girls.

" Hmm... Camp out eh? " Leone mumbles while looking at the sky.

" Well, tonight's sky is beautiful, so what I think I'll join with Gilga. " Navia said with a smile.

" Hehehe. Camp out? Did you even bring a tent? " Spear chuckled.

Hearing this, Gilga stands up and then takes out a tent from his bag and set it behind him.

" Okay? " Gilga asked, and Spear nodded while blushing.

" Say, Gilga. This girl looks familiar. " Sayo said.

" Come to think of it. She does seem familiar. Where have I met her? " Leone said and then starts pondering.

" She's Spear. The one on the wanted poster. " Navia said.

" Ah!!! " Sayo and Leone exclaimed in unison.

" What're you doing here with Gilga? " Leone asked. And then, Spear tells how she met Gilga and the reason she's following Gilga.

" ... Is she also part of the harem? " Sayo whispered.

Gilga just smiles and nodded slightly, and Sayo let out a sigh.

After talking with each other for a while, they all get into the tent and does their things, causing moans and gasps to be heard from the mountain...


In the castle.

After meeting with the emperor and officially getting acknowledged as special police force, Esdeath and Jaeger's members are enjoying seafood hotpot, which is made from Wave's seafood assortment that he brought as present.

" So, what did you do doing your free time? " Esdeath asked Seryu and Kurome.

" ... Assassinating... " Kurome mumbles.

" I relax at my apartment. " Seryu said.

" So, what about you General? What're you doing in your free time? " Seryu asked.

" Mostly hunting and torturing. Otherwise I read books to study. " Esdeath answered. " But, currently, I'm interested in being in love. " Esdeath said while smiling.

Hearing this, Seryu and Kurome gasps in surprise.

Never in their wildest imagination that someone like Esdeath actually wants to try falling in love!!

" Putting that aside for now... Seryu. Is there any news of spare Teigu yet? " Esdeath asked.

" Ah! Yes it has... The scissor Teigu we retrieved from the evildoers I'd being kept in the main office, as there's no one suitable for it. " Seryu said.

" I see... " Esdeath nodded. " ... At this rate, the Prime Minister will likely take control of the Teigu and monopolize it, which will be a shame. " Esdeath stated.

" That being said, tomorrow we'll put on a show, which will be held to be an interesting show and also to find a suitable candidate for the Teigu. " Esdeath smiled coldly.


Tomorrow morning.

" Uhnnn!!! " Sayo groaned as she wakes up.

" My back... " Navia said while massaging her back.

" Hiss... Next time, remind me to tell Gilga that we shouldn't do that on the floor. " Leone hissed. Her elbows and knees are swollen because of yesterday night's play.

" *Yawn... Eh? Where's Gilga? " Spear asked while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

They all then sober up and realizes that Gilga's nowhere to be found.

And, they realize that there's a letter left on the ground.

' No need to wait for me. I'm going to the capital to deal with something. I will be back two days later. '

Leone squeezes the paper and curses angrily, " What thing to deal with? You left us alone on a mountain!! See how I'll punish you when you're back! "

After that, they all heads to the base and then Leone heads to Lubbock's bookstore to relax.


Esdeath's tournament registration area.

Gilga registers himself as ' Gilga, the blacksmith '.

" Blacksmith again huh? " The listener said.

" Pardon me? " Gilga asked. " What do you mean by blacksmith again? " Gilga asked.

" Ah! There's a young blacksmith that registers himself too. " The listener said.

" Did the other blacksmith perhaps has brown hair and ahego? " Gilga asked.

" Oh! That's right? You know him? " The listener said.

Gilga then nodded.

" I see. Although you know him, no need to go easy on him. " The listener said.

" I've never planned to go easy on him. " Gilga sneered.

Seeing his expression, the listener nodded in satisfaction.

" Then, are you already familiar with the rule? " The listener asked.

" A bit... I just remember weapons are allowed... And murder is prohibited? " Gilga said while making confused face.

" That's right, but not perfect. " The listener nodded. " You may use weapons on the arena, you mustn't kill your opponent, and you have to fight until one surrenders or rendered unable to battle. What's more, give it your all. That's all. Got it? " The listener asked, and Gilga nodded.

" Good. Then, please head to the waiting room. " The listener said, and Gilga follows him inside the waiting room for the competitors.

Inside, people with various weapon can be seen talking to each other. Some can be seen calming himself, some can be seen reserving their stamina for the match, some even badmouths others.

Although the atmosphere there is unfriendly, Gilga felt no pressure, as the people around him are as insignificant as ants.

" Oi kid! What're you doing here? Shouldn't you still be back at home, and act as a good mom's boy? Wahahahaha! " A competitor ridicules.

But, after saying those words, Gilga kicked the nut of the person who ridicules him, leaving him squirming in pain behind.


After a few moments, Esdeath, Run and Wave arrive at the arena, thus marking the beginning of the tournament.

Esdeath and Run are spectating on the special seat, and Wave is on the arena as the MC.

" The first match .... " Wave announced, and the contestants start facing off each other.


" *Yawn!!! " Esdeath yawned in boredom after the match continued for a few hours.

" What do you think of these one? Esdeath-sama? " Run asked.

" I think boring fighters... Making a boring fights. " Esdeath said lazily.

" I guess hoping for a candidate for that Teigu to suddenly appear here is too much huh? " Esdeath sighed.

" Oh? Looks like the match is ending. " Run said when he looks at the arena.

Indeed, the match is almost over as an old man using his katana pushes his opponent, causing him to lose footing and end it with an elbow on his face.

" The victor! Nobunaga of the dry goods store! " Wave announced, and Nobunaga let out a victory cry before leaving the arena.

" Onto the next match! " Wave said and then peeks on the match card.