Tournament ( Part 2 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" On the east side, the blacksmith, Tatsumi! " Wave announced and Tatsumi enters to the ring.


" Oh? A kid? " Run said in surprise.

Esdeath however stares at Tatsumi intensely from her seat, albeit still not moving and showing indifference expression.


" Hooo... That's an interesting cover... But, could he really use the forge? " Leone chuckles.

" Well, he can. " Lubbock said. " But, not as good as me. " Lubbock added proudly.

" *Puff. Yeah. As if... " Leone chuckles while ridiculing Lubbock.


" On the west side, also a blacksmith, Gilga! " Wave continues.

Hearing this, Tatsumi on the ring opens his eyes wide in surprise. So does Lubbock and Leone who's on the spectator seat.

" Another blacksmith? " Run mumbles.

When Gilga's name is announced, Tatsumi, Leone and Lubbock don't believe their ears, but when the familiar golden haired boy enters the ring, their doubts are gone, as the one who the ring is indeed the Gilga they know.


" What the hell? " Lubbock said.

" What? So, this is the thing you need to deal with?! " Leone said grumpily.


" Another kid again? Are kids nowadays so desperate for money that they join this kind of tournaments? " Run said.

Seeing Gilga, Esdeath suddenly smiles and decides to watch this match, since she knows it'll be a great match.

Noticing Esdeath's mood changing, Run then asked Esdeath, " Esdeath-sama. Looks like you're quite interested in this matchup? "

Esdeath doesn't answer as she just looks at the ring with anticipation.


" Ah!! It's you! We meet again! " Wave exclaimed.

" Ah. Wave. We meet again. " Gilga said with a smile. " Uh. I think you should start the match. Let's talk later. " Gilga added.

" Let the match begin! " Wave declared after nodding.

Without waiting for Tatsumi, Gilga leaps towards him with his elbow directed at Tatsumi.

Tatsumi's confused and startled. But, he have no time to inquire as Gilga leaps towards him with his elbow.

And, instinctively, Tatsumi also leaps towards him with his elbow directed towards Gilga's elbow.

When their elbows clash into each other, it resulted a shockwave which caused the dust on the ground to rise and fly away.

" Oh! They starts with an elbow clash! What an opening! " Wave announced, and the crowd starts getting worked up.

" Are you exacting revenge by this? " Tatsumi asked with his arms trembling. Gilga didn't hold back his punches as Tatsumi feels his elbow is considerably damaged from that single blow.

" What? Exacting revenge? " Gilga smirked. " Why would I exact revenge? It's not like I'm mad or anything. " Gilga added and delivers a left straight towards Tatsumi.

Using his left fist, Tatsumi gritted his teeth as he receives Gilga's left straight and manages to stop it although his fist becomes numbs from Gilga's blow.

" Oh! And they clashes again! This time, fist to fist! " Wave continues announcing.

" Ouch... You sure don't hold back. " Tatsumi said while forcing a smile.

Gilga doesn't talk anymore and then he starts raining fists towards Tatsumi.

" Seriously?! No talking back and no holding back?! You're clearly holding grudge against me! " Tatsumi complained and starts a session of complaining while closely dodging and blocking Gilga's punches.

Hearing Tatsumi keeps complaining nonstop, veins start popping on Gilga's forehead.

" If you have the energy to complain, then how about we level up things here. " Gilga said irritatedly as he increases both speed and strength on each punches.

" The blacksmith, Gilga, starts raining the other blacksmith, Tatsumi, with punches! And, Tatsumi's being pushed back by it! What a one sided beat down! What'll Tatsumi do?! " Wave announced spiritedly as he's very absorbed in his role as MC for the first time.


" Those two are good. " Run praised.

" ... " Esdeath gasps as she stares at Gilga and Tatsumi's exchanging blow.

" Y... Yeah. " Esdeath muttered.

" And, Wave-kun is pretty much enjoying himself down there. " Run said, and Esdeath only looks at Wave dryly.


" Damn. He got even stronger than before again. " Lubbock cursed.

' Luckily I didn't hit him last night. ' Lubbock secretly let out sigh of relief.

" ... Maybe, when he came back, I'll ask him to spar with me without holding back. " Leone muttered.


At the beginning, Tatsumi could barely dodges Gilga's blows while blocking the rest. But, as time passes, Tatsumi's forced to receive all of the blows as Tatsumi can't keep up with Gilga's pace.

" Ugh! " Tatsumi groaned as he raises his leg to kick Gilga, but as if Gilga could read his movement, Gilga also raises his leg and kicks Tatsumi's leg, sending him to the place where Gilga used to stand.

" UWWWWOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!! " The crowd cheered after Gilga and Tatsumi's first confrontation.

" Splendid! Amazing! What a way to escape Gilga's rain of punches! Brilliant! " Wave announced.

" Marvelous! Superb! "

" More! Show us more! "

" Use your swords! "

The crowd cheered as they bore witness to an epic clash.

Hearing their pleading, Gilga then smirked as the takes out a pair of tie and ties Black's Bane and Tyrant Nova on their respective sheathes and then points them towards Tatsumi.

Seeing how Gilga's so eager to use his beat him up, Tatsumi also does the same with Lird and Black Incursio before pointing them towards Gilga.

" Oh! Looks like both of them are getting more serious! We're going to have ourselves to watch two dual sword users fight against each other! " Wave announced.


" Two swords?! " Run exclaimed.

Seeing them using two swords, Esdeath smiles and then decided to wait and spectate them a little bit longer, since two swords users are pretty rare even outside the capital.


' Urgh. He's definitely holding grudges! I can't feel my hands. ' Tatsumi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, as he can feel his hands are slowly giving in and his grip is slowly and surely loosening.

" What's wrong Tatsumi? " Gilga smirked while continue swinging his sword towards Tatsumi. " If I were you, I could still continue this for a longer time! " Gilga laughed.

" Urgh! " Tatsumi groaned as he blocks Gilga's swords strikes, but after a few moments, his left hand gives in and he dropped his sword.

" Oh no! Contestant Tatsumi drops one of his sword! Will this be his end? Will it be over? " Wave spiritedly announces.


" Looks like it's over. " Run said, and Esdeath nodded.


" It's Tatsumi's loss. " Lubbock sighed.

" Well, that's to be expected. His opponent is after all, 'that' Gilga. " Leone said, and Lubbock nodded in agreement.

But then, the MC's voice brought their attention back on the field.


" Oh! What's with this?! Contestant Gilga! He... He keeps one of his swords?? " Wave announced.

" Yeah? I don't want to win by exploiting my opponent's weakness in a match. " Gilga stated. " And, this is how I like to do things in a match. Fair and square. " Gilga added as he pounces towards Tatsumi and once again swings his sword endlessly, raining Tatsumi with slashes.

" Ugh! " Tatsumi groaned as he keeps blocking Gilga's slashes.


" Why does he not use two swords to finish his opponent? " Esdeath asked. " Is there any logical explanation behind his action just now? " Esdeath added.

" Hmm... This kid desires a fair fight on a match, so he doesn't use two weapons when his opponent is only using one. " Run said.

" Huh? Then, what's the point of doing so? " Esdeath asked, as she's unable to comprehend what she just heard.

Indeed, Esdeath loves battle above torture and hunting, but when battling others, she likes to use her might to squash her opponents.

But the kid in front of her today is doing the opposite of what she does!

" Well, maybe that's just for self-satisfaction. It's the most reasonable thing I could think of. " Run said.

Hearing this, Esdeath ponders for a while before nodding her head and focuses on the match, as the match's almost over.


" Time to end this! " Gilga said as he does a power swing after causing Tatsumi to lose footing.

Tatsumi then used his sword to block the incoming slash. However, it's no use because Gilga's simply a monster when he doesn't hold back.

Just with that one swing, Tatsumi's sword gets thrown faraway and Tatsumi falls to the ground as he lost balance from trying to block Gilga's swing.

Not wasting anytime, Gilga places his sword on Tatsumi's neck, forcing him to stay on the ground.

" Looks like it's my loss. " Tatsumi sighed.

" Well, you're doing pretty well if I must say so. " Gilga said while keeping his sword. " Anyways, no hard feelings, okay? " Gilga said with a bright smile while extending his hand towards Tatsumi.

" The winner! Gilga!! " Wave announced as he gasps for breath because he's been too excited.

The crowds then cheered in unison.


After Esdeath saw Gilga's smile.


" Found him... " Esdeath mumbles as she stands up.

" The candidate for using that Teigu? " Run asked.

" Yes. That too... And something else too. " Esdeath said.


" ... Next time I won't lose. " Tatsumi said with a huge bright smile.

" Oh? I've told you since two years ago. I'll be waiting for the day when you're winning against me. " Gilga laughed.



Esdeath's heart beats again after she saw Tatsumi's smile.

This caused her to stop dead on her track.

" What's wrong Esdeath-sama? " Run asked.

" There's also the other one. " Esdeath mumbles.

" Pardon me? " Run asked.

" Say, Run. What would you do when you have two girls you like? " Esdeath asked.

Run never expected Esdeath would ask this kind of question.

But still, Run answers her question, " If there are two girls I like, huh... Maybe I'll take both of them. "

" I see... Thank you for the advice. " Esdeath nodded as she heads to the arena herself.


Seeing the general going to the arena, the crowd get worked up.

"Oh! General Esdeath! "

" What's wrong? Did she perhaps is itching for action? "

" Who knows! Anyways, cool! "

Lubbock and Leone sit intensely while watching how things will develop, since the empire strongest has made her move.


" Your name is Gilga... Isn't it? " Esdeath asked while looking at Gilga.

Gilga nodded as an answer.

" And yours is Tatsumi... Isn't it? " Esdeath asked while looking at Tatsumi.

" Y... Yes. " Tatsumi said nervously, since the empire's strongest is talking to him. Surely he don't want to provoke this figure... Not after what he heard about what she did to her foes.

" The match just now was superb. I wanted to give you two your rewards. " Esdeath said as she approaches Tatsumi.

" T... Thank you very much. " Tatsumi said.

But then, Esdeath does the unthinkable as she takes out a collar and wears it on Tatsumi.

" Eh? " Tatsumi exclaimed in surprise.

" Eh? " Lubbock and Leone's jaw dropped.

" Eh? " The crowd's jaw dropped too.

" *Puff. " Gilga chuckled.

And then, Esdeath also does the unthinkable again as she takes out another collar and put it on Gilga's neck.

" Eh? " Gilga exclaimed in surprise.

" Eh? " Lubbock and Leone's jaw dropped even lower.

" Eh? " The crowd's jaw dropped even lower too.

" *Puff. " Tatsumi chuckled.

Run on the special seat can't believe his eyes and he could only sigh.

Wave on the other side has complicated expression. And then, Esdeath dragged both of them with her.

" Wait! What's this?! " Tatsumi protested.

" Come with me to the palace. " Esdeath said.

" Wait a sec- " Tatsumi wanted to protest, but got knocked out by Esdeath.

" What does this mean General Esdeath? Are you apprehending us? What wrong did we- " Gilga said, but before he finishes his word, Esdeath chopped his back.

Gilga felt the pain, but don't feel like passing out, so he decided to play along and also fall to the ground.

" Both of you are mine. Let's talk in the my room tonight. The three of us. " Esdeath said while blushing.

After that, Esdeath left the ring while carrying Gilga. Wave also followed being her while carrying Tatsumi.

' What the hell is happening! ' Lubbock and Leone inwardly screamed.

' Gilga... Be safe... ' Leone muttered.