Battle of Two Strongest Beasts ( Part 1 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

In front of the fortress near Gyokan Lake.

Gilga, Tatsumi and the Jaeger finally arrive after walking for a few hours.

There, they can see a lot of people wearing the same mask and cloth are standing guard in front of and above the gate. They are also in possession of firearms, which seems to be obtained through illegal means.

" Well, we have memorized the structure of the fortress and the enemy's positions. So what kind of strategy should we use? " Run asked.

" Justice demands us to fight fair and square, so... We'll attack from the front! " Seryu said.

After that, the Jaeger members head towards the front gate.

" Say, how do you manage with five girls Gilga? " Esdeath suddenly asked.

" Huh? "

" Since you got 5 lovers, maybe you can tell me how to deal with 2 lovers at the same time. " Esdeath asked.

" ... "

' What the fvck?! I know when this ice demoness' icy heart thaw, she would be cute, but... She's both too fvcking cute and pure right now. ' Gilga thought.

' Well, after a real close look, She's also very beautiful and elegant. And, she smells good. It's like lavender...although it's making my nose freezes. ' Gilga thought.

" Ahem... To be honest, I don't know how a woman deal with two lovers at the same time. That being said, I can't help much on that area. And, after knowing that I have 5 partners, are you still going after me? " Gilga asked.

Hearing this, Tatsumi and Esdeath stare at Gilga.

But, Esdeath without hesitation seals her lips with Gilga's lips, and Tatsumi on her side watches with his jaw dropped.

Getting kissed by Esdeath, Gilga widens his eyes in surprise, but not for long, as when Esdeath's about to separate her lip from Gilga, Gilga does the unexpected as he grabs Esdeath's head, and forces continues the kissing session.

This time, Esdeath widen her eyes as this is the first time someone dares touches her... Her head on top of that. Never in her life someone touches her head except her father.

That thought however doesn't last long, as Gilga coils his tongue around Esdeath's tongue and sucks her tongue.

' What's this? So, this is how kiss is supposed to be. ' Esdeath wondered when she feels her tongue sets assailed by Gilga's tongue. And, not wanting to lose, she also returns the favor by doing the same to Gilga.



An explosion occured on the fortress, causing Esdeath and Gilga to abruptly break the kiss and focus on the scene. Tatsumi also turns his head and realize the bandits on the fortress are scattering.

" Oh? A cannon? " Esdeath said. " Where does that comes from? Tatsumi? " Esdeath asked while looking at Tatsumi.

" Umm... Sorry. I'm too focused on you two... So I missed the detail. " Tatsumi said.

" Oh. " Esdeath said, and then lowers her head to Tatsumi. But, Gilga used his hand to block Esdeath.

Esdeath then look at Gilga with 'What the hell are you doing' look.

Gilga retorts with 'You're disgusting' look.

" Wait! What do you mean by I'm disgusting?! " Esdeath said unhappily.

" Look. I don't share, so don't go around kissing other person after you kissed me. " Gilga said.

" Humph! It's I who give order. Not the way around! " Esdeath snorted.

" Huh? Did you get hit on your head? I've told you that I'm the one who lead. Not the other way around. " Gilga say. " And, I don't like sharing my women with other guy. " Gilga added.

' Who the hell want to share with your women! The moment they laid hand on your woman, you'll kill them mercilessly. ' Tatsumi shouted inwardly.

" Gilga. I like you, it's true, but I also like Tatsumi. I have to treat you two equally. " Esdeath said.

" But, I am still against idea of you having two man, as I don't like to share with others, especially my women!" Gilga stated resolutely.

" Ugh. " Esdeath gritted her teeth.

" Then, how about this? Let's settle this with our fist. If you win, then I'll follow as you say for today. But, if you lose, you have to follow what I say for today too. " Gilga said.

" ... Sounds interesting. But!! Do you have what it takes to fight me? " Esdeath sneered.

" Well, you'll see. It's better to talk with our fist rather than our mouth isn't it? " Gilga sneered.

" I see. That's how you like to do things... Coincidentally, I also have the same thought! " Esdeath smirked as she draws her rapier.

" Uh... May I leave ? " Tatsumi asked, but Esdeath begins her assault.

" Weisse Schub! "

Esdeath continuously thrusts her rapier towards Gilga which shoots out a thin ice pike with each thrust.

" Let's start with Black's Bane then. " Gilga smirked as he draws Black's Bane and deflects all of Esdeath's ice pikes.

The sounds of ice shattering can be heard, as Gilga heads towards Esdeath slowly while swinging his blade, deflecting and shattering the ice pikes.

" Weisse Mondhieb! "

Esdeath swings her rapier, releasing a  white crescent moon shaped ice towards Gilga.

Gilga swings Black's Bane again, but he can't seem to slash through the ice.

Noticing this, Gilga furrowed his brow and frowned before putting more strength, stopping the ice crescent moon.

" Hagelschaufel! "

Esdeath, once again, swings her rapier, but now, she swings it upward, creating Ray of blue light beneath Gilga's leg.

Instinctively, Gilga jumps to the side, and right after that, the blue light rises and creates a thin layer of ice.

" Are you trying to cripple me?! " Gilga asked.

" Well, it's not like you can't dodge it or anything. Esdeath smirked.

" That's true. Now, it's my turn! " Gilga smirked.

" Teigu Release! Phase One! Venemous Bubbles! "

After muttering those words, Black's Babe melted, and then it turns into rainbow colored bubbles.

" It melted? " Esdeath muttered. " And, did he say Teigu just now? "

" ... That can wait for later... After all, it's rare that someone managed to make me this worked up.  " Esdeath said with sinister smile. " Not to mention he's my partner-to-be! " Esdeath added.

" Esdeath-chan. It's better you not underestimate these bubbles or it'll hurt. " Gilga smirked.

" Vorpal Strike. "

The balls then heads towards Esdeath in spiraling motion.

" Weisse Schnabel "

Esdeath creates ice spikes around her and launches it towards the vortex of rainbow balls.

When the ice touches the balls, the ice spikes directly vanishes without traces.

Seeing this, Esdeath frowned as she touches the ground and creates a massive ice pillar below her, pushing her up, causing the vortex of poison ball to miss Esdeath.

But, upon contact, the ice pillar crumbles and falls to the ground, causing a loud thudding voice.


Bols are currently rushing towards the front gate of the fortress.

" That one! Fill him with holes! " A commanding bandit ordered, and the other bandits shoots arrows to Bols.


Bols without fear, takes out his flamethrower towards the incoming arrows, incinerating them before they hit Bols.

" Don't think badly of me. I'm just doing my mission. " Bols said, but then, his focus gets shifted to where his captain is.

" Huh? That ice... Is Esdeath-sama engaging an enemy there? " Bols wondered while incinerating his enemy with his Teigu, Purgatory Invitation, Rubicante.

" To make the general use such a huge move. The enemy's probably good. " Bols said, and then focuses on his enemy in his front.


" !!! "

Kurome and Bols looks at the ice pillar in surprise.

" What the hell is that? " Wave asked, but then a bandit appears behind him in order to ambush him.

" You let your guard- Guh?! " The bandit exclaimed, but got his face elbowed by Wave.

" That's general Esdeath's move. It looks like she's facing an enemy there. " Kurome said after inspecting the situation on Esdeath's side.

" Duck! " Wave said as he does a roundhouse kick to Kurome, and Kurome squats down, dodging Wave's kick, which landed on a bandit's face.

" Well, I don't really need your help. As I said, I already know the enemy's there before they attacked me. " Kurome said with blank expression.

" For real?! " Wave cried.

" Anyways, thank you... I guess. " Kurome mumbles with her face red.

But, sadly Wave doesn't hear this as he still keep his guard up to prevent any potential to fall for surprise attacks.


Soaring in the sky is Run with his winged Teigu, Thousand-Mile Flight, Mastema.

He's shooting his Teigu's feathers towards the bandits with terrifying precision as each shot always penetrates through it's target's forehead.

But, he got distracted by a loud thudding sound.

" Ice pillar? Is it Esdeath-sama? Well, there's no need to worry since it's her. " Run nodded before he continues eliminating his foes.


" Koro. Feast! " Seryu ordered, and then Koro leaps towards a group of bandits in front of Seryu.

" GROWL!! " Koro growled as it's head becomes bigger. It then opens it's jaw, revealing rows of razor sharp fangs.


With one of Koro's leap, Koro devoured anything in front of him. And the bandits who are in Koro's part got their bodies devoured.

Some lose an arm, a leg, head, body, and everything.

" Huh? Ice pillar? Is Esdeath-sama fighting someone? " Seryu frowned.

But, she doesn't waste any more time frowning, instead, she's continuing the bandits hunt.


" Oh! My stylish army! Well done! Well done!" Stylish praised as in front of him is his 10 enhanced troops, 30 tied up male bandits and 5 tied up female bandits.

" Female eh? I don't need them. My stylish army. You all may do whatever you want with the girls. " Stylish stated, and his army gets close to the female bandits and then violates them and enjoy their bodies.

" Huh? " Stylish looks at Esdeath's direction and notices a huge blue ice pillar which is crumbling down.

" Oh!! Superb! Truly superb! " Stylish said with amazement. " I really want to study her more and more!! " Stylish said with a huge grin.


' What the hell is with them? I can't even escape from here... ' Tatsumi inwardly cried as he's behind a huge rock while keeping his guard up to evade any possible friendly fire...


The field where Gilga and Esdeath clashed has been filled with holes or ice, as it's either melted by Gilga's poison or frozen by Esdeath's ice.

" How long should we drag this battle? " Gilga asked with tired expression. Balls of poison can be seen floating behind his back.

" Well, until you decide to get serious. " Esdeath smirked.

" *Sigh. Well, after that kiss, I think I've softened up a little. But, if it's a fight you want, then it's on! "

" Teigu Release! Phase Two! Meltdown Gas! "

After saying this, the balls of poison shook before dissipating into rainbow colored mist.

At the first glance, it's very beautiful and elegant, but Esdeath soon realizes that the mist is bad news... By bad news, she means a really fvcked up shit would happen if the mist touched her.

When Gilga's mist comes into contact with her fallen ice pillar, it melts directly into rainbow colored liquid before the rainbow colored liquids evaporates into rainbow colored gas.

" Your Teigu's quite intriguing. And, do you not have any side effects utilizing your Teigu to such extent? " Esdeath asked in amazement as she keeps jumping back, distancing herself from Gilga.

" Of course there's side effects. But, I won't tell you. What kind of fool that tells an enemy about his weakness. " Gilga snorted.

" I see. That's reasonable. " Esdeath nodded. " Then, let's see how fast you can disintegrate this! "

" Hagel Sprung! "

Esdeath points to the sky, creating a massive boulder of ice. This time however, she doesn't create the insanely huge one she used to destroy the northerners, but she reduces it to a 300 feet ball.

Seeing this, Gilga doesn't feel happy at all, but annoyed.

" Stop looking down on me! " Gilga snarled.

" Condense! "

The mist then condenses into a thin rainbow line.

" Aurora Decapitation! "

Gilga swings his hand, and the thin rainbow of light tilts and slices through ice boulder like a hot knife using to slice butter.

Gilga, however, doesn't stop there as the ice boulder is just split into half. So, Gilga continues swinging his hand, and making the ice boulder smaller and smaller.

In a mere 8 seconds, the ice boulder has been cut into small pieces, falling to the ground as if it's hailing.

In that ice hail, Gilga stood there while gazing towards Esdeath who's smirking and seemingly satisfied.

And so, they stop for a moment for a breather before their clash...continues.