Battle of Two Strongest Beasts ( Part 2 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

After taking a breather, the smirking Esdeath creates a lot of ice spikes around Gilga, surrounding him from front, back, left, right and top.

" Weisse Beerdigung "

The ice spikes then in tandem are launched to Gilga.

" Poisonado "

The rainbow line scattered and starts swirling around Gilga forming a reverse tornado.

When the ice comes into contact with the poison tornado, it melts without instantly.

" Hagelsperre "

Esdeath formed a lot of softball sized ice spiked balls around Gilga which is launched towards Gilga. As the previous batch is launched, new batches of ice spiked balls is formed and launched towards Gilga.

" Don't you think this is a waste of time? " Gilga yawned.

" What arrogance... It's not that I hate it. " Esdeath said. " Well, as you wish, I'll go all out against you for once. " Esdeath smirked.

" Finally decided to get serious. You should've done so and not waste my precious time like this. " Gilga snorted.

" Grau Hagelwelt "

The sky turned gray, turning the area 30 meters around Esdeath and Gilga into hail zone, as snow starts falling down and it starts hailing.


Currently on the front gate of the fortress,

" Uwargh!!! Help!! Put out the fire!!! " A bandit on fire screamed.

" Uagh!!! No! Even water can't put it out! " Another bandit on fire screamed painfully as he jumped out from a pool.

" It's no use. My Rubicante's fire can't be put out easily. " Bols said.

" Huh? Now it's hailing there? Is that Esdeath-sama's Trump Card? " Bols wondered as he continues incinerating the bandits.


" Whoa! The winds getting wild. " Run exclaimed because Esdeath's causing hail causes wind to go up, this Run's having trouble gliding.

" Well, as expected of our captain is what I should say right now right? " Run said while laughing awkwardly as he continues shooting his feather, killing any bandits that tried to run away.


" Ohh!! To change the weather!! How splendid! How magnificent! Truly stylish! " Stylish said excitedly while posing disgustingly.

" Stylish-sama we've caught another batch. " One of Stylish's enhanced troops informed, as behind him, another batch of 20 male bandits and 10 female bandits have been caught.

" Ahem! Well done. As I've said, keep the males and you can take your time with the females. " Stylish said.

" Yes! Thank you Stylish-sama! " The enhanced troops said in unison before dragging the female bandits and starts violating the new batch of female bandits again.


Near where Gilga and Esdeath clashes, Tatsumi's laying on the ground, covered in snow and ice.


' Ugh!! So cold... I want to go home... ' Tatsumi cried inwardly while shivering because of the cold.


Gilga looks at the gray sky and the hail and then smile wryly.

" ... Well, I must say, I'm impressed. To think that you can create ice out of nothing, control them and now, changing the weather... What a beautiful and elegant woman and also a fearsome and dangerous woman at the same time. " Gilga smirked.

" Well, I'm not just altering the weather. This also increases my ability by a notch. " Esdeath smirked as she raises her rapier.

" Weisse Mondhieb! "

Esdeath swings her rapier and creates a white crescent moon again. This time however, the crescent moon is bigger and it travels much faster than before.

" Poison Crescent! "

Gilga swings his arm, and the poison mist condenses into crescent moon shape. But, after condensing, the mist suddenly turns into liquid and falls to the ground.

' Shit! I forget! When it's cold enough, gas will turn into liquid form. ' Gilga then fastly draws Tyrant Nova to block the incoming ice crescent moon.

" Urgh! " Gilga gritted his teeth because the ice crescent moon packs even more punches than before. Not to mention he's starting to get sluggish from the hail.

" Heh. Without your Teigu, this is how much you can retaliate against me? " Esdeath snorted. " I got my hopes up for nothing. " Esdeath added while sighing.

" Well, don't be too fast to judge me Esdeath-chan. " Gilga said while smiling wryly.

" Teigu Revert! Black's Bane. "

The pool of poison floats towards Gilga and reverts back to the escfoc shaped Black's Bane.

Gilga then sheathes Black's Bane and positioned Tyrant Nova in front of him.


Golden flames arose beneath Gilga. Behind the flames, image of a matured dragon with six eye and six horns with fiery mane and fur can be seen. The matured dragon is more domineering and majestic than before.

' That beast behind him... What kind of danger beast is that? ' Esdeath thought.

The dragon then gets absorbed into the center of the flame. And then, the flame dissipates, revealing the golden armored Gilga.

" Hooo. I see. An armor type Teigu. " Esdeath nodded. " Wait... Poison controlling Teigu and Armor Teigu? You have two Teigu? " Esdeath asked in surprise.

Gilga only nods as an answer.

" How is that possible? Each person should only be able to use one Teigu. " Esdeath said.

" Who knows. But... " Gilga said as he extends his hand.

" Jïngu! Golden Fire Katana! "

Black dots appear and condenses into a jet black katana. After the katana is formed, from the edge of the katana, golden flames starts to burn brightly.

" This won't be an easy fight! " Gilga said, and then his figure blurred as he whizzed behind Esdeath.

' Fast! ' Esdeath thought as she turns back and thrusts her rapier...only to hit the empty air.

" Where are you looking at? " Gilga said as he kicks Esdeath on her back.

" Kuh! " Esdeath growled as she is sent flying by that kick.

However, even while midair, Esdeath keeps glaring at Gilga, not letting him out of her sight.

" Gegrusset seid umarmt "

Behind Esdeath, pure white snow is gathering and forming a pair of gigantic palms. After that, Esdeath launches the palm towards Gilga and when the palm land on Gilga and covers him, it keeps gathering to the center before it freezes and becomes ridiculously hard.

*pant *pant *pant

Esdeath is gasping for breath as she was exhausted from using large scale attacks.

" That...should've...done right? " Esdeath said while still gasping for breath.

But, golden fire pierces through the ice and Gilga ascend from the bottom of the ice.

" Ugh... " Esdeath groaned before passing out and then the hailing stops, revealing the dark blue starry sky.

" Looks like it's my... *Puh! " Gilga said, but before he finishes his word, his armor vanishes, and he spats out a mouthful of blood.

' Ugh! It's only been 20 minutes? Is it my limit? ' Gilga thought, but he then he spats a mouthful of blood again.

' Fvck! It hurts! ' Gilga cursed inwardly.

' Ugh... I... I can't hold on any longer.... ' Gilga thought before closing his eyes and lose consciousness.

" Eh? Is it over? " Tatsumi stands up and realizes that both Gilga and Esdeath has collapsed.

" Gilga! " Tatsumi called out as he gets closer to Gilga.

" Oi! Wake up! Don't you dare die Gilga! " Tatsumi said, but then he gets a chop on his head.

" AH!!! CURSING IS NO GOOD!! ERHMM... " Gilga sleep talks.

Tatsumi rubs his head in pain and then looks at Gilga while smiling wryly.

" Captain!! " Wave called out.

" We're back. " Run said.

" OM...NOM...OM...NOM... " Kurome's enjoying her snacks while walking towards Tatsumi.

" Good job Koro! " Seryu cheered.

" Mission accomplished. " Bols muttered.

" I can't wait to do more ex-, I mean, stylish upgrades on the new batch when we're back! " Stylish said happily.

" Oh. Tatsumi. What're... Captain? Gilga? What happened to them? " Run asked when he notices Gilga who has his cloth bloodied, Esdeath who's lying on the ground without any strength, and the battered area behind them.

" ... I also don't know. When you're all starting to exterminate the bandit, I blacked out... " Tatsumi decided to lie, since it's better for him to do so.

" I see... Just let them rest. They've used too much stamina. After a night of sleep, they'll recover! I guarantee! But, if you want to wake them up faster, an inj- " Stylish said, but he gets chopped on his head.

" ARHN!! WHAT INJECTION?! I NEED NONE! ERMMM..... " Gilga continues sleep talking.

" This boy.... " Stylish glares at Gilga angrily.

" Well, since he doesn't want any injection, then I suppose we take him back let him rest there. " Seryu said.

" I see. Then, how about Esdeath-sama? Should I give her an inj- " Stylish said, but something penetrates his ass.

" Ahhnn~~! " Stylish moaned in ecstasy.

The perpetrator is indeed Esdeath as she shove her white high heel into Stylish's asshole.

" UNN... WHAT'S WITH THAT NEEDLE?? *SNORE. KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME IF YOU WANT TO LIVE! " Esdeath roared then snores again.

" ... " The Jaeger members looks at their captain with disbelief.

" Maybe, we can ask Esdeath-sama about the event tomorrow after she wakes up. " Run suggested, and the Jaeger members agreed unanimously except Stylish who's groaning in pain and Tatsumi who's feigning innocence.

After that, they head back to the capital with Seryu picking Esdeath and Tatsumi picking Gilga.


Tomorrow morning.

" Ugh... " Esdeath groaned as she opened her eyes.

" Uh... What did I?? " Esdeath wondered.

But then, from the bathroom, Gilga comes out with towel covering his lower parts.

" Oh? You're awake Esdeath-chan. " Gilga looks at Esdeath with a satisfied smile.

" What? Why're you looking at me like that? " Esdeath asked while blushing.

" I hope you remember our bet. " Gilga smirked, and Esdeath remembered what happened last night.

She, the empire's strongest, failed to defeat her partner. It's like she's slapped on her face if she doesn't fulfil her promise.

" Alright. Whatever you say, I'll listen to it. " Esdeath sighed in defeat.

" Alright. Well, first... I want you to take a bath. You stinks. " Gilga teases Esdeath.

" Do I really stinks? " Esdeath said as she sniffs herself.

' Yep. Note for myself. Dere Esdeath is just a pure innocent beautiful woman. ' Gilga nodded.

" What're you nodding for? " Esdeath asked.

" Nope nothing. Just take a bath. I'll go to the meeting room and tell the others that you're busy. " Gilga said as he puts on new clothes and heads to the meeting room to explain what happened yesterday, leaving Esdeath behind.

*Ba-dump *Ba-dump

Esdeath blushes and heads to the shower while sniffing her body.

' Do I really smell? '