The Demon of the Demon's Extract


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

Outside the meeting room of the Jaeger.

Tatsumi slowly staggered in there slowly. His hair are disheveled and his eye bags are swollen. He slowly and weakly extends his hand and opened the door.

Inside the room is Kurome and Wave, as the others are patrolling in the city or doing request from the empire.

" Yo. How's the captain and Gil- What happened to you?! " Wave asked, surprised.

" ... I was so nervous that I couldn't fall asleep until dawn. " Tatsumi grumbles.


Last night, after bringing Esdeath and Gilga to the chamber room, Tatsumi and Seryu has a little chat outside the chamber.

" There's a message from Gilga for you. He told me to tell you- " Seryu said and then coughed.

" Tatsumi. I know you can't bear being here, but be patient. Tomorrow you'll get your chance for escape. And then Seryu will tell you what NOT to do in the castle at night. " Seryu said impersonating Gilga.

Tatsumi stares at Seryu with awe as his jaw dropped. The way she impersonates Gilga's too perfect.

" Um. So, what is the things that I should not do here at night? " Tatsumi asked.

" Well, you should refrain from causing scene within the castle or trying to escape. If you did one of those, then you'll probably end up dead. You should also refrain from investigating the castle by strolling, as the castle is filled with soldiers who devoted their lives to defend the palace. Not to mention Commander in Chief Budou's personal guards who are skulking around the palace. If they seem you suspicious, then they'll apprehend you for sure. " Seryu explained.

Hearing what she says, Tatsumi nods vigorously.

" Well then, do you have any question Tatsumi? " Seryu asked.

" No. Thank... Uh. After I thought about it I have a question. " Tatsumi said.

" Then ask away. " Seryu said with a smile.

" Where do I sleep? " Tatsumi asked.

" Of course in the captain's chamber. Since you and Gilga are captain's lover. " Seryu said, but her tone is filled with sadness when she mentioned Gilga.

" What!! Is there no empty room? " Tatsumi asked.l, and Seryu only shakes her head causing Tatsumi to feel like crying.

" Then, please excuse me. " Seryu said as she leaves Tatsumi and heads to her room.

And thus, Tatsumi's sleepless night begins, as Esdeath hugs him and use him as body pillow and Gilga keeps screaming like crazy when he sleeps. This is a new discovery for Tatsumi.


' There's no way I'm going to tell them that my lack of sleep is cause by that right? ' Tatsumi thought and decides to just force a smile and scratch his head awkwardly.

" Morning. " Gilga said when he enters the room.

" Huh? Why are there only the three of you? Where are the other four? " Gilga asked.

" Bols-san has something to do, Seryu is patrolling in the city, Run is strolling in the city, and Dr.Stylish is... I don't know where he is or what he's doing. " Wave said.

" I see... " Gilga nodded.

" OM...NOM...OM...NOM... " Kurome's still eating her snacks.

" It's still early in the morning and you're eating snacks and candies already, Kurome? " Wave said while laughing.

" OM...NOM... Mind your own business. It's more preferable to eating anymore of your seafood. " Kurome said.

" I wouldn't want to start smelling like a beach like you do. " Kurome ridicules and then continues eating her snacks.

" Eh?! Seriously?! Do I smell?!! " Wave exclaimed while sniffing his shirt.

Indeed, he smells like ocean... And somewhat reeks of fish.

" No.... Not too much anyways... " Tatsumi said awkwardly.

" Well, you smell like you can be chopped up and served as a decent seafood dish. " Gilga said, and then Tatsumi and Wave looks at him in horror.

" But, that's joking of course. " Gilga said.

" .... "

" But, still though, after a closer look, you sure look almost like Akame from the wanted poster Kurome... " Gilga said while inspecting Kurome.

" Oh? When you talk about it, they do look alike. " Tatsumi said.

" I was thinking the same thing too. " Wave said.

Hearing this, Kurome stops eating and her blank expression is filled with chilly gaze and her petite body's slowly emitting killing intent.

" Yeah... She was the most accomplished member of our society... But, as you all know, she betrayed the empire. " Kurome said.

" Ah... How I missed her... How I want to meet her again... And then... my beloved sister... I will kill her with my own hand. " Kurome grinned, and her tone is very cold and terrifying that Wave and Tatsumi unconsciously shivered.

" If you love her, then why kill her? " Gilga asked.

" It's because I love her that I don't want her to die in other people's hand. " Kurome explained as she smirks.

' Where's the logic in that? Shouldn't you protect your loved ones? ' Tatsumi thought horrified.

' Mom... Even the capital's girls are very scary. ' Wave inwardly cried.

" Oh. So only Wave and Kurome are here. " Esdeath said as she enters the room with her slightly wet blue hairs.

" Tatsumi and Gilga. For the next few days we'll be hunting. Today we're heading towards Fake Mountain! " Esdeath said as she heads closer to Tatsumi and co.

' Nice. I'll get to escape today. ' Tatsumi thought excitedly.

" Kurome and Wave will be coming as well. Fake Mountain is the perfect place for an ambush, so keep your eyes open for enemies2 while hunting. " Esdeath added.

" Roger! " Wave and Kurome said in tandem.

" We'll be hunting treeman cells. And once we get there, Kurome and Gilga will be going with me to the east side, while Wave and Tatsumi will be together and search the west side. " Esdeath stated.

" One more thing. I didn't get to see much of Kurome and Wave yesterday, so by dusk, we will switch as Kurome and Gilga will still search for at the east side while I'll head to west side and pair up with Wave and Tatsumi. Is that clear? " Esdeath asked.

And, as Esdeath expected, he raise asd his hand and starts looking for trouble.

" Why the hell would I follow your order? You are the one who should listen to me as you lost against me. " Gilga said.

" Huh?! " Kurome and Wave exclaimed in surprise.

Lost? What the hell does that mean? So, last night, the ice pillar, and the sudden hailing... It's actually General Esdeath fighting against Gilga? What's more, Gilga's the one who won?

" From what I heard, you're badly damaged, while I'm unscathed. You are standing because you got a little more stamina than me. " Esdeath said. "Besides, one day has passed. And, just now I'm not heeding your order, but I'm doing it on my own accordance. " Esdeath smirked.

" And, if we were to fight again now, you won't even have the slightest chance to win anymore, because I already know what your Teigus can do! " Esdeath said proudly while puffing her chest.

" Oh really? You wanna try me? I'm sure that you don't want to, since it's a bad idea. " Gilga smirked. " And, that's not valid! You passed out for a damn whole night don't you know?! " Gilga said angrily.


After Tatsumi and Seryu left the room for a little chat, Gilga wakes up.

" Ugh... Huh? What the hell? How come I'm back here already? " Gilga groaned.

Seeing Esdeath beside him, Gilga remembers about their duel.

" Oi wake up Esdeath-chan. You still have to obey me till tomorrow. " Gilga said while shaking Esdeath.


Esdeath snored, and still not showing the slightest intention to wake up.

" ... " Gilga look at her with disbelief.

' She's far too open! ' Gilga thought. ' if an assassin is here, then she'll die! So much for the Empire's strongest title. ' Gilga ridicules.

" That being said, what can I do to benefit from this? It's highly likely that she'll deny that she lost tomorrow and she will say that our deal is only for today.... " Gilga starts racking his brain.

" Oh! Maybe I should try that theory of mine! " Gilga said and then he takes out Black's Bane and graze Esdeath slightly, paralyzing her.

" I shall gladly partake. " Gilga said as he place his lip on Esdeath's wound and starts sucking her blood.

" Uhn... " Esdeath moaned.

After a few moments, Gilga takes his lip off Esdeath's wound and then his veins popped on his head after he drinks Esdeath's blood.

" URGH!! " Gilga inwardly screamed.

Inside Gilga's subconscious realm.


" ... What a low leveled urges. " Gilga yawned.

" Boring... SCRAM! " Gilga shouted, and from his surrounding, golden flames erupted, burning all the ghost like figure.


A growling voice can be heard after the ghosts have been completely incinerated by Gilga's golden flame.

Gilga then looks at the growling voice's direction and notices that a humanoid beast is chained with ice chains and locks.

The beast has blue skin with two pair of jet black horn sprouting from it's head. From it's left eyelid, pale blue icy flame can be seen from it while from it's right eyelid, red flame which burns with insanity and bloodthirst can be seen. On upper arms are covered with dark blue scale while it's lower arms are covered with thorny jet black carapace, which looks like a spiked gauntlet. Along it's body, five tattoo patterns can be seen. One of which is the tattoo that is located between Esdeath's breasts. The other tattoos are wing shaped tattoo on it's shoulders, a sword shaped tattoo on it's right abs and a shied shaped tattoo on it's left abs.

" ... So, this is the danger beast which is used to make Demon's Extract huh? " Gilga said while looking at it's pitiful state.

" ... "

With his thought, Gilga breaks the ice chains, breaking free the danger beast.

Obtaining it's freedom, the beast then looks around and realized a golden haired human child.

" ... What do you want with me brat? " The Demon asked. " Why do you release my chain? " The Demon added.

" Nothing. I just need more power. " Gilga said.

" Mwahahahaha! Power you say? Brat. I know you're already very strong. You broke the chains that even I couldn't break. So, what kind of power you need again? " The Demon laughed when it heard Gilga's word.

" A new one. I just need more power. " Gilga said.

" ... Well, at least, introduce me with the things inside you boy. " The Demon smirked.

" What do you- Guah! " Gilga said, but got interrupted as golden and rainbow colored light shoots out from his body and descends beside him before the lights transformed into something.

The purple light transforms into a 18 years old, fair skinned girl wearing black strapless gauze  gown. She has wide dark green eyes, her face is plastered with cynical smile and she has a green long hair, and on her head is a pair of fox ears.

The other is Tyrant Nova with it's usual fiery appearance.

" Well, you got something dangerous inside you brat. A poisonous vixen and a newborn new species. " The Demon snorted. " Why would you need an old fogey like me? "

" Stop bullshitting old man! My master wish you to be one of us! So, just obey him! " The girl snarled.

" Are you perhaps Black's Bane? " Gilga asked the girl.

" Yes Master. This is the first time you've met me in this form no? " Black's Bane said with a cynical smile.

' Scary... ' Gilga thought.

" Well, I'm sorry for being scary, but this is how I am. Who am I to blame? " Black's Bane snorted.

" I'm sorry... " Gilga apologized. " I never thought that you can transform like this. " Gilga added.

" Well, since we're in your subconscious realm, Me and Nova-cchi can take on any form. Except for that old fogey there. " Black's Bane ridicules.

" If it's a fight you want, then it's on vixen! " The Demon snarled.

" Heh. Anytime you want. " Black's Bane smirked.

" You're not joining them? " Gilga asked while looking at Tyrant Nova.

Tyrant Nova only shook his head.

*Sigh. Tyrant Nova shook his head again.