The two strongest beast clashes again


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" What did you say old fogey?! " Black's Bane snarled as she leaps towards the Demon and punches it.

" I said, your punches are too weak. I feel nothing not even itch, much less pain. " The Demon snorted and pinches Black's Bane's cheek.

" Ouch! Ouch! Pain! Pain! Let me go! " Black's Bane wailed in pain as her delicate cheek got pinched.

" If you admit defeat, then I might let you go. " The Demon said. " That's if... " The Demon added while smirking.

" N... Never! I'll never admit defeat!!! " Black's Bane wailed.

" Hm... I can continue this all night long. " The Demon hummed.

Seeing the scene, Gilga doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. It's like seeing an patient muscular old man punishing his scrawny naughty daughter.

" C'mon now, let's be nice with each other, since we'll be together from now on. " Gilga said.

" Well, after this brat admit defeat. " The Demon smirked.

" Bane-chan. Do me a favor please. " Gilga sighed.

" But, Master.. " Black's Bane said while her cheek is still being pinched by the Demon.

" No buts... " Gilga said.

" Muuu... Fine! Fine! I got it! I got it! I admit defeat! Lemme go now old fogey! " Black's Bane wailed.

' Is that how you admit defeat?! ' Tyrant Nova thought, as this is the first time it heard the word 'admit defeat' since it's been created.

Gilga only shakes his head and sighs while doing a facepalm.

" ... Seems like you still doesn't get it. " The Demon said as he pinches Black's Bane's cheek with more force causing her to wail even more.

" Gya... Lemme go!! I admitted defeat already, didn't I?! " Black's Bane wailed.

" What's the magic word? " The Demon smirked.

" Muuuu... P... P... " Black's Bane said, and the Demon grins.

" Put me down you old fogey! Right now! "  Black's Bane screamed.

" ... " Tyrant Nova.

" ... " Gilga.

" ... " The Demon. " Looks like you still don't know what the magic word is... " The Demon smirked again as he puts more force into his pinch again.

" A..a...a...Ouchh!!!! Please! Let me go! " Black's Bane said.

" There you go! Turns out you know the magic word well! " The Demon said with ridiculing smile.

" Muu.... " Black's Bane glaring daggers at the Demon while pouting.

" Well then, I suppose I'm in your care? " The Demon said as he extends his hand.

" Well, it should be me who will be in your care. " Gilga said with a smile, and shakes hand with the demon.

Back to Gilga's body.

After a few moments, Gilga's body underwent changes. On his chest, tattoo similar to Esdeath's shows up, on the back of his left hand a shield shaped tattoo is formed, while on the back of his right hand, a sword shaped tattoo also is formed. And on his back, a pair of wing shaped tattoo can be seen taking shape.

New strength fills Gilga, and he grins in satisfaction. Now, he need to look for an opportunity to test his new strength.


" Then, how about we fight again once more. I'll show you what happens when I'm serious. " Esdeath said.

" Well, bring it on. I will be the one who shows you what true strength is! " Gilga smirked.

" Let's settle this at Fake Mountain later. " Esdeath said.

" Oh? And what's the stake this time? " Gilga asked. " How about the loser submit to the winner? How bout that? " Gilga suggested.

" Hmph! Alright. I'll make sure that you you will submit yourself to me! " Esdeath said.

" I see. You better not go back on your word. " Gilga said.

" Hmph! " Esdeath snorted as she exits the room.

" Hehehe. " Gilga grinned as he prepares to head out to Fake Mountain.

Wave and Tatsumi just looks at Gilga and Esdeath with their jaw dropped. What kind of conversation is this? What in the hell just happened.

Kurome on the other side, sits back and continues munching her snacks... Till afternoon.


In the afternoon.

On Fake Mountain, Bulat and Akame are hunting the Tree Danger Beasts for their new hideout's firewood supply.

" What's wrong Akame? You're not looking too well. " Bulat asked.

" No. It's just your feeling. " Akame said.

But, it could be clearly seen that Akame's not well. She's become more skinny than usual, and her eye bags are both black and swollen.

" It's not just my feeling. You haven't been eating these past two days. If you, our Acting Leader, collapse, then what should we do? So, You better go back to the base and wait for me there with the others. " Bulat stated.

Akame's reluctant to do that, but what Bulat said Is true. The she now can't even exert 60% of her real combat prowess.

" I got it. Make sure you come back. " Akame said.

" You betcha. It'll take a lot of efforts to bruise me, much less kill me. " Bulat laughed.

Akame nodded as she heads back to the base and rest for the day.

Bulat then heads deeper into the Mountain and by luck, he spots people there.

' Huh? Why are there people venturing deep inside Fake Mountain? ' Bulat thought.

' ... Let's investigate first. If the situation gets worse, then I'll directly leave. ' Bulat thought as he dons Incursio and heads towards the suspicious people's direction.


It's afternoon, and the awaited time has arrive, once again, Esdeath stands before Gilga, but the spectators this time are Tatsumi, Wave and Kurome.

" So, who do you think will win? You have watched captain and Gilga fight right? " Wave asked.

" I seriously don't know. I am busy dodging any potential friendly fire. " Tatsumi said as he inwardly cried when he remembers the hellish time last night because of their clash.

Other than that, he missed the opportunity to witness the battle power of the Jaeger and to obtain useful information for Night Raid members.

Hearing what Tatsumi said, Wave tensed up, while Kurome's still busy eating her snacks.

" When are you going to stop eating Kurome? You'll get cavities you know? " Wave said.

" It's not your business. Mind your own self before minding others. " Kurome said before she continues eating her snacks.

" But, it'll be a shame if you get cavities you know. " Wave said.

Hearing this Kurome blushes a little and stops eating her snack.

" ... Don't misunderstand. I just want to see captain and Gilga fight. " Kurome said.

" Hehe. I get it. " Wave said with a smile.

Seeing Waves smile, Kurome blushes as her heart beats faster.

' How long has it been? When's the last time my heart beats erratically like this. ' Kurome thought while holding her chest with a smile. Sadly, and luckily, Wave and Tatsumi don't notice this as they are focused on Gilga and Esdeath.

" Hoo... You bought new clothes. You look good in it. " Esdeath praised.

" Well, I could say I'm flattered, but, now isn't the time to be flirting around isn't it Esdeath-chan? " Gilga said.

Indeed, this morning, before they head to Fake Mountain, Gilga visits a tailor shop to buy new clothes.

He bought a sleeveless black vest, black tactical pants, a pair of golden gauntlets and a pair of red and black gloves.

Hearing how Gilga intimately addresses Esdeath, Tatsumi and Wave could feel their mouth twitching. Are they having a flirting battle right now?

" That's true. " Esdeath smirked as she unsheathes her rapier. " Shall we begin our dance then? " Esdeath added while pointed her rapier at Gilga.

" Yeah. Let's start our dance. " Gilga also smirked as he draws Black's Bane and points it at Esdeath. And then he takes out a silver coin and toss it to the air.

As the coin spins midair, Gilga and Esdeath stare at each other intensely.


The sound of coin falling reverberates and then Gilga's and Esdeath's figure blurred as they confronts each other in fierce sword battle.

Esdeath stabs Gilga, and Gilga parries then counterattacks with a stabbing attack, which Esdeath parries then counters with stabbing.

This repeated for over a minute with speed faster than anyone would expect. Wave and Tatsumi who's watching drops their jaw, while Kurome's watching and follows up their movement, albeit with a little difficulty.

" Are they even humans? " Wave asked.

" I also doubt that at first. " Tatsumi said.

" I have to admit, they're out of my league. Even my Onee-chan couldn't go this fast. " Kurome said as she opens her snack once again and starts nibbling her snacks...again.

Indeed, the past Akame hasn't reached this height, but, who knows how much Akame has grown from sparring with Gilga.

" I'm not going to hold back anymore Gilga. Yesterday, it was a mistake to think you are not as strong as me. But now, I will go all out against you! " Esdeath laughed.

" Well, it's been a long time since I met my match, so don't disappoint me Esdeath-chan. " Gilga laughed as they continue exchanging stabs.

" Hagel Sprung! "

A huge ice boulder appeared above Gilga, Esdeath, Tatsumi, Wave and Kurome.

" Teigu Release! Phase One! Venomous Bubbles! "

Gilga's Black's Bane melts down and formed countless bubbles. After that, the bubbles swirls around Gilga and creates a layer of poison bubble above his skin starting from his shoulders till his arms.

" Exquip! Venom Knight! "

After that, the layer of poison on his left hand takes shape into a shield while the one on his right turns into a sword.

" Venrandal! "

Gilga's poison sword extends and then he swings it continuously at the huge ice boulder, mincing it at unprecedented speed.

Seeing Gilga's poison shield, Esdeath creates an ice pike and shoots them to Gilga.

As expected, once the pike comes into contact with the shield, it melts directly.

" Hmph! As expected, that poison Teigu of yours is annoying indeed. " Esdeath said. " But... " Esdeath then creates an ice rapier and stabs it at Gilga's poison shield again.

To Gilga's surprise, his poison shield is breaking down. So, Gilga jumps back and creates a distance between them.

" Hoo... That's quite the extraordinary way to breach my poison shield. " Gilga praised.

" Oh? So you notice? " Esdeath said.

" Of course. You keep freezing my poison shield then break it apart with that ice rapier. " Gilga said.

" That's not all. " Esdeath smirked.

Hearing Esdeath saying those words, Gilga feels chill on his left arm. It's frozen.

" ... "

" I suggest you surrender right now before I totally freeze you. " Esdeath said proudly.


" Oh! The captain got a hit in! " Wave said excitedly.

" OM...NOM...OM...NOM... " Kurome keeps eating her snack.

" Why are you eating again? " Wave asked while looking at Kurome.

" Because I am hungry? " Kurome said while tilting her head.

" Hm... You see... " Wave started.

" Wait. Why are you telling me what to do and what not to do? It's not like you're my parents or anything! " Kurome said and then continues eating her snack.

Hearing this, Wave could feel his mouth twitching. But he then realize something.

" Wait. Where's Tatsumi? " Wave said while looking around.

" Tatsumi's gone! " Wave said as he panics.


" What!! Tatsumi's gone?! " Esdeath said as she looks at Wave's direction, and indeed, Tatsumi's gone!

" You're pretty confident on winning eh? Esdeath-chan? " Gilga said as he appears in front of Esdeath while clenching his fist covered in poison.

" Not good! " Esdeath exclaimed as she creates an ice block in front of her chest and abdominal area.

" This puny ice won't help you! " Gilga roared as he lands a straight on Esdeath's abdomen, sending her flying while vomiting.


Esdeath's body then lands on a huge rock, and she cratered in.

" Looks like it's my win. " Gilga smirked and then he undid his Teigu Release, turning Black's Bane into an estoc and sheathes it.

" N... Not yet... I'm not... " Esdeath said weakly as she slowly resurfaces from the cratered stone. Her cloth is torn, revealing her slightly burnt abs.

" Well, I suppose the fight just now is invalid, since you got distracted, so let's have a rematch the next time we meet. " Gilga smirked.

" Wait... " Esdeath said.

" But, before I leave, might show you something good. " Gilga smirked as he stretches his arms, and then blue mist appeared on his left hand while golden flame appeared on his right hand.

" With blue ice that freezes everything on my left, and with golden flame that melts everything on my right hand... "

" By this very right hand, I shall freeze the time! "

Gilga extends his left hand, and the blue  mist is slowly expanding.

" Pagono to Chrono! "

The blue mist then morphs into blue light that shoots everywhere and then covers the surrounding.

After the blue light is gone, Gilga's figure is nowhere to be seen.

" Gilga?! He's gone?! " Esdeath said while looking around.

" Where did he go? " Wave said while he too turns his head and looks around. Just now Tatsumi's gone, and now, it's Gilga's who's gone too!

" *Sob *Sob... " Kurome sobbed.

" What happened Kurome? " Wave asked.

" My snack... It's gone... " Kurome cried.

" ... "