

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!


" Pagono to Chrono! "

Gilga exclaimed and the blue mist turns into blue light that covers the surrounding.

Gilga couldn't feel the down of the wind, everything turns into blue as they've been frozen in time.

" Ugh. But still, freezing the time is still to hard... " Gilga thought as he takes Kurome's snack bag before he leaps to the river area.

" Oh? Tatsumi and Bulat? They run pretty far away from Esdeath and co. " Gilga said, as he spots Bulat who's running to the base while carrying Tatsumi on his back. They also have reached the river area.

" Well might as well unfreeze the time. " Gilga said as he extends his right hand and the golden flame becomes bigger.

" Apeleftheroste chrono. "

The golden flame envelops the whole area, melting the frozen time, causing the time to flow normally.

" Aniki! Watch out! " Tatsumi warned.

" What... " Bulat exclaimed, but then gets flicked on his head.

With that flick, Bulat got sent flying and Tatsumi got thrown off from Bulat's back.

" I must say... It's rather impressive for you to reach this distance in such a short time. " Gilga said.

" Wha!? When?! How?! " Bulat exclaimed.

" Nah. Keep that question for yourself. You still need to... " Gilga said.

Before Gilga finishes his word, loud crashing sound can be heard as dusts rises.

" Gilga! And Tatsumi! And... That armor... It's Incursio! So, that means you're with Night Raid right? Armored man! " Wave exclaimed.

' ... Man, this sure gives me a headache... How could I escape this situation cleanly? ' Gilga thought.

Wave then looks at Gilga, then Tatsumi, and then Bulat before nodding his head.

" I see! So, you realized that Tatsumi's been abducted by this person, and you chased him directly. Admirable. " Wave praised.

' What's this idiot talking about?! ' Gilga cursed.

" ... " Tatsumi and Bulat just stares at Gilga with disbelief.

Did he truly betray them? If so, then he should've used his Tyrant Nova and tie them up or use his Black's Bane to paralyze them. Not flick them.

" Heh. So you realized huh? I must say that you're pretty good to notice and catch up to me. " Bulat scoffed. " Indeed, I abduct this boy because he has a high value in Esdeath's eye. " Bulat added.

" Wha?! Abducting captain's lover. You truly are brave... " Wave said. " But, that being said, I mustn't let you leave... That's because I'm a member of Jaeger! And catching criminal like you is my job! " Wave said as he unsheathes his sword.


Wave shouted and then an image of a danger beast appeared on his back before it them merges with Wave.

" Oh?! Another armor type Teigu! That's not really awesome or anything. " Bulat scoffed.

Indeed, after witnessing Tatsumi and Gilga using their own armor Teigu, one or two more appearance of those Teigus surprise Bulat the least now.

" What? Your Incursio is a prototype of my Grand Chariot. And you d- " Wave said, but before he finishes his word, Bulat kneed him, causing him to vomit a little bit while kneeling on the floor.

" Wave! " Gilga exclaimed.

" You sleep too. " Bulat said as he chopped Gilga's back.

Gilga then 'fainted' and then Bulat picks him up along with Tatsumi and leaves Wave alone.

" No... Wait...you...coward... " Wave said before he blacks out.


" Well, are you going to leave him alone Bulat-san? " Gilga asked as he wakes up when they've been apart from Wave.

" Huh? Why do you ask that? " Bulat asked, surprised.

" Well, isn't this mountain's well known for it's tree and rock danger beasts? " Gilga asked.

" Oh, I see. Don't worry, just now, me and Akame had just finished swiping the area around here, so it's not likely to get attacked by tree beasts, unless his luck sucks. " Bulat said.

' ... Well, from what I remember, Wave doesn't have good luck. It's more like his luck shits. So, it's probably he's being bitten by tree beasts or something alike. ' Gilga thought.

And indeed, after Bulat and co left the unconscious Wave, a tree beast gets close to him and starts gnawing him. But the tree beast's quite unlucky cause Wave falls unconscious with his armor still on his body.

After a few moment, the tree beast got its head decapitated by a katana.

The one who decapitated the tree beast unsurprisingly is Kurome.

" Wave?! " Kurome exclaimed when she sees Wave who's laying on the floor.

" Wave... Wake up! Wake up! " Kurome said while shaking Wave.

" Ugh! I'm awake... I'm awake... " Wave groaned as he opened his eyes and saw Kurome who's so close to him.

Under his mask, Wave's blushing. Luckily his mask is on, or this conversation will become awkward.

" Wave... Thank goodness you're awake... " Kurome said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

" Kurome... " Wave said, touched.

" If you haven't wake up, how can I ask you whether you've found my snack. So, have you found it? " Kurome asked.

Hearing this, Wave's lip twitched.

' Why do I feel touched just now?! ' Wave inwardly cursed.

" No. I haven't found them... " Wave said.

Hearing this, Kurome looks down and heads back to where Esdeath is with Wave.


The sun sets and the moon rises. Night has arrived when Bulat and co arrived at the new base.

" We're back! " Bulat exclaimed.

Hearing Bulat's voice, all of the Night Raid members exits the hideout and notices two familiar figure.

" Gilga... Tatsumi... " Akame said with relief.

" Gilga! " Sayo, Navia, Spear and Leone jumps to Gilga and hugs him.

Seeing this scene, Lubbock grits his teeth angrily and enviously.

" Damn! Why is he so popular with girls?! Why can't it be me? " Lubbock asked.

" ... Does that even need to be answered? " Leone shrugged while clinging on Gilga.

' ... Onee-san. Please don't make this perverted idiot my enemy. ' Gilga thought inwardly.

But too late, as Lubbock's staring daggers at Gilga.

" So, how is your quality time with Esdeath? " Leone teased.

Gilga could definitely feels his hairs stand from Leones statement alone. Not to mention the glares of the four beauties around him.

" Um... Eventful if I should say. " Gilga said while forcing a smile.

" I see... Then, let's head to your new room then. " Sayo said with a cold smile.

" Yes. Since this is a new place, your room has been replaced. " Navia said, also with cold smile.

" Let us show the way for you. " Spear added with cold smile.

" And, we'll wring out all of your juice tonight. " Leone whispered while licking Gilga's ear.

" Please go easy on me tonight. " Gilga said, and with a smile, and then the girls dragg Gilga to his new room and soon moans filled the room.

" ... "


The next morning, in the capital's castle, Jaeger's headquarter.

Wave is kneeling above a washing board with 4 blocks of stone on his thigh. He's being tied on a pole with only his boxer left.

Esdeath is sitting on the throne while eyeing Wave with Kurome and Run in her side.

" Um... How should I say this... I'm truly sorry for what I've done... I've deeply reflected on my actions and I do apologize... " Wave said with tears flowing from his eyes.

" Due to your inattention, Tatsumi got abducted by a Night Raid member... What's more, you got beaten in a single blow... That's embarrassing. " Esdeath said while sighing and doing a facepalm. " Kurome... Stone! " Esdeath ordered.

Without hesitation, Kurome takes a slab of stone and slams it on the stack of stones above Wave's thigh.

" GWAH!!! " Wave screamed in agony.

" If it was Incursio, then I believe, it was 'Hundred Man Slayer' Bulat. " Esdeath said. " That being said, he's someone who deserves special attention within the Night Raid. " Esdeath added.

" And, we've been informed that once we found them, they mustn't be allowed to escape. " Esdeath lectured. " Now, they will likely change their hideout's location. " Esdeath continued then sighed.

" Kurome, fire! " Esdeath ordered.

" M..! " Kurome nodded as she takes a lighted candle and drips it's melted wax on Wave's back.

" Argh! Ho.....t!! " Wave screamed.

" Wave... Your abilities are top notch... But your mental control are far too weak... " Esdeath sighed. " But, you're reflecting... " Esdeath added.

" ... I will let you go after we finish playing with you using water torture and a bit of little whipping. " Esdeath said and sighed...again.

' You call that playing?! ' Wave ridicules and he doesn't know whether to laugh or cry when hearing her 'humorous' words.

" But... Should you mess up again. I'll be the one who will personally deliver your punishment. Got it?! " Esdeath threatened while glaring at Wave, sending shivers down his spine.

Wave looks at her fearfully and continuously nods his head, until the door to their room is opened, revealing Seryu with Koro together.

" Reporting! Captain! Our apologies, but me and Koro have finished scouting the entire area of Mt.Fake and not found any trace of Gilga, Tatsumi or the enemy! " Seryu reported while saluting with Koro on her waist. " Even with Koro's nose, we still can't find it! " Seryu added.

" Well, Hekatonkheires is a Teigu which purpose is more for battle than support, so don't worry about it. " Esdeath sighed sadly. " How about Stylish? He's searching as well isn't he?" Esdeath asked.

" Yes. But, he is moving on his own, but he has yet to contact me... " Seryu answered.

Esdeath then sighed again, " Seems like hope is thin then. "

" ... Esdeath-sama. This is just a what if. " Run said suddenly. " What if that Bulat person forced Tatsumi and Gilga to join the Night Raid? And let's say, they agreed. What should we do with them in the future? " Run asked.

" ... To tell you all the truth, I still love both of them. With them not around, my desire to be with them is burning even hotter. " Esdeath said.

" But, the lives of my subordinates are more important than that! " Esdeath said.

" If it's like what Run said, bringing both of them back alive would be more preferable... But, if they lose a threat to you, then do as you all see fit! " Esdeath declared.

" Understood, Esdeath-sama. " Run said with a smile, and then the others nodded in unison.

" Good. Then, Run, Seryu and Kurome. I'll leave Wave's punishment for you two to carry. " Esdeath said as she leaves the room.

And then, Wave's screams of pain once again resounded from the room.

Esdeath then looks to the sky through the window with sorrow in her eyes. She seems really sad.

' ... If Tatsumi do get killed, then it means that that's as far as he could go as a man... And I don't believe he is that weak. ' Esdeath thought.

' Gilga on the other hand... He's not one to be underestimated. I'm afraid that even all of the Jaeger members, they won't stand a chance against him if he shows up as an enemy... And him being abducted like that... It's fishy. ' Esdeath pondered.

But then, her sorrow turns into a warm smile as she thought about the possibility of them meeting each other again.


In Night Raid's base, near the forest of Fake Mountain.

" Atshoo! " Gilga sneezed.

In front of him are the members of the Night Raid, looking at him intensely.