

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!!

" Wait. Let me reaffirm what I've just heard. " Leone said while shaking her head due to a headache from listening to Tatsumi's explaination.

" You and Tatsumi met Esdeath's new group full of Teigu user? " Leone asked, and Gilga nodded.

" At night, you and Tatsumi along with Esdeath's squad head out for bandit extermination quest. " Leone added and Gilga nodded again.

" But, instead of watching the prowess of the Jaeger members, you starts bickering with Esdeath because she tried to kiss Tatsumi, correct? " Leone inquired, and Gilga nodded...again.

" And then it escalated to a fight, which later turns out to be a draw? " Leone asked again loudly.

" Yeah. That's true. " Gilga nodded.

" But, knowing her, she won't accept draw or defeat, so she'll grow even stronger. " Gilga said.

After those words left Gilga's lip, the room turned dead silent for a moment as the Night Raid members look at Gilga with disbelief.

" They assembled a team full of Teigu user and you motivated Esdeath to become stronger... Just what the hell are you thinking? " Mine sighed.

And after that, Sheele accidentally overpour Mine's coffee.

" Gyaaa! Hot!!! Sheele what's wrong with you? " Mine shrieked. " My favorite dress is now tainted by coffee again. " Mine added while internally crying.

" Ah! I'm sorry! I'm too focused on listening to what Gilga said. Sorry Mine. " Sheele apologized.

" Besides, why did you not just finish them off Tatsumi?! " Mine asked while glaring at Tatsumi.

" Eh? What? " Tatsumi asked, surprised.

" After the fight between Esdeath and that man. " Mine pointed at Gilga. " They both passed out, didn't they? " Mine asked.

" So? " Tatsumi asked.

" Why don't you kill both of them? " Mine said. " Jeez. How dense can you be? To actually make me explain it to this length. " Mine sighed.

" ... Don't ask for the impossible Mine... " Tatsumi said. " And, why would you want me to kill Gilga? " Tatsumi asked.

" ... Because he pisses me off! That's why! " Mine said.

" .... Flat board... " Gilga chuckled.

" Why you!! " Mine snarled as she takes out Pumpkin and points it to Gilga.

" What? Even after all those time, you still refuse to accept yourself being called flat? " Gilga scoffed.

" You... " Mine gritted her teeth in anger.

" Calm down Mine. It's not like you'll be able to scratch Gilga. Much less kill him. " Bulat said.

" But... " Mine said.

" Besides, there are still more important things than that. And that's about the abilities of the Jaeger members. " Bulat said, and Mine finally shuts up.

" So, what do you know about the Jaeger members? " Bulat asked.

" Hm... What I know is, their members consist of 3 men, 2 girls and a homo. " Gilga started and explained about what he knows about the members of the Jaeger. Starting from appearance, Teigu and their combat capabilities.

" So, that's all. On term of strength, all of them could easily squash Lubbock if I may say so. " Gilga grinned.

" What the hell? Are you underestimating me. " Lubbock roared in anger.

" Chillax! It's not like you won't get any stronger. I believe, everyone in Night Raid will become stronger than before. " Gilga said.

" Huh! You bet! We will be even stronger so we will kick your ass later! " Mine said proudly while puffing her nonexistent chest.

" ... But, still... How should we counter Esdeath. Her ice creation ability is troublesome. " Lubbock mumbles while scribbling on a notebook.

" ... It's troubling, since we don't know the limit of her freezing abilities, and how much she can freeze. " Lubbock added.

" A mountain... " Gilga said.

" What? What do you mean by a mountain? " Mine asked.

" She can cover an entire mountain with her abilities. Not to mention she's still growing stronger. " Gilga said.

Silence returned to the room as the Night Raid members are too shocked when discovering Esdeath's capabilities.

" What a monster. " Lubbock said.

" A beautiful monster. " Gilga corrected, and Lubbock looks at Gilga in stupor.

" Esdeath is certainly powerful. " Akame, who's been silent from the beginning said. " But, she has a weakness, which is she's alive, and she has a beating heart. " Akame added.

" And so... I shall slay her. Even if she's the fabled Empire's strongest. " Akame said while stretching her katana.

" Well, that's our Trump card for ya. " Lubbock stated.

" You better do it and don't make an idle boast about it. " Mine laughed.

" It's best to end it in a single blow from Murasame... There's no other better strategy than that. " Leone said while resting on the couch with Sayo and Navia.

" But, are you sure you can face her head on, Akame-san? " Sayo asked.

" Yes. It's not like I want to admit it, but General Esdeath's strength isn't to be trifled with. " Navia said.

" We still got Gilga. " Tatsumi pointed, and everyone looks at Gilga directly.

" Huh? Don't look at me like that. I don't want to say this, but by the next time I meet Esdeath, I doubt I'll be on her league anymore. " Gilga said, shocking everyone in the room.

" Rather than being gloomy, shouldn't you all think of how to be stronger? " Gilga said. " Esdeath maybe strong. But, with you all becoming stronger, even Esdeath have to tread carefully before facing us head on. " Gilga stated.

" Un. " Everyone nodded.

" Then, let's party and celebrate Tatsumi and Gilga's return! " Leone said.

And so, they all ear and drink to their heart's content before sleeping like a log.

In the forest nearby the hideout.

Four people can be seen getting closer to Night Raid's base. Three of them have unique feature, which is the enlargement of the eyes, ears and nose, while the other person is wearing a spectacle and white lab coat.

" Stylish-sama. There's the same scent of the boys and a foreign scents. Although it's been carefully erased, I can still smell them. " A man wearing tights and has a long and big nose said while sniffing.

" Good job Hana. " Stylish said.

" Stylish-sama. There're strings ahead of us. Please follow my step to avoid them. " A man with huge eyes and wearing a cap said.

" Well done! Me! " Stylish praised.

" I can hear faint chatters ahead of us. " A 'girl' with huge ears said.

" Fantastic! Mimi! " Stylish laughed. " It's your first time on the field, yet you're proving yourselves this much. I must say, I'm impressed. " Stylish said.

" Oh! Stylish-sama! We're unworthy of your praise! " The three of them said in tandem.

" Fufufu... As I thought, the two of them is very suspicious from the very beginning. Both of them are blacksmith, yet they adapt to that kind of situation rather easily. " Stylish said. " Not to mention that Gilga boy... He manages to fight on par with Esdeath-sama. It's too suspicious! " Stylish said.

" Ah! Stylish-sama! Your perspective is even better than my sense of smell! " Hana said.

" Stylish-sama. I've seen the light! " Me said.

" It's like hearing the word of wisdom... " Mimi said.

" I don't need you guys praising me like that. Shut yer trap. " Stylish said.

" And... Bingo! Night Raid's base found you... " Stylish pointed at the Night Raid's base.

" And, what're you going to do now that you've found it? " A voice reverberates from Stylish's back, surprising Stylish and Mimi.

" Oh! Gilga. What a coincidence. Why're you here? " Stylish asked.

" I'm infiltrating Night Raid's base on Esdeath-chan's order. " Gilga stated.

Hearing this, Stylish doesn't know whether to believe Gilga or not. And, why the hell would he call his boss with such intimacy?

" Did Esdeath-sama truly ask you to do this? " Stylish asked.

" Of course she did. If not, then why would I bother' going deep inside this dangerous forest? " Gilga stated.

" I see. " Stylish nodded.

" My personal soldiers! Capture him! " Stylish exclaimed, and all of a sudden, hundreds of Stylish's enhanced soldiers emerges from the forest.

" Wait! What's the meaning of this? Dr.Stylish?! " Gilga inquired as he dodges the assaults of the enhanced soldiers.

" Drop your pathetic act. I should say, your acting is pretty good, but not good enough. " Stylish snorted.

" First, how do you obtain the location of this place? And second, how do you manage to bypass those annoying strings? " Stylish asked.

" The answer is, either you're somewhat linked with Night Raid or you're actually a member of Night Raid. " Stylish stated.

" Stylish-sama... You're truly amazing! My nose admit defeat! " Hana said.

" Oh! I see! This is the light! " Me said.

" Hearing your analysis, it's open a new part for me Stylish-sama! " Mimi said.

" And, like I said, I don't need you guys praising me, so shut her trap! " Stylish said.

" Hahahaha! Well, aren't you a pretty smart one? " Gilga laughed. " Never have I expected you to sniff us out like this. Stylish. " Gilga sneered as he punched an enhanced soldier, breaking it's mask and face.

" It's Stylish-sama for you! Jerk! " The trio roared in tandem.

" Shut up. " Gilga said. His tone is low, cold and dangerous at the same time, sending shivers down to everyone's spine.

" Toby-kun! Kaku-san! Take care of him! " Stylish exclaimed, and then a slender man with metallic helmet and metallic suit alongside a muscular man leap towards Gilga.

Before Toby and Kaku reached Gilga, two figure land in front of Gilga, stopping Toby and Kaku on their track and forced them to jump back. Those figures are Akame, and Tatsumi who have donned Black Incursio.

And right after they landed on the ground, two beams shot at them. One is red and one is blue.

" What? " Toby exclaimed in surprise as he got his limb frozen from blocking the blue beam.

" Urgh. " Kaku groaned in pain as his skin got scorched a bit because of him blocking the red beam.

Seeing this, Stylish eyes widen in horror.

" That's right. You think you're raiding us. But, in reality, it's us ambushing you. " Gilga sneered. " Blame yourself for not informing Esdeath and the remaining Jaegers! Blame yourself for your greed! Blame it all on you! " Gilga said.

" ... You think I came here alone without preparations? You're gravely mistaken! " Stylish laughed psychopathically.

" Nope. I'm not. In fact, you have lost the moment you set foot here. " Gilga smirked.

" Stylish-sama! Our troops! " Mimi suddenly exclaimed as 'she' looks behind.

Stylish then looks behind and realized that the enhanced troops have been turned into minced meat by Bulat, Sheele, Leone, Navia and Ieyasu.

" That girl! Sheele! She's still alive?! How come?! " Stylish gasped in surprise. " Don't tell me... Seryu... She... " Stylish mumbles, not wanting to accept the harsh truth.

" Checkmate. It's your loss Stylish. " Gilga stated.

" No way.... My troops. My plan... All ruined... By a brat?! " Stylish gritted his teeth, and blood can be seen flowing from it's side.

" I...won't accept this!!!! " Stylish roared as he pressed a button that comes out from his sleeve.

After pressing the button, the minced meat near Bulat and co inflated before exploded.

" Watch out! " Bulat exclaimed, and all of them leaps back before the minced meat explodes.

" It's a little bit too fast to use it, but! " Stylish grumbled and then purple colored gas is released from the sole of his shoes and his troops' shoes.

The gas instantly paralyzed everyone, except Gilga, Bulat and Tatsumi, who have resistance to paralyzing poison and Mine and Sayo who's faraway from where Stylish is.

" If this is your trump card, then I could say this is quite disappointing. " Gilga shook his head while sighing.

" Wha.... How?! " Stylish roared.

" What do you mean? " Gilga asked.

" How the hell some of you are still standing? " Stylish roared.

" Well, I have no obligation to tell you... As you're going to die today. " Gilga sneered and then his figure disappeared.

The next moment, thudding sound can be heard coming from Stylish's back.

Both Kaku and Toby had been decapitated by Bulat and Tatsumi.

" ... Well, thank you for bringing Extase back. " Bulat snorted as he picks Extase up.

" Now, do you want to do this the easy way? Or the hard way? " Gilga asked coldly.