Back to the capital

( A.N : Let's stop the disclaimer part, as it's pretty annoying for every beginning of the story to start with those words. )

Tomorrow norning.

On the capital's Main Street.

As usual, Seryu's patrolling around the city to make sure that there's no problem or so.

" Ah... Another peaceful day. " Seryu said while stretching.

" Kyun! Kyun! "

Koro starts acting up as it notices something.

" What's wrong Kor- Uwahh!!! "

Seryu asked, but before she finished her words, Koro starts running and heads towards someone.

" Kyun! Kyun! "

Koro then climbs onto that man and rubbing it's cheek against his.

" Huh? Oh?! Koro! Why're you here? "

The man said happily as he pats Koro's head.

Hearing the familiar voice, Seryu looks up and noticed a golden haired boy. Although he has cut his hair, Seryu effortlessly identify this boy.

" Gilga?! "

" Oh! Seryu-chan's also here! "

Gilga exclaimed as he lifts Koro and gives it to Seryu.

" What're you doing here? Don't you know Esdeath-sama is looking for you and Tatsumi? "

" Of course she does. That's why I cut my hair in order to be less recognizable. As for what I'm doing here, it's because I have something to do. "  Gilga shrugged.

( A.N : Hm... Yes... The floor is made from floor. ~ Memes from Toys Story. )

" And... What is it? "

" That's none of your business. "

A female sound can be heard from Gilga's front.

Curious, who's so brazen to talk that way to her, Seryu then takes a peek at the girl.

The girl has pale skin, auburn hair and red eyes. She wears a butterfly headphone accessory on her head, a vocalist-like clothing consisting of a white long sleeve shirt with the collar tied with a red ribbon under a black vest a red checkered mini skirt, black leather below-the-knee boots and a make up box dangling on her waist.

" Chelsea-chan. Don't be so mean to her. "

" Hmph! " Chelsea pouted. 


Last night, after killing Stylish.

Najenda and Gilga are sitting face to face on the meeting room, while the Night Raid members pack their belongings.

" And so, we've decided to head to the Margue Plateau, which is 800km away from the capital, and make a temporary base there. "

" I see. " Gilga nodded as he sipped his coffee. " Then, what's your point telling me this. " Gilga asked.

" Well, I just thought you might want to hop by. " Najenda said.

" Nope. I think I'll pass on that offer. " Gilga said.

" I see. That's a shame. " Najenda then lights her cigarette and starts smoking.

" Then, do you still remember that you owe me something? " Gilga asked.

" You mean about the reward for subjugating Zank? " Najenda asked.

" You got a good memories. " Gilga praised.

" I never forget any debt I owe and people owe me. " Najenda said as she releases huge amount of smoke. " Then, what do you want? " Najenda asked.

" I want her to accompany me for a month when you all are at the Margue Plateau. " Gilga said while pointing at the cloaked figure, surprising Najenda and the cloaked figure.

" You're the one who I met that day, correct? " Gilga asked with a smile.

The cloaked figure then looks at Najenda for a moment.

Noticing her gaze, Najenda nodded, and the cloaked figure reveals herself.

" How do you know that it's me? " Chelsea asked.

" You give off the same aura if I should say. " Gilga said as he sipped his coffee again. " Then, is it acceptable Najenda-san? " Gilga asked.

" Hm... Why would you ask for a month with her? " Najenda asked.

" It's because I don't want to restrict her freedom. She's a cute and gorgeous girl. Not a slave. " Gilga stated.


Hearing Gilga's word, Chelsea blushed.

" Cheh! Bastard. " Lubbock clicked his tongue in annoyance as he enters the meeting room with his backpack.

" What? Are you envious by the way? " Gilga taunted.

" What do you say?! " Lubbock asked angrily. " If a fight is what you want, then you're on! Don't think that just because you beat that mad scientist proved that you're stronger than me! Oh, no. I'm not being serious with him just now. If I'm serious, then he's as good as dead. " Lubbock stated without an inch of embarrassment.

" Enough. Lubbock. Calm down. " Najenda said.

" Haii~ Najenda-san. " Lubbock said.

" About that, you should ask Chelsea whether she wanted to follow you or not. " Najenda said.

" Well then, Chelsea-chan. What's your choice? " Gilga asked.

' Chan? ' Chelsea blushed as she just couldn't believe that the boy in front of him addresses her intimately despite this is their first time meeting. ( The one from before doesn't count, as it's more of an encounter rather than meeting. )

" Ahem. Then, what benefit would I get from being with you? " Chelsea asked.

" Well, if you're interested then follow me. " Gilga chuckled.

" Eh? Then, let us join you Gilga! " Sayo said.

" Un... Un... " Navia nodded while puffing her cheeks.

' So cute... I wanna pat her. ' Gilga thought as he furiously resist the urge of rubbing her head.

Then, Gilga felt someone's pinching his elbow, bringing him back to reality.

When he turns his head, he notices Spear is blushing while hugging his arm.

" Are you going to leave me again? " Spear asked Gilga with puppy eyes.

' Ugh! Why are they acting so darn cute tonight? ' Gilga thought.

" If you want to follow me, then that's fine. The same goes for Sayo and Navia. " Gilga smiled.

" Yay! " Sayo, Navia and Spear exclaimed happily as they hugs Gilga.

Lubbock is glaring daggers at Gilga. How dare he act all lovey-dovey in front of him. He's not jealous! Of course he's NOT jealous, seeing Gilga being surrounded by beauties.

Chelsea on the other hand, is looking at Gilga with disgust. Man whore... A man whore is in front of her now.

Still though, how does he manage to attract these girls? Not to mention they're all too close and being touchy. What's more, they didn't seem disturbed by other girl's presence near Gilga.

" Well, what's your choice Chelsea? " Najenda asked, bringing Chelsea back to reality.

" I guess I'll tag alongside him. " Chelsea said, causing Gilga to clenches his fist happily.

Lubbock looks at Gilga with 'this asshole' expression on his face, and the girls looks at Gilga with wry smile and 'tge harem grows again' expression.

" But, do remember, if you dare make a move on me... I'll cut it off. " Chelsea said while making a scissor gesture.

" Worry not. I am not that low to do those things forcefully. So, no need to be so on guard on me. " Gilga said.

And so, after all of the Night Raid's members finished packing, they ride the Air Manta and head to the Margue Plateau, while Gilga and the girls stays in the capital, as they don't have any wanted poster yet.

Of course, Leone keeps saying that she wants to stay with Gilga, but Gilga told her to follow Akame and co, as they need their Nee-san there. So, Leone decided to follow Najenda and co to Margue Plateau... unwillingly.


Seeing Chelsea's behavior, Gilga could only force a smile.

" Come on, Chelsea-chan. Don't be like that. " Gilga forced a smile.

Chelsea then turns her head away in irritation.

' Seriously. He's probably the first and worst type of playboy I've ever met. ' Chelsea inwardly thought.

" Oh! Seryu-san! Long time no see! " Spear greeted Seryu cheerfully.

" Ah! Spear! How long have it been? How do you do? And what have you been doing? And where have you been ? " Seryu asked.

" So many questions at once! " Spear exclaimed.

" Hold up Seryu-chan. You're startling Spear-chan here. " Gilga said with a smile.

" Let's talk at the usual place later at night. " Gilga whispered.

Seryu blushed and nodded, while Chelsea snorted and looks away from Gilga with irritation.

" Then, see you later at night. " Gilga waved his hand and then leaves with Spear, Chelsea, Sayo and Navia.

" What's with you and that girl? Isn't she an enemy? " Chelsea snorted. " Why're you acting chummy with her?! " Chelsea added.

" Puh! Looks like someone's being envious. " Gilga said while holding his laughter.

" W... Who's envious. " Chelsea said as she takes a step back while blushing. " Besides, what're you planning by staying in the capital? " Chelsea asked as she regained her composure.

" C'mon. Just be honest. You're still blushing you know. " Gilga smiled as he gets closer to Chelsea.

Noticing Gilga's getting close to her, Chelsea's heart can't help but skip a beat as she blushed even more.

" Stop teasing her Gilga. " Sayo sighed while pinching Gilga.

" Sorry. You see. Gilga is the type to go for cute and beautiful girls. That's why he act like that towards you. " Navia said while smiling awkwardly.

" N... Nevermind... I... It's not like I... mind or anything... " Chelsea blushed while twirling her hair.

Hearing their conversation, Gilga's lips twitched.

" Navia... Why do I feel more insulted rather than complimented? " Gilga forced a smile. " It's like you're implying that I'll go for a girl as long as she's cute and beautiful. "

" Isn't that the truth? See. Me, Sayo-chan, Leone Nee-san, Spear-san, Seryu-san, and now, Chelsea-san. " Navia counted.

" Which means, the next one's the last right? " Sayo asked.

Hearing her words, Gilga could feel sweat trickling down his forehead.

" W... What do you mean, Sayo-chan? " Gilga asked with forced smile.

" Don't you say you'll take seven girls as your wives? " Sayo asked.

" I said probably... Probably... So, there will probably be more than or less than seven! " Gilga said.

' A...and more? Just how much of a playboy is he? ' Chelsea blushed while thinking about how Gilga and the seven girls do those things at night? What's more, why does she imagine herself amongst those girls?

Chelsea hurriedly shook her head and drop those wild imagination.

" Thinking about something inappropriate huh? Che..l..sea? " Gilga whispered, earning him an elbow from Chelsea.

Gilga let out a mouthful of air as his abs suffers the full brunt of Chelsea's elbow.

" S... Stop teasing me. Let's just go to your hideout first. " Chelsea said while fidgeting with her face red.

' Cute. ' Gilga thought.

And then all of them head to Seryu's house.

Sayo, Navia and Spear occupy the same room while Chelsea occupies a room with single bed alone.

Little that Chelsea knows that her one month of sleepless life will begin.