
It's been three days after Tatsumi and co left for the Margue Plateau.

Gilga and co were living in Seryu's house, and everyone pretty much have gotten used to living there.

These past three days, Gilga had been experimenting on a lot of stuffs and created new things using his recently obtained Teigu, The God's Hand : Perfector.

He spent a day researching Kurome's snack and as he expected, it's laced with the inhuman drug which grants the consumer a huge boost to strength and speed, but it chips away the lifespan of the consumer.

The next day, he spent it with creating new drugs. With the help of his phone, he manages to locate herbs needed for the drugs he's going to make, and with Perfector, he perfectly procured the drugs and thus, produced 3 different pills.

The first pill is a pill like Kurome's. However, it grants the consumer even unimaginable strength and speed than Kurome's pill. And, the backlash is for a day, the consumer will be fatigued for a whole day.

The next pill is a pill that enhances the brain, increasing perspective ability. It enhances it so much that time seems to have slowed down.

The last pill is a purification pill. As the name implies, it purifies the consumer's flesh and mind.

And, on the third day, Gilga did the unthinkable as he created two things.

First is an ever-changing Teigu, which he named 'Infinite Forms: Doppelganger'. Doppelganger can transform into various stuffs, such as weapons, shields, armors and a lot more. It is highly resistant to heat, cold, acid and shock. But, usually Doppelganger takes the shape of a jet black gauntlet which covers Gilga's entire arm.

The second thing however is still on progress as it's harder to make and more time consuming even with the help of his phone and Perfector.

Currently, one of Main Street's 3-storied buildings..

" Sir. Do you mind repeating what you said? " A middle aged man asked while shaking with excitement.

" I wanted to buy your house. Is there any problem with that? " Gilga asked.

" A... And, you're willing to pay these sums? " The middle aged man continues with his hands trembling while holding bags filled with gold coins.

" Yes I am. Why? Is it perhaps not enough? " Gilga asked.

" N... No... T... These amount is already more than enough. " The middle aged man said with excitement.

" I see. Then, please make haste. I still need some remodeling to be done. " Gilga said.

Without further ado, the middle aged man packed his stuffs and left the house and it's furniture with Gilga.

" Seriously. You pay that much just for a shabby house? " Chelsea sighed as she gets closer to Gilga.

Gilga then grins and takes out another bags full of gold coins.

" Wha.!? Just how much money do you have with you? " Chelsea asked, startled.

" Don't bother asking him. He would just smile at you without saying anything. " Navia said with a smile.

" Anyways, choose your rooms. I'll do my best to decorate them. " Gilga smiled.

" I'll go for the third floor! " Navia said.

" Me too. " Spear said while raising her hand.

" I guess I'll take the second floor then. " Sayo said.

" Then, how about you Chelsea? " Gilga asked.

" Eh? Since when did I say I wanted to live here with you? " Chelsea pouted. " Not to mention, every night, there'll be noises which disturbs my sleep. " Chelsea added.

Hearing this, Sayo, Navia and Spear blushed while Gilga forced a smile while scratching his head.

And then, he notices three girls walking cheerfully with a wealthy looking young man following their back.

" Uhm. Looks like this project needs to be halted for a moment. You all go back to Seryu's house I'll be back before night. " Gilga said as he left and follows the young man.

" Where's he going? " Chelsea asked.

" Dunno. " Sayo, Navia and Spear shrugged their shoulder in tandem as they leaves the building.

Chelsea on the other hand, used her Teigu and assumed the appearance of a bird and follows Gilga.

" Should we follow her and Gilga? " Navia asked.

" Nay. Gilga told us to head back and we should do so. " Sayo shook her head.

The three of them then heads back to Seryu's home.


Inside a restaurant named 'Coffee'.

The three young girls are seated together while facing the young man.

Gilga on the other side is watching not faraway from them.

A waiter with three dishes gets close to the three girls and placed the dishes in front of them.

" Now, Eat up. " The man said with a smile.

" Oh! This is good. " A blonde tomboyish girl said as she stuffs her mouth with food.

" Fal. That's bad manner. " A girl with blue rabbit hoodie said as she witnesses how unsightly her friend behaved.

" Hahaha. I'm very glad that you all are having fun. " The man said with a smile.

" Yes. Thank you very much. " A pink haired girl with pink hat said with a huge bright smile.

' So cute.... I'm melting... ' Gilga thought, but then he got interrupted as a man in black suddenly gets close to him and asked him to leave.

" Why're you forcing me to leave? I've not finished my lunch yet. " Gilga said irritatedly.

" Look. When someone's giving you face, you shouldn't ac- " Before the man in black finishes his word, Gilga punched him on his face.

He then glares at the girls' direction and notices that the three of them are caught and lifter by three men in black.

Fal, or whatever is called, then kicks the face of the man who is carrying her, but her kick seems to have no effect whatsoever and she in return gets a body blow delivered to her ab.

" Suka. Are you the one who accepted the tomboyish girl? " The man asked a bald, skinny elder behind him.

" Ah! Yes. It's really fun to cut down these kind of girl bit by bit. " the elder replied.

" You hear the man. Break both of her legs. " The man said relaxedly.

" Ro- "

Once again, before the man in black finished his word, he got blown away by Gilga, who punched him right on his face.

Fal, who almost got her legs broken, was set free and then she fell to the ground while coughing.

" Who are you?! " The man asked in surprise.

" Boy. Let me tell you this. Stay out of our way, and we can consider letting you live. " The old man growled.

" ... You certainly did quite the number on these girls. " Gilga gritted his teeth in anger.

" So what? We have the right to do so! " A fat man said. The fat man is what we all know as someone on the 'ugly bastard' category. " Men! Deal with him! Fast! " The fat man said.

The men in black then leap towards Gilga, but Gilga sneered as he swings Doppelganger.

Instantaneously, all the men in black got beheaded. The others who are holding the girls are also not spared. And, Gilga takes out clothes and cover the girls' eyes before they witnessed the annihilation.

" It's too soon for you girls to witness these kind of scenery. Wait here obediently and then I'll take you all with me later. " Gilga said as he carries the girl and places them beside each other.

" Now then, how should I deal with you bastards? " Gilga snickered.

In tandem, all of the men run for their lives, but to no avail, as Gilga's threads trapped them, preventing them from escaping.

" Hm... Let's start with you. " Gilga heads towards the man who suggested to cut down Fal. " So, you like to cut down girls bit by bit huh? " Gilga asked.

The old man then looks at Gilga with horror.

" Why that kind of face? If you are prepared to hurt someone, then that means you're prepared to be hurt yourself don't cha? " Gilga asked as he stretches his arm, and then Doppelganger changes it's shape into that of a cheese grater.

" Hii?! What's that?! " The old man asked, and not answering his answer, Gilga starts by placing the grater on the old man's sole and starts grating his feet.

Horrific roar, scream and cry instantly filled the room as the old man's leg gets grated bit by bit, and Gilga increases his suffering by sprinkling either salt or lemon extract on his wound area.

" UAGH!!!!!! STOP!!!! PLEASE!!! I BEG YOU!!! " The old man writhed in pain.

" Huh? Stop? Did you even stop when the girls you're torturing begged for it? The answer is obviously a big no, no? Then, why would I need your plea? " Gilga asked before he continues grating the old man's leg and once again screams filled the room.

On the sofa, a cat is shivering in fear as it witnessed Gilga's cruelty. The other men who got trapped by the string also shivered in pain when witnessing their colleague gets tortured like that.

After a few minutes, Gilga finished grating both of the old man's legs, leaving only bones there.

The old man passed out due to shock and he can be seen frothing and twitching uncontrollably. On top of that, he soiled his pant before passing out.

" Next, you. " Gilga said while looking at the ugly bastard who's looking at him with horror.

With a flick of his finger, Doppelganger then changes it's shape again. This time it takes the shape of a scoop.

" W... Wait. I... I can pay you. Just let me ho, and I promise you that I won't- !!!!!! " The fat man said, but before he finished his word, using the scoop, Gilga extracts one of the fat man's eyes.

" AAAAAGGHHH!!! MY EYE!!! YOU BASTARD!!! I'M GOING TO KI- " The fat man roared and writhed in pain.

And, before the fat man finishes his word, Gilga shoves the eyeball into his mouth.

" Have a taste... Of an ugly bastard's eye. " Gilga sneered as the fat man keeps pulsating in pain and shock.

Next, Gilga heads outside for a moment and forcefully drag a dog inside.

" A dog? " The young man whispered in confusion.

The last elder however, widen his eyes in horror and shouted, " No! Dog! Stay away! "

Noticing the odd behavior of the elder, the young man asked, " What's wrong with that dog? "

" Dog is... "

" He's currently in heat, no? " Gilga asked. " And, it seems like you're about to let this filthy thing rape one of those cute girls, no? " 

With a grin, Gilga raised his hand and created an ice cage and traps the old man and the dog.

Then, Gilga unsheathed Black's Bane and grazed the dog's leg, causing it to bark at the beginning in pain. But, after time passes, the dog starts panting non-stop while looking at its owner lustfully.

With a swing, Gilga controlled his string, causing the old man to grovel on the ground with his ass facing the dog. And utilizing Doppelganger, Gilga ripped the old man's pants, revealing his... Ahem. You know what.

" No!!! Good do- ARGHHH!! "

Before the old man finished his word, his dog pounced to him and starts r*ping the old man's ass.

" And... That's our cue to leave. " Gilga said as he leaves the restaurant with the three girls and he also didn't forget to take the cat with him.

The cat then looks at Gilga with confusion as it tilts its head.

" You're wondering why I don't kill them? " Gilga asked. " Or rather you wondered how I realized that it's you Chelsea-chan? " Gilga continued while rubbing the cat's body, causing the cat to transform back into Chelsea whose face has turned beet red.

" Both. " Chelsea pouted while looking at Gilga with her face dangerously close to Gilga.

" For your second question, there's no way a stray kitten can enter the room, and second, it's strange that a cat isn't afraid of dog. " Gilga explained. " And, as for your first question, everyone in that room is already poisoned and will die within an hour. Even if someone notices it and called for a capable doctor, they will still die as it has no remedy. Oh! The poison is the kind that affects nerve system, inflicting inhuman pain to the target. " Gilga added with a smile.

" ... Then, what are you going to do with those three? " Chelsea asked, undisturbed by the statement Gilga just made.

" Hm... It's practically impossible for me to just release them, so maybe I'll have them work for us. " Gilga said.

" I see. " Chelsea nodded. " And... "

" And? " Gilga tilted his head.

" How long do you plan on grabbing me, you pervert!!!! " Chelsea snarled and landed a knee on Gilga's ab.