
The next day.

" And...? " Sayo, Navia and Spear asked in tandem while looking at Gilga who's sitting on the floor.

" I wanted to let them work in our shop. " Gilga said.

" Sigh. Then, what do you three think? " Sayo asked while looking at the three girls Gilga just saved.

The three girls then looks at each other with confused, terrified and troubled expression.

Seeing this, Gilga could feel his chest aches. He's the one who saved them, yet they are treating him like he's a villain.

" Well, if you don't want to work for me, then I can also send you back to your village. " Gilga said with a smile.

Hearing this, the girls look at each other happily, but then the blonde girl realizes something and shrinks back in fear.

" What's wrong Fal? " The blue rabbit hoodied girl asked.

" ... I just remembered of that jerk when I saw him smile just now Luna... " Fal mumbles.

Gilga swore that he could feel his whole face twitches when Fal mentioned the young man he killed when he was saving these three girls.

" F... Fal!! I... I'm sorry for my friend's word just now. We are grateful that you saved us from that bad guy. " The pink haired girl.

Gilga then looks at Sayo and co.

" You all think I should dye my hair black? " Gilga suggested.

The girls take a moment to fantasize how Gilga with black hair would look like.

And, unanimously, they all nodded and look at Gilga with expectation.

" That being said, after I finished dyeing my hair, I hope you all have decided your answer. " Gilga said.

" Wait! Um... Brother. Before you leave, I want to ask you a question. You want us to work for you, but what work are we going to do? " The pink haired girl asked. " I don't think we are able to do what you want us to do. " The pink haired girl continued pessimistically.

" Being able to do anything matters last. What's important is your motivation and will in doing those things and you have at least tried. So, worry not and decide whether you wanted to do it or not. " Gilga patted the pink girl's head. " As for what kind of job, I'll tell you after you all have decided. " Gilga continued with a smile before leaving.

After Gilga left, the pink haired girl touches her head while blushing.

" Main. Your face are red. " Luna said.

" What?! Are you sick? Did that man do something to you?! " Fal shouted, enraged.

" N... no.. " Main shakes her head while still blushing.

" It's just... His palm just now..  it's feels.. warm. " Main giggled while rubbing her head.

" And, what's your decision? Do you want to work for Gilga or you want to go back to your village? " Navia asked.

The girls just looked down after Navia asked them.

" Navia. They need some time to think. Not to mention what they had gone through. " Sayo said.

" Um. Sister. May we ask something? " Luna asked.

" Hm? What's it? " Sayo asked.

" Just, who is Gilga? What's him to you all? From what I can see, you all aren't acting like a mere friends, except for that sister who keeps eating lollipop. " Luna said.

" My childhood friend, the one I love and my future husband. " Sayo said while blushing.

" If there is someone irreplaceable in my life, and that would be Gilga. And also my future husband. " Navia said with a smile.

" He's the one that I can call as my place to return and where I belong to. And he's my fiance. " Spear smiled as she showed Black Marlin on her ring finger.

The three girls looks at the sisters in front of them with disbelief.

If Gilga's their husband, then that means, they're going to marry him and become his wives?

" He's just a pervert. " Chelsea snorted. " But, at the same time, this pervert is caring and quite dependable all the time and when the situation demands it, he would be very ruthless. " Chelsea added and shivered when she recalled how Gilga tortured the men that attempted to hurt these 3 girls.

Hearing this, the six girls nodded in unison.

Spear remembered Nyau's gruesome scream when Gilga slowly tortured him. Even though Liver's screaming like crazy when she tortured him, Nyau's scream still can be heard.

The same goes for Sayo and Navia. They remembered the screams from that night. Where they woke up because of three people's screaming.

And for the three little girls, they have a clear idea how the people, who attempted to do something terrible to them, died. They didn't die an easy death.

" Anyways, you all should take your time and think slowly about it. " Chelsea said.

" I'm back! " A man with black hair opens the door, surprising the girls.

" Huh? What are you all looking at ghost?  " Gilga asked.

The girls just look at Gilga with their jaw dropped.

" That being said, have the three of you made your mind? " Gilga asked.

The three then look at each other for a moment before finally heading towards Gilga and stopped in front of him.

" Please take care of us. " The three girls bowed respectfully.

" I see. " Gilga said with a smile.

" Then, let me reintroduce myself. I'm Gilga. Nice to have you all here. Ouch! " Gilga said with a smile, earning him a chop from Sayo.

" Why?? " Gilga asked while looking at Sayo.

Sayo however look at Gilga with expressionless face then said a single word, " Lolicon."

How the hell she knows that word? Does that term exist even in a fantasy world?!

" I'm not- " Gilga started, but then, after looking at Sayo's disgusted expression, Gilga knelt to the floor with depression. " But, I really didn't mean it like that... And why do you know the term Lolicon... "

Seeing this, the three girls chuckled and then nodded.

" I'm Main. Nice to meet you. Please take good care of us, Master. " Main bowed.

" My name's Luna. Master. I'm going to work hard. " Luna bowwed

" I'm Fal. Let me warm you. If you dare lay a hand on either Main or Luna, I'll let you have a good taste of my kick. " Fal said while puffing her nonexistent chest.

" Oh? That's rich, coming from you. I really wonder if your kick is really that hard. " Gilga laughed causing Fal to be red in embarrassment.

" Jokes aside, starting today, you three will be working as a waitress, and Chelsea will teach you all the basics. " Gilga said.

" Eh?! Why me?! How could you decide so without my consent?! " Chelsea exclaimed.

" Being a maid formerly, you should know the basics right? And also, please teach Sayo and the others as well. " Gilga said.

" Eh?!!! " Sayo and the others exclaimed.

" Then, I'll go back and resume my work. Chelsea-chan. I'm counting on you. Ah! And make sure to teach them some self defense techniques too. " Gilga smiled as he hurriedly leave before Chelsea could utter other words of complaints.

" Moron. " Chelsea mumbles while pouting.

Then, Chelsea raised her head and turns to face Sayo and co.

" You heard the man. I'm not going to go easy with you! " Chelsea grinned.

" Eeeeehh!!! "

And so, the girls are taught how to be a proper maid by Chelsea.

It took a while week to properly whip the maid attitude into Sayo and co. And on that very day, Gilga also finished remodelling the building.

The outside appearance is a building painted in black and white, and there is a sign with golden scribbling and silver border hung above the door.

' Cafein '

" Cafein? " Sayo mumbles as she tilts her head.

" You're opening a cafe here? " Navia asked.

" Yep. Not only we can gain money by doing this. We can also gather information easily this way. " Gilga smiled.

" I see. " Chelsea sighed.

Never have she thought that one day she would be serving someone again.

" Then, everyone change your clothes. It'd been prepared in the changing room. And, for the size, I believe there won't be any problems with the four of you. " Gilga said while looking at Sayo, Navia, Spear and Chelsea consecutively.

" W... Wait! How do you know what my sizes are! " Chelsea suddenly said while blushing.

" Don't you remember what happened yesterday? " Gilga smiled.

Chelsea's face then paled for a moment.

' In that instant, he have measured my sizes? In a way, that's impressive if I should say... ' Chelsea thought while blushing.

She still remember how Gilga groped her yesterday. The sensation of his hand, the warmth it has.

Chelsea then shakes her head. Just what are you thinking? I... It's not like you liked him or anything. Is what's inside her head right now.

" No dillydallying. The customers aren't waiting for us. " Gilga said as he have already changed into his Butler outfit.

The girls then gapes at Gilga. Their eyes focused on Gilga as they are widen as if they're about to pop out from their socket.

" Yeah. Yeah. Stop gaping and start changing. " Gilga sighed, snapping the girls back to reality.

And then they all head to the changing room and get changed.

Gilga's fiddling his phone while waiting for them.

After a few moments, creaking sound of the door can be heard, and then when Gilga turns his head, he spots the girls who have changed into their maid outfit.

He can't help but smile brightly in response. Sayo and the other girls looks beautiful and elegant while Main and co looks gorgeous and cute at the same time.

Gilga couldn't help but secretly take some pictures using his phone.

" How do we look Master? " Main asked with a bright smile.

" Looks good. " Gilga replied with a smile while caressing her hair.

" Lolicon. " Everyone except Main said in tandem while looking at Gilga disdainfully.

" Like I said, I'm not a Lolicon! " Gilga rebuked. " Jokes aside, how is the cloth? Is it too tight? " Gilga asked.

" Surprisingly and unsurprisingly, it fits me well. " Chelsea said while looking at her maid outfit which perfectly lined her curvaceous hourglass shaped body.

" The cloth is nice to wear. It's very soft and light. " Luna said while flapping her skirt.

" Then, let's start working. " Gilga said as he opened the door and thus, their first day in Cafein begins.