Chelsea is in trouble

It's been three hours, yet no one is coming.

On the counter, Gilga sighed, " Looks like cafe isn't quite a good choice as what I thought. "

" D... Don't worry master! I... I believe someone will eventually come. " Luna said, attempting to cheer Gilga, and indeed Gilga felt rejuvenated with Luna's optimism.

" Lolicon... " Chelsea mumbles as she passes Gilga.

" Like I said, would you all stop calling me a Lolicon whenever I'm interacting with Main and Luna? " Gilga said.

" What? How about me? " Fal said angrily out of sudden.

" You're much of a gangster than a girl. " Gilga said while looking at Fal with boredom.

" What did you say?! " Fal said angrily as she attempted to pounce at Gilga and kick him, however, Gilga raised his finger, causing Fal to stop moving.

" Wh! I... Can't move! " Fal said as she struggled to move.

" Forget it. That's my Tyrant Nova's golden thread. Forget about cutting it. Even leaving a mark on it is quite an impossible task for most of people. " Gilga snickered while enjoying the view of Fal trying to break free of Gilga's thread.

" Lolicon... " The rest of the girls who realized what Gilga had done muttered in tandem.

" ... " Gilga doesn't want to argue with them anymore, so he doesn't plan to rebuke their words at the very least now.

If he is going to be labeled a Lolicon, then be it.

" Anyways, any idea how to attract customers? " Gilga suddenly said.

The girls then looked down and held their chin while thinking.

" Then, try making a special offer for the first week? "

The first one to come with an idea is Chelsea, as expected of a former maid.

" Hm... Like discount? " Gilga mumbles

" Discount? "

Chelsea and the other girls tilt their head in confusion. They look like had no idea what discount is.

' You all know the word Lolicon, yet don't know the word discount? ' Gilga inwardly ridicules.

" Discount is... How to say... " Gilga said as he racked his brain to find suitable words that the girls can understand.

" It's like buying things at lower price. " Gilga said.

" Eh? Then, won't that be a loss for us? " Main asked.

" Well not at all. " Gilga chuckled as he caresses Main's head. And once again the girls start calling him Lolicon again, but Gilga didn't mind it at all.

" Then let's start by giving 50% discount. " Gilga smiled and put a signboard outside.

' Grand Opening! Every Menu is 50% off! '

" That should do it. " Gilga laughed, and indeed after that, lots of people flood the cafe and occupy every table possible.

In an instant, all 10 tables are occupied. Gilga also in an instant dives into the kitchen and heat all available pans.

" Welcome to Cafein. " Chelsea and co said in in tandem while bowing.

And so, the customers starts ordering any menu and Cheslea and co will jot down the menu before passing it to Gilga, who cooks for them.

Fragrant aroma wafter throughout the kitchen to the cafe and then outside the cafe.

Anyone who smelled the aroma had their stomach growling, as the smell alone have increases their appetite by ten fold.


The bell is pressed, signaling the food is ready to be served.

Chelsea herself takes the food and heads to the customer who ordered for it. However, even for Chelsea herself, the food Gilga cooked smelled heavenly.

Chelsea's currently holding a rib steak of a cow demon beast. The glossy and rich fat, the scent of the roasted ribs and herbs are wafting in the air, forcing the other customers to swallow a mouthful of saliva and imagine how delicious it must be.

*Ding! *Ding! *Ding!

Gilga's cooking at a pretty steady and fast pace.

Compared to cooking for Night Raid, this is just a child's play for him.

In a few minutes, he finished fried winged danger beast with golden cream complemented by roasted broccoli, rainbow salad with tuna danger beast's meat, and a lot more danger beasts dishes.

Sayo and the other girls drooled when they smelled the scent, but Gilga always reminded them that it's for the customer, so they can only look down in dissapointment when carrying the dishes.

The customers seem happy with the dishes as they finished every dish cleanly.

4 hours later, break time.

Everyone falls to the ground as they feel fatigued. Chelsea is also not spared.

" This is so hard. " Main said while gasping for breath.

" Not to mention there're male customers trying to grope us when we're attending them. " Luna sighed.

Then, sound of shattered plate can be heard.

Realizing what she said, Luna closed her mouth in terror as she witnessed how scary Gilga's face have become.

He's gritting his teeth in anger and veins popped on his temple while picking all of the fragments of plate.

" Gilga... C... Calm down. " Sayo said while trembling.

" Oh... I'm calm you see. " Gilga's tone is cold and dangerous.

" Please. Don't kill anyone. " Navia said.

" Why would I? " Gilga said with confusion, causing the girl's to sigh in relief. " I'll just simply cripple them till they wish they're dead. " Gilga grinned evilly sending shivers down their spine.

" That's also a no! " Spear said.

" If someone don't teach them a lesson, they'll repeat what they did again. " Gilga said.

" *Sigh. Alright. I'll supervise the area. If anyone tried making a move on the brats, I'll handle them. I believe the grown ups can protect themselves no? " Chelsea sighed.

Sayo and the others then nodded, " Un! "

Gilga however frowned at Chelsea's idea, however he decides not to speak anything and finished his meal.

Then, after a short 30 minutes, they're refreshed and they continued to work, except for the child.

And again, after the door's open, people flooded the cafe and filled it to the brim again. Outside, people are lined up, waiting for their turn to savor the unique cuisine which is rumored to be the best in the empire.

*Ding! *Ding! *Ding!

The once peaceful cafe turns into battlefield again. Orders are flooding in and foods are made at unprecedented speed.

" Oya. Oya. "

After a few hours, a group of 6 muscular men with with swords and tattered clothes entered the cafe.

" Boss. These maids. "

A lackey said to a man with scars on his eye which seems to be the leader.

" Yeah. They're quality goods. " The leader smirked as he smacked his lips.

Seeing them, Chelsea can't help but frown for a moment.

" Sayo. Tell the rest that I'll be the one handling those men. " Chelsea whispered to Sayo who's carrying dirty dishes to the kitchen.

Sayo nodded in agreement as she heads back to the kitchen, putting aside the dirty dishes and takes out another set of food for the other customers while informing everyone about what Chelsea just said.

" Now then, I guess it's time to go. " Chelsea said after stretching for a while.

Chelsea fearlessly gets closer to the thugs and smiled.

" Sir, how may I help you? " Chelsea asked with a bright friendly smile.

Seeing how cute and beautiful Chelsea is, the thugs start having lewd thoughts about what they'll do to her once they captured her and the other maids.

" Hm... I want a table for 6 people. " The thug leader stated.

" I see. Then, - "

" However, I want a special room for only the six of us to occupy. " The leader cut Chelsea before she finished talking.

" ... Understood. " Chelsea nodded. " Then, please follow me. " Chelsea said as she leads the thugs to the second level.

As she leads them to the second floor, Chelsea never let her guard down around them. She always keep tabs on their distance with herself, judging from the volume of their steps.

After a few moments, they arrived in front of an empty room with a huge round table and 10 seat surrounding the table.

This floor actually haven't been opened as Gilga hasn't finished decorating the room.

Chelsea then slowly opens the door, revealing the room.

However due to the creaking sound of the door, Chelsea failed to realize one of the thug is getting close to her.

Without further ado, the thug closest to Chelsea hugs her, preventing her from moving while forcing her to enter the room.

Chelsea however used her heel and kicked the thug hugging him right on his nut. The thug then let her go as he covers his damaged nut.

" Oh. I don't expect that such a beauty as yourself actually know some self defense techniques. " The thug leader smirked.

Chelsea however doesn't plan to retort to his word.

" Let me warn you. If you're here as a customer, we'll treat you all well. " Chelsea started. " But, if you're here with ill intentions, only a world full of pain is waiting for you. " Chelsea warned in a cold tone.

Hearing Chelsea's warning, the thug leader just laughed.

" Oh?! What kind of pain awaits me? It should be you who have to realize what you're going to face! "

The thugs then surrounded Chelsea, preventing her from escaping.

In this narrow room, Chelsea is surrounded by 5 thugs. There's no way she's going to let her guard down.

However, even keeping her guard doesn't help as she's more suited to assassination than dogfight.

As a result, the instance Chelsea managed to ward of the first thug, the thug leader has gotten behind her as he holds her arms on her back using one of his hands, kicked her knee causing her to fall down and used the other hand to shut Chelsea's mouth preventing her from screaming.

" Mngh!!! " Chelsea let out a muffled growl while glaring at the thug leader angrily.

" Stubborn aren't we? " The thug leader chuckled. " But, it's the best when you get them to obey your command. " The thug leader smacked his lips as his subordinates ties Chelsea's legs and hands using a rope, preventing her from moving.

Tying Chelsea is rather easy as she's slim, not used to combat and what's more, there are 4 people who are trying her together while pinning her down.

" Mngh!!!!! " Chelsea once again let out a muffled growl as she squirmed around, trying breaking free. Alas, she has no means to escape from their grasp.

' Alright. I'll supervise the area. If anyone tried making a move on the brats, I'll handle them. I believe the grown ups can protect themselves no? ' Chelsea's word during lunch break reverberates, causing her to scorn at herself.

' Really? Am I the one who said those words just now. ' Chelsea thought scornfully.

Getting captured, Chelsea have no means of resistance, and then the thug leader, while smacking his lips, gets close to Chelsea and starts fondling her chest.

Getting her chest fondled and touched by stranger, Chelsea closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in anger. Tears can be seen forming on her eyes.

" Not so stubborn anymore are we? " The thug leader jeered while fondling Chelsea's chest and pinching her nipple.

A mixture of pleasure and disgust invade her. Chelsea's struggling not to let out any moan as the thug leader played with her body.

She hates what's happening to her right now. But, when Gilga touched her back then, she seems like not minding it. Her kneeing Gilga isn't because she doesn't like him touching her, but in fact doing so in the open is quite embarrassing although they're camouflaged.

" Hehehe. C'mon moan for me. Or, is this not enough to make you moan in delight?"

A laughter can be heard and then Chelsea felt her chest area has become cold.

When she looked at it, she realized that the thug leader has ripped her clothes, revealing her white bra while her gown is still intact.

" Peek-a-boo.. "

The thug leader slides her bra, revealing her jiggly perky D-cup peaks.

Chelsea could only grit her teeth in embarrassment and anger as she accepted the cruel fate which awaits her.