Title at the end

After ripping Chelsea's cloth, the thug leader and the other thugs swallowed a mouthful of saliva to Chelsea's well developed body.

The woman in front of them, who has her bare chest shown to them, caused their lust to skyrocket.

" Boss! Hurry up! I can't wait to have a taste of her! " A thug complained while holding his urge to pounce towards Chelsea.

" Yeah! Yeah! " The other thugs said in tandem while they're doing the same.

" Hehehe. Be patient. I don't want to rush thing you see. "

The thug leader grinned evilly as he once again attempted to fondle Chelsea's chest.

" Ngh... "

Chelsea let out a muffled moan as she felt a huge hand is covering her breast and then squeezing it while some of the thug leader's nail pinches her nipples while the other nails sink into her breast.

" Hooo... So soft... How long has it been since the last time I enjoyed such goods? "

The thug leader smacked his lips while getting closer to Chelsea as he attempted to suck her breast while gasping like a dog in heat.

Hearing the gasping noise that's getting closer to her, Chelsea regrets that she forced Gilga to stop that time.

" ... Looks like you all are tired of living anymore... "

A cold and dangerous voice is coming from the entrance of the room.

The thugs then turns their head and saw a black haired teenager wearing Butler outfit which matches the one Chelsea and the other maids are using.

Hearing the voice, on that instant, for once, she felt safe in her life.

" ... Brat. It's not us who are tired of living. It's you! " A thug growled.

" Can't you see we are in the middle of something? " The thug leader snorted.

" In the middle of what? Assaulting my girl? As I said. You all are tired of living. " Gilga growled.

The next moments, all the thugs except the thug who's playing with Chelsea's boobs pounced towards Gilga.

" This is a cafe... Not a fuckin brothel! "

Gilga swings consecutive fists, sending the 5 thugs flying away with their skull fractured.

" W... Wait bro! W... We can pay you how much you want! "

The leader fondling Chelsea's chest said as he let go of Chelsea's soft and plump peak reluctantly.

Hearing this, Gilga flinced for a moment. Did this guy hit his head or something? Gilga haven't even beaten the hell outta him yet.

" Say your numbers. I will prepare how much you want! "

" Then... I want you to pay with your life!!!! "

That's it, Gilga snapped. In an instant, he disappeared and kicked the thug leader's face, fracturing it.

All of the thugs are immobilized and unconscious. Their life are pretty much in danger... No,- their life is over when their leader fondled Chelsea's chest.

Gilga then takes off his butler suit and covers Chelsea's body with it. He then also cut off the rope tying her before tying all the thugs together then gagging and covering their mouth using towel, preventing them from screaming or suiciding.

When Chelsea opens her eyes, she saw the bloodied shape of the people who tried assaulting her a few minutes ago.

When she sees Gilga, surprise, confusion, embarrassment, and joy filled herself.

But, then it all turns into anger as Gilga used his hand and chop her head.

" Ouch!!! What's that for?! "

Chelsea said angrily while rubbing her head.

" For trying to act tough. " Gilga started.

" Being a supervisor doesn't mean you have to deal with any problems yourself. Can't you at least inform me? Don't you have faith in me? What should I do if something happened to you?! " Gilga asked angrily.

" Why... " Chelsea sobbed.

Seeing her crying, Gilga is startled. He then remembers the scene where he found her crying alone.

" Why would you go this far for me? A total nobody? A jerk? " Chelsea sobbed.

" Total nobody? Jerk? What makes you think that? Have I ever said those words towards you? " Gilga asked.

" You are already a precious member of my har- uhm, family. " Gilga coughed when he's about to say the word 'harem'.

Hearing this, Chelsea's mood brighten up a little as she reveals a mischievous smile.

" Then, what did you say just now? Assaulting my girl is is? " Chelsea asked.

*Gulp. Gilga swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Indeed, he said those words on impulse.

" No. You see- "

Before Gilga finished his sentence, Chelsea locked his lips with hers and then they engage each other in a passionate kiss battle until Chelsea decides to let go.

" I need to go back now. Or else Sayo won't let me off. " Gilga said with a smile.

" W... Well. Let me... " Chelsea said while blushing.

" No. You're in no condition to work. Just sleep well on the third level. After closing I'll wake you up. " Gilga smiled.

Not waiting for her to answer, Gilga lifts her and carries her till the bedroom in the third floor.

After arriving in the room, Gilga lays her on the bed and gives her a smooch on her forehead before leaving.

" Be a good girl and sleep Kay. You deserve to have a rest today. " Gilga said before leaving Chelsea.

" Moron... " Chelsea mumbles while grabbing and clawing the blanket with her face red before finally falling asleep.

In the kitchen, Sayo's cooking at the fastest pace she could.

" What is Gilga doing jeez. " Sayo grumbled. " I hope he's not torturing them right now. "

" Calm down. I won't do that. After all, how would I dare to let my lovely Sayo to handle all of these workloads? " Gilga said as he directly takes the orders and continues cooking.

" I'll deal with those bastards later at night. For now, Chelsea is in no condition to work, so for now I'm counting on you to supervise and make sure that no one causes any problems here. And, if the matter is too hard for you to handle, then tell me or solve it together with Navia. " Gilga ordered.

" Understood. " Sayo nodded as she finished cooking and heads outside and does what Gilga told her to do.

" Sigh. I hope there won't be any problem today. " Gilga sighed.

Little did he know that he raised a flag by doing so.

A few hours later, another group of people came.

The one leading them is a woman with icy blue haired  and icy blue eyes wearing white general cloth. She's indeed Esdeath along with her Jaeger members.

" You sure captain? Are we going to have our dinner here? " Wave asked.

" After we've bought so much ingredients. " Bols sighed.

" Well, we can't help it if Esdeath-sama wants to go out. " Run smiled.

" Hm. Just like the rumor. When you enter, fragrant aroma wafted on the air and invades our nose. " Esdeath said with  satisfavtion while inhaling deeply.

Kurome on the other hand is like usual eating her snack again which her Assassination squad provided for her.

After a table is cleared, they all then sit there.

" Waitress! " Esdeath exclaimed.

Navia then heads to their place to write down their orders.

After a few moments, Navia finished writing down their orders.

" Then, let me repeat your order. A huge serving of Rush Bull rib steak, a large serving of Waterfall Tuna steak, .... " Navia repeated their order.

" Yeah correct. " Wave nodded.

" Then, please wait for a few moments. " Navia bowed before leaving.

Without her knowing, Esdeath has been examining her movement, breathing, etc.

" She's trained. And also suspicious. The girl there too. " Esdeath said while looking at Sayo who's serving while supervising the area.

" Well, they're of course trained before being a waitress... And by suspicious, what do you mean Captain? " Wave asked.

" It's... Like... They... Are... Used... To... Com...bat... And... The... White... Haired... Girl... She... Is... Talking... To... Us... Normally. " Kurome said while crunching her cookies.

" Eat or speak. Choose one please. " Wave said depressedly. He is clearly worry whether Kurome will have cavities or not.

" Now that you mention it... " Bols realized.

" What should we do Esdeath-sama? " Run asked.

" ... Let's wait till there are less people. After that, we'll decide what to do. " Esdeath stated.

In the kitchen.

Gilga's currently cooking like crazy... Just what kind of glutton would order 20 dishes. What's more on large portions?

" Who the hell ordered this much for dinner? " Gilga said as he cooked a whole rib of rush bull.

" General Esdeath and the Jaegers. " Sayo replied.

Gilga froze upon hearing that name.

' Why? Of all the times, why she has to be here right on the opening day? ' Gilga inwardly cried.

" Spear? " Gilga asked.

" She hid as fast as possible after she heard Esdeath's voice. " Sayo said.

Hearing this, Gilga let out a sigh of relief and warned, " Alright. Don't do anything that might trigger any suspicion on them. Treat them like they are King, as there's no way a normal waitress to serve them normally. "

" About that... I think Navia blew it up. " Sayo forced a smile.

' Really?! ' Gilga inwardly shouted.

" Esdeath's been putting her eyes on me and Navia. " Sayo said.

" I see. Then, let's finish their orders so they'll leave. " Gilga said.

And then Sayo and Navia bring Esdeath's foods to her table, which occupied the entire table.

They then take a bite of the dish, and then they all started to dig in the food like a hungry beasts which haven't had their lunch for weeks.

" This is good! " Wave stated while stuffing his mouth with food.

" Un! The skin is crispy, the meat are fluffy and the juice of the meat is on another world level. " Bols said. He's eating with his mask covering his eyes.

" Fufu... Bols-san. Shouldn't you remove your mask when eating? " Run asked as he ate the dish elegantly and gracefully.

" Om... Nom... Nom... Nom... " Kurome stuffs as many meat as possible into her mouth and then swallows them after chewing for a few seconds.

" Too bad that Seryu isn't here. " Wave said.

" Well, she said she will be patrolling tonight and insist on letting me having a day off. " Esdeath said as she drinks a glass of wine. " Still, these foods are even better than your dishes Bols. " Esdeath said as she digs into the dishes.

Half an hour later.

" Phew. I've never felt so full and satisfied before. " Wave let out a huge sigh as he pats his slightly bulging stomach with satisfaction.

" It's indeed satisfying. Everything's made perfectly. " Run said while using a handkerchief to wipe his mouth in a gentlemanly manner.

" Ah... Kurome's never been this full before. " Kurome said in satisfaction, and indeed she's full as she doesn't continue eating her snack.

" I still have more to learn. " Bols said while looking down. " How could I make the ... " Bols starts mumbling about culinary things.

" Is that so? Then... " Esdeath said as she raised her hand.

Noticing this, Navia gets close to Esdeath and bowed respectfully.

" How can I help you General? " Navia asked.

" Can I talk with the chef? I want to praise him for the food today. " Esdeath said with a smile.

Hearing this, Navia doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. Gilga's currently being chased by Esdeath. But, since he cut his hair and dye it black... There's no way she'll notice... Right?

" I see. Then, can you please wait till our closing time? Since our chef is the only cook here. " Navia bowed.

" Alone? He's cooking alone in the kitchen for these amount of people?! " Bols exclaimed in surprise, which Navia answered with a nod.

Truth to be told, she knows pretty well that the man with mask is a member of a Jaeger and an ex-member of the infamous incineration squad.

" That's amazing in its own way. I don't think I'll manage to cook for these many people with his pace. " Bols said.

" Then, please excuse myself. I need to tend to others. You all may stay here till our closing time if you want. " Navia bowed and then served other customers along with Sayo and the girls.

Closing time...

Cafein cafe is empty and silent, unlike it's rowdy situation just now.

Only a table is occupied by Esdeath and the Jaeger members.

" What took they so long? " Esdeath grumbled. " You all. I'll go to the kitchen for a moment. " Esdeath said as she heads towards the kitchen.

" Like I said, why did you decide so? " Gilga asked.

' That voice... It's Gilga's! ' Esdeath thought.

" I'm sorry for not discussing it with you. " Navia bowed.

Gilga then let out a deep sigh.

" Well, I'm just a cook, so there's no pain in talking with her. " Gilga sighed.

But then, the door to the kitchen gets opened revealing Esdeath who's looking at Gilga with touched expression.

" I knew it... There's no way you'll get abducted by a Night Raid's member. " Esdeath said while trembling.

" Gilga! I miss you so much! " Esdeath said while leaping towards Gilga.

" Well, I don't miss you at all! "