The summit of Fake Mountain

" Man, I still can't believe it! " Lubbock laughed. " 'We are on the people's side' that line sounded so cool, and what makes it even more cool is you said it with your fly open. " Lubbock continued as he laughter become harder.

Hearing this, Tatsumi's face redden in embarrassment, remembering how everyone looked at him that time.


The meeting room.

As per Najenda's order, Chelsea and Akame had gathered everyone except Sayo, Navia, Spear and the kids, who have been excluded from the meeting due to Gilga's request, and Gilga himself as he had gone to the capital.

" As you all probably have heard, a new danger beasts species had been ravaging the outskirts of the capital. " Najenda started.

As a response, everyone in the room nodded.

" Don't tell me! " Ieyasu's eyes widen.

" Indeed. Our target is the aforementioned humanoid danger beasts. " Najenda nodded. " They usually are spotted mobilizing as group, and individually they have strong physical ability, even stronger that the one you encountered at the Margue " Najenda continued.

Silence filled the room before Najenda continued with her speech again.

" There are lots of martial artists who went and challenged the beasts, however they lost... Miserably in fact. " Najenda said while smoking her cigar.

" And, they seems to be attacking the southern area of the capital and greedily feed upon the livestock and the villagers. " Najenda said.

" What the hell are the capital doing then? Don't they know that their civilians get killed daily? " Tatsumi gritted his teeth.

" It's not like the capital wasn't doing anything either. Soldiers and Jaeger had been exterminating them daily, but their numbers don't seem to be decreasing at the very least. " Najenda sighed.

" So, even the capital was having a hard time against them huh? " Mine mumbles. " This doesn't seem to be a trap, but still, I have a bad feeling about this. " Mine added.

" Well, you could say we are lending a hand for the capital,... but, what do you all say? " Najenda asked.

" Isn't it decided already when you call us boss? Of course we are going! " Tatsumi stated.

" Those descriptions... The danger beasts must be eliminated immediately. " Akame said in grave tone.

" So, the beasts are human? " Sheele said.

" Ugh. What's wrong with you Sheele? A beast is a beast. Not a human. " Mine groaned.

" Ah! I see! I'm sorry Mi-! My glasses. T.T " Sheele said as she bowed, and as expected her glasses falls to the ground afterwards.

" Anyways boss. I would rather not run into any soldiers when fighting the beasts though. " Leone said lazily.

" ... We are Night Raid. We can move at the night when the capital is resting. " Najenda sighed.

" Oh! That's right! That's what kind of group we are! How come I forget about it. " Leone said in an 'Ah! I see!' pose.

" I see... So, you all are accepting such risk huh? " A disappointed sigh came from their back.

When they turned to the source of the voice, they knitted their brow and observed Chelsea, who is resting her back on the entrance.

" You all should've just left this case for the capital and Jaeger to handle, since doing this won't produce any merit for us. It even threatens our very own reason to exist. " Chelsea said. " You are all so soft. Unlike him... Wait. No. Unless something threatens him, he is really soft too. " Chelsea sighed again.

Her words had various effect on the Night Raid members. Some had confused expression, some had intrigued expression, a person had a lewd look on his face, a girl also looked at her with flat expression, but, none of them had hostile look planted on their face.

" Chelsea is it? " Tatsumi said while looking at Chelsea.

" You see. We also understand what you mean by saying that. " Tatsumi started. " However, even as we are talking right now, those humanoid danger beasts might be attacking someone. " Tatsumi added.

" We might be assassins. But, we are on the people's side! So, we're not doing this for the capital, but the people instead. " Tatsumi stated resolutely.

Chelsea looked at Tatsumi with a little bit of respect and amazement.

Mine blushed when she saw Tatsumi after he finished delivering his speech.

Bulat and Ieyasu nodded in agreement.

Sheele was still looking for her glasses, as expected.

Lubbock was still burning Chelsea's image into his brain.

Akame and Najenda just smiled.

Susanoo on the other hand, after nodding and looked at Tatsumi, noticed something is off as he widens his eyes in shock!

" Tatsumi... I have something to tell you... " Susanoo said in a grave tone, looking like he is about to say something  important.

" Suu-san? " Tatsumi gulped his saliva as he looked at Susanoo.

" Your zipper is open! It bothers me, so zip it! " Susanoo said while looking at the flustered Tatsumi.


The sound of zipper being zipped can be heard, as silence envelops the room once again after Susanoo's statement.

And so, Tatsumi's teasing begun and have no sign of dissipating.


Everything from that instant is already bad. Not to mention that, starting from that moment, Akame has been keeping an eye on his fly and Mine, Leone and Lubbock wouldn't stop teasing him because of that.

" What can I do about it? I can't help it can I? No one told me about it. " Tatsumi said with tear on his eyes.

Suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder, sending shivers down to his very existence. It's because he is very familiar with this situation.

" Don't worry. There's no need to be ashamed about it. Hahaha. Be proud of yourself! " Bulat laughed while winking at Tatsumi and giving him a thumbs up.

' Nii-san. I have Mine already... ' is what Tatsumi wanted to say, but he decided not to say that because he knows that if he said that, both Lubbock and Bulat will snap!

" Yeah! Yeah! Helping the people with his fly open... Is really heroic!! Hahahaha! " Lubbock keeps teasing Tatsumi.

And then, Lubbock feels his shoulder become heavy as an arm is rested on his shoulder, and the arm's owner laughed while asking, " Oh? What's this 'helping the people with fly open' about? "


It happened in an instant.

Bulat swings his fist to Lubbock's side, but got his hand caught by the unknown man.

Tatsumi attempts to draw Black Incursio, but he couldn't unsheathe Black Incursio as something is forcefully sealing it.

Lubbock on the other hand, got pinned down to the ground without any chance to retaliate, as Bulat is already on his top after his back hits the ground.

" Urgh.... " Lubbock and Bulat groaned.

" Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My arms! " Tatsumi cried out as his arm, which is holding Black Incursio, got twisted.

" Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Even after three weeks at Margue Plains, still at this level huh? " The man clicked his tongue and grinned.

" Gilga?! What in the actual-! ARGH!!!!  " Tatsumi howled as Gilga twists his arm even harder.

" Look how weak you've become... " Gilga shakes his head in disappointment.

" It's not me becoming weak! It's you who have become even monstrous! T.T " Tatsumi said with a forced smile. " Wait! Where you here?! " Tatsumi asked after realization struck him.

" Ah! I'm hunting the humanoid beasts. You? " Gilga asked after releasing all of them.

" The very same reason. " Tatsumi answered.

" Oh yeah. Lubbock. " Gilga suddenly said.

" What? " Lubbock stated with hostility as he stretches his arm.

" Are you going to confess to Najenda? " Gilga suddenly said.

Lubbock gasped in surprise.

Tatsumi stared at Gilga with dumbfounded expression.

Bulat widens his eyes in shock.

" W... What are you talking about? " Lubbock scratches his head with his face red.

" If you don't act fast, then she will end up with Susanoo. " Gilga smirked.

Hearing this, veins popped on his head as his eyes starts blazing with anger.

" ARGH! Just imagining that scene irritates me! True! I must act fast! " Lubbock said with determination.

" Wait! Lubbock likes the boss? How come you know? " Tatsumi asked in surprise, and behind him, Gilga swear, he could see Bulat's soul leaving his body.

And so, Lubbock shared his story about himself which earn him jeers from Tatsumi, Gilga and Bulat(?).

And finally got a pat on his shoulder from Tatsumi, advising him about being a decent man, and their argument begins.

Gilga on the other hand, suddenly gets dragged into their argument, and Bulat told them about how sad he was.

The argument ends with Tatsumi swearing he will treat Lubbock to what he want if he succeed in making Najenda fall for him.

After surveying the area for an hour or so, there is still no sign of the humanoid danger beasts.

" No sign of the humanoid beasts. " Bulat said while looking around.

" Yeah. We've been here for almost an hour, and yet still haven't found any trace of it. " Lubbock said." Maybe the  beasts in this area have been wiped out completely. " He added.

" Bro. I'll head to the summit to check out the surrounding. Maybe I can spot the beasts by doing so. " Tatsumi said.

" Wait. I'll go with you. " Bulat said, but Gilga pats his shoulder.

" No. I'll go with Tatsumi. Lubbock and Bulat-san should just team up and look for the danger beasts on the mountain's base. " Gilga said.

" Alright. You can leave the backline to me! " Lubbock said with a thumbs up.

" Lubbock... Aren't you going to follow me too? " Bulat asked.

" Don't worry! I got your back! " Lubbock said still with his thumbs up.

" Wha... Lubbock. There are procedures to everything. You can't just directly get to my back. " Bulat blushed.

Hearing this, Lubbock instantly points his middle finger towards Bulat with irritated face, while Tatsumi almost let out barfing voice from Lubbock's back.

' Fvxk! Tyrant Nova! '

Gilga on the other hand, instantly dons his armor and heads to the summit of the mountain, not waiting for Tatsumi.

" Ah! Wait for me! Black Incursio! "

Tatsumi also transformed into his black armor mode and chased Gilga, leaving Bulat and Lubbock behind.


At one of Fake mountains' summits, which pierces the cloud, two boys can be seen looking around.

" Hmm... The scenery is truly pleasing to the eyes. " Gilga hummed happily after deactivating Tyrant Nova.

" Please don't tell me you're here just to enjoy the scenery. " Tatsumi retorted as he deactivates Black Incursio.

" Stop being so boorish. Try enjoying life a bit. " Gilga said. " That being said, how far have you gone? " Gilga suddenly asked.

" ?? Huh? What do you mean? " Tatsumi asked, flustered.

Gilga groaned as he drags Tatsumi closer to him.

" Did you do it with her already? " Gilga asked with his hand in front of Tatsumi.

His left hand is making an 'O' shape, while he uses his right index finger to poke through the 'O' shape. With a mischievous grin on his face.

Seeing this, Tatsumi's face redden instantly as he elbowed Gilga's stomach.

" Offt! " Gilga let out a pained gasp and rubbed his abs. Still with mischievous grin on his face. " Why're you mad? Is it because you really have done it? Or... "


A booming sound of something dropped to the ground can be heard, as it dropped in front of both Gilga and Tatsumi.

" Now then. I'm in quite a bad mood today, I'll be quelling it by tor- Eh? " A cold voice, which is too familiar for both Tatsumi and Gilga resounded.

" And... Tatsumi? " Esdeath muttered in surprise.