
A few minutes before, on the sky above Fake mountain.

A blue haired beauty, standing above a wyvern danger beast, is watching the bright moon, enjoying the moonlight.

" Ugh. People might call it a night patrol, but to think that I actually go for a stroll because of the moonlight... It's so out of character for me to do so. " Esdeath groaned.

" Eh? "

Esdeath then let out a gasp of surprise when she looked down and noticed two figures standing closely to each other.

" Two silhouettes? Are they the humanoid danger beasts? If that's the case, then what an unlucky bunch. Since I'm having bad moods almost everyday and I need to let it out sometime! " Esdeath said while griping her rapier harder before leaping down from the wyvern.

" Now then. I'm in quite a bad mood today, I'll be quelling it by tor- Eh? " Esdeath said after landing while pointing her rapier at the two silhouettes.

" And... Tatsumi? " Esdeath muttered in surprise. " What are you two doing here? " Esdeath asked, however they don't have any time to leisurely chat as both Gilga and Esdeath noticed the presence of the humanoid danger beasts on the side of the cliff.

When Tatsumi notices that Esdeath's gaze is not fixed on him and Gilga, Tatsumi grabs Gilga's hand and whispered.

" Now is our chan- "


Before Tatsumi could finish his word, sounds of flesh being torn can be heard as blood splattered everywhere.

It happened in an instant. Esdeath created a long thin ice and swung it, tearing the beasts around them.

" What are you going to say just now? " Gilga whispered while patting Tatsumi's shoulder.

" Never mind that. " Tatsumi said with teary eyes.



A beast which has lost it's lower part cried out in pain as Esdeath stomped her high heel on the beast's forehead, causing blood to gushes out from it.

" Don't hinder me! " Esdeath glared at the beast while twisting her high heel, planting it deeper into the beast's head.

Then, Esdeath turns her head towards Tatsumi and Gilga with a warm smile.

" So it isn't a dream. I've been looking forward to the day when I meet you again Tatsumi. " Esdeath smiled.

' Wait? Me? Only me? How about Gilga? ' Tatsumi though with her jaw dropped. ' And, when are you going to finish that thing off? '


" Seriously, I can't believe that you actually have feeling for the boss. " Bulat sighed.

" C'mon now Bulat. We've been working together for years, so drop the gay act when you're with me. " Lubbock said.

" Besides...?! "

Before Lubbock could finish his words, his strings starts shaking heavily.

" We need to hide. " Lubbock said with a grave tone.

" How many of them? " Bulat asked seriously.

" Just one. "

" What! Just one person and you want to hide? What's wrong with you? " Bulat sighed.

" This person travelled halfway to the summit from the base of the mountains in a minute. If the situation doesn't demand it, I would rather avoid confrontation with this person. " Lubbock said as he shoots his string to a tree and pulls himself there.

" Right. Just hide there like you always do Lubbock. I'll just face this person head on like always! Incursio! " Bulat roared and morphed into his Incursio form.

A few moment later, a cloaked man passes through Bulat, however, noticing Bulat's presence, the man stopped and leaped to Bulat's front.

" Hrm? This armor. Incursio? What's a Night Raid member doing here? Well, lucky me I guess, since I have a new toy to play with. " The man grinned.

" Don't be too rough on me. " Bulat smiled under his mask.

Lubbock who's behind the trees swore he almost puke from that line just now.


Currently, Tatsumi is in a pinch.

" Hmm... This scent. It's indeed you Tatsumi! " Esdeath said happily while hugging Tatsumi and rubbing her cheek against his.

" How dare you run away for such long time... " Esdeath pouted. " Don't you know how terrible Gilga treats me? " She continued.

' Gilga... T.T... Why do you push me to her? ' Tatsumi thought while looking at Gilga who's smiling while waving his hand at him.

" Ugh... Why are you here? " Tatsumi asked while looking at Esdeath.

" Huh? I'm on night patrol to exterminate the humanoid danger beasts. " Esdeath replied with a smile.

But then realization struck her as she widens her eyes and looks at Tatsumi and Gilga.

" You too. What are you doing here Tatsumi? And you too Gilga. Why aren't you at the cafe today too? Kurome has been pretty restless after not eating your food for two day. Not even Bols could do anything about it too. " Esdeath asked and sighed.

" Oh? Cooking is actually a second habit of mine. When I heard about the humanoid beasts, I decided to close it and hunt these rumored humanoid beasts. " Gilga answered.

" I see. Then, what about you Tatsumi? " Esdeath asked while looking at Tatsumi.

" Um... Before I talk, can you please do something about this position? " Tatsumi asked.

" No. " Esdeath answered directly, straightly and flatly.

" It's like I'm can't talk well in this position. " Tatsumi said.

" Bullcrap!You talked Tatsumi! And you seem to be enjoying it too right? " Gilga grinned teasingly. " Be honest. It feels even better than being rubbed by a washing board right? "


" Atshoo! "

Mine sneezed, and she failed to dodge Chelsea's attack.

" Ohya? What's wrong? " Chelsea asked.

" I feel like shooting someone using Pumpkin. " Mine said while rubbing her non-existent chest.

" Looks like nowadays washing board is quite popular huh? " Chelsea mumbles with a slight grin.

" What! You're done for! " Mine snarled as she pounced towards Chelsea.

" Ahahaha! " Chelsea laughed as she dodges all of Mine's assault.


" Tatsumi... I don't know you have such fetishes. " Esdeath mumbles while blushing. " Looks like you're made especially for me. "

" Noo! You've got the wrong idea... T.T " Tatsumi cried.

" Jokes aside, what you're truly here for Tatsumi? " Esdeath asked again in a serious tone.

" Ah. My reason is the same with Gilga's! I'm here to also fight the humanoid beasts. " Tatsumi said as he releases himself from Esdeath's grasp and raising his sheathed sword in front of Esdeath.

" I see. Then, have you joined the Revolutionary Army? " Esdeath continued.

" ... Not yet. But, I'm not going to change my mind. " Tatsumi stated resolutely. " Currently I'm training as a warrior for that very reason! " Tatsumi added.

" Hmm. Hmm. I see. " Esdeath nodded while sizing Tatsumi's body. " You certainly have leveled up more than before. Your muscles have become even firmer, the look in your eyes also have become sharper. " Esdeath nodded in satisfaction.

" To think that you can grow to this level in such short amount of time. You did well. " Esdeath smiled while patting Tatsumi's head.

" W... Well. " Tatsumi stuttered while scratching his head.


Secretly, Gilga takes a picture of that moment and lightly giggled to himself.

" Anyways, the beasts around this area have been cleaned off by me. " Esdeath puffed her chest proudly. " And, thanks to them, I can meet you again! " Esdeath smiled as she once again hugs Tatsumi.

Tatsumi then looks at Gilga and send a SOS signal.

' Help me! T.T '

' Nah! I'm too lazy for that. ^3^ ' Gilga yawned.

' No way! T.T '

" That being said, there are a lot of hindrances today. " Esdeath clicked her teeth when noticing someone.

" Took you long enough to notice him Esdeath. " Gilga chuckled.

Then, the same cloaked man that Bulat confronted slowly appeared. Although he look somewhat tired and beaten.

" Ugh. Right. My days couldn't get any worse. First is facing a Night Raid mice, and now the empire's strongest is in front of me. " The man grumbled.

" Night Raid mice? " Esdeath knitted her brow.

" What happened to them? " Gilga glared at the man.

" ... You... Have we- "

Before the man finishes his word, Esdeath leaps towards the man and thrusts her rapier, forcing him to stop talking and starts dodging Esdeath's assault.

" Oh? To think that you can dodge my strikes. " Esdeath said, intrigued.

" I'll take that as a praise, but, I'm not you playing opponent. " The man grinned as he takes out a device with blue-red yin-yang symbol on top of it.

" Teigu : Shambala! Activate! "

After the man muttered those words, blinding purple light covers the whole summit.

After the light dissipates, the man's cloak flew, revealing his figure's face, and then he takes off his cloak, revealing his well built body.

He has white spiky hair. He has a tanned skin and on his face, an 'X' shaped scar can be seen.

" Ah... What a shitty day. " Shura groaned. " What should I play next huh? "

Shura exclaimed in surprise when he notices two people in front of him.

" What? Not expecting to see us? " Gilga grinned.

" But... How? " Shura stuttered.

" I've got no reason to tell you, and, I'm going to ask you again. What happened to the two Night Raid that you mentioned? " Gilga asked coldly.

" Why do you even care? And, why should I answer you too? Are you also somehow connected to the Night Raid? " Shura asked.

" It's because I'm after them too, since this place is where Night Raid member is last seen. " Gilga said.

" I see... Then, why do you know that there are two Night Raid members that I met? " Shura chuckled. " I see. You must be the friend of those mice! "

" Huh? Aren't those two behind you right now? " Gilga tilted his head while pointing at Shura's back and indeed, Bulat and Lubbock are at his back and attempts to hit Shura.

" Sh*t! " Shura raised his hand in order to block Bulat and Lubbock's attack.

However, Gilga steps between them and caught both Lubbock and Bulat's fist easily.

" Wha-! " Both of them gasped in surprise.

Gilga then throw them away from him and instantly creates a gap between them.

" What's the meaning of this? " Bulat growled.

" Huh? Of course I'm stopping you two from attacking this person here. " Gilga snorted.

" Eh? Don't you know what he did to us? " Lubbock growled.

" Oh? Does my face look like it gives a crap about it? Since you are assassins, you should've been repaired to be assassinated too. So, why do I need to care about that? " Gilga scoffed.

Shura looks at Gilga with surprise.

Just who the hell is he? And, how come he could block a blow from the notorious Hundred-Man Slayer Bulat along with another Night Raid member? This talent... He has to obtain it.

" Hey. How about we join forces and beat them? After that I'll introduce you to the prime minister? " Shura offered.

" No thanks. And, I suppose you need to escape. " Gilga said. " I'm not confident facing two offensive type Teigu users without using any Teigu myself. And I don't intend to affiliate myself with the capital's officer. " Gilga added.

" Then, what do you want? Fame? Wealth? " Shura asked.

However, before he completes his sentence, his body suddenly got coiled by thread.

" To think that you would leisurely chat during a battle. " Lubbock growled.

" Ugh! I don't want to do this, but... Shambala! Activate! " Shura shouted, and once again, purple light erupted and Shura is gone alongside with Gilga and Tatsumi, leaving Bulat and Lubbock behind.