My Method is the correct one!

On a beach of an unknown island.

Three person are standing on the seashore before one of them falls on his back first to the sand.

" Ah!!! That green haired bastard!!! I'll kill him if I see him again! " Shura cursed.

" Where are we? " Tatsumi asked while looking around.

Hearing this, realization struck Shura.

' Shit! I teleported us into this place in heat of the situation! ' Shura cursed inwardly as he once again activates Shambala and teleports alone.

Not long after Shura is gone, a rapier hits the ground before a beauty lands on its hilt.

" Cheh! He ran away! " Esdeath clicked her tongue in disdain.

" Eh? Tatsumi? Gilga? How come the two of you didn't get sent here with me just now? " Esdeath asked.


A colossal beast slowly rides from the forest behind the three of them.

" Looks like the answer can wait for another time. " Esdeath grinned as she draws her rapier.

Gilga released a sigh before drawing Black's Bane.

Tatsumi also draws Black Incursio and points if towards the colossal danger beast.


Noticing the trio's presence, the colossal beast roared and start dashing towards them.

" Weisse Schnabel! "

Esdeath generates dozens of ice spikes which are then launched towards the colossal beast.

A lot of the spikes hits the colossal beast, however, the beast shows no sign of dying.

" It's more tenacious that what I thought. " Esdeath mumbles.

" Teigu Release! Phase One! Venemous Bubbles! "

After muttering those words, Black's Bane melted, and then it turns into rainbow colored bubbles.

" Still as beautiful as ever. " Esdeath grinned while staring at the rainbow bubbles.

" And deadly as ever. " Tatsumi said while covering his nose with a handkerchief.

" Poisonado! "

The rainbow bubbles swirls and creates a rainbow tornado, which instantly melts the trees it passes.

When coming into contact with the colossal beast, it only suffers a minor damage.

" It's also got poison resistance? " Gilga said after deactivating his first phase. " Interesting. "

" Uh... Doesn't the thing on it's forehead looks like it's weakness? " Tatsumi asked while pointing at a bandaged man on the beast's forehead.

" Hmm... Yeah. It looks like a... human. " Gilga said while looking at the colossal beast.

" Well, we can't be sure until we hit it right? " Esdeath smirked while touching the ground.

" Grau Horn! "

From the ground that Esdeath touches, a huge pike is shot towards the colossal beast.

With an unbelievable speed, the beasts tilts it's head, nearly dodging Esdeath's pike.

" Tch! It missed huh? " Esdeath clicked her tongue.

" Now! Tatsumi! " Gilga called out.

" Got it! "

At the same time, both of them leaps to the ice pike, and started dashing towards the colossal beast.

" Wait! The beast is.. " Esdeath said as she notices the beast is holding the ice pike, attempting to stand up.

" It won't stand up in time! We won't let it! " Gilga roared as he grabs Tatsumi's collar and pants before he throws him to the colossal beast.

" Wait!!!! This isn't part of the plan Gilgaaaaaa!!! " Tatsumi cried out as he flies towards the beast which is trying to get back on his feet.

In less than five seconds, Tatsumi is already in front of the beast's weak point.

Gritting his teeth, Tatsumi unsheathes Lird and draw a cross shaped arc with it, slashing the human, that's being planted above the beast's forehead.

" ROARrrr.... "

The beast's loud roar gradually becomes weaker before it falls to the ground, motionless.

" YOU DID IT TATSUMI! " Gilga shouted out.

" DID IT MY ASS! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LAND?! " Tatsumi shouted loudly.

And, before Tatsumi notices it, he felt a soft things rpessing on his back. However he doesn't enjoy those feeling at the very least as he knows who have those soft things that are pressing on his back right now.

" Don't worry Tatsumi. I got your back. " Esdeath smiled.

' I'm worried about another thing though! ' Tatsumi cried out in his heart. ' Wait! How did Esdeath catch me? I'm still far from landing right? '

Tatsumi then looked down and realizes that they are indeed floating, and they are slowly and steadily descending to the ground.


" Oh? Not too shabby. " Gilga praised while observing the floating Esdeath and Tatsumi.

Just now, after throwing Tatsumi, Esdeath kneeled to the ground and created equipments made from ice, such as gauntlets, choker, belt, shoulder guard and boots.

She then jumped with tremendous force, leaving a huge crack on the ground after she leapt towards Tatsumi.

As she flew towards Tatsumi, she released ice breeze on her back, boosting her flying speed significantly. And, in a few moments, she was already being the flying Tatsumi.

After catching Tatsumi, she controls her ice equipments as she slowly and graciously descends to the ground with Tatsumi between her arms.

" Does she get it from watching my Poison Bubble? " Gilga pondered. " Well, I need to train Akame harder so she could defeat Esdeath. '


A loud water's drizzling sound can be heard, as another colossal figure arises from the sea.

" ROARR!!!! "

The beast roared, however, a figure is already above it with cold look on her eyes.

" Silence. " Esdeath said coldly and clicked her finger.

Not even a second has passed and a huge ice boulder is already falling down from the sky above Esdeath.

" Hagel Sprung. "


The colossal beast raises it's hands and attempts to push the boulder, however, right after its palms comes into contact with the ice boulder, it starts freezing up before slowly shattering away due to the ice boulder's weight.

" GR- "

The colossal beast doesn't even have a chance to let out a pained groan as it's head is fully frozen right when the ice boulder comes into contact with it.


" Well, this is bad. I don't think Akame will cut for this anymore. " Gilga forced out a bitter smile.

" GILGA! WATCH OUT! " Tatsumi shouted out from Esdeath's embrace.

" ROARRR!!!! "

Another colossal beast's roar comes from Gilga's back as it swings it's palm down, intending to squash Gilga.

" I'm in a bad mood now. " Gilga glared at the colossal beast while using his right arm, which is protected by Doppelganger, to stop the colossal beast's palm.

" Such strength! I don't think even Daidara would hold a candle to his strength! " Esdeath gasped.

Gilga then shoves the beast's palm away and then jumped.

With a swing of his clenched right arm, which he directs to the beast's face, the beast got it's head decapitated and it's headless body falls to the ground, raising a curtain of sand.

" Great performance as expected. " Esdeath clapped her hands while getting closer to Gilga, who just landed, along with Tatsumi.

" I see that you have no intention to stay with me as my lover, which is quite a letdown for me. " Esdeath sighed. " However, I want to propose something. "

" ... Which is? "

" How about joining my troop? I will pay you with twice the amount of money you can get from the cafe you build in the capital. " Esdeath proposed.

" ... I refuse. I have no intention to work for the capital. " Gilga snorted.

" No. You're not working for them. You're working for me. " Esdeath stated.

" And, you work for the capital, which means I'm indirectly working for the capital too. " Gilga corrected.

" Ugh. Why is it so hard to hook you to my side? " Esdeath grumbled.

" Because my cause and the capital's way are contrary, hence my unwillingness to work for the capital nor you. " Gilga said.

" What? " Esdeath asked.

" It's not like you'll understand even if I explain it to you. " Gilga said.

" If you don't say it then how come I'll understand? "

" *Sigh. Tatsumi and I, both of us swore to help the people by joining the capital's army. However, after we arrived at the capital, we saw how the army and the nobles treat the commoners and others badly, we forget about our previous idea. " Gilga said.

" Then, why do you build a cafe in the capital? "  Esdeath asked.

" To gather money and use it for our village's needs. " Gilga said.

" Besides, I'm planning to join the Revolutionary Army and change the empire! " Gilga stated firmly.

Hearing this, Esdeath tensed up and Tatsumi beside Esdeath has his jaw dropped.

' What is this idiot saying? ' Tatsumi thought.

Esdeath however just stay silent as she observes Gilga.

" So, you can drop the idea about recruiting me, and instead, you should be the one who join me to the Revolutionary Army! " Gilga added.

Esdeath attempts to slap Gilga, however, as expected, Gilga dodges her slap rather easily.

" You serious? Don't you know who you're talking to right now? " Esdeath glared.

" The capital's strongest and one of capital's trump cards. " Gilga answered flatly. " Which is why, if you join the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army will have an easy time to change the current capital. "  Gilga added.

' I see! So, that's what you're aiming for... Gilga! ' Tatsumi thought with a bright expression. However that doesn't last long.

" I decline! " Esdeath also answered resolutely.

" Eh? Why? Don't you know how the people of capital suffered by living in an environment with lack of public security, plagued by poverty and hunger? Don't you pity them? " Tatsumi asked.

" No. I don't understand. The feeling of the weaks is insignificant to me! " Esdeath stated while looking at Tatsumi.

" Listen. I lived in a world of survival of the fittest. Where the strong preys on the weak. And, I'm the strong one! " Esdeath said. " My father told me the weak has no choice but to obey to what the strong wishes to do with it! Since the weak basically has no right to talk against the stronger one! " She added.

" Hmm! Hmm! " Gilga nodded. " So, your father either has one or many screws loose in his head. " He added.

For a moment, everything went silent for a moment, which caused Tatsumi to unconditionally shiver from it.

" Uh. Gilga. I think you should stop and apologize to Esdeath-san... " Tatsumi said timidly while looking between Gilga then Esdeath.

" What? Because I said her father has a screw loose on his brain? What kind of father would tell her daughter those stuff? Will you also one day tell your daughter those stuff? " Gilga snorted. " Daughters should be spoiled. But not too spoiled at the same time... "

And so, Gilga's lecture about raising a daughter in a right way begins.

" Wait. Hold up. I can't swallow the craps you just spouted. " Esdeath said as she barfed. " You mean, you're going to let your daughter become a weakling? Spoiling them like what you said? Protecting them? Buying things they like... Those craps will one day kill the daughter. " Esdeath added.

" As a parent, you should let your child do things on their own so they can become stronger! Hunting on their own, comparing their hunt with yours, ... "

And now, Esdeath begins her lecture about raising a children in the right way.

" No! This is the right thing! "

" Yeah right. As if!! "

" You should listen to me! "

" No! You are the one who should listen to me! "

Tatsumi on the other hand is just sitting below a tree shade as a shelter from the heat of their arguments.


Both Esdeath and Gilga roared at the same time.