Prelude to Kyoroch

" Say... What about we drop the argumentats about raising a child? " Gilga panted.

" Yeah. I never guess that talking about how to raise a child would be so tiring. " Esdeath nodded.

" Well, you should be talking about it with Tatsumi though. " Gilga smirked while pointing at Tatsumi.

" Eh?!! Wait! What?! " Tatsumi said.

' Why would you drag me into this Gilga?! ' Tatsumi cried in his mind.

But too late, as Esdeath pounced on him and starts asking Tatsumi about how they should raise a children, which caused Tatsumi to get flustered.

Gilga, on the other hand, leaves both of them and ventures into the forest in order to look for foods.


After an hour has passed, Gilga manages to find some edible fruits and meats which would last a day.

" What in the actual f-! " Gilga gasped.

There, he saw Tatsumi, whose soul is almost leaving his body, laying weakly on the ground while Esdeath, who has a huge smile plastered on her face, is caressing Tatsumi's head while giving him a lap pillow.

Noticing Gilga, Tatsumi weakly turns his head and send a desperate look, trying to say ' Help me... '

But, Gilga gave him a ' Deal with it ' expression before cooking lunch for them.


Afternoon turned into evening, and evening turned to night.

The three of them have traveled to every place in the island, yet they still haven't found other humans besides the humans on top of the beast, who were dead already.

After a few moment, Esdeath told Tatsumi and Gilga to follow her somewhere, which is the place they first got teleported into the island.

And, as expected, a purple yin-yang shaped light can be seen.

Esdeath proudly told Tatsumi and Gilga that this is somekingld of a pathway that will get them back to the capital. And then, she hugs Tatsumi and told both Gilga and Tatsumi that while waiting for the path to open, they should talk about their past or anything to get to know each other better.

" After dinner. " Gilga said as he finished cooking and serve the food for the three of them.

" Ummm!! As usual! So delicious! " Tatsumi said happily while stuffing his mouth.

" As usual? " Esdeath knitted her brow when she heard that.

" Ah! We've never mentioned it to you right? We're from the same village, and Gilga is the one who usually cook for us. " Tatsumi answered.

" Shut up you... It's just you don't want to cook and leave those thing for me to do. " Gilga scoffed while stuffing food into his mouth. " And, talk or eat. Not talk and eat. " Gilga added while chewing his food.

" Now that you mentioned it, both of you said that you are a blacksmith no? " Esdeath asked.

Gilga and Tatsumi nodded.

" Then, who taught you two about smithing? " Esdeath asked.

" Ah. There was a soldier who have retired and been staying in our village. And one day, he decided to teach us about both smithing and swordsmanship. " Gilga explained shortly.

" I see. " Esdeath muttered. " Then, what about cooking? "

" It's merely a hobby of mine. I guess? " Gilga said.

" Hmm... Then, where do you get your Teigus? " Esdeath asked.

" And, on what basis do you think I will tell you? " Gilga asked.

" Well, if you want to play the hard to get character, maybe we can talk about this in my favorite place. " Esdeath said.

" Nope. And, u don't believe you have the ability to catch me and drag me there to get what you want. " Gilga scoffed.


The situation turns ice cold as Esdeath is clearly releasing her killing intent in order to make Gilga subservient.

However, Gilga also released his killing intent which is on a higher notch that Esdeath, causing her to tremble.

Tatsumi, on the other hand, lays down on the sand while frothing and twitching uncontrollably after being exposed to their intense killing intents.

" Hehehe... Looks like the current me is still not enough to make you subservient to me. " Esdeath smirked while patting Tatsumi's head, trying to calm herself down.

" Good that you know though. You have a good head on your shoulder. Unlike someone. " Gilga nodded.

" Who? " Esdeath asked.

" Nah. It's none of your business. " Gilga shook his head. " I'm curious though. "

" ??? About what? " Esdeath asked.

" What do you think about the current Commander in Chief? " Gilga asked.

" You mean Budou? " Esdeath asked.

" Yeah. That guy. Is he really strong? " Gilga asked.

" Hm... I can't say for sure, but we've sparred once, and he, of course, lost to me. " Esdeath proudly puffed out her chest.


" Hrm? Why do thy feel someone is talking about thyself? " A blonde haired middle age man, wearing black armor and pure white cape covering his body said.

" Must be talking about thy greatest achievement or something. " He nodded as he continued patrolling around in the castle.


Meanwhile, outside the castle, inside one of the citizen's home.

" Shambala point B... Release. "

Shura mumbles as purple light glows out from a device on his hand.

" That should do... Still though, it's a shame that I left the blonde and brown haired pal with Esdeath. I feel kinda bad for them though. " Shura sighed.

" What are you doing there? "

A female sound comes from Shura's back as the figure slowly rides from the bed and sit above it while covering her bare body with the blanket.

" Huh? It's none of your business! " Shura scoffed while looking away from the woman.

" Your wordings are rough, however, for some reason, you have an aura that of a high class person. " The woman said with a smile.

" Huh? Of course I am. I'm the son of the prime minister after all. " Shura said.

Hearing this, the woman's face soured a little as she knitted her brow and frowned.

" By prime minister... You mean 'that' prime minister? " The woman said with disbelief.

" Hah? "

Shura's eyes went bloodshot as his face twisted into that of pure rage as he slowly gets closer to the woman while releasing his killing intent.

Feeling Shura's killing intent and hostility, the girl trembled as she panicked because she doesn't know what to do.

" UGHH! "

The girl let out a pained groan as Shura delivers a body blow on her stomach, causing her to vomit.

Then, by grabbing her hair, Shura pulled the woman's head so his bloodshot eye meets her terrified eyes.

" What do you mean by 'that' huh? You bitch? " Shura asked. " I looked up to him,- no, I respected him a lot! And, I'm going to surpass him! " Shura added.

" You see. I believe that surpassing my parents is the ultimate form of filial piety. " Shura said before slamming the woman's head to the edge of the bed, destroying both the bed and the woman's head.

" Now then... Let's play for a few days before going back to old man's place. " Shura smirked as he wore his shirt and cloak before heads outside to look for other toys to play with.


" Haaa!!!! "

Gilga throws a wood stake he made towards an Air Manta, tearing it's wing.

" Ah!! You screw this one again... " Tatsumi sighed.

Behind them, dozens of Air Manta corpse can be seen either with hole on their wing or on their body.

" Well, at least I tried didn't I? " Gilga laughed.

" This is no laughing matter! How are we going to get back to the capital? " Tatsumi asked worriedly.

And, that time, another Air Manta passes by again. Gilga then prepares to throw a wood stake again, but got stopped by Esdeath.

" Let me take care of this one. " Esdeath smirked as she starts dashing towards the Air Manta's direction.

At the same time, the purple yin-yang symbol starts glowing brightly.

" The exit! " Tatsumi exclaimed. " It's open!! " Tatsumi added excitedly as he heads towards the exit.

" Guhuu!! " Tatsumi cried out as he got choked because Gilga pulls his collar, stopping him before he passes the light.

" What's that for?! " Tatsumi cried out.

" Right after you exit, activate Black Incursio and turns invisible right away. I'm calling her too. " Gilga whispered in serious tone.

" Eh? Why? Leaving her here is a good option is it not? " Tatsumi asked while whispering.

" Just do what I say. We don't want to be indebted to her right? " Gilga asked.

" ... Uh... "

" No more question. I'll explain later. Go now! Or the gate will close and you'll be trapped with her forever! " Gilga ordered, and Tatsumi nodded as he heads to the exit discreetly.

After exiting, Tatsumi transformed into Black Incursio and activates it's stealth, blending in with the surrounding as he erases his presence.

" Oi! Esdeath! The exit is glowing! I'll go inside. Tatsumi also has entered! Bye! " Gilga shouted as he enters the gate, leaving Esdeath behind.

Hearing his voice, Esdeath turned her head, and indeed the pathway has shone brightly as sand are being blown away.

" Wait! " Esdeath shouted.

But, she soon notices that the light is weakening.

" Tch! Mahapadma!! "

From Esdeath, blue light erupting, dyeing everything it passes into blue color as those things froze.

The light and the sand also froze as their color turns blue.

Esdeath leisurely walks to the pathway in a steady pace. However, when she passes the light, the scenery was still the beach.

She then tries passing through it again, and yet, the result is still the same.

" Strange... What happened? " Esdeath murmured.

" Did I not only froze time, but also the space itself? " Esdeath thought. " If that's the case, then... "

Esdeath deactivates Mahapadma and the blue world slowly regains it's color as time flies back normally again. Then, Esdeath passes through the pathway.

After passing through the pathway, Esdeath sees a familiar scene. The scene of mountain summits above the cloud as she stands above on of those summits.

" This place. So I am back to where I was before teleported. " Esdeath said.

" Wait. Where are Tatsumi and Gilga? " Sudden realization hits Esdeath as she turns around and starts looking for both Gilga and Tatsumi, but to no avail.

" Could it be that both of them ran away during that instant? " Esdeath said. " If it's Gilga then I wouldn't doubt it. But Tatsumi too? *Sigh... "

Unbeknownst to her, both Gilga and Tatsumi are laying on a rock with their invisibility on, completely hearing what she just said.

' Wait. What the hell? Do you think that I'm some kind of freak?! ' Gilga thought angrily.

' Wait... Don't tell me you're going to confront her? ' Tatsumi thought as he grabbed Gilga's shoulder looked at him anxiously.

As for how Tatsumi is able to 'look' at Gilga, it's because he's able to see living being's thermal heat using Black Incursio's lenses.

Gilga could just smile bitterly as they both waited for Esdeath to leave before they head back to Night Raid's base.