To Romary Main Street

" And... That's what actually happened. " Chelsea groaned.

Apparently, she had just finished an assassination mission to deal with a feudal lord who use people's tax to his own satisfaction.

Her assassination is perfectly executed, however, after she finished the task, an unexpected thing happened.

Jaeger's Wave and Kurome arrived at the scene and she almost got busted, however due to her being calm and collected mostly everytime, she could easily get away from that sticky situation.

" To actually think that it's a trap. " Chelsea sighed while scratching her hair in frustration.

" What matters is that you finished the mission and came back safe and sound right? You did a good job. " Gilga smiled as he pats Chelsea's head while presenting her a cheesecake.

After receiving the cheesecake, Chelsea elbowed Gilga before eating it.

" Ugh... Why...? " Gilga groaned while holding his stomach.

" Oh. Nothing... It's not like I'm mad or anything that someone is visiting a beautiful beach with a girl. " Chelsea pouted with her face red as she slowly eats the cheesecake.

" But, what that jerk said is true. If it were me, I don't think I can slip through that situation as easily as you did. " Mine mumbles. " It's quite infuriating to say this, but that Teigu is rather useful. " She added.

" Well, that situation is indeed hard for someone with a well known face like you Mine. " Chelsea said. " So, you can leave everything else to me. " Chelsea added.

Hearing this, Mine's expression turns soft as she called out Chelsea's name with a touched tone.

" That being said, you can stay here with the wanted team and watch the base while I'm out... substitute.... " Chelsea smirked.

" Wha..?!!! How dare you insult your teammate! Come here!! " Mine snarled as she chased Chelsea to no avail due to obvious reason.

" Well, even though you said those things in the beginning. " Tatsumi said while sipping his milk. " Wait! Who changed my coffee with milk? " Tatsumi exclaimed, surprised by the sweetness explosion from his mouth.

" You are still growing, so drink milk. I'll drink the coffee in your place. " Bulat said behind Tatsumi as he sipped his coffee.

" That being said, with the humanoid beasts case solved, Jaeger will probably solely focus on getting us. " Akame suddenly muttered.

" True enough. " Gilga nodded. " Then, just a suggestion. Should we hand over Tatsumi to them? " He suggested.

" Puuuuhhhh!!! " Tatsumi spurted out the milk he sips towards Gilga.

" Yeah. That's right. Let's do that and ask them to leave us alone. Since he already talked about raising kids with their boss. " Leone nodded in agreement.

" Like I said, I'm dragged into this against my will!! And, why me? Not Gilga?! " Tatsumi retorted.

" And do you think anyone here can handle me? " Gilga asked with a ridiculing smile.

" Hum... Hum... " Lubbock nodded. " It's not like I'm envious that someone is on an island on south with a beautiful girl or anything. " Lubbock said as he added sugar into his chocolate drink.

" So, why don't you two leave her on the island or anything? After all, it's her right? It's not like I'm jealous or anything... No. Really. " Lubbock arfed with tears flowing from his eyes to his cheeks.

" Wait?! Why are you blaming me only? " Tatsumi said in shock. " And, the one who decided not to leave her there is Gilga! " Tatsumi added.

" Didn't I say it already? It's so we owe her nothing. Or, do you want to owe her again? " Gilga asked.


The sound of door being opened can be heard as a figure, who still had her hair wet, comes out as she dries her wet hair with a dry towel.

" For as long as I have known her, she is very tenacious. Even if you left her, she would still find her way back to the capital, so that's a good call Gilga. " Najenda said. " Besides, it's better to pay off any debt before we face off. " She added.

" Wait boss... As long as you have known her? How old are you boss? " Tatsumi asked.

' Ah... And here we go again. ' Gilga sighed.

And indeed, after the shocking truth, Tatsumi went wild and said the word he shouldn't say, which earned him a beating which caused the noisy Chelsea and Mine to go silent.

" Tatsumi. You shouldn't go and ask a woman's age. That's going too far. " Akame squatted down while poking Tatsumi's bruised face.


" What? You want me to go for a bodyguarding mission? " Esdeath asked.

Currently, she is talking with Prime Minister Honest in his room.

As she has said, Honest asked her to protect a certain person who is working as an undercover in one of many rebellious groups that targets the Empire.

" Declined. Protecting someone isn't really my forte. " Esdeath refused.

" Don't be so fast to decline my offer. " Honest said while gulping down a meatball. " *Burp. I'm sending you and your Jaeger there as a precaution IF anything goes wrong. " Honest added while stressing the if word.

" ... Looks like this organization is pretty important. " Esdeath said. " Alright. Then, when should I set off? "

" Oh? Agreeing without further complaints? " Honest gasped as he almost choked on a steak he just stuffed.

" In the end I still have to go, don't I? " Esdeath scoffed.

" Hehehe... It's up to you. You decide. But, the faster the better. " Honest chuckled as he drunk a barrel of expensive looking wine.

With that, Esdeath left Honest and heads to her office.


At the same time, in the forest.

Seryu and Wave have just apprehended three bandits and Wave left for a moment to do his man's business.

" Please. Let us go... We're not from Night Raid. " A skinny male bandit said.

" We were stealing just because we have hard time to find a living. " Another male bandit said. " But, we don't kill anyone when stealing things! "

" So, you admit to thievery? " Seryu said coldly while folding her arms.

" Well, once you got tainted by evil-!!!" Seryu said, but couldn't finish her words as someone chopped her head using his hand.

" Who dares?! "

She turned her head and before she finished her words, a familiar figure smiled at her and caresses her head.

" Gilga?! " Seryu exclaimed in surprise.

" Yah. Good to see that you're as lively as ever. Seryu-chan. " Gilga smiled. " Hmm? What are those? Koro's food? " Gilga asked while pointing at the bandits behind Seryu.

" Yeah. " Seryu nodded with a smile.

This, caused the bandits to look at Gilga and Seryu in horror.

" *Sigh. But, Koro seems more interested in these though. " Gilga smiled smugly while raising a plastic bag which Koro is currently clinging while drooling uncontrollably.

" Koro you traitor! " Seryu pouted.

" Hehe.... Well, eat up. I even brought yours and Wave's share too. " Gilga smiled as he takes out three bento boxes and opened two of them for both Seryu and Koro.

" Wah! It smells heavenly! Then, I shall gladly partake! " Seryu said with a bright smile as she starts feasting on the bento boxes.

Koro on the other hand, finishes it with a single bite... I mean, literally the box and food in it...

Not satisfied, Koro looked at the other box, which Gilga quickly hid. Then, Koro looks at Seryu, but Seryu turns around and faces Gilga as she savors the food.

Koro be like : ( TωT)

" What is it? You don't eat? " Seryu asked while looking at Gilga who has been staring at her for a while.

" Don't worry. I have eaten. Maybe later at night. " Gilga said.

" Oh... I... I see... " Seryu said while averting her eyes as she blushes uncontrollably.

" What? You got a fever? " Gilga asked as he notices Seryu's reddened face.

" Wha-?! "

Before Seryu could protest, Gilga grabs the back of her head and touches her forehead with his forehead.

Immediately, Seryu could feel blood pumps up into her head as she blushed even redder and she starts muttering unclear words.

' F*ck. Go flirt at somewhere else! ' a bandit cursed in his heart.

' Do you need to do that in front of us?! I hope you f*cking die a horrible death! ' the other bandit cursed.

" As I expected. You have a fever. Shouldn't you be resting at home? " Gilga asked as he slowly pulls himself away from Seryu.

" I... I'm fine... Hehehe. " Seryu smiled. " More than this then I might faint from happiness. " She added as she finished her food.

" Right. Now, it is time for a lecture after a long time. " Gilga said.

Hearing this, Seryu's face turns back to normal as she sits down and prepares herself to listen to what Gilga is about to say.

" Before I start, what do you plan to do with those bandits? " Gilga asked.

" I'll let Koro execute them! To deliver justice! " Seryu said passionately.

Hearing this, the bandits face paled and they start trembling in fear.

" Listen Seryu. You are not a judge, so you can't directly sentence someone to death. And, you're not an executioner, so you have no right to execute them without your captain's, in this case Esdeath, consent. " Gilga explained.

" Doing things in the wrong order isn't justice at all! Justice isn't about view only, but also about doing the right thing in the right order! " Gilga said.

" I see... " Seryu nodded vigorously.

And so, Gilga's lecture continues for about ten minutes before he felt someone's getting close to them.

" Alright. That's all. I have important matter to attend. See you later. Bye! " Gilga hurriedly leaves, and indeed, not long after he left, Wave arrived.

" Oi~! Seryu! Let's hand these bandits to the authorities! " Wave called out.

" Yes! " Seryu saluted then drags the girl bandit while Wave picks two bandits as they head back to the capital together.

" Oh right. Here you go. " Seryu said as she hands out a bento box for Wave.

" ??? What's this? Where did you find this? " Wave asked in confusion.

" It's a lunch. Someone give three boxes and asked me to give you one. " Seryu answered.

" Eh? How come that person know there are someone else with you? " Wave asked.

" Now that you mention it. How come he know about that? " Seryu muttered.

But, she decides to drop it as she thought that it's the power of justice that unites them again.


" We'll leave for Kyoroch! " Najenda said when Gilga is back on the base.

" And...? " Gilga asked.

" Do you want to join us? " Akame asked.

Gilga looked at her and answered with a nod.

Seeing this, Akame smiles and hummed happily.

" Wait. Who are participating? " Gilga asked Najenda.

" You, me, Akame, Lubbock, Leone, Bulat, Mine, Chelsea, Susanoo, Tatsumi." Najenda said.

" Wait... Isn't this an overkill? " Gilga said in shock.

" Well, just to be safe, we need you with us. " Najenda said.

" I see. By the way, where's Ieyasu and Sheele? Haven't seen them for ages. " Gilga asked. " And how come they aren't participating? "

" Oh? Those two love birds? They are doing a task on the capital and will spend time there for a week I guess? " Najenda said.

" ... Okay. Let's drop this conversation. " Gilga said.

" I agree. " Najenda nodded.

" When will we go to Kyoroch then? " Gilga asked.

" Today we'll head to Romary main street and complete our task. " Najenda said.

" Which is...? "

" The elimination of Bols and Kurome. " Najenda said.


The next day, in the Jaeger's office.

" Captain. " Run's voice came through the door.

" Come in. " Esdeath said while filling in some documents, which is the job that she hates the most.

" Excuse me. " Run said politely as he enters the office.

Not wasting any moment, Run said. " We've got a report that Night Raid's Akame, Najenda and Mine have been spotted near Romary main street. "

Hearing this, Esdeath's lip curled up as she stands up from her seat and put on her cap.

" Gather everyone. We're heading for Romary main street in ten minutes! " Esdeath said with a sadistic grin.