The Battle of Teigu users... Begin!

Outside the capital's gate, a surveillance team consisted of two spies, who are ordered by Najenda, are hiding behind the bushes, waiting for someone to come out.

And that someone comes out not long after that.

" It's General Esdeath! "

Esdeath along with the five remaining Jaeger's members, riding horses, are heading towards the Romary main street.

" Ms.Najenda's plan is right on mark! "

A spy then wrote a letter on a piece of paper before tying it on a falcon's leg.

" It's up to you now, Margue Falcon. Bring this information to Night Raid. " The spy said before throwing the falcon and let it fly to Najenda's place.

' Dealing with the spy inside the religious group and clashing head on with the Jaeger. It's an incredibly dangerous mission. ' The spy thought as he sighed.

' However, you all must survive. Since we need you to change this depraved country. ' The spy continued in his mind as he prayed for both the success of this operation and the Nigh Raid surviving this ordeal.

With their job done, the spies returned to the base, awaiting for further order.


" Six people huh? So, all of the Jaeger members have been mobilized huh? " Najenda muttered while looking at a paper attached to the Margue Falcon's leg.

" Well, considering the speed of a horse and the possibility of them marching without resting, they'll probably arrive at noon tomorrow. " Gilga said.

" I know. So, that's why, continue to nonchalantly attract people's attention. " Najenda said while looking toards Akame and Mine who are in their swimsuit.

" Roger! " Both of them said.

" Is being in swimsuit really necessary? " Gilga asked.

" Oh? Why? I thought you'll like this. " Najenda said.

" Well, I don't like the idea of people other than me would get a look at Akame in her swimsuit. " Gilga sighed. " Couldn't you let that washing board do it alone? " He added.

Then a yellow laser is shot towards Gilga, which he dodges with ease.

" I'll kill you!!! " Mine snarled as she keeps shooting Pumpkin at Gilga.

" Hahaha... You'll never hit me! " Gilga laughed. " Eat more meat! Maybe you can evolve from a washing board into a plate. " He added, which made Mine's blast even stronger than before.

" Alright. Time to stop Mine. Do your work with Akame. " Najenda sighed.

" Roger boss. " Akame said. " Come Mine. Let's do our task. " Akame dragged Mine, stopping her from shooting at Gilga.

" Ughyaaaa!!!! "

And so, Akame drags Mine and proceeds to attract people's attention.

" I really don't approve this plan after all. " Gilga said.

" What? Why? " Najenda gasped in surprise.

" This doesn't sit well with me. " Gilga looked down. " I mean, both Bols and Kurome are also like you, Akame, Bulat, Lubbock and other members of Revolutionary Army. Don't you even consider recruiting them to Revolutionary Army? "

" It's quite impossible, as they have claimed too much life of our allies. " Najenda shakes her head.

" ... I see. " Gilga said with disappointment. " Then, I'll excuse myself. "

Then, Gilga left Najenda as he went to the canyon where the Battle between Night Raid and Kurome Bols pair will occur and camp there for the night. ( I mean Kuroma Bols Wave group:D. )


" Boss. " Chelsea called out while still in her swimsuit.

" Yeah? What's the matter Chelsea? " Najenda asked.

" Where's Gilga? " Chelsea asked while looking around, but she couldn't spot Gilga anywhere.

" He just left. " Najenda sighed.

" Huh? Why would he leave? " Chelsea tilted her head in confusion.

" No idea. However, we will still continue with our mission. " Najenda said. " Tell everyone we are moving out! "

" Aye. Aye. " Chelsea said and then she notifies everyone about Najenda's order, and so they all move out to the canyon where they will ambush the Jaeger teams.


The next day, Esdeath and the Jaeger have arrived at Romary main street, however, they couldn't spot either Najenda or Night Raid members, so they start getting information by asking the citizens.

It only took them fifteen minutes to gather information about Night Raid's movements and buying crepes before gathering back at the fountain.

" So,there are witnesses that claimed they saw the Night Raid are splitting up. Najenda is going east and Akame is going south. " Esdeath said as she eats a crepe.

" Well, if we head east, we will end up in Kyoroch, the headquarters of Path of Peace. " Bols said. " And, if we head south, we will find cities that supports the Revolutionary Army. " Bols continued.

" In any case, this sounds fishy. " Bols ended.

" That sounds like Najenda. She fought with calmly with a blazing passion. " Esdeath smirked.

" Well, if we give chase then we can catch up with them won't we? " Wave said.

" Wait. Considering how hard it is to track Night Raid, who have been hiding well for ages. And now they revealed themselves and even spotted splitting into two groups. " Esdeath said. " Isn't this too convenient? "

" Yes. The chance of this being a trap is pretty high too. " Run said and then stuffs a bread into his mouth.

" Uh... Then, should we not give chase? " Wave asked.

" No. We won't waste this chance! Now that they've revealed themselves, we'll also be prepared for their trap and squash it and them all! " Esdeath said.

" Seryu, Run and me will get Najenda. Wave, Bols and Kurome, the three of you will go for Akame! " Esdeath ordered.

Hearing this, Kurome revealed a malicious grin as she stood up happily as she stuffs herself with the drugged cookies.

Esdeath then gives them a briefing about being aware of the surrounding, don't care about retreating because enemies number are overwhelming, and about not doing a suicide attack.

" They are the final rats to defy the capital! Chase them down and finish them without fail! " Esdeath ended her briefing.

" " Roger! "  "

After that, as Esdeath has ordered, Bols, Kurome and Wave heads south to chase Akame and Esdeath along with Seryu and Run heads east to capture Najenda.


On an unnamed valley, south to Romary main street, three horses can be seen are, galloping full speed ahead.

" So, our opponents are the capital's strongest, Night Raid... I wonder if someone like me can win. " Bols muttered worriedly.

" Well, I'm also not too confident. " Wave said as he remembered how Bulat ousted him with a single blow.

" It's unlike you to be disheartened. " Kurome said while eating her snacks. " If you plans on being a burden then go with the captain. It's not too late to turn back you know. " She added.

" ... Yeah. You're right. " Wave said as he slaps his cheeks with both of his hands. " I joined the Jaeger's to be useful to the citizens and my comrades! And also to repay my debt to that Navy! " Wave said determinedly.

Seeing this, Kurome's mood lighten up a bit as she smiled.

Bols too, received Wave's positive energy as he become a bit more confident than before.

" Halt. " Bols instructed Wave and Kurome to stop as he notices a giant scarecrow in front of them.

" A scarecrow? " Wave tilted his head in confusion. " It's too big! And, what does 'hottie' means? "

" I don't know. But, it's suspicious to the point of there's no way it could be more suspicious. " Bols said.

" Let's check it out. " Wave said as he dismounted from his horse along with Kurome and Bols.

After a few step, Kurome got a bad feeling them leaps to the side, dodging an incoming laser which was supposed to blast off her head.


" What?! She dodged it? What's with that inhuman reaction time? " Mine exclaimed in shock after witnessing how close Kurome dodges her shot.


" !!! " Wave and Bols are caught by surprise by that, however they quickly regained composure as they prepare themselves for battle.

Kurome too, gets into battle stance as she scans the surrounding to look for the sniper, however it seems like the sniper is at area far away from her.

Suddenly, the scarecrow  starts bulging and twisting around before it exploded.

In that instant, a figure leaps to where Kurome is as he swings his weapon towards her.

' Shit! Kurome! ' Wave cursed as he unsheathes Grand Chariot's key and block the blow.

However, as he is going to jump in to protect Kurome, he realized he couldn't control his body for a moment.

His body refused to listen to him as he leaped back, distancing himself from the figure.

He could only click his tongue in irritation because of this.

' Kurome! '

That thought caused him to look in front and then released a breath filled with relief. That's because, Kurome's safe.

' What just happened? ' Kurome thought while distancing herself from the assailant.

' I thought I was goner. But, that instant, my body moved on its own... But, how? ' Kurome thought when she is already at a safe range from her assailant.

Just now...

Kurome had yet to regain her position and the assailant's weapon is already halfway swing towards her.

Instinctively, she was about to use her sword to block the blow.

And, on contrary, she felt her body isn't listening to her. Her leg kicks the ground violently as she felt her body got pulled by someone for a moment before she finally regains her control over her body.

' ... Thanks to that I'm safe though. ' Kurome thought as she glared at the assailant.

The assailant has blue hair and a pair of white horn protruding from his temple. He wore white rode and there's a red thing on his chest.

" !!! "

Sending someone's presence, Kurome unsheathes Yatsufusa as she swings it behind Bols.


Sound of metal clashing against each other can be heard as Kurome found yet another assailant.

" That's... Incursio! It's Hundred Man Slayer, Bulat! " Bols exclaimed.

" Not only Bulat you see... " Another voice rang out from Bols' back.

Bols and Wave turns their head and notices five figures.

The infamous Akame along with her Murasame, Former General and the leader of Night Raid Najenda, A blonde girl with huge racks and animal ears, and a black armored mysterious figure.

" To think that we failed at sniping, surprise attack and the stealth strategy... " Najenda sighed.

" Night Raid? And... Is this all of them?! " Wave exclaimed.

" I see. So, the east is a complete fake huh? " Bols muttered.

" Kurome and Bols! Within Jaeger, you two are priority target! Prepare yourselves! " Najenda stated. " As for you Wave, don't interfere and leave if you wanted to live! " Najenda threatened.

Hearing this, Wave tightly grips Grand Chariot's key and gritted his teeth in anger.

" I'm sorry, but I won't let you kill anyone! " Wave said. " And, I'll make sure to apprehend you all! "


Wave then transformed into his armored state and clenches his fists while pointing them towards the Night Raid in front of him.

" ... I've burned countless people... So, it's no wonder that I'm being targeted by assassins. " Bols sighed, however he takes out his flame thrower and points it towards Akame and co.

" However... I refuse to be killed! I won't die! " Bols stated.

" Nee-chan... " Kurome said while facing Akame after she fended off Bulat.

" Kurome... " Akame answered Kurome. A hint of sadness can be heard from her voice.

" I've really been wanting to meet you. Thank God. " Kurome smiled while clapping her hands.

" Haven't we met already? " Akame retorted.

" ??? What do you mean? Have you hit your head or something? " Kurome scoffed. " Putting that aside for now... I'm going to cut you down and add you to Yatsufusa's collection so we can stay together. " Kurome added while raising her katana.

The sky darken and then black lightning suddenly hits the ground, causing the earth itself to tremble from it.

Seven figures rise from the soil and they all faces the Night Raid members.

" Now then... The Battle between Teigu users are about to unfold... I wonder how many will die? " Kurome said while sitting above the huge skeletal beings' palm.


Night Raid :

Akame, Bulat, Najenda, Mine, Leone, Tatsumi, Susanoo.

Jaeger :

Kurome, Natala, Wave, Bols, Wall, Apeman, Hentarr, Death Tagool, Rokugoh, Doya.

Referee : Gilga


" Well. Let's see how the battle will progress. " Gilga smiled as he stuffs popcorn into his mouth while wearing red and blue glasses which is made using Doppelganger, spectating one of the epic battles that's about to occur.