Chapter 24: F-rank Adventurer

315 year, August 7, Demon Nation city of Saren

- Good afternoon, I want to register as an adventurer! - He declared to the girl with horns who was standing behind the counter.

- Well, provide your documents . She answered with a smile.

Pulling out of his pants pocket his ID card, he looked at it himself, and only then, gave her devush to e behind the counter. The girl checked the information that was recorded on the card and taking one of the forms, began to fill it out. After filling out the basic information, she returned the identification card to Esh and began to ask questions.

- What magical attributes do you possess? - She asked, holding a pen in her hands .

- Elements - Lightning, Wind and Light Magic. - Having said only about those that he uses on an ongoing basis, he looked at the girl's surprised face and involuntarily grinned .

- Ahem, the magic of light, can you prove it? - Recovering, she wrote down an element of lightning and wind, while asking to demonstrate the magic of light.

- Of course. - Looking around, he noticed a man who had a small wound in his hand and sang

「Oh Goddess of Light a - Sinai, I command you! Decipher the laws of this world, and heal this child - Healing! 」

Having finished singing the spell, life energy came out of Esh's hand, which went towards the man with the wound, and reaching him, he instantly healed the wound. The girl, seeing the magic of light, quickly apologized to Esh and wrote it in the column "Magic Attributes". Esh saw the girl's reaction and made an innocent smile. He could calmly cure him without words, and even faster, but then, it would arouse very great suspicion, and he wanted a quiet life, at least in the beginning.

Having finished this, the girl asked a few more questions about whether he has experience in battles, what types of weapons he owns, how many spells from various attributes he knows and whether he killed before monsters. The answer to all the questions that she asked him, they went into a separate room, where the strength of a person was measured. Esh was not worried, because for a long time he knew that with the help of the skill [ Stealth - Max. ] , can calmly reduce their strength, and so it happened ...

Level: 21 (94)


Strength: 54 ( 302 )

Dexterity: 89 (317)

Stamina: 51 (325)

Sensory: 109 (462)

Intelligence: 87 (408)

Wisdom: 75 (391)

- Amazing! - Cried out a girl who checked the number and strength of magic elements in him.

- Truth? Is it so amazing - Surprised asked Esh, after which he continued to speak . - From the age of seven I went with my father to hunt goblins, and then hobgoblins. My father was many times stronger than me . He declared, removing his hand from a magical device that measures magical power.

- Yes ! Even now, you ra sic adventurers in power rank the C . - Recovering quickly, she began to explain the concept of power, and the fact that the level is actually very difficult to raise. - Now you understand? If you really hunted with your father, then the magic elements were divided between you, and therefore the progress of raising the level and strength was slowed down by half! But even so, you could grow up so much in eight years of hunting, apparently your father was a very strong man who could kill goblins in droves.

Having finished speaking, we headed to the arena, which is located behind the guild, to test my fighting efficiency. Due to the fact that I was the fifteenth s age, they are required to test my ability to fight. This time, I said that I fight well with twin swords, I shoot perfectly from archery and have excellent command of magic of the initial rank and some spells of the middle rank, and I am also able to use a little cleansing.

We started with archery, under the supervision of the master of the guild of the city ​​of Saren , I fired seven shots at ten, twenty five, fifty, seventy five, one hundred, one hundred fifty and two hundred and fifty meters. All arrows, of course, I hit. Then there was a test of my magical abilities, I used several spells from the wind and lightning elements, namely the air blade and the air blade from the wind element and chain lightning from the lightning element. Following was a test of the Magic of Light, they asked me to expel the undead, with the help of a small purification it is very easy, so I easily coped with it, and it was what I was waiting for, a duel with swords. Returning to the arena, they told me about the rules, any kind of magic is forbidden , that is, even strengthening the body with mana is prohibited.

The duel was between me and one of the C adventurers. He used a two-handed ax as a weapon, I easily dodged his blows, and then, when he was exhausted, he made his combination, thereby depriving him of an ax, because of which, I was recognized as the winner. Having finished the tests, I returned to the guild building, already in a separate room, where the girl, taking my identification card, did the same as in the merchant guild, only now, instead of repainting the edges of the card in a different color, the letter "F" appeared on it ", Which is located at the bottom left, slightly below my age.

- Congratulations, you are officially accepted into the guild of adventurers and you are assigned a rank of the F . - Smiling, she handed me my card, and began to explain the reason for ranking the F . "We would love to give you rank C , but by the rules we cannot do this." If a child who is only fifteen years old comes to us , we are obliged to give him the lowest rank, but don't worry, the rank increase is the same as everyone else! "Assuring me of this, she explained the guild ranking system, she was slightly different from what the system and my maid Claire told me.

From rank " F " to rank " E " - Fifteen assignments of rank F and three assignments of rank E are required.

From rank " E " to rank " D " - It is required to complete seven tasks of rank E and five tasks of rank D

From rank " D " to rank " C " - Twenty tasks of rank D and ten tasks of rank C are required

From rank " C " to rank " B " - Defeat one of the dungeon bosses, no matter which one, and complete thirty tasks of rank C

From rank " B " to rank " A " - Defeat three dungeon bosses, get education at the imperial military academy and complete fifty tasks of rank B

From rank " A " to rank " S " - Go through the dungeons of the Gates of Hell, to the eightieth floor.

To increase, you can also perform the task of higher rank, and then, after completing the required number, you will be transferred to the next rank, but so few people do. Also, the girl with the horns said that no one has yet received S rank after this reform, so you can't even hope for it. Having received the information I needed, I asked her to give me the maximum number of tasks for killing and extracting some herbs, and having received them, I went to the nearest forest for hunting.

"Seven killing missions and ten grass picking missions ..."

[Killing Goblins in the western forest. Grade ( D )

Task: Kill 30 goblins to the west of the capital, bring goblin bodies as evidence

Reward: 1 silver coin]

[Killing Slugs in the western forest. Grade ( F )

Task: Kill 10 slugs in the western forest, bring slug kernels as evidence.

Reward: 50 copper coins]

[The killing of a Hobgoblin in the western forest. Grade ( D )

Task: Kill 1 hobgoblin in the western forest, bring his body as evidence.

Reward: 5 silver coins]

[Murder of the Direwolves in the western forest. Grade ( D )

Task: Kill 15 Hard-wolves in the western forest, bring their skins as evidence.

Reward: 3 silver coins]

[Killing Omega Wolves in the western forest. Grade (C)

Objective: Kill 5 Omega Wolves in the western forest, in evidence, bring their skin.

Reward: 50 silver coins]

[The murder of Orc in the western forest. Grade ( C )

Task: Kill 1 orc in the western forest, bring his body as evidence.

Reward: 75 silver coins]

[The assassination of the Leader of the Pack in the western forest. Grade ( C )

Task: Kill 1 leader of a pack of wolves in the western forest, in evidence to bring his body.

Reward: 1 gold coin]

- "Fortunately, I was allowed to take tasks of rank C, if everything is done today, then tomorrow I can pass it all and get rank D , it's gorgeous."

[Collect herbs in the western forest. Grade ( E )

Task: Collect 15 herbs for the alchemist. After surrendering them to the alchemist, bring a letter to the guild and receive a reward

Reward: 25 copper coins]

[Collect medium healing herbs in the western forest. Grade ( D )

Task: Collect 30 medium healing herbs in the depths of the western forest for the alchemist. After surrendering them to the alchemist, bring a letter to the guild and receive a reward

Reward: 5 silver coins]

[Collect upscale medicinal herbs in the western forest. Grade ( C )

Objective: To collect 5 upscale medicinal herbs in the depths of the western forest for the alchemist. After surrendering them to the alchemist, bring a letter to the guild and receive a reward

Reward: 1 gold coin a ]

"Is that such a joke?" He did ten tasks to collect weak, medium and high quality herbs in the western forest ... Well, if he pays, then this should not bother me. I'll start with goblins and wolves, and the path will collect grass, good sensing and skill [ P Finding ] very good help in this matter "

After finishing familiarize with the job E , I put them in my pocket space, which I did in a cloak, and went to the western forest. Leaving the city, I was at full speed for a few seconds reached the forest and activating a skill - [ Search ] - entrusted spying Ain, and he began to look weak herbs, which, unlike its more powerful with the brothers do not emit the magician of sul elements. Gathering about a hundred weak grasses, I set about hunting goblins and wolves, finding a group of goblins who, due to their stupidity, encountered a pack of wolves, I grinned and sat comfortably, and began to watch their fight. There were about forty goblins, and about thirty wolves, but my favorites in this battle were wolves, and the reason for this was a dozen omega wolves and the pack leader himself, who also participated in this battle.

When the last goblin fell from the sharp claws of the pack leader, I jumped down from the tree and took out one of Mithril swords, took up his hunt. For me, even the leader of the pack with his thirty-ninth level, did not constitute any threat. Having dealt with them in a few seconds, I gathered their skins and put them in a space bag, separated the head of the pack leader and placed his body in the bag.

"What to do with them? They are all cut into pieces, and some without limbs at all, I don't think that they will be accepted ... Oh well, I'll take their corpses, but I'll kill thirty more. "- Putting the most preserved goblin bodies in a bag, I collected herbs that were here he went in search of orcs, goblins and hobgoblins.

After a few minutes of my marathon through the woods , Ain called out IU nya . - [Master, I found a very large cluster of magic elements in the center of the forest. Presumably the village of goblins.] - When she finished speaking, she paused to continue after a few seconds . - [Presumably there are about thirty human and demonic women.] - Hearing this, I immediately turned to her.

"Build a route" - Fulfilling my order, my head immediately displayed the place where the goblin village is supposed to be.

Having reached this place, I went out onto a small plain with tents and tents. Hiding behind the foliage of trees and activating the skill [ Hide ] , I began to study the situation.

"About thirty orcs, goblins and hobgoblins hundreds, as well as several Goblin Generals ... And, it's even someone like that? ! "- Having counted the approximate number of monsters, I noticed how unknown monsters were walking from the forest towards the village, each of them carried several women of different races and ages on their shoulders , there were even elves.

[Boss, I suppose these are the High Orcs and the Goblin King.] - Having expressed her assumption, Aina fell silent, waiting for my next instructions.

"Indeed, they are similar, only the orcs have red skin, and the goblin is the king of purple ... " - Agreeing with Aina's assumption, I looked at the place where the women were brought, it was the largest tent from which the slime got out ... - "What does it do slime? "I asked, frowning.

[Unknown Boss]

"Well, Aina have any ideas?" - Having finished studying the situation, as usual in such matters, I entrusted the planning to Aina.

[Yes, Master you can ...]

Having finished the preparations, I decided not to stand on ceremony and, on the other hand, drew two of my swords, a blue sword from mithril and a white sword from adamantite, also I did not forget to put two more mithril swords on my back, which will become my replacement if the first one breaks. Sighing, I strengthened my body to the maximum and attacked them with fire magic ...

「O Hellfire, hear my call and obey my will! I command you to decipher the laws of this world and appear before me, creating rain from hellish balls that will crush the army of my enemy! - Hell Destruction! 」

Having set the barrier of light in advance over the tent in which the girls were, I made sure that I didn't feel their presence anywhere and, with a calm soul, set about the genocide of goblins. When I finished casting the spell, I pulled my right hand with the sword in it toward the sky, because of which it turned red and tens, hundreds, thousands of fireballs sprinkled from it , which destroyed everything that they touched.

After jumping from the tree, after the fire rain ended, I used a lightning bolt and began to finish off the orcs and hobgoblins who could survive my first attack. Killing all the loners, I headed to the center of their village, and on the way inadvertently killing the blue slime, which also survived my first attack, stood in front of the remains of the orcs and goblins that defended the King Goblin .


[Name: Guran

Race: Goblin

Title: Goblin King

Level: 109]

"Strong ..." - I thought to myself, and deciding to do it last, I used Light Magic - [Flash], after which I used [Lightning Liquidation] and [Air Blade], I quickly got rid of weak orcs and goblins. Only the highest orcs and the king remained.

"Aina, ideas!" - Having asked Aina to help me, I stood in a blank defense .

[Using the Ice Bastion, hide yourself from their eyes and using the Red Lightning, kill most of the Higher Orcs, they are susceptible to the lightning element.]

After the words Aina, I remembered my duel with Alice, grinning and took up performance " of its " plan. Having created the Ice Bastion, I began to sing the Red Lightning spell ...

「O Majestic God of Lightning, hear my call, and create lightning that can crush my enemy - Red Lightning! 」

When I finished chanting a higher-level spell, I canceled the Ice Bastion and aimed my sword at the higher orcs. Obeying my order, a red lightning struck the earth from heaven , which created a gap in the ranks of the red orcs and killed three of them, but the rest did not even flinch from such a blow.

- A miserable insect, how dare you go against me? - The goblin king turned to me, who all this time just watched me.

- So monsters can talk? Intriguing, show me what you are capable of a MISERABLE monster. - Having emphasized the word "miserable", I took a defensive stance and began to wait for his attack.

- Attack him!! Tear this insect! - What was to be expected, the King, as soon as he was insulted, immediately ordered his subordinates to kill the impudent who dared to do it , the remaining five higher orcs, obeying his order, ran at me with clubs and axes at the ready.

Strengthening my body with mana and applying - [Earth Force], I also enveloped my body with lightning and began to chop the higher orcs one at a time, one hit with a mithril sword left only deep cuts on their bodies, but the adamantite sword easily cut off their limbs and even their heads .

Having finished dealing with these scum, I again stood in the rack, and with my right hand began to tease the King, urging him to deal with me himself. With absurd l It is easy to Stu yielding to my provocation, goblin pulled out from behind a two-handed sword, apparently from Mithril and rushed to my side. Realizing that I could not soon make new swords from mithril for myself, I began to accept his attacks exclusively with a sword from adamantite. After ten minutes of non-stop attacks from the side of the king, he began to slow down, noticing this, I canceled the [Force of the Earth] and accelerated by the element of the wind [Air Tread], instantly appeared behind him and chopped off both of his hands.

- UAAAAA !!! - He cried, falling to the ground, while injuring himself with his own sword. - HOW DO YOU DARE TO KILL THE KING !!!! - He yelled when I sat down in front of his face, smiling and answered him with a question to a question ...

- How dare you beat and rape women? - Having said that, the smile from my face disappeared, and at that moment only the thirst for murder was read in my eyes.

- UUU, AAAA!!! - He yelled, feeling my thirst for murder, after which he began to beg me. - Please, please spare me! Have mercy on me please! I would never dare to nap... - I'm not letting him finish cut off his head .

[Congratulations to the Master on the first kill of the King class Monster .

Goblin King - Guran : Level 109

The owner receives: 127.000 experience

Skill Activation - "Tenfold Increase in Experience"

Gained : 1.270.000 experience]

[ Level Up! ]

[ Current level: 97 ( 7220000/7270000 ) ]

"The bastard dared to lie in my eyes, I don't forgive those."

[The owner is an excellent job, now we recommend immediately saving the girls and delivering them to the city of Saren.]

"Okay, Aina, choose a place to create the gate, we are too far from the city, you have to move like this."

[I listen to the Boss, the route is built, the exit point of the gate is set to the main building of the guild , waiting for your further instructions . ]

Having hidden all the corpses of orcs and goblins in my bag and equipment, I put out the hellish fire that flared up for my reason and using the wind element, I tried to drive out the smell of death and burnt corpses of goblins from here. Having finished preparations, I lifted the barrier and went inside.