Chapter 25: The Young Child

Quickly changing into black clothes, and removing the swords from my belt, I put on a black cloak and fixed on my back two blue-and-black swords that were specially purchased for this. Putting on the mask, I sighed and went into the tent.

Going into the tent , I was stunned for a second from what I saw inside. There were about thirty adult women of different races who covered several dozen children with their bodies, who, in turn, huddled together, trembled with fear. All the women were naked, they did not even have rags on them, they gave all the rest of their clothes to the children so that they would not freeze, they tried to give them everything they could, so that they would live to the moment when someone like me will come and save them. Approaching the cage where the women were sitting, I opened it, breaking the castle with a sharp movement, which separated them from the possibility of escape.

When I crossed the threshold of the cell, the women hid the children behind their backs, and some, on the contrary, crawled towards me, hoping in this way to gain time for the children. From this look alone, I felt sick, so when I opened my inventory, I took out all the towels and blankets that I bought for just such occasions. A year ago, I had the same situation, but then I did not have enough blankets, and upon returning to the city I immediately corrected this. When I threw them the blankets, I spoke ...

- Wrap yourself in them, please . - Taking off the mask from my face, I said, after which I took out flasks with water, which also lay in my inventory for such cases, he added . - This is plain water, take it if you are thirsty .

Having finished speaking, I created a small ball of fire so that they could even see something in this darkness. Seeing that I was a man, the women immediately took blankets and enveloped them and first the children, and then themselves, took the flasks with water and only after the most adults made sure that it was safe, they passed it to the children. After watering the children with water, one of the Elves, with silver hair and aquamarine eyes, who was apparently seventeen years old, turned to me.

- Who you are? - Trying to get to her feet, but falling after the first attempt, she asked.

I asked her not to move with a gesture, once again examined the women and children. Children had minor scratches or abrasions, while older girls had wounds and deep cuts on their legs and arms. For some, they had already begun to rot, from total unsanitary conditions, while for some, they were only bleeding, but they could not bandage them with anything, because all the rags and clothes were stained in the dirt or in the sperm of goblins. Mentally "praising" myself for not immediately paying attention to it, I used - [Mass Healing], healing the girls, I answered her question.

- Call me "The Dark Sword " , I came to save you. - Once again looking at them, I continued to speak. - If you can walk, then go outside, and I will transfer those who cannot move.

Hearing my words, women and children went out of the tent by the arm, at first, of course, several women came out, and only after confirming that it was " relatively safe " outside , they allowed the girls to go out. As a result, there was only one little elf.

"Fuh, it's only good that she has serious problems, it's good that no one needs serious help anymore..." - Thinking about this, I went to the girl and asked her a question .

- What is hurting you? - Pulling her silver hair a little to the side, I met her emerald eyes, extending a hand to her forehead, I checked the temperature, and realized that she had a fever. Unfortunately, I have not yet studied the magic of light of the highest rank - [ For the highest healing ] , so I could not help her.

- M... I... feel hot... - In a low voice, she said, taking me with her small pen by the hand.

- Everything is fine, I will help you , just be patient for a little while, soon we will arrive in the city, and there you will be treated. "Having said that, I applied medium healing and restoration to her to ease her pain, and taking her in my arms , I left the tent.

The women watched me go out of the tent with a little elf in my arms and froze, waiting for what I would say next. I did not make them wait long, and creating a gateway to the city of Saren, which led the adventurers guild, I turned to them.

- Come into them, they lead to the guild of adventurers of the city of Saren . - Head pointing to the gate, I said.

In order of priority, they gradually passed through the gates, and ended up in the city of Saren, where they were given first aid. After waiting for all the wives and the children to pass through the gates , I entered them together with the elf in my arms, and I immediately went to the guild master, without knocking, I entered his office and turned to him.

- Is there a healer in the city who can apply Higher Healing? - Pointing to a girl who was sleeping peacefully in my arms, I asked.

- There is! - Seeing me with an elf in his arms , he gave up his business, and quickly got up from his chair, ran to me. Having ascertained the condition of the girl, he asked to follow him.

Having run out of the guild and running along the main street of the capital of the Nation of Demons, we headed to the residence of the Lord of Demons, which adorned the aristocratic district. Seeing the head of the guild, who ran at all costs to the residence of the lord, the guards quickly opened the gates and, after giving us a passage, ran after us.

"Was it so easy to let us in? Is the head of the guild so powerful?" - I thought to myself, during our sprint race.

When they reached the residence of the doors, the head repeatedly knocked on the door, and after they opened, we have brought a man with dark horns in the form of a butler, he saw the one who came from the man's eyes widened, and he , bowing immediately turned to the head guilds.

- Mr. Aaron, what brings you to the residence of the ruler? - Rising, he looked first at Aaron and then drawing attention to the fact that he did not come alone, looked at me and noticed a small elf on my hands, he immediately -zhe all realized , missed us in and once again spoke. - I will immediately call Mr. Raud, please go into the living room! - Having called one of the maids who was passing by, he asked her to help us, and at that time he ran to the second floor after Raud...

After going into the living room, I laid the girl on the sofa, and began to apply the magic of healing of the middle rank. W and the time while I was waiting, when will all the women and children, elf beginning to breathe heavily, check its status, I saw a terrible line - [ the HP : 5/11 sick, dying ] , this means only that it I'm sick not with a common cold, as I initially thought, but with something very serious. Waiting for Raud, I gave her my life energy, trying to alleviate her suffering and prevent her from dying.

- Where's she? - Asked a man dressed in a business suit with dark hair and one horn in the middle. After seeing the living room, he cast his eyes at me, and then already on the elf , and quickly came up to her, asked me away for already he began to use the magic of light.

「Holy magic that is hidden in the bowels of my body, hear my call and heal the child of heaven! - Supreme Healing! 」

Singing a spell, I immediately noticed that the girl's breathing has stabilized and is already thinking about what he was able to heal her, but the system was categorical in this respect [ the HP : 10 /11 the sick, dying ] .

"Why? He did not have enough strength or is it not to be treated?" - Thinking about it, I looked at the demon's face, it was all sweaty, and my eyes began to stick together, as if he had exhausted his entire supply of mana and vital energy, having decided to check, I used Analysis - [ MP : 19/564]

"Did he spend all his mana on one ultimate healing? This is bad, you need to help him." - Approaching him, I put my left hand on his neck, from which his guards immediately drew his weapons, but the head Aaron gestured that everything was fine, looked at me. Nodding to him, I, using the [ Absolute Control of Magic Elements ] , began to transfer my mana to him, and through the right hand that I put on his shoulder, I began to transfer my life energy. With a slight nod, the man began to cast the higher healing spell again, again and again, three times in a row, he used this magic until the moment when it remained in its status [ HP : 11/11] . Seeing her status, I removed my hands from his neck and shoulder and fell to the floor.

- Fuh... -" I sighed , after which I looked at the man who had exactly repeated my movements.

- Fuh... - He sighed , after which he looked at me and asked his own question . - Who are you this ? Where did you get such a supply of mana and vitality from?

Having caught my breath, I took a sip of water, from a flask that I had taken out of my inventory shortly before , and handed it to me, introduced myself .

- F- rank adventurer Esh Gryffindor at your service. - Slightly bowing my head in a bow , I said.