Chapter 26: Melim

- F- rank adventurer Esh Gryffindor at your service. - Slightly bowing my head in a bow , I said.

- An F- rank adventurer with so much mana and vitality? - Asked the man , making a few sips of the flask that I handed him .

- Raud, he's a kid who just joined the guild today. As you know, we have no right to give him a rank higher than the F. - Aaron intervened in our conversation, which, taking the towels from the maid, gave me one and one to Raud.

- Come so , so that he was only fifteen year old child? - Taking the towel from Aaron's hands and wiping the sweat off his face, he returned the flask to me and stood on his feet, turned to the maid . - Follow this child, and bring us tea, we will be in my office. - Having said that, he motioned for me to follow him.

Taking the flask and putting it in the space pocket, I got to my feet, and brushing myself off the dust, headed for Raud. Climbing up to the second floor, we went to his office, and, together with Aaron sat on a small sofa snip and Raud, in turn, sat in front of us on a comfortable black chair.

- And so, young Esh Gryffindor, where did you find this child? - Making sure that it was convenient for us, he asked his question.

- In the western forest, as well as the rest of the girls. - Looking into his eyes, I answered.

- In the western forest? ! What did they do there ? ! - Surprised at my answer, he asked.

- They were captured by goblins and orcs in the western forest. About two hours from the entrance to the forest, the goblin village was located. Killing all the goblins and orcs, I saved the girls and delivered them safe and sound here. - I shrugged honestly.

Upon hearing my answer, Raud thought for a few minutes , at this time, no one dared to break this deathly silence. After a few minutes of silence, the maid knocked on the door and brought tea with small snacks, which I immediately began to taste.

- You should not think about it for so long, I saved and healed all the girls, so that nothing threatens them. - Having taken a sip of tea, I, tired of this deathly silence, decided to break it.

- Aaron, is that true? - Having heard my words, Raud, looking at Aaron, asked him a question .

- I saw only that there were many women and children in the guild building, all of them were wrapped in blankets and towels. - Nodding, Aaron spoke about what he caught a glimpse of the guild building when, with me, he began to run to the residence of the Lord.

- I see, then, Esh Gryffindor, accept my sincere thanks for saving them from the hands of the goblins and for destroying the goblin village. - Having heard the words of Aaron, Raud got up and bowed and thanked me.

"He made conclusions, based on Aaron's words, did he really trust him so much?" - Seeing his reaction, I glanced briefly at Aaron, and thinking about it, but deciding that this did not concern me, I threw this thought aside.

Gesturing that this was superfluous, I finished my tea and ate some more snacks, turned to him.

- If that's all, then I'll probably go, I still need to hand over tasks to the guild. - Having found an excuse to leave here, I already got up from the couch and was about to leave Raud's office when they stopped me.

- Why don't you leave so early... - Aaron said. - I would like to discuss something else with you.

- Sorry, but I'm not tuned into talking right now. - I answered, and already reaching for the door handle, I was stopped by someone's hand.

- I asked you to stay. - Holding my hand, Aaron said .

"And he is good." - Seeing how he grabbed my hand, I looked into his eyes and released a grain of his strength.

- I have unfinished business, so could you please let go of my hand? - I said angrily in my voice.

"The last warning, I don't like this..." - Mentally saying this, I released even more power - "Why is he creating a conflict? I made it clear to him that I have no desire to stay here."

- Mr. Esh, please stay a few more minutes; I want to discuss a few more questions with you. - Feeling that the atmosphere around us is heating up, Raud intervened.

- I'm asking Mr. Raud, but I have things that I don't like when I put them off for later. - Looking at him, I was about to release all my strength, when suddenly the door opened, on the other hand.

- Dad! I finally finished! - Having entered the office, and not paying any attention to what is happening here, said a girl of my age with raspberry-colored hair, dressed in a pretty dress, holding a blood-red sword in her hands.

"Cute..." - I thought to myself, immediately hiding my strength in the bowels of my body.

- Honey, I have guests now, come in, please, a little later. - Raud turned to the girl, who went up to him and held out a sword to him.

- Truth?! - Hearing the words of her father, she turned around and looked first at Aaron, and then at me, smiled, and spoke. - Can you please leave me alone with my father for a few minutes? - She asked.

- With joy, Arrivederci! - Having said a word from my past world, I left the office and went down to the first floor, left the residence.


- Meli! Do you even understand what you just did? - Raud asked his daughter .

"I asked Aaron and some boy to wait a bit, but what?" - Bowing her head to the side, asked Melim.

- This "boy" saved about fifty women and children from goblins and orcs alone, while he not only pulled them out of their village, but killed all the monsters alone, and now, you asked a young man who is not inferior to the strength of me and Aaron to wait outside, now do you understand? - With anger in his voice, asked Raud.

- Does that mean you wanted to ask him about it? - Seeing the reaction of her father, quietly asked Melim .

- Exactly! Now go and ask him about it yourself! - Pointing to the door, Raud said .

- I understood, father, please forgive me, I will immediately catch up with him and ask about it myself! - Blushing, said Melim, who immediately turned and headed for the door.

Leaving the office, she went down to the first floor and left the residence and ran after him .

"What should I tell him? How can I ask him about this? What should I do?" - Running along the main street, Melim thought to herself.


After leaving the residence of the Lord of the Demons, Esh mentally thanked his daughter, and using the Gate, he was behind the guild building. Entering it, he passed all the tasks for killing monsters, and went to the Alchemist to give him healing herbs. Walking along the street, he did not stop looking at buildings in the central area. Hundreds of small shops located in front of stone and brick houses with a large number of windows and animal sculptures on their roofs.

"Is it a bit of a belief?" - Esh thought that around him, on each building were sculptures and statues of animals, cats, dogs, griffins and wild boars. - "Only four species, others not to be seen."

Walking along the wide street that led to the shopping area, he noticed a small shop with bread products. Seeing the store, his stomach made a treacherous sound of rumbling, and Esh, obeying the whims of his stomach , went to this store. Entering the store, he greeted the seller and began to examine the windows with bread and rolls.

"So it means that my inventions even came here?" - Seeing the food that he had invented in the city of Aquos, he grinned and took two buns with poppy seeds and two buns with apple, paid seventy-two copper coins, left the store. Having gone outside, he set to work on a freshly baked bun with poppy seeds and did not pay attention to the fact that according to his soul, from the residence of the ruler of the demons, the fiend of hell incarnate was sent, he went to the alchemist. After walking a few minutes before the store needed, he folded the remaining buns into inventory and, having survived the bun with poppy seeds, went inside.

* Jin-jin *

The bells that hung on the door announced his arrival. - One second, I'll be right there! - I heard the voice of a woman from the back of the store.

Going inside and going to the counter, he began to wait for the owner.

"Cozy." Esh thought to himself, looking around the store.

Several shelves with potions and herbs stood behind the counter, and on the outside were several tables with chairs.

- Welcome. - Going to the counter, said the young woman.

- Good afternoon. - Turning to the owner of the voice, Esh greeted his wife of about thirty, who had dark purple hair, with two horns and the same as her hair with dark purple eyes. - I came to take grass picking assignments. - Having said that, he put a bag and papers with tasks on the table. - There are all the necessary herbs, please check and confirm. - Having pulled out all the herbs that were tied up with a small rope, Esh removed the bag from the table.

- Hm, well, just a moment... - Taking the papers with the tasks, the woman began to count the herbs. - Did you even get high quality herbs? I'm impressed. - Having said this, she took out the cards and signing them, handed them to Esh. - Thank you very much, with the help of these herbs, I can create a large number of medicines for diseases. - Thanking Esh, she hid the herbs in small jars, and added. - If you can still obtain such herbs , then please, bring them directly to me, I will pay you more than a reward in the guild.

- Thank you very much! - Nodding, Esh left the store, and taking out a bag of rolls, he began to eat them when he suddenly felt a strange aura to his right .

- To stand! - Shouted a girl with crimson hair, and a bloody red sword in her right hand.

"Come on, did he send her?" - Seeing a vaguely familiar figure, Esh remembered that it was she who had given him the opportunity to escape from Raud and Aaron.

- I told you to stand!!! - When she reached Esh, she directed her blood-red blade at him and said . - Marry me! She said.

- What? - Hearing her last words, he unknowingly dropped the bag of buns from his hands.