Aria Graves’s downfall

 Five years ago, seven high-ranking people decided to go against the royal family, they were backed up by an unknown powerful force and dared to plan for taking over the country. One of these people was premier minister Regan Graves. 

 Tonight, the guest of honor was her daughter Aria Graves. Dea did not touch innocent people. She was too lazy to create any drama, but if someone crossed her, she would make them wish for death. The only reason why Minister Regan went against the queen was not her thirst for power, it was mostly for this hypocrite daughter of hers. 

 Aria Graves was not a bad cultivator, but neither was she good. This made her jealous of others who had better aptitude than her. When she was just 10 years old, she made a deal with one of those powerful people. She got the special forbidden cultivation manual which increased her power greatly but in return, it needed the blood of many. Children with a high talent for cultivation were the best, so when she was just 10, she already had the blood of many innocent people on her hands. It is important to mention that in society, she had the name of someone just and virtuous.

 These kinds of people made Dea feel sick. She was not a good person but had a bottom line. Dea was not doing this for righteousness; she just planned to deal with the enemies of this body and the queen whom she had fully accepted. Before coming back, she had her close confidants investigate every enemy from that year and she planned to deal with them one by one.

 As Dea made her way down the path to the secret rooms under the brothel she heard wails. It was the voice of Aria Graves. Dea went into the room meant for torture. There was a sight that would make any other human throw up but Dea did not even lift a brow. She made her way closer to Aria.

- "Did she say anything?"

- "Not yet! But she will" - replied Caelum from behind.

- "I don't have the patience for that. My tools!" - said the chilling cold voice. This sound could be described as very beautiful if only it was not so cold.

Caelum put a red box on the table near where Aria was restrained.

- "Leave"

 Nobody dared to defy and everyone left. Caelum stood outside the door like a loyal servant protecting his master.

 Dea pulled her sleeves up and opened the box, she then took out scalpel needles and thread. At first, with a scream you could hear threats, then begging, and anger, in the end, it became quiet and Dea left the room. It did not take much time for her to know the address of the place where Aria kept her future sacrifices for power.

- "Bring it!" - Ordered Dea.

 As Caelum picked up what was left from the once arrogant daughter of the premier minister, he followed his master.

 They soon got to the house near the city where the children were held. Dea felt that few masters were protecting a place but it was a piece of cake for her not to say she had Caelum who was quite strong.

 They easily killed all the guards and the masters hiding here and made their way down to the dungeons. The picture that awaited them there was graver than Dea could ever imagine small children, some even infants.

 The oldest was about 14. All of them with injuries. As they went further bodies of hundreds of children piled up some did not have any flesh left. One could figure out it was a child from its size. The aura around Dea became colder and colder and she seeped with immense killing intent. She felt like she had gone too easy on this animal.

- "Please take us with you" - Caelum and Dea heard a voice on their way out

- "Why should I? I am not a good person"

- "Big sister is not a bad person I know, you killed these guys. If it was not for you, we would soon be dead"

 It was the 14-year-old boy who talked. He had fear for this sister who saved them, but he knew he would regret it if he did not follow her.

- "I am not a good person, I don't just save people today they were just in my way you don't have to thank me"

- "Please, we just want to follow you, we won't ask for anything" - The boy feared she would not agree.

- "If you want to follow me it's not impossible, but I don't take just anyone, I don't need a dead weight"

- "We won't be dead weight. We will listen to everything sister says so please help us"

- "There are a few things you have to promise and remember before that. Once you have to never betray me otherwise I will make you wish for death, two you must never defy me, three you must work hard if you want to follow me I don't need weak people, four you should call me master and for the last, you belong to me both your death and your life is mine and you will have to make a blood pact"

 Dea's words scared the children a little but they were willing, they did not have anything left anyway. Most of them were orphans and once who had parents had them killed by the order of Aria.

- "I make the blood pact to always be loyal to my master and may she decide my life and death and may heaven be the witness," - said the boy without hesitation.

- "I...."

- "I….."

Voices could be heard in the dungeons as all of the children made blood pacts with her.

- "I will leave first you deal with the rest"

- "yes master!" - said Caelum

 He knew what to do next. Dea did not need to bother with these matters and she was too lazy anyway, so she just decided to go back to her palace.

 It was just the beginning anyway she had lots of work to do in the future and lots of plans to make, just thinking about it made her lazy and tired. Even though outside she was very cold, those close to her knew that she was a very lazy person who had no interest in anything so most of the time she just decided to sleep and not bother.