Last minute upgrade

 The light shines in beautiful but cold eyes. Laziness and boredom were written in them as if nothing could catch her eyes. As she woke up and set up lazily in her bed, she heard a voice

- "Master, are you up?" - It was Caelum

- "come in"

As he came in behind him came another person. A girl.

She had blonde hair and blue eyes. As she saw Dea she smiled.

- "Master," - said the girl. She was another confidant of Dea but she was not a human she was a ghost. Due to some past matters, Dea helped her and she could materialize her form with some special ghost powers, and with cultivation she could compare with the 3rd stage indigo level cultivator while Caelum was at the stage 2 purple level cultivator.

- "Solis, you're back"

- "I dealt with everything master instructed and came here as you said"

- "Good"

- "I will help you get dressed master"

- "no need" - Dea did not like the touch of people, so she did everything herself. Her confidants knew that but out of habit they always asked.

- "Anything else?"

- "They found the premier minister's daughter yesterday"

- "oh!"

- "There are rumors that she used evil cultivation methods and sacrificed children for it, then she offended someone she should not have and was killed. The queen ordered an official investigation and detained every member of the premier minister's house before it ended; they also found the bodies."

- "I know"

Dea saw that Caelum wanted to say something else - "Anything else?"

- "Queen wanted to let you know that the banquet for your return and birthday will be held in a week"

- "children?"

- "I accommodated them and they should start training soon. Their talent is not bad"

- "That is why they were taken. If that's all, you can leave I will cultivate for the next week before the banquet"

- "Yes master"

Both Caelum and Solis left the room, they were used to their master's coldness.

- "I will stay to guard just in case, you deal with other matters," - said Solis when they were outside

- "You just came back you, should rest, I will guard"

- "No need I am not tired, I rested already and you have things to deal with"

- "Okay if anything, inform me immediately."

- "I know, don't worry"

The room was quiet. If you didn't look inside you would not know there was someone.

Dea touched the scar on her wrist and her mind went into space.

 This was Dea's secret space. She does not remember where she got this scar. She seems to always have it like a birthmark, but she does have some black holes in her memory of her past life so she can't be sure.

 All she knows is that after she came to this world this scar came with her and she accidently found out it was her space. From what she understood it met some kind of conditions and got activated.

 Space was weird when she first got here. Some kind of knowledge floated in her mind, she knew it was called "Creators space". It had lots of special herbs planted in the field and a large tower she could not see the end of. Only the first floor was open for her use, but things here could make anyone go crazy in the outside world. They would kill to get just one thing. Part of it was like a library, it had lots of books and manuals and there was storage on the other side keeping weapons pills and so on, in the middle was a door. It was the gift of the first floor for activating the space. In the room were three boxes, one was a cultivation method specially for the owner of the space, and no one else could cultivate it. It was the first part of learning the power called "the creation". This power was quite complicated. The second box had a manual for medicine and poison mastery. When she opened the third box some kind of dim light came out of it. she coughed a few times and after the dim dispelled, she saw a boy of 4 years standing there.

- "Who are you?" - asked Dea coldly

- "Hello master I am your soul beast"

- "Soul beast?"

- "Yes, I grow powerful with you, my power depends on yours, and so is my look when it comes of age, I will be able to take the appearance of a beast most suitable for me." - Said the 4-year-old boy cutely.

- "I see. What is your name"?

- "I don't have one. Master, can you give me the name?"

- "Hmmm… I will name you Bai ze"

- "Thank you, master"

- "You will be called little white" - These words poured cold water on Bai ze who was happy about his new cool name.

- "Why? Master, I don't like this name. Can we not call this?"

- "Of course, but if not a little white then I will call you white Bun you can choose which one you like"

 Bai ze pouted his small lips and big round cheeks, his master was a bully, why must he be called such an uncool name? Bai ze felt wronged, but he could do nothing

- "Let it be a little white"

 Little white was actually a very well-suited name for Bai ze. He had almost transparent white skin, white hair, and gray almost white eyes even his lashes were white and he wore all-white clothes.

 From little white Dea found out that there were many continents in this world and the zodiac was the lower one. If she wanted to open the next floor, she had to reach the last stage of the purple level in her cultivation. After all, the purple level was only high in this place and there were more highs she had to reach.

 This was 5 years ago back then Dea was not even a cultivator now she is at the late stage of the green level if this was known to the outside world they would die from shock. After all, to reach the green level at the age of 13 was never heard of most people could not reach the yellow stage in their lifetime and those that did were all old men youngest green level practitioner known was 22 years old and Dea was at the late 9th stage of green level about to break through indigo level just one level away from the purple.

 One week went by as Dea cultivated in her room undisturbed by this time lots of things happened in the outside world one premier minister's whole family was executed for crimes against humanity and a new premier minister was appointed one who was loyal to the crown. Foreign envoys were arriving in the capital with gifts to congratulate the crown princess on her safe return. In reality, everyone wanted to see what this mysterious princess was really like before making any moves. Libra country was one of the strongest in the 12 countries so many others tried to curry favor with it.

 In the morning of the banquet Dea finally came out of the cultivation, in reality, she broke much earlier but she needed to stabilize her stage and she was also too lazy to be bothered.