Let the fun begin 1

After everyone came back to the house, Dea noticed that Caelum's expression was not right.

"What happened?" 

"They found Oran. He's dead." Said Caelum. 

  Hearing this, Dea did not look surprised. After all these years of dealing with that organization, she more or less knew that they would not let go of the one that failed. This was the reason why she didn't chase after him.

  Seeing as she was not surprised, Caelum knew that she anticipated things to go this way.

"What are you going to do now?" asked Caelum.

"When are they coming here?" she did not answer his question but instead asked her own.

"Solis still needs to deal with things in the capital, Amare will arrive here in a week as for…" but before he could finish his words, Dea interrupted.

"I know." She said and went back to her thoughts.

After a few minutes, she spoke again.

"How is the situation in other countries?"

"Well, we already killed everyone they had in Libra, Prince Maat is doing the last clean-ups in the Scorpio. 

  We have finished all the preparations in Pisces country, but Sagittarius and Gemini are still fully in their control, they also started moving in Aries and Aquarius. They were not successful in Leo, but they are not eradicated, so they might try something more soon. 

  Things have also turned a little suspicious in Virgo, but we have our people watching as soon as they make any moves, we will know. Same for the other two countries."

  Caelum recited all the recent activities in the other countries until finally, Dea said.

"Start the Pisces plan tomorrow. I want you to personally go there and supervise."

"but…" Before he could finish, Dea cut in again.

"I'll be fine. Moreover, Amare will come soon. Don't worry."

  Seeing as she already made her decision Caelum had nothing more to say. So, he just compiled and left.

  He has been with her the longest, so he knew that when his master decided something, she would never change her mind.

Ten days went fast. 

  On the seventh night, as Dea sat in her room cultivating, a person emerged from the shadow.

"Master, I'm back." Said a seductive voice as she leaned on Dea's bed and was about to hug her but stopped seeing her cold eyes.


"Master, I missed you." Said the woman while pouting.

"Hmm. How did it go?" asked Dea, not bothering with her attitude.

"Ahh, how cold. Master, you didn't even ask how I was. All you do is use me and throw me away when you are done." Said Amare with tears. If someone heard her, god knows what kind of dog blood drama they would imagine.

  Hearing this, a cruel smile appeared on Dea's face, and Amare knew that she screwed up.

'Shit' but before she could escape, Dea leaned into her ear and whispered.

"Yes, I am such a scum master, but you see, since you love to be used by me so much then, how about you help me test some new poisons too. I have been lacking experimental bodies lately, now that you've offered yourself so generously, how can I decline." Her voice was sweet and low, and if only her words weren't so cruel, Amare would definitely agree.

"Master I was just joking… ha, ha" Amare finally managed to stutter.

'You must be joking. Who would offer themselves to be an experimental body for this lunatic?'

Others may not know, but her subordinates knew exactly what kind of person Dea was, and they all had one mantra "Never anger master."

"Is that so?" 

Amare could swear that she heard the disappointment in her voice. To change the subject, she decided to get to business.

"Master, I did everything you asked. We will be opening new amusement parks soon."

"Good," said Dea. Amare finally saw that her master was satisfied and sighed with relief.

But her happiness was too early.

"And Amare."

"Yes, master?" 

"If you ever change your mind, a demon is always a welcome addition as my experimental body." Said Dea with a smile that sent shivers down Amare's back.

"No need, master. I am very happy as I am." She said and disappeared more like run away.

If she stayed there any longer, who knows what she might get herself into.

'Ahh, the master is scary.'

Though Amare as fear still has not left her beautiful pink eyes.


Random street,

Mob 1: "Hey have you heard the news?''

Mob 2: "What news?''

Mob 1: "Spider Lily'' will be opening a new amusement park and not just one but three.''

Mob 2: "Really, that's amazing.''

Mob 1: "That's not all. Park will be opened here in Rosewood."

Mob 2: "Ah. I've always wanted to go since I heard about it but couldn't. When is the opening?''

Mob 1: "It's in a week.''

Discussions could be heard everywhere in the city.

"Spider Lily''organization was established about 5 years ago. Nobody has ever seen its master, but its works together with its four generals are very well known.

  Generals were the nickname people gave to the four that follow the master of "Spider Lily" because of their strength.

Their names, faces, and ages are unknown, just like their masters, but what people do know is their gender.

First general "Shadow". He always follows his master, and he can be said to be only second to his master.

Second general "Demoness". This nickname was given to her because of her perseverance. Everyone knew that this woman was one you did not want to mess with if you still cherish your life.

While "Shadow" always follows "The master", "Demoness" does the dirty work and if you mess with "Spider Lily" she will be the one to come for your head. 

Then comes the third general "Whisper". Out of all the four generals, this one is definitely the most mysterious, but he is the one people are scared of the most. There are rumors that he can read minds, and no matter what secret you are hiding, he will know in a second.

The fact that their dirty secrets could become known to someone is just too terrifying for people so, whether this rumor is true no one wants to find out.

The Fourth general is known as "Little Fox". She is the one that's in charge of the business side of "Spider Lily" and it's well-known how terrifying her business skills are. Everyone knows that if you are not careful, you might get sold by this little fox and even help her count the money.

To put it in one sentence "You can mess with anyone but don't mess with the "Spider Lily".

  A group of six was sitting in the private room of the well-known restaurant and looked at the excitement outside as they ate.

"The only thing the whole city is talking about is that the new amusement park "Spider Lily" is opening." Said Leonel.

"Ahh, I really want to go.'' Screamed Aries with reluctance.

"There is no way. You know how popular the parks are. It's just impossible to get the tickets. Maybe after a few weeks, we can try." Said Aqua. Her voice was indifferent, but you could see in her eyes that she also wanted to go.

After hearing her, the other three's excited eyes also dyed down reluctantly.

"What park? Is it really that interesting?" Asked Shiloh, and as soon as the others heard him, the excitement came back to their eyes as they started talking.

"Don't you know? "Spider Lily's" amusement park?" said Ivy, surprised. 

Shiloh shook his head, a bit puzzled why everyone had such a big reaction over this.

"The "Spider Lily'' organization was created 5 years ago. No one knows who its master is, everyone calls him/her "The master". 4 years ago, they first created an establishment called the amusement park. With rollercoasters and all. It was crazy popular. Just amazing." Explained Aries while eating and trying to come up with as many praises as he could.

Seeing him struggle, Leonel continued.

"Anyway, since then. They opened a bunch of more parks, but every time the queue to get the ticket is so long, it might take you a whole month just to get one. That it was so worth it."

"We have been there once, and it was amazing now that it's opening here, I really want to go." Added Ivy with dreamy eyes.