Let the fun begin 2

"Do you all really want to go?" Dea's sudden voice interrupted everyone's dream.

"Of course." Said Ivy exited and stood up from her seat, as she slammed her hands on the table.

"But we can't. Ahh, why is getting tickets for the amusement park so hard." Remembering the truth, she dejectedly sat down.

  Seeing everyone wanting to go to an amusement park, Dea took out something from her space and put it on the table, then as if nothing continued to sip her drink.

  Her actions drew attention from others and they all looked at the table, then at her in disbelief.

"I…must…be…dreaming." Finally, after a few minutes, Leonel managed to stutter out some words as he looked at the table without blinking.

Others also didn't dare to blink for fear that what they saw would turn out to be an illusion and disappear.



"Is that?"

Dea looked at Ivy without talking, waiting for her to finish speaking.

"Is that…tickets to the new amusement park?" Ivy finally said it and others also looked at Dea with hopeful, enlarged eyes.


Hearing her everyone's jaws opened in disbelief.

"But how did you get them?" Asked Aries.

"I have my ways. You don't need to worry about it. So, do you want to go?"

"Of course, we want to go." They all said together and quickly went for the tickets as if afraid Dea would take them back.

  Everyone was excited and happy for the rest of the night. They couldn't wait to go to the park. As they leave the restaurant and walk happily on the busy streets running from one stall to another, Dea and Shiloh calmly walk in the back.

"What?" Dea started when she saw that Shiloh wanted to ask something.

"Somehow that name seems familiar." Said Shiloh meaningfully while his lips arched up a bit.

"No need to beat around the bush, just say what you want to say." 

"Are you "The master" of "Spider Lily." Hearing her, Shiloh also decided to ask directly.

"Yeah." Said Dea. She had nothing to hide from him. In this world the one person she trusted the most was Shiloh. 

"You need to be careful. This world is not like yours." 

"I know. You don't have to worry. But you are wrong in one thing."

"What is that?"

"This world is exactly like the one before, people on the top step on this below them. Once, with more power and strength can get away with everything. Nothing has changed except maybe one thing." Dea stopped as she looked at Shiloh's inquiring eyes.

"People are less hypocritical here. They do all this thing openly while there, it was more or less hidden."

"That's exactly why you need to be more careful, since they won't hesitate to crush you."

Now they were both standing in the middle of the street facing each other.

"Whatever, we are used to fighting tooth and nail to get things, remember?" After a few seconds, Dea broke the silence and started to walk again.

"And you can always use me as a human shield if things really get bad." Said Shiloh with a smirk as he also started walking behind her.

"Come on now. It's not like you don't know me. I would never use my favorite pet as a shield." Answered Dea lazily with a smile.

This smile mesmerized him more than once, but he knew best just how cruel she could be. He had seen the worst of what she hides under that smile and saying that what he felt for her was love would be an underestimation and dishonor for his feelings.

For him, she was the way of life, a reason to breathe his belief and religion, his obsession.

Did he love her? Unconditionally.

Did he want her? Without a doubt.

But his feelings went far beyond that. He was utterly and completely hers in life and death, in body and soul and that's all he needed. Like a butterfly earning for the sun even though it would die. 

He wanted her.

Like a man needs air.

He needed her.

Lost in his thought, Shiloh still automatically followed behind her. He only came to himself after Dea stopped. Noticing her expression was not right he asked.

"What's wrong?"

She didn't answer, just furrowed her brows as she turned her head a bit to the right. Shiloh also became vigilant and asked.

"How many?"



"Roof, ally, behind the right stall. Take care of the last one." She said and disappeared.

  They had good coordination so Shiloh followed her orders right away and finished off the man behind the stall in a minute. Seeing as she was not back yet, he left to check on her.

Meanwhile, Dea appeared in the alley in front of another man.

"You know, stalking a young, beautiful, and defenseless woman is not nice." Said Dea loudly, startling the man.

"You? How are you here?" The man turned around vigilantly.

Dea didn't pay attention to his reaction as she smiled and asked.

"You know it could go so much easier if you just told me who sent you." 

"There is no…" Without waiting for him to finish, Dea just sliced his neck. He lay there at her feet in disbelief as he choked on his own blood, hearing her words as he died.

"Just kidding. I couldn't care less about who sent you. I just wanted to say that line you see, but it sounds so much lamer in real life. What do you think I should try next time? Hey, you hear?" She asked as she kicked his body.

"Damn, He is dead, Useless." Dea cursed and continued to kick the body a few more times and just as she got bored, she heard Shiloh's voice.

"He is already dead." Said Shiloh with a smile. Amusement and pampering could be seen in his eyes.

"He died so easily, it was no fun." Complained Dea. "If you are going to send someone to kill me, at least send a competent person." 

Shiloh didn't pay attention to her complaint and asked.

"What about the other one?"

"Amare will take care of him, let's go, others might be looking for us."

"What about the bodies?"

"Leave them be, let the one who sent them clean up his own mess."

"Hmm." Shiloh nodded and followed her without saying anything more.