Let the fun begin 3

As Shiloh and Dea got back to the street, they saw Ivy waving as she ran to them.

"Where were you?... We didn't see you anywhere and got worried… Others are still looking."

  She spoke without giving them any time to answer. Dea could only smile helplessly and wait for her to finish before she said.


"Done. So?"

"We stopped at one of the shops, but you guys have run off too far, so we didn't bother calling," Dea explained quickly.

"So, where are the others?"

After being asked by her, Ivy once again remembered her companions.

"Ah, Right, They are somewhere here looking for…" Before she finished speaking, they heard Aries's voice.

"Ivy, Dea…" 

Aries, Leonel, and Aqua all came together.

"Where were you guys?"… We didn't see you anywhere and got worried… Ivy, you are also with them?" 

Hearing Leonel's ranting, Dea's face darkened.

'I have a strange sense of déjà vu.'

  Dea was too lazy to explain everything again, but ever so talkative Ivy didn't even need to be asked and started explaining everything. After they got home, everyone decided to sleep early since tomorrow would be the official first day of the academy.


Next day,

"Ahh. Look. Look, it's them" someone screamed at the entrance of the academy.

"Sir Leonel is so handsome."

"Princess Aqua is cool as always. She is perfect."

"Prince Aries is so dreamy and sweet."

"Princess Ivy is the best, not only beautiful, but she is also strong."

"Look, it's Princess Dea, she is even more beautiful in real life."


"That's prince… so handsome."

"Look, that's … he won the last year."

"So cool"

"Miss is so beautiful."

  Various discussions could be heard at the entrance of the academy as different well-known figures appeared.

  After all, seeing all those figures together was a rare sight. After seeing that all those figures left, other students also followed and went to the hall for the Dean's speech.

As all the students sat down, the dean appeared.

"Welcome students."

  Dea boringly leaned on her back, not bothering to listen to the dean as she talked about the Academy's history and all that. Her top priority was now calming down the little rascal that was making trouble in her head. 

"Master, there is something good here I can feel. Master, Master, do you hear me?"

"I heard you the first time. Now shut up, you are bothering me and giving me a headache." Dea screamed in her head.

'Wo, wo, wo, master is such a bully. Even though I am saying all this for her, she still gets angry at me.'

  Thought little white in his head but did not dare to voice out his complaints, otherwise, who knows what this lunatic would do?

'I am the bigger person, I can't be petty. And master's head must hurt, yeah, that's right, she is just angry because her head hurts, you need to be patient with sick people.'

  Little White tried to hypnotize himself for a while before he finally managed to once again speak to his master, fortunately, before that happened, the assembly was already over, otherwise, Little White would face another round of scolding.

As Dea went outside the hall, she heard the voice again.

"Master, there is something really good here."


"I don't know, but I can feel where it is."


Little White told directions, and as Dea was a bit bored she decided to check out what it was to make this guy react so much. After walking for about 30 minutes, Dea was stopped. She saw a strong array surrounding this place.

"Master, it's not far away."

"Let me guess it's in the front?"

"Master, how do you know?"

"It's because you are an idiot, that's why"

'wo, wo master is bullying me again.'

Dea ignored little white and continued speaking.

"Can't you see that array surrounding the perimeter here, experts must also be protecting this place if I go there, I won't walk out of there ever."

"Then, what should we do?" He was reluctant to give up the thing that was inside.

"Don't worry, it seems like it really is something good if it's so well protected. We just need to find the right time to steal it. Don't you know the saying?"

"What saying?"

"Ten years is not too late for gentlemen to steal."

"But ten years is too long, master."

"Why are you so stupid? Of course, 10 years is too long, it's a metaphor. We just need to find the right time."

"Ahh, master is a genius." Exclaimed Little White with admiration.

"You are just too stupid." Mocked Dea.

  As she was speaking to the little white, Dea felt someone watching her. At first, she thought it was one of the guards, so she decided to walk back.

  As she walked back, she felt this feeling follow her, but she could not identify where the person watching her was. This meant that person was much stronger than her.

  She decided not to be rash and acted like she didn't notice anything as she walked toward the hall.

'Little white there is someone strong following me, find that person, and when you will tell me.'

"Sis, here you are, I've been looking for you everywhere." Dea heard Ivy's voice as she saw Ivy with Aqua and others standing there waiting for her.

"Lectures are starting in 15 minutes, you should go to the class. Our building is the other way, will you be fine yourself?" Aqua's big sis mood was turned on at this moment.

"I'll be fine."

"Hmm. Our classes end pretty late today, so we'll meet you back at the villa." Said Ivy.

"Hmm." Answered Dea shortly as she bid goodbye to them. 

On her way to the class, she could still feel that same person watching her, and finally, Little White said.

"I found him." 

Dea acted as if nothing and just walked into the class. Only then did the feeling disappear.

"Master, who did you offend this time? This guy is pretty strong, much stronger than you."

"He must be from that hidden organization."

"Is he here to kill you?" Little White was a little scared. His master was not strong enough to deal with this person yet.



"That guy is stronger than me right now, if his task was to kill me, he would have done so already, but he didn't. That means he is here to observe me, at least for now."

Hearing her, little White breathed with relief until he heard Dea's next words.

"Don't be relieved so easily. Him being here means I am constantly in danger. He is like a hidden dagger, at any moment he could decide I need to die, and he won't hesitate to move. So, I need to get stronger and fast."

"I get it master, but why are you smiling?" 

"Don't you think things are finally going to get fun?"

'Master, it's not time to think whether or not things are fun. Your life Is at stake.' The little guy could not help but cry inside for his miserable fate. 'Why do I have such a lunatic master?'

As Dea walked into the class, she sat down at the back and looked out of the window.

'Let the fun begin.' she thought.