Survival skill class 1

Survival skill class taught students in the most direct way. By throwing students into an environment where they had to survive and learn survival skills or die trying.

  Hearing what their class was going to be, almost all the students had dark faces.

"Okay, since you all understood what you need to do, then I am activating the array." Said professor Carlo without giving anyone time to ask questions and transferred all of them into a forest.

The last thing students heard was his evil laughter and the words.

"One day there is an hour here, so you will be there for two days. Good luck."

  In a flash, Dea found herself falling from the sky, and as she looked down, she saw a lake.

"Ahhhhh." Screams could be heard around her. Her whole group was with her.

  After a few seconds, they all calmed down and started to activate their powers. When Dea got admitted to the Academy, she, of course, did not reveal what her ability was; instead, she wrote down her second ability.

  Yes. She had a second ability called "Harmonica". She was well-versed in music, so maybe that's why she got this ability. She could do various things while playing music on different instruments or singing or both.

  Anippe knew Dea had this ability; she, herself had a dual ability of Air and a special ability of Empath. Lucas had an ability of Lava, so as they fell, Anippe used her air ability to help both Dea and Lucas land safely. The other girl in the group seems to have water ability, so she was fine, and Zora also used his sound waves to stand on the water. The only one who fell headfirst into the water was Nathan. 

  As he dissatisfied looked at his teammates, everyone started walking to the shore, but suddenly there was a sound.

"Did you hear that?" Asked Nora.

"Hmm? What sound?" Anippe asked, instead flabbergasted.

  Dea also heard sounds from the water, so she became even more vigilant and started to quicken her phase toward the shore.

  Just as they were about 20 meters from the shore, something big rose from the water. It looked like a large snake about 25 meters high, and its body could not be seen fully.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. What is that thing?" Screamed Nathan as he started to run to the shore.

  Others also started running, but as the snake started attacking them, they could no longer just run.

  Just as Nathan was about to be eaten by the snake, he shoved Nora right in front of the beast and continued running without looking. Half of the girl's body was bitten off right away. As the cracking of the bones could be heard, others knew they could no longer help the girl and decided to use this time to get on the shore. 

  As the snake finished his first bite, he started the second, and even though it only took a few seconds before he finished what once was Nora, it was enough time for others to get out of the water safely.

'Ara… poor girl,' thought Dea as she looked at the blood in the water.

It's not like she could not save the girl, but more like she was too lazy to do that. She was too lazy to use her powers unless it was absolutely necessary or she wanted to, and frankly, she could not be bothered with some passerby's life.

  Even though she thought this, that did not mean she agreed with Nathan's move. This guy wasn't even worthy of her bother. She was too lazy to even despise him.

Both Anippe and Lucas were deeply annoyed with him.

"What in the world are you doing?" Screamed Anippe.

"It's survival of the fittest darling. She was weak, and she died for a stronger person to live. She should be thankful she died for me. Anyway, she wouldn't survive for too long." Said Nathan smugly.

Hearing him talk irritated Anippe even more, but it was neither time nor the place for this she had no other choice but to bite her teeth.

Everyone started attacking the snake. 

Anippe used her wind blades and started dealing damage to the beast.

  In order not to irritate his teammates more, Nathan also started using his earth powers to attack, and Lucas used his Lava.

"What are you guys standing there, Attack!" Screamed Nathan as he saw that both Dea and Zora did not move.

  Dea directly ignored him and took out some snacks from her space, and started eating. Being in the wild made her hungry. Zora also just stood there and didn't pay attention to Nathan.

"you…" seeing their reaction, he was about to blow up and didn't pay attention to the fight, so the beast almost bit him.

  After the three finally killed the snake, Nathan ran to Dea and Zora and started shouting.

"What are you two doing? Because of you, I almost got bitten! Why didn't you use any powers? This is a team battle!"

Hearing his shameless words, Dea's lips curled upwards.

"Oh, is that so? I thought you said it all depends on one's own ability. You getting bitten has nothing to do with me, like you said, you were just weak."

  Hearing her words, Nathan's face turned dark as he remembered his own words, and seeing others' mocking gazes, he was even more embarrassed.

Wasn't he just slapping his own face?

  A minute ago, he used the same excuse to throw his own teammate into the jaws of a beast, and now his other teammate was using this excuse not to save him.

  Seeing his darkening gaze, Anippe's mood became better. 'Scum. Serves him right. Ahh. My goddess is so cool when she scolds people.' Hears could be seen in her eyes as she looked at Dea. Lucas and even Zora also snickered

'This girl sure has an attitude.' Though Zora. Somehow, he felt that this girl was not annoying at all but very cute.

"Let's go." Dea broke everyone's thoughts and started walking toward the forest near the lake.

Others also followed happily, only Nathan's face was dark.

After walking for about an hour, Dea and others heard screams in the woods.



"That way… quickly."

  Voices were getting closer and closer. And in a minute, they saw 4 people running from something. Others also saw them and started running faster, intending to use newcomers as canon fodders. Near the group was a large 10-meter-tall bear with black fur as it chased angrily after the person who held its cub.

Seeing this, Dea's lips turned upwards. 

'Some people just love to seek death.'

  She took out a powder from her space and after putting it on herself, gave it to Anippe and Lucas, then Zora and even Nathan shamelessly took some.

  What the other group saw was 5 people standing in the same place, not moving.

  As the group passed Dea and others and continued to run without looking, the bear followed them, not bothering with the new people. Thinking that they got rid of the bear, they turned around just in time to see the bear passing Dea not even noticing them, and they knew they were screwed as they once again turned around to run only to see Dea happily waving at them.