Survival skill class 2

Seeing Dea's move, others didn't know whether to laugh or cry. 

Damn, this girl was a savage when she was angry. The group didn't take this incident to heart and just continued to move on.

  After they walked for about two hours, Dea suddenly stopped, and seeing this, others turned towards her with questioning gazes.

"Dea, what's wrong?" Asked Anippe.

Dea didn't answer and just pointed to her ear.

  Seeing this, Anippe quieted down and tried to listen. She was waiting to hear something that startled Dea, but it was just silence.

At that moment, others' faces also turned grim.

  They were in a forest where it was never quiet, but suddenly, they heard absolutely no sound. No birds, no small animals, nothing.

"Let's all quietly retread back." Said Lucas, and others nodded their heads, but it was too late fog was nearing them. They knew something was wrong with it. And all of them started to run.

"Damn it. Where did this fog suddenly appeared in the middle of the day?" Cursed Nathan as he continued to run. 

  He was in the back as he was the weakest of the group, and no one paid attention to him. This annoyed him even more. He was lagging back, and suddenly the fog caught up to him and touched his hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." A loud scream was heard in the forest, and others also turned back suddenly. 

  They all saw what happened to Nathan as fog touched his left hand. That place turned charcoal black, and a bone was visible. Nathan was running and screaming like crazy, and just from this sight, everyone understood what the fog could do, as well as the fact that they needed to run, and so they did.

  Nathan was in the back again, and nobody cared for him. After running for about 15 minutes, the fog was about to catch up to him again. Scared, he tried to grab the first thing he could find to save himself and threw it at the fog. 

  He saw that Anippe was just within arms reach, and he grabbed an unexpected girl to save himself.

'Don't blame me. It's your own fault, now die for me to survive.' He thought, and as he threw Anippe back, others heard girls scream.

  When they turned around and saw what was happening, Lucas rushed back to save his cousin, but it was too late. He could see her bad ending and so did the others.

  Just as everyone thought it was all lost, they saw a shadow rush to Anippe and pick her up the shadow then run to Nathan and throw him in the fog.

"Run." A soft voice was heard as a beautiful girl ran forward with another girl in her hands.

  Seeing Dea, Lucas sighed with relief and started running again. At this moment, they all heard screams from the fog, but no one felt sympathetic to that person.

They all thought that he got what he deserved.

  Well, except for Dea, she just didn't care. She didn't do this for some pathetic reason like justice, it was just that, that person was annoying and troublesome, so she just got rid of him, as for Anippe, she had the potential to be one of her people, and she always protects what's hers.

After they ran for about 10 more minutes, the fog suddenly stopped.

"Looks like it's not following us anymore." Said Anippe. Somehow, she was still in Dea's hands.

"Comfortable?" Asked Dea with a little grin.

  Hearing her question Anippe turned as red as a tomato. She could not believe she embarrassed herself so much right in front of her goddess.

"I am sorry." Her small voice was very quiet, but Dea had very good hearing, and it wasn't a problem for her.

  She grinned even more as she looked at Anippe crawling down from her hands embarrassed.

"It's fine." She said,

  Seeing her grin, Anippe was even more embarrassed. All she wished for was to crawl somewhere and hide.

"cough…" Lucas coughed to save his cousin from this situation.

"Where to now?" He asked.

"Soon it will be dark, we need to find a place for camping." Said Zora.

He didn't talk much all this time, just observing others and following others. Anyway, this situation was not the least bit dangerous for him, he has been through way worse. While he was observing others and especially Dea, she also observed him.

  So, after hearing his voice, she was a bit surprised that he talked.

"Let's go this way, I can faintly hear water. We can stop there today. As for the food, I will take care of that." Said Dea.

  Hearing her, others also had no objections. Anippe's trust in her was unconditional, and Lucas was also quite impressed with her, especially with the fact that she saved his cousin not once but twice. He didn't want to imagine what would happen to her if Dea didn't save her from the fog.

  Zora also didn't mind anyway, he was here only to observe her, and if anything happened, he could always protect himself.

  After about walking for 15 minutes, they could all hear water and happily quickened their pace, but did not let their guard down. The fog incident taught them an important lesson. They knew now why everyone hated this teacher.

  Soon they saw a large river. It was not fast, and as they cautiously got near it in order to inspect, they heard some kind of sounds from their left.

  They didn't have to wait too long to find out where the noises were coming from, they saw a group of people running towards them while a huge sea serpent was following after them.

'Damn. Enemies sure tend to meet on the narrow road.' Thought Dea, and so did the others.

  While Zora and Dea looked indifferent, both Lucas and Anippe were cursing their dog luck.