Anthony 1

Days went peacefully. Dea went from home to, the academy and back every day then cultivated. Anippe and Lucas also joined their adventure party. Well, their reaction after seeing the party name could be imagined, but they got over it quickly.

2 weeks went by like this and finally she broke through the colorless stage. When she came out of her room, she saw Shiloh standing there lost in his own thoughts.

"What is it?" Dea asked with a smile when she saw Shiloh's troubled face.

"Ahh. You are out. How did it go?" He was a bit startled at first.

"No problem. You seem troubled."

"It's nothing." Said Shiloh with a smile.

"Just say it."

"That…" before he could continue Amare came out of the shadows flustered.


"What is it?" Dea said noticing her condition.

"There is news from Caelum. Anthony started moving in Pisces thighs are much complicated than we thought."

Hearing her. Dea knew that something big happened and she, Shiloh and Amare decided to continue the talk in her room.


"Pisces country is not resisting. They made a deal with the current monarch they have Caelum."

Hearing her words Dea's expression turned darker and darker. This was really miscalculation on her part. More she though about Amare's words more killing intent was oozing from her.

'Good. Good. Pisces country since you've decided to move against me then don't blame me for being merciless.'

Seeing Dea's situation Shiloh became a little worried. Who better than him knew how destructive Dea becomes when someone touches what's hers.

Her destruction didn't just touch her enemies but the one she damages the most is herself.

Shiloh could only hope that she wouldn't do anything rash.

"What does he want?" Asked Dea with chilly voice that could pierce right into the people's very core.

"He wants you to go there personally."

"And?" Asked Dea again annoyed.

"He wants Solis." Finally, Amare managed to say uneasily, fearing her master's reaction.

Just as she expected, after hearing this Dea's expression became even scarier, if that was even possible.

Dea was not stupid, she knew that the only way Anthony knew about Solis was if someone betrayed her.

Finally, after a few minutes of silence Amare and Shiloh heard her voice again.

"Make all the preparations needed tonight I am going there. Also find them."

"Master you can't go. This is a trap." Said Amare flustered, Shiloh did not voice his thought out loud, but his expression was saying that he didn't agree with the arraignments.

"So what?" Said Dea.


"Do as I say."

Amare knew that she couldn't convince her and looked at Shiloh hopefully.

"If you must go, I will go with you." Said Shiloh.

"No. I need you to stay here and watch over Ivy and others I don't know who betrayed me. I can't leave them unprotected." Her tone was firm, and Shiloh knew that there was no way he would change her mind, but there was also no way he would let her go there alone.

He never cared about those people she assigned him to protect. Their Death and life was none of his business, he only cared about her.

Unfortunately, Dea also knew him very well, so as Shiloh was distracted by his own thought Dea took out some powder from her space and blew it into his face.

Shiloh was a surprise as he stumbled.


He tried to grab her hand, afraid she would leave.

"Sorry, I need you to stay here." Said Dea as she stroked his beautiful and silky hair.

"I will be back before you know it." She whispered in his ear as he lost consciousness.

"Master, what about Solis." Asked Amare as she watched Dea carry Shiloh to his room.

"Does she know?"

"No. I didn't tell her."

"Good. Don't let her find out. I will settle this myself."

"But master Anthony is…."

"I know" Said Dea sternly. "I will try not to kill him. Then she can do whatever she wants."

Hearing her Amare could only sight to herself.

'Master is just too overwhelming. She always does things in her own pace. Even though she seems not to care about anything and for the most part that's true, but if there is something that catches her eye, she will fight for it to the death.

Even though she looks stern she is actually very worried for both Caelum and Solis.'


In the dark room a beautiful man with dark blue hair sat. His cold purple eyes glowed as he looked up to the moon.

In a few minutes transmission stone in his hand started to vibrate as it glowed.

"Your target will be leaving for Pisces country soon. Make sure to follow and not loose her from your sight." Male voice could be heard from the stone as soon as the man poured a little bit of his energy.

"Understood." Said the man with beautiful purple eyes and stooped the transmission.

He once again returned to gazing at the moon and Everything went back to the previous silence as if the transmission never happened.

While he still had the same cold look on his face and his thought were unknown to the world, if one looked closer, his good figure seemed colder and lonelier than ever.


That night Dea made all the preparation and after informing Ivy and others, she started her journey to the Pisces country.

She needed to get to Pisces capital Nepal.

She had to first go to a different city with Array and stay there for a day after which she could take another Array to the capital.

After arriving to the city, Dea quickly found herself hotel to stay the night. She booked the best room and went to take a bath right away.

When she was drying her hair in the dark bedroom, she heard little white's voice again.

'Master, that man is here again.'

"You might as well come out since you are already here." Said Dea.

After a few seconds of silence beautiful man appeared from the shadows. He had long, dark blue hair and cold purple eyes.

"So?" Dea didn't finish.

The man was of course Zora. He didn't answer Dea's question and just looked her up and down.

"What are you wearing?" He finally asked. If one looked closely, you could see his years turning a little red.

"Hmm. Just sleepwear." She answered casually.

"Ahh." Was the only thing he could answer baffled as he looked at her fuzzy green and white one piece, that looked like a frog???

He didn't know what to say. He had never seen anyone wear that, but for some reason he could not help but think she looked cute.

After a few minutes Dea finally broke the silence.

"If you are going to follow me, we might as well go together, I am tired now so, I am going to bad."

Hearing her Zora didn't say anything else and just disappeared in the shadows.

'Master, that guy is still here." Said little white.

'Just let him be.' Answered Dea as she sank into her comfortable bed and fell asleep.