Anthony 2

Next day after Dea got up, she could still feel someone watching.

'Master, that guy is so persistent. He was watching you the whole night.'

Hearing little white's words Dea didn't answer and just helplessly shook her head.

After getting up she called for her breakfast in the room. She had to be at the array guild in 8 hours, since she had a long fight ahead, she decided to use this time for cultivation.


Back in the Rosewood city Shiloh finally opened his eyes. It took him a minute to remember what happened, as he quickly sat up on his bed and started getting dressed.

"Master, already left." He didn't pause in his movements after hearing the woman's voice.

Seeing this Amare could only sigh.

After giving her a murderous glare Shiloh no longer bothered with her and left the room.

This scared Amare a bit, she has only seen this guy act cute in front of her master, like a pet.

'I should have guessed that no normal person could become master's pet.' Thought Amare as she felt helpless about her dark future.

Her master explicitly told her not to let Shiloh do anything stupid so she could only Follow this guy and bear with his antics, after all nothing is worse than her master's anger.

Downstairs Ivy and others were having their breakfast as they heard Amare and Shiloh argue.

"Calm down, for now, you won't be able to do anything this way." Amare's Voice could be heard vaguely.

"What's going on?" Asked Leonel as he looked at his companions, who had the same puzzled gazes on them.

"Lets' go." Said Aqua as she stood up and went out of the dining room.

Gradually voices became clear.

"You should have stopped her from going in the first place." Said Shiloh Anger could be heard in his chilly voice as he gave Amare, who was trying to stop him from leaving, a murderous look.

"Like you don't know that no one can stop her after she makes up her mind." Said Amare as she growled back in annoyance.

It's not like she didn't want to stop her master, but Dea was just too stubborn to listen to anyone.

"What's going on?" Ivy's voice interrupted their argument but neither of them wanted to answer.

Now everyone understood that something serious happened and they became anxious.

"Master. I am back." At this moment a cheerful voice was heard as a beautiful girl opened a door and came in, drawing everyone's attention.

Seeing the situation, she looked around puzzled.

"Hmm? Why is everyone standing here? Where is the master? AmyAmy?"

Inquired the girl as she looked at Amare.

After everyone calmed down and sit in the living room Amare started explaining what happened in as much detail as possible.

After hearing what happened everyone had grave expression.

"So, she just went there even though she knows it's a trap?" Asked Anippe.

"Hmm." Nodded Amare.

"Bastards. If they touch so much as a hair on my sister's head, I will rip them apart." Growled Ivy.

Hearing her words Amare, Solis, and Shiloh looked at her with a puzzled look.

Seeing their expressions Ivy was somewhat flustered.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.

"I think you are misunderstanding something." Said Amare.

"Misunderstanding?" Asked Aqua this time, others also looked at Amare with inquiring gazes.

"Do you think we are worried about the master?" Solis asked.

"If not Dea who are you worried about." Asked Leonel still not understanding what was going on.

"You guys…" sighed Amare. "Aren't you underestimating master a bit too much?"

"underestimating? Dea could be a genius and really strong but she is still young, there is no way she can deal with these people on her own." Said Ari.

Hearing his words Amare and Solis looked at each other and could not hold their laughter in.

After waiting for the girls to stop laughing for five minutes Leonel could not hold back anymore and asked annoyed.

"We would like to receive and explanation today please."

"Sorry, Sorry. I just could not hold it back anymore. Here is the thing, we are not at all worried about master's well-being." Said Solis and before they could comment she continued again.

"You guys are really underestimating her capabilities. Yeah, we don't have lots information about the organization, but we have enough. Actually, I was part of the organization." Said Solis.

Her words surprised the bunch even more.

"Organization is a complex thing it has lots of elders and branches in lots of places. They are filled with practitioners on purple stage and even higher. Things I know are just a tip of an iceberg, but I can tell you that you guys are too weak to even dream about fighting them." Said Solis.

"Then why aren't you worried about Dea?" Asked Aqua.

"Because she is different from you. She is qualified to fight against organizations of such level." Said Amare.

Ivy and others didn't know what to say anymore. More they find out about their youngest companion more questions they have.

"Just who is Dea." Asked Lucas.

"I don't know." Said Amare. "None of us do. We were all saved by her in more ways you could imagine, she doesn't tell us much and we don't ask."

"Okay, I get it she is strong and all but like you said she is still one person against lots of purple stage practitioners. Where in the hell did these guys even get so many purple stage practitioners." Said Leonel while cursing.

"we are not worried about what the organization might do, we worry about what Dea will do when she gets there." Said Shiloh diverting everyone's attention to himself.

"What she might do…?" Asked Anippe uncertain.

"Well we are already going there tonight. I already made all the preparations." Said Amare.

"We are going with you." Said Ivy and other agreed as well.


"You can't really make us stay here and even if we don't go together, we will go so it's your choice." Said Ivy with a smug smile.

Amare could already see her dark future when she brought these kids there, but she knew she had no other choice.