Anthony 3

After arriving in Nepal Dea went into the restaurant.

"Welcome, would you like a privet room or would you prefer to sit in the hall." Young male attendant asked her.

"Privet room."

"Right this way." Said the attendant, as he led the way to the room on the second floor.

After the food was delivered in her room Dea started eating quietly.

"What are you going to do now?" Asked Zora as he came out of the shadow behind her.

"And so, he appears." Said Dea with a mocking smile.

"You already know it's a trap, so why are you going there?" Asked Zora puzzled as he ignored Dea's mocking smile.

Dea didn't answer his question, instead she motioned him to sit in front of her.

"Instead of worrying about others you should eat something." She said.

This time Zora didn't refuse anymore. He was really puzzled by this person. He could not see through her at all, but he felt like she knew everything about him and he didn't like that.

He felt exposed and naked, like no matter what he did he could not hide anything from her, he could not hide his deepest, darkest and ugliest sides.

It has been years since he felt so vulnerable and unsettled, he wanted to run away from her but his body didn't listen to his pleadings.

He didn't like that with a few words from her he started doubting, everything.

He couldn't help but think, what if she is right? What if he lied to me? Why would he lie to me? What if…

But he was too scared to find out the truth, because deep down he already knew the answer.

So, what if he knew the answer, he still could not do anything to that person and he was not naïve enough to think he could just leave. The organization will never let him go.

Seeing as he was immersed in his own thought Dea didn't bother him anymore and quietly continued to eat her food.


On the other side Amare and other have arrived in the hotel Dea previously stayed in and were now sitting together discussing their plans.

"So, as I understand there is a secret organization trying to take control of the whole continent, they have an unknown number of purple stage practitioners, they have their spies everywhere, this guy name Anthony has Caelum hostage, we have no idea what is the situation in Nepal, Dea is going right into the tiger's mouth and we are all screwed but not because of these guys instead because of what Dea might do when she gets there. Did I miss anything?" Asked Leonel.

"Pretty much." Said Amare.

"So, do we know what these guys even want? Also, Solis you said you were part of this group could you give us any information?" Asked Aqua

"We have no idea what they want exactly, but we know that they are looking for some kind of treasure which we have no idea what it is." Said Amare. "As for Solis…" Amare looked at Solis.

"I will explain myself." Said Solis and Amare nodded her head.

"I was not just a part of this organization, I was born in it."


"Yeah. Organization consists of 9 branch families and 1 main family. Each family has an elder and they are responsible for different things to keep the balance each branch family marries one person to the main family head when they are elected. So, there are people we enter the organization and there are these who are born in it. I was the second type.

Anthony as you said is not just some guy from the organization, he is 9th elder and at the same time he is my father." As Solis's words were heard in the room everyone gasped in surprise.

"So, that guy is your father? But why did you leave the organization?" Asked Ari.

Hearing this question Solis could not help but remember her past, sadness could be seen in her ever-bright eyes.

"it doesn't matter whether you are born in the organization or enter it later, one can never leave the organization, not alive at least." Said Solis.

"So how did you leave?" Asked Ivy.

"I didn't." Answered Solis as faint light surrounded her, then she took her almost transparent hand and put it right through Ari that was standing near her and under disbelieving gazes of everyone present she said "I am a ghost."

Seeing this Leonel almost scream as he hid behind Ivy. Everyone in the group knew that Leonel was afraid of the ghosts to death, as his big brother used to scare him with ghost stories when they were kids.

"Wha… Miss Solis what do you mean you are a ghost?" finally Aqua managed to compose herself and ask.

"I mean it directly. I am dead, when master found me, I was in a very bad state about to disappear but she saved me and even gave me special cultivation for spirits.

As I said before every branch family must present a bride or a groom for a family head when they ascend, I was that bride. My bastard of a father was ever so elated to find out the new family head wanted me as a wife, but I didn't like him at all.

At first my mother didn't oppose, later when we found out he didn't want me as a bride but instead as a sacrifice to become stronger she tried to save me. My father was a power-hungry person he made a deal with the family head and even killed my mother."

Hearing the girl's story everyone could feel that reality was even crueler that how Solis described it, they could not imagine how she felt right now.

Seeing as the air became dense and awkward Solis tried to ease the situation.

"Don't worry too much, aren't I already fine now, that bastard of a family head didn't manage to get my soul and sacrifice fail moreover, it was quite a long time ago you know."

"How could it be a long time ago you are so young miss Solis." Said Ari depressed and others nodded as well.

"ahaha… you do know that I am a ghost right. Ghosts don't age at all, I look exactly the same." Hearing her words atmosphere really became livelier.

"How old are you?" Asked Lucas suddenly.

"Hmm? I wonder?" Solis smiled mysteriously, but for some reason this smile was a bit scary.

Now it downed on everyone that this she was not some young, sweet girl but instead an old monster and all they could do was smile awkwardly as they excused themselves from the room one by one.