The One-Eyed Space Pirate Graham

"Bring the man in!" The boss ordered while showing interest.


Subsequently, a badly beaten-up, thin man wearing a white-colored ceramic armor came in while being dragged on a chain fastened to both hands, and around his neck. Two 2-meter-tall big men were in front, pulling the thin man with their monstrous power.

The chain being used here wasn't the kind of steel chain people used a long time ago. Rather, it was a special kind of chain made by a material so hard it couldn't be broken by a bullet of a gun; therefore, the thin man wasn't able to break the chain despite his genetically modified strength.

"You! Let go of me! I already told you that thing isn't with me anymore!" The thin man screamed while trying to pull the chain back from the two big-bodied men.

The two big men snorted in disdain before pulling on him forcefully, making him fall into the ground hard. A shard of broken teeth could be seen on the ground.

"Just shut up! The boss is watching!" One of the big men rebuked the thin man and kicked him in the stomach, making him throw up.

The silhouette of the boss, watching the scene, showed a line of smile before inquiring with an amusing look, "So, you're the fool who didn't know what you just stole!? Heh… a stupid man like you must have been bragging somewhere."

"Boss, this fool was bragging in a bar about how he sold a worthless cube for more than a hundred thousand credits." One of the big men who didn't speak before reported subserviently to the boss.

Hearing what the big man just reported, a vein appeared on the silhouette of the boss's head before he stood up and descended the pedestal, hence revealing a face of a one-eyed, large, bald man. There was also a long scar that passed through his left eye.

He approached the big man who had just made his report before slapping him in the face so hard that it made him flung into the pillar of the hall. The big man slumped down from the pillar, his eyes bulging in disbelief, a body-shaped indent was left on the pillar.

Seeing that the big man didn't twitch after being flung, cold sweat trickled the other big man and the scavenger's back and they gulped so hard that the sound was audible throughout the hall. They instinctively flinched and took a step back as fear bloomed in their hearts.

"Fool! That means that the Technology Cube isn't with him!" The one-eyed boss hit the floor with his feet and caused a spiderweb cracks on it.

He then approached the thin scavenger and choked his neck before lifting him into the air like it was nothing. The thin scavenger was scared to death by the frightening expression of Graham, capable to make anyone who saw it have nightmares for days.

"Speak, where did you sell the Technology Cube?" The one-eyed boss gazed full of murderous intent at the thin scavenger, obviously wanting to skin the man and burn him alive.

"Ple…ase…. me, I s..old i…t to th…e o…d Hu…sei…n S…tor." The thin scavenger flailed around, trying to release the grip of the one-eyed boss with his two small hands, but it was to no avail.

He was just like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered; his leg swinging in the air and his face became red as he was starting to gasp for air.

"Him? It should be easy if it was him. Hehe… The Technology Cube is as good as mine!" The one-eyed boss grinned with greed.

"Pl….eas..e h…ve"

"Mercy? You want mercy? I will give you mercy." Just as he said that, the grip of his hand became stronger.

The scavenger opened his eyes wide, filled with despair, as his mouth grew foamy. As the grip became stronger and stronger, blood leaked and dripped down from the mouth and all the orifices of the thin scavenger, his eyes bulged out from the pressure.

"C…r….s….e u….." That was the last broken words that the thin scavenger managed to utter before his body grew limp and became lifeless.

"Dead already? That was no fun…" The one-eyed boss threw the body away before commanding, "Men, prepare the others to get ready! We will be going to the station!"

""Yes!"" All the guards including the big man near the entrance replied with fear before they ran out of the room to fulfill his command.

Just as they departed the place, the one-eyed boss smiled and muttered to himself, "This will be entertaining."


I was leisurely walking around the station, gathering supplies and foodstuff that would last me a few months. Of course, not forgetting to acquire water, as it was indispensable.

After going to the digital supermarket to gather lots of snacks, I looked at the remaining balance of my credits. Not even half of what I had before selling the Golden Stardust remained. I started frowning after realizing how money was crucial to my life.

I thought I was already quite rich the moment I got 500,000 credits on my account, but alas it didn't even last a day before all of that was gone. Guess, I'll just need to gather more money.

Just when I was lamenting how poor I was, a report from manager Lester appeared on my hologram screen; the purchased items had been delivered. I then raised my head and saw a hologram clock in the middle of the plaza, it was already 5 in the afternoon.

"Eh? I guess there wasn't anything more to do here." I decided to go back to the ship and continue my exploration.


Around the same time in the other part of the Blue Moon Station, the short figure of Hussein was in the middle of inspecting the gorgeous and expensive-looking golden dust.

Boom! Bang!

Unexpectedly, the door was blasted loudly. Hussein was startled as he was in the crucial stage of his inspection of the Golden Stardust.

'Fuck, that was an expensive automatic door! Who dares blasted my door so blatantly?' Hussein silently cursed as he took cover and readied the hidden plasma gun he kept below his desk.

To his surprise, the desk he used as cover was easily lifted by a 2-meter-tall big man, as if lifting a feather.

"You… Who are you?" Hussein pointed his plasma gun at the big man and prepared to fire.

The big man stayed silent and threw the desk to the side before trying to catch him. Seeing this, Hussein fired his plasma gun at the big man without much thought. The big man acted fast and kicked Hussein's hand just right when he fired, making the plasma bullet miss to the side and pierce a wall.

"Damn!" Hussein cursed while backing away.

The big man approached Hussein slowly, with a hard step. Right when the distance between the two was around 2 meters, Hussein made a smirk.

A nearly invisible layer of energy appeared, surrounding the big man from beneath his feet. Suddenly, a spark of electricity emerged from the tile, making the big man convulse in electric shock.

"Ahhhhh!!" The big man screamed in agony as the electric current became higher and higher.

A few seconds later, the stench of flesh burning into cinders permeated the surroundings. A black-ash figure could be seen standing with his mouth full of foam before falling to the ground, unmoving.

Just then, the voice of a man echoed from outside, "Hussein! You dare to kill one of my men!?" Then, a one-eyed bald man entered the store with a distorted angry face.

"You are…. The infamous, space-pirate Graham!" Hussein shouted in despair before he tried to get to a hidden automatic exit behind him.

The one-eyed Graham was infamous around this sector and was one of the more well-known pirates for his cruelness. It was obvious that he got his unique name from his one-eyed state that he kept for some unknown reason.

"Hmph… trying to get away, heh? Did you think you could get away from me?" Graham smiled cruelly before moving so fast he caught Hussein, who was already inside the hidden hole.

Hussein felt despair and showed a horror face before he threatened, "You dare to act so brazenly inside the Blue Moon station!? This isn't a pirate spaceport! Do you think the multiple companies who own this station will let you off?"

Hearing Hussein's threat, Graham laughed hysterically as he covered his face with his other hand, "Jiahahahahahaha…. Do you think I don't have any connection with them?"

Hussein's face paled like a sheet of paper after listening to what Graham just said. Looking into Hussein's face, Graham smiled with satisfaction before demanding, "You should already have some idea about why I'm here, right? Speak, where did you put the Technology Cube?"